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MK ULTRA: Going Further Further Down The Rabbit Hole With Cathy O'Brien

Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 28-Aug-2016 11:57:38

In Response To: Educate Yourself: The Illuminati Formula For Creating An 'Alter'--A Soon To Be, If Not Currently Presented Hillary Clone? (Watchman)

I have seen this touched upon in other threads, but never an actual topic composed discussing the role of the CIA, Country Music and the MK Ultra program. Not much on the Clinton Sex Slave either. Do you have any other info you can share? I am looking specifically for information on Country Music artists and LSD/Coccaine smuggling/propogation. Much of it is very limited, of course.

This is a copy of an email that was FWD and posted on sites in the late 90s from the International Advocates for Health Freedom. I had this saved somewhere and thought it was an overall intense read, I don't think many are familiar with this:

Errors-To: <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 20:05:51 -0500
From: John Hammell <>
Subject: Double Cross to Hell: The CIA's MK Ultra Mind Control

I think a lot of members of Congress and politicians all over the world are soul less robotoids. I think Hillary Clinton is one too. She and Bill are both bisexual. She fucked Cathy O'Brien, author of the book "Trans-Formation of America" which is about her experiences as a mind controlled sex slave/information courier/drug courier for the CIA and how she was victimized by the MK Ultra Mind Control Program.

I met O'Brien in DC at the Rally for the Bill of Rights a couple years ago and got an autographed copy of her book. She was a sex slave of the CIA, sold by her pedophile father into the MK Ultra Mind Control program at age 4. Her father was snagged by the FBI for selling child pornograpy through the US mail, and the CIA found out about it and offered him immunity from prosecution if he would merely sell his children into the MK Ultra mind control program, which the bastard did.

The CIA had discovered that incest survivors made the best mind control subjects, and they needed such people to serve as sex slaves, drug runners and information couriers for such purposes as doing the ground work to get NAFTA and GATT through. Ever wonder what went on behind the scenes to foist those programs off on us? If anyone thinks I'm joking, Congressional Hearings have been held which document everything I'm saying about the MK Ultra Mind Control Program- fire up a search engine and you'll find I'm not making this stuff up.

Cathy O'Brien was prostituted by the CIA to the President of Mexico as part of the effort to con him into accepting NAFTA. The CIA also used her for smuggling cocaine. One of the people who she interfaced with while serving as a "mule" for the CIA was Jimmy Buffett, the country music legend who lives down in Key West, here in Florida. Buffett was a CIA assett involved in coke smuggling.

Cathy O Brien was subjected to satanic ritual abuse by a Jesuit priest who was part of the CIA's MK Ultra Mind Control Program. The Vatican is controlled by a CIA connected group called P2. The CIA discovered that by constantly inducing trauma through horrific events such as satanic rituals, they could keep causing the compartmentalization of the brain necessary to make Cathy and the other victims best suited for being used as human tape recorders.

The trauma induced by incest/satanic abuse is dealt with by the victim by blocking out the event from their memory, and in the process- the compartments in the brain were created which the CIA exploited via the use of designer drugs, psychosurgery- implanted microchips, and really devious
psychological programming.

O'Brien's vagina was horribly mutilated by the CIA which carved a grotesque witches face into the folds of her labia. That really turned Hillary Clinton on when she performed oral sex on her. Ronald Reagan also availed himself of Cathy O'Brien, accessing one of her programmed persona's that he especially liked known as "kitten." Many members of Congress have also had sex with CIA sex slaves. O Brien states in her book that the one time she met the Clinton's, while she was having sex with Hillary, Bill casually sat in a chair reading a book, as if this were a typical occurrence.

People sometimes think I'm bullshitting them when I tell them about the MK Ultra Mind Control program, but as crazy as this stuff sounds, its all true. People have no idea of the depth of evil in the world. People are blind to what is going on all around them. People have no idea of the stuff the CIA does in their effort to force us into a world government.

The CIA isn't part of our government, it is controlled by the Royal Institute of International Affairs and MI6 in the UK, which does the bidding of the Bilderbergers.

It is a testimony to Cathy O'Brien's strength as a human being that she escaped the MK Ultra Program, and she has immense courage to come forward with her book. Her husband Mark was on the periphery of the MK Ultra Program, and through a serrendipitous chain of events, he learned the truth about what he was REALLY involved with, he learned of Cathy's plight, and risked his life to helped her escape to Alaska, where he was able to deprogram her with assistance from people inside the CIA who sympathized with O'Brien, and leaked him the info necessary to deprogram her.

I realize this all sounds like a bunch of hokey garbage, like something from that movie "The Manchurian Candidate" but this is all true.

Sometimes Truth is stranger than fiction.

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Articles In This Thread

Educate Yourself: The Illuminati Formula For Creating An 'Alter'--A Soon To Be, If Not Currently Presented Hillary Clone?
Watchman -- Sunday, 28-Aug-2016 11:47:01
MK ULTRA: Going Further Further Down The Rabbit Hole With Cathy O'Brien
Watchman -- Sunday, 28-Aug-2016 11:57:38
From same book - "Chap. 3 III. The Use of Drugs" List of Drugs
billym -- Sunday, 28-Aug-2016 13:06:19

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