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Reader: Hillary Clinton's Secret Society

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Thursday, 14-Jul-2016 12:59:26

Forwarded to me from our CGI room. Not sure about the source?!?


Hillary Clinton's Secret Society

America hosts numerous members-only and even secret political clubs, which are much spoken but little known about. Most people take any stories related to them for a sort of conspiracy theory. Directors and writers playing on our curiosity and inclination to peep through a keyhole create their bestsellers and blockbusters pretending to know all the gen on secret communities.

Let us follow their example and appeal to the same feelings. We are going to crack open a door to an affluent private women's club codenamed International Neighbors Club II, or INC II. Half a hundred of quite high-powered women enjoy its membership. These ladies are best of the best, closest of the closest associates. It is they who are called elite and high-class society.

Like any real organization the club cannot possibly exist in virtual world, its members have to hold meetings somewhere on a regular basis. The latest dated back to February 24, 2016, was the one to draw our attention to the club. The point is that the meeting ran at a pretty interesting and unexpected place, namely the FBI headquarters in Washington D.C. The spot chosen appears to be quite extraordinary especially to serve as a women' club venue. So, we got intrigued to find out what sort of a club it is, who the members are and why the FBI hosts their sessions.

The club has turned out to be leaded by several dames, among them Debbie Dingell, congresswoman from Michigan; Lisa McGovern, Massachusetts congressman's wife, and Capricia Marshall, the former US Chief of Protocol. Do these names ring a bell? In fact, the ladies dominating the club are not just outstanding Democrats, they are Hillary Clinton's closest sisters in arms in her run for the Oval.

Ms. Marshall is far-famed as Special Assistant to the then-First Lady, while Ms. Dingell is known far and wide for her statements, that she can go all lengths for Hillary's sake. Besides, one more seat is taken by Ms. Mary Podesta, the wife of Clinton’s presidential campaign Chairman. Now it is obvious INC II should have turned into Hillary Clinton’s club.

The “Magnificent Democratic Four” boss the show, it is they who make out the club’s list, select prospective members on the basis of rigorous screening and determine guidelines.

There is a great deal of stateswomen in the club ranks. For instance, Susan DiMarco, who is married to Jen Johnson, the current Secretary of Homeland Security, then Amy Ricchetti, the wife of Joe Biden’s chief of staff Steve Ricchetti, as well as states congressmen’s wives. The mass media is represented by Tammy Haddad, Haddad Media President and CEO, Norah O'Donnell and Betsy Martin of CBS and NBC respectively.

However, American women are not the only ones to join the club. Clinton's associates focus their meticulous attention on foreign female ambassadors and their wives. Ladies representing diplomatic missions of Azerbaijan, Albany, Ireland, Kuwait, Lichtenstein, Oman and Finland are already sharing the club’s membership. Many newly come diplomats’ wives are being under leaders’ consideration at the moment: first of all, grand dames have got a bead on Carla Peterson, Argentinian Ambassador’s wife, Agnes O'Hare, EU Ambassador to the US David O’Sallivan’s wife as well as a spouse of Saudi Arabia’s ambassador Prince Abdullah bin Faisal bin Turki Bin Abdullah Al Saud. However, we have failed to find out which one of his wives.

It is worth mentioning that INC II is on the warpath with IC 1, another secret society. The elite clubs are struggling for the UK Ambassador’s wife Ms. Darroch’s membership.

Far be it from Hillary Clinton's confidants to recruit new members out of the goodness of their hearts. They take profound interest in the women who set the daily political agenda. The latter include female political leaders, lobbyists, diplomats, top managers and leading media persons.

By the way, it is not necessary to share the Democratic Party ideas to be a member of the club named after Hillary Clinton. Otherwise, it would be rather difficult to explain, what Ms. Abigail Blunt, the wife of Senate Republican from Missouri Roy Blunt and one of the most powerful lobbyists of Washington D.C., is doing in the club. This fact favors popular in this country belief that Democratic and Republican conservative wings differ but little. Neo-conservatism does unite old political elites regardless of their traditional party affiliation.

The INC II membership suggests that the club's leadership not only seeks out insider information from powerful and competent people but also tries to bring them into the area of their interests, lobby certain ideas, assign federal posts as well as protect loyal friends and acquaintances.

Such a relaxed club atmosphere makes it possible both to obtain valuable information, in particular a bit of news about political competitors, and sway members and their high-ranking husbands. This sort of strings to pull enables presidential nominee Clinton to make her plans come true with extra support in the name of politicians, businessmen, diplomats, and media officials.

Now it is pretty clear who the secret club members are and what aims they pursue. Going back to our muttons, let’s dwell on what really made them hold a stated meeting in the FBI HQ.

There is no secret the Bureau has investigated Hillary Clinton’s email correspondence and corruption at her Foundation. The FBI had planned to interrogate Clinton’s closest assistants before the meeting started. INC II members could have appeared on that list, for example, Ms. Capricia who already testified in favor of her patron Hillary Clinton back in 1996 regarding the Whitewater controversy as the Clintons had fallen under suspicion of impropriety.

Under these circumstances, Clinton's staff may have sought to pre-empt official inquiries by setting an informal contact and getting on the right side of the Bureau leadership under the veil of a women's club session.

Since James Comey, the FBI director, is a Republican, it might have been one-shot chance for Hillary to find common language with him through her Republican club associates. The step taken appears to be rather daring and offbeat whatsoever, but it may provide a more favorable investigation outcome.

Versions why noble ladies from the Democratic Party have chosen such an exotic spot to gather vary considerably. Mr. Comey should tell the Americans whether it is a modern standard to have club meetings held at one of the most powerful and closed secret special services of the world or the Democratic administration pressed him to arrange a women-only club’s “party” named after Hillary Clinton at the FBI headquarters.

Are you sure, you know politics inside and out? Can you truly say you are aware of what is happening here and abroad, with hand being on your heart? Let’s face it – you’ve got quite a rough idea about it. Our history is made on the sidelines of private clubs like Hilary Clinton’s, rather than in the street.

I have an interesting story from the insider in Hillary Clinton's staff.
Could you publish it?

Best regards
Terry Brown

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Reader: Hillary Clinton's Secret Society
RumorMail -- Thursday, 14-Jul-2016 12:59:26
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NaturalWisdom -- Thursday, 14-Jul-2016 19:36:49

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