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Reader's Letter, from Poland: "I'll try to briefly describe my experience and knowledge of the dimensions ..."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 3-Dec-2014 23:08:46

In Response To: Reader, 58-min video: Dr. Rauni Kilde Interview (hobie)

(Thanks, J. :)

Reader Jacek sends us this copy (translated by Google) of a letter he wrote to a Profesor Frank Wilczek:


Mr. Professor Frank Wilczek

Dear Professor!

I wrote in Polish because my English is poor and written a very long time since I have ministered in English.

I'll try to briefly describe my experience and knowledge of the dimensions - both dimensions of the material and spiritual dimensions through which the material there, and because of that material are destroyed. Also, I put a proposal.

Since about 1997 I started to be a matter of intense interest preached in the East and also present in the Bible truth that God is Love and Light, and that is Love and Light is in us. The desire is to learn to grow, and the troubles of life that one sequence lasted since 1993, only the intensified. I have become because of this very nervous. In December 2000, was very angry at the wife and suddenly the world was gone, and I [my soul], I found myself in some of the Abyss, in which there was only a state of infinite hatred. Something terrible. With great difficulty I called Jesus and the state is gone. The next day, I started to get very hot pray to Jesus to take me to heaven. And suddenly the world disappeared. My soul is united to the personal fullness LOVE, Mercy, Compassion and KNOWLEDGE. Everything was eternal NOW. Emphasize that it was the state plays - Infinity beyond time, space and matter. And what is the strangest thing I found that although the state of the Passenger is an infinite is actually in me. It was a sudden shock. I realized that in each and good and bad, in all beings living God - Love in all its plays. At the spring of 2001 I longed for heaven. Suddenly the world was gone, and I [my soul] united with LIGHT, but rather energy - I became a personal Full Light. Light was also full of love and also had the infinite dimension beyond time, space and matter. When I came back from that state literally felt as if every particle of my body was born again and again with the Love and Light. Later in life is compounded problems. At the same time some energy out of me trying to get out and flowed through the vertebrae of the neck. Almost 1.5 months I could not sleep the summer of 2002. And after this period, the energy broke on top of my head. Sen returned. Energy from now flows spontaneously. In November 2002, a voice from the heart asked me; 'If you go to hell?'. First, I said 'no', then 'yes'. 11/11/2002 was the year. At one point I heard like a house bursting. I suddenly found myself in complete darkness endless. I felt that there are a lot of ghosts hateful to each other and relative to the world and full of fear stronger - there was a terrible anguish there. The Lord of the realm tried to capture my soul. Literally absorb it. But when I started to feel mercy toward Him immediately forgiven. I saw flashes of light even in the darkness, and again I was in our world. I could smell the flowers. I do not know what was going on with my body? - Probably was in the world in which we live?

Not immediately but after a while I realized that experiencing the causal power of darkness experienced contributing to the destruction of the world of matter - quite the opposite power of Love and Light, which is the creative powers. The priests did not want to, and may not be able to explain to me what happened to me. So I started to investigate these matters himself delving into the esoteric and spiritual study of east and west. Life troubles intensified even more - as if some evil fate hanging over me. At the same time I had a very unpleasant feeling of receiving the gift of other beings; both humans and beings from other dimensions - especially of those dimensions related to the power of the dark side. Studying the esoteric knowledge of the transfer of the Cosmos quickly realized that I visited 7 positive and negative level that is just a feeling [Love or Hate] and toured level 6 [Light of Love and Darkness-Hate-anxiety]. To put it more clearly visited states of the Holy Spirit and unholy that is old and a new heaven and a hell of old and new. I touched the efficient cause, which creates matter and the efficient cause which annihilates matter - to put it even more explicitly learned the cause of eternal immortality of the soul, for sure, and perhaps the body and cause annihilation and soul and body. I read a lot but in anyone encountered a similar experience not?!

Light and Love 6 and 7 dimensions are inherently infinite - and for this reason are inexhaustible energy - energy full of intelligence and creative power - power that produces the visible and invisible universe - energy that we carry within us. Gravity is a derivative of this energy. So there are levels at which you can draw free energy without any restrictions. This energy is everywhere because it has no physical borders. Mastering this energy will protect human life and health. Will protect the different areas of the Earth, and even the whole Earth from natural disasters. Da humanity access to all dimensions and access to anywhere in the universe, and to all the knowledge that the universe has accumulated.

From the esoteric knowledge can find out that people live in the third dimension - as we know it is a material dimension [minerals, rocks, plants and animals form a dimension 1 and 2]. There is reportedly a fourth dimension of material? The fifth dimension is already more than the material and the individual souls are present to form - a so-called astral or purgatory.

