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Why Read the Benghazi Brief and the Benghazi Brief - (if you want to understand what went on in Benghazi and what is going on now)

Posted By: glasc
Date: Sunday, 14-Aug-2016 10:33:34

Why Read the Benghazi Brief? Thoughts From The Author, Me…
Posted on August 13, 2016 by sundance
From: The Conservative Treehouse
(Also, the Benghazi Brief - below this article - A must read for a better understanding of the events of Benghazi and the rise of ISIS or ISIL)

The Benghazi Brief is easily the most painstaking undertaking I ever endeavored to research, accept and eventually write. It was not a comfortable assembly.

The Brief was written almost two years ago:
◾It was written well before Mike Rogers and Charles Ruppersberger produced their self-serving, pre-retirement, diversionary distraction/report.
◾It was written before the House Select Committee on Benghazi was even created, let alone produced their final report.
◾The brief was written before the Fox report “13 hours in Benghazi” was presented by Brett Baier.
◾It was written long before the Hollywood movie around the night of the Benghazi attack, “13 Hours – The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” was produced…

…. and not a single aspect to those, or any subsequent revelation, has ever compromised or run counter to the information contained with the Brief.

To the contrary, every report, every leak, every WikiLeak detail, every statement, every interview, every FIOA discovery and every factual detail pried from the clutches of the political establishment has done nothing except to validate the construct of the original research outline.

So why does that matter?

Partly, because the truth has no agenda. Truth, raw reality, cannot be obfuscated based on the political wishes of those who would prefer it to remain muddied. It just is.

As disconcerting and uncomfortable as it appears, the truth doesn’t care about your feelings, your sentiments or your preferences. It just is; and when it’s sitting there, there’s nothing you can do but accept it – or ignore it.

For the sake of the current 2016 presidential election cycle, the answers to mountains of continuing day-to-day questions are answered within that very same brief.

• Why do all of those former administration officials have a vested interest in destroying Donald Trump? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why is Robert Gates not included in that list “against Trump”? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why was the Trey Gowdy committee an exercise in futility? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why have we never heard from the 40+ people, survivors, who were in the Benghazi annex on the night of September 12th and morning of Sept 13th 2012? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why is Leon Panetta so far out with his support for Hillary Clinton? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why is CIA interim weasel Mike Morell so ridiculously against Trump and supportive of Hillary Clinton? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why was General David Petraeus removed, later prosecuted? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why did key Republicans (McCain, McConnell, Boehner etc. ) not fully place the burden of responsibility for Libya in the lap of Hillary Clinton and Leon Panetta? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why are 4 of the 8 members of the 2012 Congressional Intelligence Gang of Eight either retired (Rogers, Boehner, Chambliss) or retiring (Reid)? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why did President Obama urgently withdraw from Iraq – with severity and an apparent lack of concern for a rapid withdrawal? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why did President Obama seemingly distance himself from a more moderate Egypt (el-Sisi) or embrace Jordan (Abdullah)? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why did Turkey accept, and give safe-haven to the exiled Muslim Brotherhood leadership? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why are Republicans just as culpable for the outcome in Libya and Syria? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why did Russia step in to fill the vacuum from Obama’s mid-east withdrawal? The answer is in the Benghazi Brief.

• Why is the current intelligence community, and foreign relations political community, supportive of Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump? The answer is within the Benghazi Brief.

• Why did General Allen retire in 2013? The answer is within the Benghazi Brief. • Why was General Allen put in charge of Obama’s ISIS strategy in 2014? The answer is within the Benghazi Brief. • Why did General Allen speak at the 2016 DNC convention in Philadelphia? The answer is within the Benghazi Brief.

• Why did CNN hire Mike Rogers as an analyst? The answer is within the Benghazi Brief.

• Why has the ongoing trial of captured Libyan terrorist Abu Khattala seemingly dropped off the face of the media radar? The answer is within the Benghazi Brief.

If you look at each of the players behind the 2011, 2012 and beyond mid-east policy; and you look carefully at each of the people and positions outlined in the Benghazi Brief, you will clearly see what motivates each-and-every-one of them in the 2016 presidential election cycle.

