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REPOST: Listing of parallel Earth timelines desribed in Alexandra Bruce's "The Philadelphia Experiment Murder"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Tuesday, 16-Aug-2016 14:51:05

In Response To: Interview of Alexandra Bruce: UFO's, CERN, timeline manipulation, and the Montauk Project (MrFusion)

I think I posted the following in 2012, but of course it got deleted in the Great Deletion of September 2014. It does not describe specifically a parallel universe in which the Nazis won WWII, as mentioned in the preceding post, but it does mention something similar under "Montauk 5" below.

Are the NWO forces operating in a network of parallel universes?

While parallel universes created by our quantum choices have become a hot topic in modern physics, it is generally assumed that travel between these alternate realities would be extgremely difficult. However, the possibility exists that temporal meddling by esoteric means such as the Montauk Project may have created a network of parallel worlds linked by space-time portals, and that other such portals created by aliens may have existed since antiquity. The following is a slight reworking of an article I posted quite a while ago on an earlier long-closed version of CGI. The use of such a network by the NWO seems a very real possibility, and may help explain their wealth of exotic technology. As we approach the end of the Mayan calendar, 2012, and the Montauk time travel barrier, 2013, these questions seem especially relevant.

Some years ago I read a fascinating book, "The Philadelphia Experiment Murder" by Alexandra Bruce. Various sections of the book, based on interviews with psychic Glen Pruitt, discuss parallel universes ("Quantum Montauks") which allegedly intersect with ours through Montauk-created space-time portals. As has been speculated here at RMN in the past, such portals may be relevant to why we are fomenting regime change in likely portal locations such as Iraq and Egypt. Supposedly, parallel civilizations and various negative aliens use these gateways to come here both to establish a New World Order and to scavenge our Atlantean artifacts which apparently are most abundant in our own timeline in various underground locations (such as Romania, Egypt, and Tibet: see "Transylvanian Sunrise" and "Transylvanian Moonrise" by Radu Cinamar and Peter Moon).

Below I have tried to summarize the various parallel universe timelines as presented in that book:

Montauk Prime:
Source of the Luciferian New World Order, derived from the groups af aliens who destroyed the first Atlantis civilization in the Orion Wars, 70 million years ago (sounds awfully long ago for Atlantis, that was the time of the dinosaurs; maybe it was 70,000 years ago and not million?). This timeline is the original source of the Montauk Project, created by Nazis who won WWII, in which New York City was nuked.

America Prime (or Montauk 2?):

Montauk project is American and is not secret. It is considered a defense against aliens and Montauk Prime Nazis. We entered WWII and defeated Germany before Japan had a chance to bomb Pearl Harbor. It is America like we wish it was, optimistic, assertive, sense of justified self-righteousness and Pax Americana. There was a nuclear accident in Chicago in the 1930s. There is a smoldering underground war with aliens which destroyed Los Angeles in the late 1960's and still continues (The Dulce Wars). This America colloborates with our own America (Earth 6) to recover Atlantean technology from underground.

Montauk 3:
Nuclear holocaust at Los Alamos.

Montauk 4:
Humans have ascended and left this plane.

Montauk 5:
Nazis in hiding in Antarctica. May be the universe of the Montauk project described in the Preston Nichols/Peter Moon Montauk books. Primary source of NWO infestation into our world, which is:

Montauk 6/Earth 6:
Our world. Possibly branched from America Prime in 1930s when time travelers from A.P.'s future came back and prevented the Chicago nuke accident. Disputed whether a Montauk project actually happened here, but there are many interdimensional portals to Montauk universes, especially Montauk 5; many refugees from the Montauk 5 Project may have ended up here, dazed and confused, when the Montauk 5 Project was shut down in 1983. The portals are also used by Nazis & aliens to enter and mess with us and scavenge our Atlantean artifacts, which are most plentiful and untouched in this timeline. Apparently the Atlantean tech was even more advanced than what some of the lower-grade aliens have. Secret treaty with aliens occured here. The aliens actually of our timeline are allegedly mostly benevolent and are not the ones currently causing problems.

Montauk 7/Earth 7:
All humans died in Orion Wars 70 million (or 70 thousand?) years ago when the moon, an Orion deathstar, crashed into the earth. Orion Wars also occurred in the timelines above, destroying the Atlantean civilization, but in those the moon still exists.

Earth 8
Orion wars with Atlantis ended peacefully, both sides now cohabit Earth.

Earth 9
Continuous Atlantean civilization to present day. Orion Wars never happened. No moon. No menstrual cycles. Women get pregnant when they want.

Not clear: which universe(s) held the Philadelphia Experiment or the Alternative 3/Mars colony scenario; probably Montauk 5 and/or our Earth 6?

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Articles In This Thread

Interview of Alexandra Bruce: UFO's, CERN, timeline manipulation, and the Montauk Project
MrFusion -- Tuesday, 16-Aug-2016 14:34:11
REPOST: Listing of parallel Earth timelines desribed in Alexandra Bruce's "The Philadelphia Experiment Murder"
MrFusion -- Tuesday, 16-Aug-2016 14:51:05
New timeline manipulation TV series, "Timeless", coming soon: trailer video
MrFusion -- Tuesday, 16-Aug-2016 15:00:51

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