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OLIVER STONE FOR JUTARNJI 'Is Croatia a member of NATO? It is? Sons of bitches! They put their paws everywhere, it's just disgusting!'

Date: Friday, 23-Sep-2016 11:31:21

AUTHOR: Stephen Hundić

POSTED: 22/09/2016. at 00:00

With Snowden I have met nine times just to see what he is and what is true and what is a lie

"Something's bothering my hearing now, you may have to repeat some questions, if I do not hear you well ...", said Oliver Stone as we shook hands in a suite at the Intercontinental - located in downtown Toronto in a noisy and bustling Front Street West - where we are met at the agreed exclusive interview with Croatia.

The reason of this meeting was his new movie "Snowden" which had its world premiere at the Toronto Film Festival, and which in Croatian theaters arrives tomorrow. This is one of the most anticipated movies this year where always provocative and controversial American filmmaker dissects the world-wide affair in which the main protagonist Edward Snowden, a former agent of the National Security Agency (NSA), which exposed the dirty game of American secret services betraying information secret wiretapping and hacking world media.

Good mood Stone, whose "Snowden" is another exciting political thriller on what we are already accustomed to triple Oscar winner ( "Platoon," "Born on the 4th of July," "Wall Street," "JFK"), at the interview appeared elegantly casual dressed in a blue suit and blue shirt unbuttoned. "I was in Zagreb a few years ago," he says as we said we were from Croatian, "I hung out with my friends, Srecko Horvat the Subversive Festival, was there and Slavoj Žižek. Croatia is great, I think I could have lived there when I retire, "he says with a smile on his face, courtesy or not, Oliver Stone before we left with serious questions about his film, his political views and his career.

"Yes, I was a volunteer in Vietnam, I was young and naive," says Oliver Stone when we asked at the beginning of the conversation of their own delusions and shocking findings referring to Ed Snowden and his enlightenment and continues, "just like Ron Kovic which is interpreted by Tom Cruise in my film "Born on July 4" which later received his sight, and he realized the truth. Life teaches you learn through experience. I did not realize what was going on in Vietnam and the US, I was young and insufficiently addressed. I was naive and slow in understanding the world around us, my father was a conservative and a Republican, in such an environment I grew up and then it made sense, but what kind of America I knew is gone, today it is a radically different country. "

Do you believe that America can such a radical change in the future?

- I suppose I ought to say something that gives hope for a better future (laughs) but I do not know how much I can be optimistic. We're stuck deep. And this is not new. Today we know that we hacked computers and mobile phones in 2007, we are in cyber espionage war long ago. And all this is done under the table, and when Snowden expose this dirty game, then he is a villain and a traitor while the truth is that we need more people like Snowden, on the light in the dark tunnel, a true patriot who loves his country and respect the constitution.

Reactions to the case of Snowden in the US and around the world were different.

- Absolutely! Europe, for example, different political yard and look differently on Human Rights of the United States, it is logical that they are at home were much more negative reactions and much more controversial, but I think in our situation changes since 2014 when we started work on the film. People did not know much about him.

Do you expect after your film to change American public opinion on Snowden and may be perceived as a good guy?

- I hope. With Snowden I met nine times just so to meet him to see what it was and what is true and what is false. They were very useful meetings, helped us a lot, but of course we talked with other actors and important people in order to have a complete picture. I hope we did a good job and make an objective film, but who knows, we may be sad, when the film out there, find some new things. In this spy world, nothing is surprising.

How close is the film real events and vice versa?

- Of course we are for a film dramatized the events and need to be pragmatic in order in two hours told our story, but we did not invent anything, neither have manipulated data. In fact, we really struggled to make an honest and objective film, and that is why we took so long to finish it. The scenario was very complicated and cumbersome, so we had to shorten the normal measure.

Is "Snowden" the most complicated and difficult film that you worked so far?

- I do not know if it's just the hardest, "JFK" was quite complicated and demanding, or "Snowden" is, as far as the research part of the preparation, was equally demanding. An additional difficulty is that the film had to be a thriller, otherwise nobody would watch. Not quite the thriller category Jason Borneo that is pure popcorn, but realistic thriller set in the world of spies and secret services.

