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What Did Carbon County, Utah Have That Made Such a Great Test Case for The Rest of America?

Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Sunday, 4-Sep-2016 12:40:06

In Response To: Middle-aged White women in America are dying at staggeringly rates from drug overdoses, suicides & drinking (CrystalRiver)

What Did Carbon County, Utah Have That Made Such a Great Test Case for The Rest of America?

They had a community with about 75% that had 100% coverage of medical through the hard won mining deals. The coal miners made a great study for the soon to be put into play socialism (30) years of watching and waiting.

It was the late 80's when I began to see socialist mags/rags appearing in both Carbon and Emery County, Utah. I read them as like now I was still searching for a path to help alter things to a better way.

The drugs first made their appearance in the early to mid seventies
and I watched as the class I graduated from dwindled down to below half of what it started out as.

I've used Carbon County, Utah as an example several times as I saw how they were used to develop the insanity of that which has been placed upon America by those profiting from both the Democrat and Republican Party. It is interesting to note that Utah is primarily Republican and Carbon County was the only Democrat County in the state and could well have made it a test case for many things such as biological weapons.

The military industrial complex needs someone to test on; a community such as it is and who are they going to pick? The ones voting for them or the ones of a different mind set????

Carbon County was always different than the rest of Utah; little las vegas of Utah they would called it. It had many connections to Las Vegas as well with different clubs bringing in groups from Vegas and that was about the time the drugs came on the scene. It was just prior to that you saw the drugs in the teen crowd and my class seemed exaggerated in the amount of deaths as they were dropping like flies. It started to get really bad in about 1974 but it wasn't just drugs. Something else was just under the surface; things weren't right.

There were so many really bizarre deaths---it was when I realized there was something else, something that wasn't a symptom but the true cause. In 1982, I started through my own nightmare; quit watching the happenings and had to live it. It never made sense to me and still doesn't.

So what was it? Did it come from a Rhogam Shot? Did it come form a sewage plant? Did it come from under the earth such as in mining? Black Oil?

After researching the gamut of ideas one begins to wonder if one is leading or being led. Those are questions that must be asked in order that one doesn't play the useful idiot and that is what I'm very concerned about at this point in play.

One could look at the situation and especially the black oil that is produced from those with Morgellons that is related somehow to Lyme disease and wonder if it isn't coming from a sort of ET that lives below us???? Remember the X-Files and Fight the Future? That show leaves you feeling that the upper crust is looking out for you and they are doing the best they can given the situation they have.

Then in comes V for Vendetta and the testing upon the group at Larkhill, lesions and wasting in order to create their new bodies. The bodies of those now controlling the earth that are passing and wish to live forever. Suddenly the upper crust looks a bit more like vampires/parasites as it were.

Then again, look at the cow or sheep herder, how would they appear to the cow and the sheep???

Hardly think that Carbon, County Utah was the only place this happened in and most likely it was done in at least one per state. Industry being attacked as it has been would lead one to believe that Detroit, Michigan was another test case. Unless, I'm wrong and this is an accident and no one would do such a thing as this (I wished that were so but things aren't pointing to that sort of incident). I say, they knew, they know and they did it on purpose and used Joe Public for their experimentation.

What has been done with the trillions that cannot be accounted for by the military industrial complex???

As a cop that was a friend, told me once, follow the money---

Many Blessings,

RMN is an RA production.

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Middle-aged White women in America are dying at staggeringly rates from drug overdoses, suicides & drinking
CrystalRiver -- Sunday, 4-Sep-2016 01:07:11
What Did Carbon County, Utah Have That Made Such a Great Test Case for The Rest of America?
CrystalRiver -- Sunday, 4-Sep-2016 12:40:06
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