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Reader: Did Aliens travel back in time posing as Caucasian leaders and program Caucasians to believe they are superior to others?

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Tuesday, 2-Aug-2016 22:39:51

In Response To: CGI's litebrite: Only 1.4 Percent of White Americans owned black Slaves at the HEIGHT of Slavery (RumorMail)

If I didn't know better, I'd think this was some sort of backhanded compliment. :-) Since you brought it up, I'm mixed race myself, have black nieces and nephews and I didn't write this article. 'litebrite' didn't either it was one she found on the internet and shared with us in the CGI forum. CGI is Rumor Mill News readers forum where she/he is a member. But by all means lets 'discuss'. History is a passion of mine.

The Roman Septimius Severus: was from Northern Africa, Libya in fact. There are dozens of his busts surviving and he doesn't have African features (as you're suggesting) but it could be that he did have Libyan. He was born in a Roman settlement, within Libya. Severus died doing what we all abhor. Conquering Britannia and Scotland. Many Africans did rule Egypt as Pharaohs. Some were Black, some white with blue eyes. Maybe your Aliens made it back in time that far?

Aliens-Archons-interdimensional entities: all the same entity. However cultures around the world have claimed aliens came to them. Anunnaki from Sumerian/Babylonian times. Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl and Kukulkan of Meso America. Hopi, Sioux and more speak of alien creators. Chinese proudly claim to be from Dragon overlords. and on and on it goes. Divide and conquer the races. Blacks hate whites because they have been taught to hate as much as whites hating blacks etc.

I don't know about you and your racism, but the white people I know would love a Star trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5 type of existence (with good aliens.) Bring on the Holodeck! And statistically whites are a minority in world culture.

Let's touch on that "Only white people invade-murder- enslave-conquer": Let me remind you of the following people who committed genocides. Did these races have evil overlords leading them too? In my opinion, possibly.

Just a tiny sampling of history.

Idi Amin - Uganda Africa killed aprox 300,000
Joseph Kony Uganda Africa apro 100,000

Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe Africa aprox 34,000

NY Times, Chicago Tribune (9 June 2000): 1,700,000 excess deaths in eastern Congo due to civil war.

Ghengis Khan: Chinese population reduced to half in 50 years -- over 60 million people died.

Chiang Kai-shek committed a total of 10,214,000 genocides from 1921 to 1948

Mao Tse-tung - TOTAL: 29 million deaths under Mao 40 Million when forced famine is counted in death toll.

"The mountain range Hindu Koh, "Indian mountain", was renamed Hindu Kush, "Hindu-killer", when one cold night in the reign of Timur Lenk (1398-99), over a hundred thousand Hindu slaves died there while on transport to Central Asia.

Colin McEvedy, Atlas of World Population History (1978):
Manchu conquest cost China 25M people, or one sixth of the population, 1600-1650

Assyrian: Sennacherib wiped out Babylon- Enslaved the women.

India: "historian Koenraad Elst estimates that between the year 1000 and 1525, eighty million Hindus (that's 80,000,000) died at the hands of Muslim invaders, probably the biggest holocaust in the whole history of our planet. "

Ronald Segal, in Islam's Black Slaves, estimates the total number of African slaves shipped to the Muslim world at 11.5M-14M. This breaks down as follows:

Over 110 Million Blacks were killed by Islam.

So, so many more. I didn't put in the white countries atrocities as you seem to be already versed in those (Stalin, Hitler etc). All cultures, all races have murdered, warred, raped, pillaged (stolen) Perhaps ET (as you say) hardwired us all? It's man kinds greatest struggle to overcome this and grow spiritually to get off the merry go round cycle. Not fight about who's more racist.

More here and on the internet or in your public Library:


Re: CGI's litebrite: Only 1.4 Percent of White....

It’s very unfair to place guilt on the entire Caucasian race. As a so-called “African American” I’m disappointed whenever this happens because it prevents us from engaging in an intelligent conversation about slavery and racism and the difference between the two.

Your article rightfully points out that slavery has existed throughout time and every race has been a victim of it at some point in humanity’s existence. Rome was once ruled by an African Emperor named Septimius Severus and at least six (6) former US Presidents ancestry from African bloodlines so Obama is really not a “first” of any kind.

