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"Birth of a Nation had some Interesting Spiritual Implications for Black People..." (knowing different points-of-view has value) interesting

Posted By: Nemesis
Date: Monday, 24-Oct-2016 09:25:56

Fred Frazier

On a weekend that saw Homecomings for both Morehouse College and Fort Valley State University in Georgia;I took the opportunity (during some down time) to see the movie- Birth of a Nation.

It was one of the best movies of the year and I want to share my thoughts as to what I saw on the screen. Without giving too much away for those of you who haven't seen it yet; I would like for you to consider the spiritual themes that the writer seemed to convey in the story of Nat Turner.

For me personally; the movie represented, tragedy, hope, courage, and faith. These are the elements in the story of Jesus Christ as well. Tragedy because he had to die for a crime that he did not commit. Hope because he conquered death. Courage because he endured physical pain when he had the power to get out of it. And Faith in knowing and believing that there is a Power Greater than the Power of Mankind.

While the theme of Birth of a Nation had the same elements of any other movie that dealt with an 18th Century America( White Supremacy, Racism, Raping Whipping and Hanging of Slaves) the Writer seemed to have wanted to take it to a new level by showing not only how evil and heartless the Slave Masters could be but also their children too.

It suggests that White Supremacy and Racism is indeed a Learned behavior and unfortunately the "mindset" has not changed relative to what white people think about blacks even though the Institutions of Slavery has been abolished since 1863.

For years, I have made the argument that Black People are indeed the descendants of the Black Hebrew Israelites which are the chosen people of God. I don't make such a claim just to put blacks on a Spiritual Pedestal. If you study History and Geography; you will discovered that 3000 years ago, there was no such thing as the Middle East.

That region of the world before white influence is known as Northeast Africa.(Black Folks) Before the White Europeans came in and took the land; the original inhabitants(black people) had to scatter to other places but the White European Jews that the world admire today are NOT the Original Jews.

Many white/black Scholars and Historians knows this history but they operating with a Powerful Racist Media and Worldwide Political Operative to suppress this information from the people. Consequently, we simply accept the teachings both biblical and structural that the White Jews were indeed the chosen people of God.

I bring this issue up because of Biblical Prophecy and the striking similarities of the life of Nat Turner and the life of Jesus Christ. If we look at Black peoples'history relative to Slavery in America; I can think of no other group whose been more persecuted or LOST in terms of the knowledge of themselves and the knowledge of God than the Lost Black Israelites of America( BLACK FOLKS)

Now some of you would probably reject what I just said because of perhaps what you have been taught from European Scholarship but if you challenge yourself to be more open and go a little deeper in your studies; you will come to the same truths.

The movie portrayed Nat Turner as a Preacher/ Teacher of the Gospel. And while many white People tried to TEACH the BIBLE to the SLAVES in a way that made them appear to be Superior, Nat Turner had a SPIRITUAL REVELATION that's beyond the teachings of Man and that come only come from GOD which allowed him to interpret the Bible in a way that not only challenged White Supremacy but attacked it from the perspective of Justice in the Bible.

Jesus was a Messiah or Messenger of God sent to teach the People about the Gospel.Many of these people were considered " Cast aways" or rejected by society. But Jesus was imparting into them that their Hope and Power lies in a God who sees and knows everything and has chosen them in which to Build His Church and NO Gates of HELL shall prevail against it.

There was a scene in the movie where Nat Turner challenged a fellow Preacher who happened to have been white and because he did not go with the "PLAN" of Preaching the Sermon like his White Master wanted him to; he was whipped with several lashes. What was interesting to me was that his arms was Stretched Wide on a Wooden Apparatus to receive his punishment.

Jesus's arms were stretched wide on a Wooden Cross to be crucified because he challenged the Roman Government regarding his Deity. Ultimately, that was a threat to the KING who did not like the fact that Jesus was gaining a lot of influence and Power.News travelled fast about not only his teachings but his miracles and healings that he performed too.

When Nat Turner was captured to be hanged with a Public Viewing, there were large crowds of White People Jeering, Insulting, and Spitting on him as he walked to his final destination to die.

As Jesus was carrying that rugged cross and going up a Hill to be crucified, the Roman people also insulted, jeered, and spat on him in a final act of defiance and rejection of a man who had the audacity to challenge the Authority of the King and proclaim himself as the King of the JEWS.

Both Nat Turner and Jesus Christ died so that others might live. They were even close in age- Nat at 31; Jesus was 33. Most Black Christians don't see Jesus as a Revolutionary. That term is too radical for some and takes away from what we have been taught about love and mercy.

However; Jesus was very much a Revolutionary and he challenged everybody from the Roman Rulers to the Pharisees and Sadduccees who considered themselves the " Religious Elite" He did nottioloerate injustice nor Wrong Theology and corrected both.

Nat Turner understood through his studying that the Bible was deeper and more profound than the White Mans Interpretation of it. Let me say that again. I said Nat Turner understood through his studying that the Bible was deeper and more profound than the White Man's Interpretation of it.

Inspite of how Christianity has been used against black folks; inspite of how the Bible has been interpreted in a way that subjugate Blacks; inspite of how the World Sees Ancient Black Hebrew Israelites and their descendants( Blacks of Today) there is a SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP and KINSHIP that JESUS CHRIST has with BLACK PEOPLE.

Some of you may think I am being racist in my theology but no; I am really being Biblical. Jesus said that we would be Persecuted for his NAME. What people have been more Persecuted than black people around the WORLD both historical and today? Jesus said that , " Greater is HE that's within YOU than HE that's in the world." What People have been the most brutalized and murdered yet most Forgiving? That's Black People. Jesus said, " Seek ye First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. What group of People in the midst of being beaten, in the midst of being killed, in the Midst of being falsely accused but still seek PEACE and the KINGDOM of GOD with white people? From Rodney King saying," Cant we all get along to the Families of Victims in Charleston saying We FORGIVE YOU." That people again is Black Folks!!!

Finally, one of the greatest ironies and yet affinities that black people have with Jesus Christ started during Slavery with their Arms stretched Wide and Hands Yielding to the Evil and Demonic Spirit of their Enemies while being whipped and its carried over in the 21st Century with Black Men Raising their Hands in total Submission and yet still being Killed by racist and evil Police Officers both black and white. Consider that image that you see with black men with their Hands up and Jesus Christ with his hands up on a cross. The image with both is striking!!

It if further proof to me that We the 36 Million Black Children of the Original JEWS are the Chosen People that God is coming back for and will execute Judgement on our Behalf. You can take it or leave it alone but its the Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth!!!!

That 's my 2 cents...

Go see the MOVIE!!!!

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