Yes, it is beyond troubling to accept that both sides of the DC UniParty share culpability for the outcome of a foreign policy they facilitated and supported. But that is a reality that must be accepted, in order to understand why all of those same UniParty members are more comfortable with Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

However, two people are more responsible than all others; yes, even more responsible than President Obama himself, and even more responsible than the congressional intelligence oversight committee that were supposed to keep them in check.

Yes, Obama gave them authority to engage, but Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and former CIA Director Leon Panetta hold the primary responsibility for creating the policy that created the islamist explosion which ultimately gave rise to ISIS.

• Why should Secretary of State Hillary Clinton never be allowed to become President of the United States of America?…

The answer is within the Benghazi Brief.

Senator Rand Paul Discusses Potential For Clinton Indictment Based on WikiLeaks Claim…
Posted on August 13, 2016 by sundance

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has stated his organization believes they are in possession of emails which prove Hillary Clinton was aware of the transfer of weapons from Libya, through Turkey, into Syria.

If Assange is accurate, the prior congressional testimony of Clinton becomes another example of her deception and fraud. Rand Paul discusses at the end of this interview segment:

To understand the scope of the potential behind the WikiLeaks Assange information, it’s critical to understand the facts in/around Libya and Syria in 2011, 2012 through today. The specifics are outlined in the updated Benghazi Brief.

The “Benghazi Brief” remains the most controversial research report we have ever produced. The brief contains over two years of research and hundreds of very specific factual citations supporting it. Almost two years later, and not a single aspect outlined within the brief has ever been identified as inaccurate.

We know from the Bret Baier interview with Hillary Clinton that she was physically located at her 7th floor office in Washington DC on the night of the attack 9/11/12.

Unfortunately we also know during the November 2012 Thanksgiving holiday a mysterious fire took place in that building. Well, actually directly above her exact office – cause undetermined.

A “fire” which preceded an unfortunate slip and fall for the Secretary, resulting in a concussion, which led to the discovery of a blood clot, that ultimately delayed her congressional testimony before a Senate Hearing into the events of the night in question.

We know the Libyan uprising began on February 10th of 2011, and we also know that sometime around the end of February 2011 President Obama signed a presidential directive authorizing the State Dept and CIA to begin a covert operation to arm the Libyan “rebels”.

We also know of a Second Presidential Finding Memo authorizing additional CIA covert action in 2012, this time in Syria. However, unlike the 2011 Libyan operation we do not know the operational name of the second action in 2012 (Syria).

We know the Libyan “rebels” were positioned in two strategic places. Benghazi, and the port city of Darnah, both located in Northeastern Libya.

We know this 2011 Libyan covert operation came to be known as “Operation Zero Footprint“. We know Secretary Clinton and CIA head Panetta were the primary sponsors for the joint State Dept./CIA approach; and we know that specifically because of a U.N. Security Council resolution (unattended by Ambassador Susan Rice) the operation fell under the military command authority of NATO not (important to repeat), NOT, the U.S. Military.

We know by the time operation “Zero Footprint” began, AFRICOM commander General Carter Ham was removed from OPSEC oversight in the Libyan campaign and NATO commander Admiral James G. Stavridis was in charge.

Stavridis was the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) at the time of the Libyan uprising. He retired as SACEUR in 2013

In 2011, 57-year-old Stavridis was the perfect pick for NATO Libyan intervention considering he is the son of Turkish immigrants. Turkey played a key role in what might be the most politically dangerous aspect of the events to the White House once the goals changed to redirection of the weapons from Operation Zero Footprint.

We know Operation Zero Footprint was the covert transfer of weapons from the U.S to the Libyan “rebels”. We also know the operation avoided the concerns with congressional funding, and potential for public scrutiny, through financing by the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

We also know that officials within the government of Qatar served as the intermediaries for the actual transfer of the weapons, thereby removing the footprint of the U.S. intervention.

We know the entire operation was coordinated and controlled by the State Department and CIA. We also know (from the Senate Foreign Relations Benghazi hearings) that “Zero Footprint” was unknown to the 2011 Pentagon and/or DoD commanders who would have been tasked with any military response to the 9/11/12 attack – namely AFRICOM General Carter Ham.

However, it would be implausible to think that then Defense Secretary Bob Gates or Joint Chiefs Chair Admiral McMullen were completely unaware of the operation. Even today, despite the numerous hearings and reports, this aspect remains murky.