How Snowden responded to the film and what reaction is expected?

- He said he was satisfied with the film and hope the positive response. Snowden has not changed, living the same life as before, he's a good guy. He loves his country and wants to improve the work of the NSA when he would allow it. If you ask me, he should be the director of the NSA, I believe he led the organization much better than those maniacs who now have water, I think we are on a better protected, what should have been the task of the NSA, and not offensive operations outside the US cyber attacks and eavesdropping on what was normal in the time of Bush.

Was he aware of what will lead to the discovery of an international scandal about wiretapping scandal?

- I think he was aware of all the consequences and for myself personally and globally. The world was shocked when he realized that we are all under surveillance. Snowden has learned to hack and tapped the Japanese and the Chinese and the Germans and the Russians, and that this is a global campaign that is not more offensive and defensive nature. After this information goes public with information.

What did you learn about the NSA spy games behind closed doors in preparation for the film?

- You know what? Normal person takes time to realize that this spy shit work. This is an entirely different world that knows things that we ordinary people do not even think. If you ask me, they trample the Constitution that they feel like because they can, they can eavesdrop on whomever they want to follow whomever they want to read your e-mails and track cell phones. They are one in the world can not hide.

Did you suspect that you listen and follow? Are you due to the sensitivity of the issue had special protection and security measures on the set?

- I do not know whether they followed me and tapped. For now, I'm alive. (Laughs) With them, you never know, we have introduced all possible precautions, we would be stupid not to. We have not used the usual channels of communication, such as e-mail, all the important information we communicated in writing on paper. The film was shot in Germany, not only for safety reasons but also because Germany is friendly to Snowden.

The fact that the film started running a few months before the US election was a coincidence?

- Just a coincidence, I was not a target. During preproduction and filming, we had a number of problems and difficulties that have slowed us it was impossible to plan the release date of the film.

What are you doing next?

- I do not know yet, I think I'll take a break after this. Before "Snowden" I was working 10-hour series "The Untold History of the United States," I think it's my best project in his career, a very interesting series. I do not know if it's shown in Croatia, but we highly recommend that you look at if you can.

Trump was charming and fun, but of course it is dangerous. He's a madman

Do you agree with those who say that this year's US elections are actually a choice between the lesser of two evils?

- The question is what is the lesser evil of the two candidates. In this campaign, no one deals with human freedom, the issue of control, cyber war, the campaign is just another hypocritical performance for the American public. Nobody talks about the wars in which we are involved in the world, just pulls dirty laundry and take out the affairs and scandals. If someone thinks that these democratic elections and to live in a democracy, everyone is entitled to it, but these are fairy tales for small children. Recently, four members of the Democratic Party caught in illegal acts, and nobody cares. Bernie Sanders was not allowed to win the nomination for the presidential race, and we talk about democracy. We share the lessons of other countries on human rights and freedoms, but we should first clean up in front of your door.

What do you think of Donald Trump? Is he a dangerous man?

- Trump's charming, it's fun to watch, but of course it is dangerous. He's a madman, so now you think to become president!

Relations between Russia and America are now at the worst level since the end of the Cold War. Out if in your opinion the danger of escalation of the conflict?

- Anything today writes the story of Russia, but why would Russia provoked a war? Why should Russia fuck with America when the opposite is true, America fucks Russia to the bone, and Russia is trying to survive this current situation and behave defensively unlike us and NATO, which would not even supposed to exist after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Did the Croatian member of NATO? Jest? Sons of bitches! They put their paws everywhere, it's just disgusting!

Do you think it is so small and neutjecajna country like Croatia is important to the Americans and NATO?

- Each territory can be important. Generally small countries like Croatia are not important players insider US intelligence, their main associates of white Anglo-Saxon United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and New Zealand to the United States so they make. Five Eyes group. There is an important and Israel. When Snowden was stationed in Hawaii, he saw that the children of Israel sent a batch of untreated materials, the Mossad is important throughout the game. I do not know how that information like the Palestinians who live in the United States.


Most above was not redacted from Gooogle to English, AI D-Wave computers still have problem with capacity of human thinking.
They still have to learn much more.

No way they will succeed. It requires a brain.


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