The virulent racism of today has not always existed . I believe it has its origins as part of an extraterrestrial plan to generate negative emotions of hatred, fear and anger, upon which these ET entities feed.
Excerpt: “This is why there are so many reports of cruel and sadistic torture that goes on at these underground bases, as some of the aliens literally feed off the fear-laden substances that humans emit in times of great distress.”
The consciousness of racial prejudice generates anger, hate and fear. This is a fact.

At some point in the near future, mankind will be introduced to Extraterrestrials.

1. How difficult would it be for ET to travel back in time a few hundred years posing as Caucasian leaders and program the majority of Caucasians to believe they are superior to others and assist them with intelligence in order to oppress and steal from the Indians, Blacks and Asians; all the while knowing that at the moment of the ET’s certain defeat the majority of Caucasians would demonstrate the emotions of hate, anger and fear, in mass? These very emotions being the primary energies that these ET feed upon.

2. How will mankind react to ET? Those with an open mind might welcome contact with ET but would retain the ability to discern between good and bad ET because they would not be filled with fear. Those who are unprepared or who have been conditioned by religion to expect a specific “end-time” scenario will become insane and experience madness, anger, hatred and fear.

3. What role does the consciousness of racial prejudice play within that reaction? Those who harbor deep seeded racism towards their fellow man will more than likely harbor deep seeded racism towards ET.

4. How will a previously dominant race fare when confronted with a more superior race of ET beings? In the past, Caucasians have taken what they’ve wanted from the American Indian, African American as well as the Asian Americans used to build the railroads. However, there is ample evidence to support the fact that Caucasians will not be able to dominate Extraterrestrials.

5. Can the previously dominant race expect a more superior race of being to continue their methods of oppression and suppression of the minority races? No.

6. How will this lack of ability to dominate affect the psyche of the previously dominate race of Caucasians? When confronted with the more superior ET Caucasians will become extremely stressed when they realize that they can no longer dominate.

7. What motivated so called “racists” Caucasians to encourage ignorance of African’s humanity? Were they acting on behalf of their off-world masters? If there are those who serve in secret societies that worship off-world entities that feed on fear, what better way to provide the maximum amount of fear at the moment of their final defeat and exit from the planet than by ensuring that a large percentage of the population experiences fear when presented with the reality of extraterrestrial beings?

8. If it is true that most of the royal and ruling lineage on planet earth are truly non-human ( , ) and originate from a lizard like species, would it not then make more sense that posing as “Caucasians” throughout the history of United States and then conditioning Caucasians to be racially prejudiced over a long period of time, would be part of their plans to ensure that a large number of Caucasians generate FEAR upon learning of the existence of ET and demonstrate RACIAL PREJUDICE that PREVENTS them from interacting with or properly discerning the nature of ET?

9. Since geneticists have proven that humans are 99.99% alike with our racial appearances accounting for only .01% of our genetic makeup, doesn’t it make more sense that Blacks, Whites, Asians, Indians should work together in brotherhood for their own good?

10. If these Lizard-like people have been guiding the majority of Caucasians into a consciousness of racial prejudice in order to feed their off-world masters with the ultimate jolt of fear at the moment of their defeat and dimensional separation, wouldn’t it behoove you and other leaders of the Caucasian race to do all that you can to destroy this consciousness of racial prejudice?

11. If it is true that we live in a holographic existence and magnetism creates our existence, doesn’t it make sense that race is also a magnetic choice of the incarnating spirit ? Didn’t “Lucy” change hair color using electric signal in the brain?

12. Have people who harbor the consciousness of racial prejudice been setup by evil ETs with mind programming of racism and would this consciousness prevent them from discerning between good and bad ETs and cause them to generate extreme amounts of fear, anger and hatred when presented with the reality of ET’s existence?

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

CGI's litebrite: Only 1.4 Percent of White Americans owned black Slaves at the HEIGHT of Slavery
RumorMail -- Tuesday, 2-Aug-2016 12:37:46
Reader: Keep any BS slave color divide and concur crap. All most ALL are slaves to the BEAST system NOW!!!
RumorMail -- Tuesday, 2-Aug-2016 22:22:28
Reader: Did Aliens travel back in time posing as Caucasian leaders and program Caucasians to believe they are superior to others?
RumorMail -- Tuesday, 2-Aug-2016 22:39:51
Reader: Withdraw your attention, consent and energy from the parasites preying on humanity
RumorMail -- Tuesday, 2-Aug-2016 23:47:04

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