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Reader C: "When (if ever) did the congress ever observe a defined debt ceiling...."

Posted By: Lion
Date: Wednesday, 3-Dec-2014 16:23:10

In Response To: It's A Strange Game They Are Playing... (Lion)


Re: It's A Strange Game They Are Playing...

When (if ever) did the congress ever observe a defined debt ceiling as opposed to simply raising it (again)?


Thanks, C

At least not since before 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act, although NOT rat-i-fied by the rats in congress - but implemented regardless.

That's what I'm saying, here.

The whole 'debt ceiling' fiasco is a joke - a mute point.

It's the same useless theatrical distraction as 'shutting down the government' if there is 'no budget passed'.


Honestly, I wonder why these jokers even pretend to have a budget.

A budget in front of today's Congress is ludicrous as a 'debt ceiling'.

There is simply no limit to the amount of zeros one can enter into a computer, so there is no need to worry about a so-called 'debt ceiling' or worry about the 'government running out of money'.

Long as the FIAT FRAUD SYSTEM exists, there will always be unlimited funding for it. Funding is built into the system.

The fiat funding system is also know as the 'enter' key on the computer keyboard.

...And zeros entered into a computer is what the Corporate DC's/FED's fiat house of cards is built upon.

"Debt and greed is good." - according to the folks at the Fed, because the more debt that can be assigned or issued, the more 'reason' the Fed has to steal real assets.

The whole game is about assigning debt, and then holding the 'assignee' hostage for whatever assets they have.

According to the FED banksters - those assets include, you, your children, your home, your business, your land, your vehicles, your state, and your country....

Ok, so that's their game.

It matters not to the FED or to DC whom is lawfully responsible for the debt THEY accrue.

Congress automatically passes the fraudulent debt THEY accrue, on to the producers in the usa, gives the IRS free reign to run their extortion schemes on the producers, and then goes back to the FED for more zeros to hand over to their crony friends on Wall Street - and the Military Industrial Complex, because the DC predator state can't function without war, killing innocent Human beings, or without the hookers in the back office.

Their game is all based on fraud.

Their game is all based on coercion, blackmail, extortion, and racketeering.

In some societies, all of the above are criminal activities which can be prosecuted under RICO statutes.

Yet, under the direction of the Corporation of Washington, DC Inc ( again - a foreign corporation operating on us soil ), and the direction of DC, Inc's corporate board members who call themselves 'congress'; this type of criminal behavior is a way of life.

Fact is, the Corporation of Washington DC, Inc, would simply not exist without the FED schemes of deceit, and the American people remaining willfully ignorant of the big red white and blue flagpole they are being reamed with on a daily basis.

And as the late observer George Carlin noted,

"Americans are just dumb enough to keep electing these rich clock suckers who don't give a puck about you! Not at all! Not at all"!!



: ...and an adolescent, absurd game of semantic deception to
: boot.

: Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

: Nothing added to nothing leaves nothing.

: If I give you nothing, and tell you it's something, it's still
: nothing no matter what I say it is.

: If I call it debt obligations - it's still nothing.

: If I call it assets - it's still nothing.

: ---------------------------

: FIAT - "Because I say so".

: DEFINITION of 'Fiat Money'

: Currency that a government has declared to be legal tender,
: but is not backed by a physical commodity.

: The value of fiat money is derived from the relationship
: between supply and demand rather than the value of the
: material that the money is made of.

: Historically, most currencies were based on physical
: commodities such as gold or silver, but fiat money is based
: solely on faith.

: Fiat is the Latin word for "it shall be".


: Because fiat money is not linked to physical reserves, it
: risks becoming worthless due to hyperinflation.

: If people lose faith in a nation's paper currency, like the
: dollar bill, the money will no longer hold any value.

: Most modern paper currencies are fiat currencies, have no
: intrinsic value and are used solely as a means of payment.

: Historically, governments would mint coins out of a physical
: commodity such as gold or silver, or would print paper
: money that could be redeemed for a set amount of physical
: commodity.

: Fiat money is inconvertible and cannot be redeemed.

: Fiat money rose to prominence in the 20th century,
: specifically after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system
: in 1971, when the United States ceased to allow the
: conversion of the dollar into gold.

: ---------------------

: 'Monetizing the debt' is simply adding more nothing to what
: was nothing to begin with.

: The idiots of the Corporate board members of Congress, and the
: bigger idiots from the FED have 'nothing-ed' their way into
: a pickle of stupid, and there is no way out except to keep
: portraying their faux ponzi-scheme system has value.

: The Fed ponzi scheme has no real value, because it was built
: on fiat nothing to begin with.

: If the Fed ponzi scheme has no real value, then conversely,
: what is claimed as 'debt' is non-existent.

: This is the game: The predator thugs at Federal Reserve - City
: of London corporations, the predator thugs at IRS
: corporation ( a foreign-based corporation operating on us
: soil ), and the predator thugs of the Washington DC
: corporation ( another foreign-based corporation operating
: on us soil ), falsely contend, that Human Beings who reside
: in the usa outside the jurisdiction of the Washington, DC
: corporation - are responsible for the volume of deception
: they refer to as 'debt'.

: The true assets of any economy, lie in the ability of Human
: Beings who reside within said economy to produce output.

: Hence, the Federal Reserve System constitutes a coercive scam
: of real asset theft, and control over Human Beings who
: reside and produce in the usa, because as is quite evident
: this late in the game - that even unlawful extortion ('tax
: revenue') generated cannot begin to cover even a minute
: portion of the predatory assigned debt scheme.

: When the volume of the assigned (fake) 'ponzi-scheme debt' -
: is more than the total GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the
: usa economic output - it becomes an absurd 'debt into
: perpetuity slave system' - which is exactly the system the
: unlawful predator thugs from the FED and the IRS want to
: maintain.

: The ponzi-scheme assigned fake debt number could be 18
: trillion, or 36 trillion - or whatever.

: It really doesn't matter what number is bandied about, because
: nothing from nothing leaves nothing, or nothing added to
: nothing still leaves nothing.

: When corporate board members of Corporate Congress debate or
: contend there is a 'debt ceiling' or there is no 'debt
: ceiling' - it is simply a show they put on for the cameras
: and the gullible public.

: When playing the fiat revenue game, a 'debt ceiling' does not
: even enter into the picture.

: In other words, why even consider a 'debt ceiling' - when it's
: all fake regardless?

: As long as the FED's predator scheme of demanding something in
: return for nothing is allowed to continue on, the debt
: slavery system will continue to depress productivity,
: destroy economies, usurp assets, destroy the lives Human
: Beings, and maintain the power status of the parasitical
: predator state.

: Any suggestions?

: Lion

: ----------------------------

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Another Ponzi Roll Over of Treasury Debt
SARTRE -- Wednesday, 3-Dec-2014 04:59:22
It's A Strange Game They Are Playing...
Lion -- Wednesday, 3-Dec-2014 10:27:07
Reader C: "When (if ever) did the congress ever observe a defined debt ceiling...."
Lion -- Wednesday, 3-Dec-2014 16:23:10

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