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A Billion Dollars To The Ukraine Bankers?

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Thursday, 11-Dec-2014 01:41:26

Reposted By: Liberty_Lady [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 10-Apr-2014 10:03:03

I know I read that wrong. People in this country are financially hurting and Obama hands over a billion dollars to Ukraine? I think it’s time to put a short leash on these so-called leaders.

It’s time for a 28th amendment. “No money, equipment, technical or military support shall be given to any other country without the consent of the people.” And I don’t mean a majority of the bought and paid for Congress that are supposed to represent the people. It would take a two thirds majority for passage and veto power would be withheld from the executive branch on this legislation.

If every time some puppet president wanted to please his masters by trying to dictate the political structure of any area of the world to suit the elite, it would have to be brought right to the people for a vote, I think you would see less global welfare at our expense,a rebuilding of this once great nation and a hell of a lot fewer wars.

To me, this is no different from national Welfare. Just because there are people who scam and take advantage of a system is no good reason to keep it from or take it away from those who truly need it. That is just lazy governance. It can be better administered than it is at present. Don’t we all know people who really could work at a job or be retrained for a different job rather than to lie around collecting on the government dole for years? But, on the other hand, we all know people whose very existence would be seriously in jeopardy if that assistance was yanked away from them. It is all very well to talk about private individuals and churches taking care of them. And they do help tremendously, but that is a day to day thing. There are no guarantees that it will continue tomorrow. If there is another way that would make both parties happy, I’m open to suggestion.

But back to global welfare. The same thing should apply for every country approaching us with their hand out. It isn’t that tough to figure out. Are they truly in need, like Haiti? On the other hand, someone explain to me why Israel gets one cent from us, not to mention all of the military equipment that is falsely listed as ‘obsolete’ and then sold to Israel, like the F16 fighter jets, at bargain basement prices. Is that so they can protect themselves from the bloodthirsty Palestinians? And we are supposed to stand there cheering as Nut-en-yahoo rants his hawkish war mongering while someone plays “Exodus” in the background?

The American people have been fed a load of B.S. from WWII on about the Israeli/Palestinian crisis that they engineered. Now we have another hot spot brought to us by the same PTB who orchestrated WWII for their profit. War is the only thing they understand, besides robbing us at gunpoint with their central banking. But we are supposed to take care of the rest of the world too? We can’t even take care of our own citizens. I’m not even for or against Israel. We just can’t afford this nonsense anymore.

There should be strict guidelines for giving any kind of aide to other countries. Our national unemployment should be at 5% or lower first. Our national debt needs to have some kind of relevance to the real world. Until our national debt is paid off we need, as a nation, to do what an individual would do in the same scenario to get out of the red. Stop borrowing, tighten the belt, pay off smaller debts, then larger ones. Invest in our country and our workforce. Educate our children at least as well as the Chinese educate theirs. Strengthen our borders so we don’t have illegals competing for our jobs or signing up for Welfare to become a further drain on our economy just because our lazy administration doesn’t want to do their job of investigating recipients.

Get rid of the Federal Reserve and return to the Treasury printing our money, backed by precious metals or something else of real value. We aren’t going to get out of debt by allowing the Fed to print more and more fiat money backed by thin air. We’re starting to see how the world perceives the American dollar as the Fed pumps more phony money into our economy.

There is a reason why great presidents like Jefferson, Jackson and Kennedy feared the effect of central banks on the economic health of our nation. One of them would lose his life partly for his efforts to throw the central bankers out of America. Another survived two assassination attempts after he did accomplish that. These men knew how central banks would ruin this country while enriching a mere handful of men. And that is exactly what has happened in the last one hundred years. It’s too bad Wilson wasn't as smart.

Giving the vote on such enormous global welfare to the people would take the power from the politicians and place it with the people, where it belongs. After all, this is our money these politicians are giving away and we have little to no say in it.

And I’m not talking about our representatives voting on each expenditure. I mean that our politicians would have to put each Welfare handout to any nation directly to the people for a vote first. How much of our tax dollars do you think would be thrown away then? Jefferson had great faith in the people. So do I. Once they are awake and educated, their power is enormous. Why do you think such an effort has been made to dumb us down?

As for Congress, when the welfare of the central bankers means more to the politicians than the financial health and stability of the American People (2008), it is time to put the power back in the hands of the people. It is also time to replace these politicians. 2014 is a start. Let’s get to work. First order of business? Term limits.

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Articles In This Thread

A Billion Dollars To The Ukraine Bankers?
Liberty_Lady -- Thursday, 11-Dec-2014 01:41:26
Reader: "What good would a 28 Amendment be on the corporate UNITED STATES constitution"
hobie -- Thursday, 11-Dec-2014 17:11:04

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