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SETTLING ANCIENT SCORES: Is October 3, 2016 the "October 3" mentioned by Nostradamus?

Posted By: FrancisDrake
Date: Sunday, 2-Oct-2016 08:50:22

In Response To: "Major" Power Outage in Seattle; rare earthquakes in the English Channel (FrancisDrake)

I couldn't sleep when I realized that a bunch of "spectacular" time cycles land on today and tomorrow, I might be able to "nail" some event before it happens if I list a number of those time cycles.

For example, today is half 260 days since the Seattle power outage at noontime last Thursday May 25, 2016....and that in turn was 71 times 260 days after the historic Northeastern USA blackout of Wednesday, November 9, 1965.

Today is day "Five Earthquake" in the ultra-prophetic "Mayan" 260-day count, (evocative of the biblical prophetic 1,260-day count), and yes, the day "Earthquake" in the "Mayan/Aztec" calendar often sees either major earthquakes, or more usually, earthquake-like events, such as the events of 9/11/2001, which was 5500 days ago today, day "Four Earthquake" in the 260-day cycle....That day of Four Earthquake is depicted at the center of the Aztec Calendar prophecy-stone, and appears to depict twin towers toppling! Here, see for yourself:

The day following 9/11/2001, September 12 of that year, just happens to be a remarkable 460000 days after Charlemagne was born (reportedly April 6, 742 A.D., Gregorian Calendar), and if so, Monday 3 October 2016 is 465500 days, also a prophetic cycle. 460000 days is 200 times the biblical 2300 days cycle (during and after which a "sanctuary is cleansed"), and 465500 days is SEVENTY TIMES SEVENTY times 95 days...stay turned further on for another "Seventy times Seventy" cycle that lands on today and tomorrow, well here it is: Today is 725200 days since Sunday, March 23, 31 A.D., probably the day Jesus of Nazareth "stormed" the Jewish Temple, overturned the money-changers' tables, and reportedly said "My Father's House is meant to be a house of prayer for all [ethnic groups], and yet you have made it a den of thieves!" I had a dramatic dream early on Friday, September 30, 2016 ("Black Moon" before yesterday) which explained that a "hidden" reason Jesus was hated, arrested, tortured and slain just three days after making that statement is because it challenged the racist "supremacist" feelings held by both Romans and Jews in power at the time. In the dream, I saw a "firstborn son" declare he wanted to establish a house where EVERYONE was welcome, regardless of race or station, and immediately, a big guy who had until that point been the guy's friend, approached and began to beat the hell out of him, then another big guy ran to the altercation--I thought to help the victi-- but instead he helped the first aggressor beat and choke the "firstborn son" character, apparently to death. Then, while the dream continued, I explained to my Dad the meaning of what I'd seen, the "firstborn son" represented Jesus Christ, and his tormentors the Jews and Romans....awakening from the dream, I realized I had just been given a profound new insight into the murder of Jesus, and on the day of "Black Moon" and the funeral of Shimon Peres, no less. "The Palestinians are our closest neighbours," Shimon Peres once said. "I believe they may become our closest friends." (source: ) Extremist Palestinians and Jews alike hated Shimon Peres for saying that and things of that nature, and Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a fellow Jew for evidently believing likewise. Ain't that something?

Anyway, 725200 days is an amazingly prophetic cycle, it is 70 times 70 times 148 days (1960 times 370 days...see another mention of that 1960-day cycle at ). So yeah, that means that the birth of Charlemagne, uniter of France and Germany, happens to be 53 times (70 times 70) days after Jesus stormed the Temple, and was arrested two days later and assassinated. I don't think even most Bible students realize this timeline:

1. Mary Magdalene anoints Jesus' feet and mourns his imminent passing...Friday night, March 21, 31 A.D.

2. Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, is welcomed and hailed as a King and Messiah...Saturday, March 22, 31 A.D.
3. Jesus curses a fig tree for being fruitless, then attacks the money-changers at the Temple...Sunday, March 23, 31 A.D., equinoctial/ancient British "New Year's Day". Arrest warrant and thirty pieces of silver reward probably issued that night.
4. Last Supper, Jesus prays at Gethsemane, sweats blood, is arrested...Tuesday night, March 25, 31 A.D. (all dates Gregorian).
5. Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus....Wednesday, March 26, 31 A.D. (March 28, 31 A.D., Julian Calendar)
6. Burial of Jesus...Wednesday sundown, March 26, 31 A.D.
7. Resurrection of Jesus...Saturday night, March 29, 31 A.D.
8. Empty tomb found....early Sunday morning, March 30, 31 A.D. (April 1, 31 A.D., Julian Calendar...the ultimate April Fool's Day "joke"?)