Both Defense Secretary Gates and Joint Chiefs Chair McMullen were in place when Operation Zero Footprint began. However, both retired from their jobs in Sept of 2011, and were replaced by Leon Panetta and Martin Dempsey respectively.

Leon Panetta was CIA Director at the beginning of Operation Zero Footprint (March 2011) and was replaced by CIA Director David Petraeus in the fall of 2011 as Panetta replaced Bob Gates and became Secretary of Defense.

However, Panetta (now as Def Sec) and JC Martin Dempsey were the two who initially briefed President Obama on the night of Sept 11th 2012. This is an important fact to remember – because of his previous CIA role in constructing Zero Footprint, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta definitely had knowledge of the intents of the joint State Dept/CIA mission in Benghazi, Martin Dempsey may not have.

We know the White House appears to have followed “The Intelligence Oversight Act of 1980” in informing the congressional “Gang of Eight” of Zero Footprint.

The Gang of Eight in 2011 would have included: Speaker – John Boehner, Minority Leader – Nancy Pelosi; House Permanent Select Committee on Intel Chairman – Mike Rogers, and his Democrat counterpart Charles Ruppersberger; Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid; along with Senate Intel Chair Diane Feinstein and her Republican counterpart, Saxby Chambliss.

From Hillary interviews we also know the White House liaison for Secretary Clinton and CIA Director Leon Panetta during Operation Zero Footprint was National Security Advisor To the President, Tom Donilon.

With this information we can assemble a cast of people “IN THE KNOW” of Operation Zero Footprint on two specific date blocks. March 2011 through Pre 9/11/12 attack – and – Post 9/11/12 attack forward.

March 2011 through Pre 9/11/12 attack: Who knew of Operation “Zero Footprint”?:
◾President Obama and Vice President Biden (both Dems)
◾Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Dem)
◾CIA Director Leon Panetta (March 2011 – June 2011)
◾*CIA Director General David Petraeus (?) (Sept 2011 – Nov 2012)
◾NATO Commander, James G Stavridis
◾White House National Security Advisor Tom Donilon (Dem)
◾White House National Security Spox Tommy Vietor (Donilon aide)
◾White House National Security Advisor John Brennan (Dem)
◾Speaker of the House John Boehner (Rep)
◾Minority Leader – Nancy Pelosi (Dem)
◾House Permanent Select Committee on Intel Chairman – Mike Rogers (Rep)
◾Minority House Intel Committee – Charles Ruppersberger (Dem)
◾Senate Minority Leader – Mitch McConnell (Rep)
◾Senate Majority Leader – Harry Reid (Dem)
◾Senate Intel Chair – Diane Feinstein (Dem)
◾Minority Senate Intel Committee – Saxby Chambliss (Rep)
◾[State Dept] U.S. Libyan Ambassador – Chris Stevens
◾[State Dept] U.S. Asst Secretary of State – Andrew Shapiro
◾[State Dept] Senior Head of U.S. Weapons Office – Mark Adams

Along with whomever inside each nation’s state government that was involved in either the finance (UAE), or the logistics (Qatar). [and later, 2012 Turkey]

Obviously the “know” crowd would include the ultimate end destination users, “The Libyan Rebel Commanders”:
◾Rebel Leader (Islamic Fighting Group) Abu Sufian Ibriham Ahmed Hamuda Bin Qumu – Darnah Brigade – Ansar Al Sharia
◾Rebel Leader (Islamic Fighting Group) Abu Khattala – Commander of an Islamist militia group called the Abu Obaida bin Jarrah Brigade (17th Feb Brigade) Benghazi – Ansar Al Sharia

*NOTE* Both of these individuals were labeled as officially recognized State Dept. terrorists in December of 2013. Khattala recently having been arrested.

(BIG snip)...MUST READ the full Benghazi Brief)

Link to Benghazi Brief:

Benghazi Brief

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Why Read the Benghazi Brief and the Benghazi Brief - (if you want to understand what went on in Benghazi and what is going on now)
glasc -- Sunday, 14-Aug-2016 10:33:34
Ooops, I forgot to put the link for the first article, above. Link below
glasc -- Sunday, 14-Aug-2016 10:38:50
IZAKOVIC -- Sunday, 14-Aug-2016 10:59:46

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