Full seater Love [7 dimension] Light emanates from each other, which is gradually moving into energy begins to take shape. This form is a result of conversion of energy into matter becomes a material form. I am convinced that this process can be reversed. So it is possible to transition from a materialized form of clean energy. We can not because our spiritual development and technology is at a very primitive level. Maybe this has been the single Masters? - Jesus and a group of Yogis and ancient Sages [the contemporary living in Asia]. And certainly the energy conversion process into matter and matter into energy [ie, materialization and dematerialization] mastered the highly developed civilizations. With circulating the Internet transmission from the Galactic Federation that civilizations united in the Federation of technologies to acquire, dematerialization and materialization [message in Polish joining a letter].

As we know, we see 5% of the matter in our universe. How does 95% of the remaining matter we can only presume. Do you think that there aksjony - black material with reduced vibration. Personally, based on their own experience and knowledge regarding the said 4 esoteric dimension come to the conclusion that it is a matter transformed - that is closer to the Light - that is closer to the energy that created the universe. For this reason, it is a matter subject to such a high energy vibration that for us living in three dimensions it is invisible - it can be seen only in the states of mystical, like 5, 6, 7 dimensions. And the efficient cause of aging and dying matter is mentioned Darkness. Eliminate the influence of the Dark matter would reach such a high vibration that childish matter could easily be transformed into the Light, as the child's ease of Light emanates from each other matter. And that would mean the immortality of matter - or at least incomprehensible to us today longevity [of such incomprehensible longevity in good health and happiness Vedas say, the Bible, transmissions from space]. On a small scale mystic I was able to turn some of Darkness in the Light. But alone it is too painful and dangerous. Maybe if more people participated in the darkness would be able to convert into the Light? A might be able to achieve this in a manner such technology as mentioned above civilizations?

It is good that launched a new accelerator. However, the problem lies in the fact that it allows to study the effect - the matter created by Love and Light - not the cause - the same personal Love and Light, creative power. It allows you to disassemble the prime factors matter - but the same reason, it is not able to reach. Even not being able to reach the level of matter transformed, which in our view is already more than a matter of Light.

To enrich the research process should go back to the experience of mystics [Yogi], who recognized the efficient cause or spirit, and many of them have achieved such a large union with the spirit of that without technology can not only enter the Light but soul and body. I believe that studying the matter Mystics quickly beget ideas for technological mastery of the process of dematerialization and materialization - the creative process. Good strength of the Cosmos are ready to help us achieve these technologies. To master it you have to have not only a strong mind but loving heart.

Then, we have less and less as oil and metals resources run out in a few years, and gas and coal for a hundred years. What does this mean for our civilization? - You know! Just as it is known that, for example, a super volcano eruption or fall to Earth more heavenly body can instantly end the existence of our species as ended the existence of many species of animals and plants in the history of the Earth.

We do not have much time - I can feel it all by myself. Longer need to search for such technologies that can save the Earth and Humanity.

I remain with the hope that you and reconsider translate the text.

Yours deep respect.

Mieczyslaw Jacek Skiba

Tel. 014 652 60 03 601 080 579 em.,

I came to the Lord's book "In search of harmony. Variations on themes from contemporary physics. "I ordered the book.

Why Jehovah assigned darkness do not understand? But the priests-Pharisees appeared Jehovah image showing the image according to its full dark hearts and minds! Created a god by themselves to control the People - cruelly and mercilessly killing reign even because of the sins and the law! God - Jehovah - Krishna - Jesus - Archangel Michael - even Buddha - Ishvara - Vishnu - Chi - Mother of God ... or like him / her pile there is in fact no Name - This is the fullness of Love [7 - we and higher dimensions] - and permeates all creation - because it is ubiquitous / s. So all the theories about God fall! Because comparing God to the Archons - astral judges - or worse, a comparison to the full darkness authors called holy books - there has nothing - because the archons are niskowibracyjną part of the astral [5 th dimension], and the authors wrote their books in our 3rd dimension . It is worth to think about it before he starts to spit on True God [7th and higher dimensions]? I wish everyone would know that the fullness of God all carry within us - always - in spite of the darkness in which we had to wade through!


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Articles In This Thread

Reader, 58-min video: Dr. Rauni Kilde Interview
hobie -- Sunday, 30-Nov-2014 20:18:21
Reader's Letter, from Poland: "I'll try to briefly describe my experience and knowledge of the dimensions ..."
hobie -- Wednesday, 3-Dec-2014 23:08:46

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