I find it interesting that the U.S. Supreme Court term begins tomorrow, 725200 days (70 times 70 times 148 days) after Jesus Christ was finally officially described as a felon and a reward issued for information leading to his arrest. Hm, didn't East and West Germany reunite on October 3, 1990? (Yep, see )....and October 3, 2016 is that aforementioned 465500 days (70 times 70 times 95 days) after France-Germany uniter Charlemagne was born.

And the cycle of (7 times 70) is famously mentioned in the Bible, and also has relevance to what Courts consider, and what "reunification" or "peace" endeavors decide:

"Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor"
21 Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someonei who sins against me? Seven times?”
22 “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!
23 “Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a king who decided to bring his accounts up to date with servants who had borrowed money from him....
...32 Then the king called in the man he had forgiven and said, ‘You evil servant! I forgave you that tremendous debt because you pleaded with me. 33 Shouldn’t you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?’ 34 Then the angry king sent the man to prison to be tortured until he had paid his entire debt. 35 “That’s what my heavenly Father will do to you if you refuse to forgive your brothers and sisters from your heart.”

Continuing this overall dissertation, I want to quote the Nostradamus quatrain which mentions October 3, and for kicks, here's a webpage devoted to it:

Century 9, Quatrain 62

Au grand de Cheramonagora
Seront croisez par ranc tous attachez,
Le pertinax Oppi, & Mandragora,
Raugon d'Octobre le tiers seront laschez.

To the great one of Ceramon-agora,
The crusaders will all be attached by rank,
The long-lasting Opium and Mandrake,
The Raugon will be released on the third of October.
(from )

Or, the translation offered at the aforementioned --

At the great battle of Armageddon
Shall join the crusaders all attached by rank,
The long-lasting Opium and Mandrake,
The Dragon shall be released on October third.

In passing I want to mention that Manuel Noriega of Panama survived a coup attempt on Tuesday, October 3, 1989, and the word "Noriega" is somewhat anagrammatic of the word "Raugon" (= "Noragu"). What's more, U.S. President George H.W. Bush visited Argentina on December 3, 1990, and a coup attempt took place that day!
see and (Seineld instigated the 12/3/1990 coup attempt)

I had a dream that day of December 3, 1990 that I was dressed in military green clothes, and trying to hide behind a telephone pole because gunshots and street fighting had broken out, and a voice said "Be careful how you dress on December the Third." I easily compare October 3 with December 3, because another dream earlier in 1990 pointed out that every two months are similar prophetically, this because December used to be the tenth month (before Julius Caesar switched New Year's Day to January 1 from March 1). Oh incidentally, a fellow named Iben Browning predicted a great New Madrid Missouri earthquake for December 3, 1990, and it didn't happen, but that "earthquake-like" coup attempt did rumble through Argentina...

In keeping with the 911th chapter of the Bible (Haggai 2, "I will shake heavens and earth...overthrow kingdoms..."), there is a strict connection between coups and earthquakes....Powerful earthquakes struck off the coast of Northern California on August 17, 1991, followed by the Soviet coup attempt the next day, and there are other examples I could list. See and

Monday October 3, 2016 is already evocative of "coup" /change in government implication, because it is the the First Monday of October, the U.S. Supreme Court (which by some measures staged a "coup" giving the Presidency to George W. Bush on 12/12/2000) begins its term tomorrow...and this weekend's USA TODAY's top headline:

"COURT AT BRINK OF TRANSFORMATION: Next President's actions could bring on monumental shifts in legal cornerstones."

Well, this is probably enough to provide clues beforehand as to what will take place today, tomorrow and this whole week, which is in a way a remarkable anniversary of a biblical "holy week", for example, Wednesday, October 5, 2016 is that 725200 days (1960 times 370 days) after Wednesday, March 26, 31 A.D., etc.

For clues as to what was revealed to Nostradamus, maybe a look at this page would be helpful:

I shouldn't fail to point out that Nostradamus lived in the era of the Julian Calendar (Pope Gregory imposed the Gregorian Calendar some two decades after Nostradamus died), and strictly speaking, "October 3" in the Julian Calendar is October 16, 2016 in the Gregorian Calendar. Nevertheless, to accept that Nostradamus received his revelations from the Holy Ghost (as he claimed), accepts that the Holy Spirit knew the calendar would be changed, etc., and October 3, 2016, Gregorian, may be chief among the "October Thirds" described.

Oh, one last thing: Tonight is also that prophetic half-260-days cycle since my posting about an ancient prophecy (in the Book of Ezekiel) about God "breaking the arm" of a Dracula-like leader, It describes God versus demon kings, but there might be a reflection on the earth plane, the May 25 posting "Dracula Earthquakes!...." is linked below.

Let's see what happens.

Have a Great Day!

DRACULA EARTHQUAKES! Time to revisit an ancient prophecy about a demon-king's "arms" being broken today May 26, 2016

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SETTLING ANCIENT SCORES: Is October 3, 2016 the "October 3" mentioned by Nostradamus?
FrancisDrake -- Sunday, 2-Oct-2016 08:50:22

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