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We Are the Bridge

Posted By: CapnGriff
Date: Tuesday, 11-Oct-2016 12:08:59

We Are the Bridge

I was reading just this morning and noticed a few articles. Everyone was talking about the same thing, but no one notices. All the articles were well thought out and informative, but fail to link what the common problem is. Let's talk about the link to life's major problems.

We commonly see articles about stress at work, those without housing and enough food, and those that have given up and even those that have great jobs, great families, great social life. Yet, all are affected by the lack of money or sometimes lack of time which is brought about by attempting to remedy the lack of money.

I'll come to the point and make this short. We foreign currency holders are in a state of perpetual stress because we are never sure when we will be able to trade our currency holdings for a more valuable currency. We all see the legions of lack in our society. We are planning to alleviate as much of that as we can when we receive our RV surprise. Yet, we never are sure when the next day will be THE day we have long awaited. This in itself is stress. Imagine it is near the end of your pay period and you see a guy and his wife (sometimes kids too) looking for a handout, but you hold back and cannot give because what you have has to provide for YOUR family. Not a pleasant choice and I have made that choice many, many times. This is stressful and hurts the spirit.

If only we had money there would be no stress. But us so-called chosen ones are bearing an inordinate amount of stress. The lack of reliable intel, isn't the problem. That's not causing the stress. The problem is there is a great group of people here that can begin to fix the problem but cannot lay their hands on the answer. Perhaps together we can end all sign of lack on this planet. Wouldn't that feel good? Most would agree that it would.

What is not apparent to some is that no matter the amount of money we put into play world wide the giving will not end the heartbreak of those that must go without daily even though we might enrich them to a very livable degree. Money cannot end all the lack or inequality of those that hold money. The American Constitution asserted that we were all equal. What happened to that idea? Well, the idea was untenable long before the ideas in the Constitution of the United States was put on paper. Lack of money or just money is the root of inequality. One job is thought to be more prestigious than another. This thinking and source of misery must end and it will. In the not distant future we will see technology that will be available to all and end all human misery. When that technology, and I am mostly referring to replicators, the world will change for all.

If you are not familiar with the idea of replicators, think of it as a computer driven device that has the program to duplicate any object from the smallest atom cum molecules until you have the object of your desire. It could be anything from your favorite meal to new windshield wipers for your then outdated automobile. Depending on the size of each unit even large objects like walls for building/homes could be replicated from nothing. Just the surrounding atoms and molecules assembled into the proper elements for the job. That includes the entire Periodic Table and those elements that are yet to be known. Natural resources will no longer be tapped. Point: money is no longer required. The society begins to meld into a body that supports every other part of the body without a means of exchange, or money.

Therefore, what we are doing at this moment in time is waiting for the exchange of our foreign currencies to begin and for us to pump/distribute money to into an archaic system building a bridge to a future that includes no money. No lack. The bridge takes us to a time when differences do not exist based on money. And with that simple statement much of the past begins to fade as all become equal. Replicators will be made available to all. Therefore, our need, lust, and gusto for money will be short lived and the best thing we can do for every being including animals on this planet is to give it away and do what we can to stem the tide until the Powers That Be and Have Kept Hid technology from us are no longer able to perpetrate lack up on us ever again.

We are the bridge to those days when no one will be without. The job has fallen into our hands as soon as the 800# is posted. If not us, then who? I envision a glorious era of time without end. Join me.

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We Are the Bridge
CapnGriff -- Tuesday, 11-Oct-2016 12:08:59
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hobie -- Tuesday, 11-Oct-2016 14:12:22

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