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Racism Against Whiteness is Amplified because Whites are presently the Main Opposition to Global Domination

Posted By: Swami
Date: Saturday, 9-Jul-2016 19:50:02

In Response To: Agenda becomes clear: Obama uses recent shootings to push increased federalization of police (MrFusion)

[MrFusion, you got the drop on me, as I was thinking the same thing, and a little more.]

An Honest Conversation About Race | Jared Taylor and Stefan Molyneux - YouTube


The ability to advance oneself is not limited by skin color. However, genetics play a part in where you start out from, due to genetics being the hand-me-downs of previous generational experience. So if your previous generations have been limited by personal choices that led to mistakes that were difficult to recover from, then there will be delays in expansion of awareness, perception, and abilities. This equates to your present position/condition on the learning curve. You can learn from mistakes, as well as observation. We pass on our personal experiences to our children, who then go further than we did as parents. That is why children are also called offspring, as parents are the spring board for their kids. Eventually all advance.

Similar genetic experiences start you out at the same place.

Dissimilar genetic experiences start you out at different places.

The staggered start positions on a running track are due to the curvature, which helps or hinders, depending on whether you are on an inside track or an outside track, making the distances shorter or longer. The reason for this is to make it a fair competition. Yet life is not a competition. Its an experience. Its the expression of idea into physical form.

~~~ [Is this an example of breaking the mold of racism?]

Serena Williams beats Angelique Kerber in final, gets milestone win

"WIMBLEDON, England — In her pursuit of one of the most elusive records in tennis, the third time proved the charm for Serena Williams at Wimbledon on Saturday, beating Angelique Kerber 7-5, 6-3.

With the victory, her seventh singles title at Wimbledon, Williams claimed her 22nd Grand Slam singles title, equaling the Open Era record held by Steffi Graf.

Williams had lost her previous two Grand Slam finals earlier this year, falling to Kerber at the Australian Open and Garbine Muguruza at the French Open.

Williams had also lost in shocking fashion to unseeded Roberta Vinci in the semifinals of last year's U.S. Open, where she was attempting to equal Graf's record as well as complete a calendar year Grand Slam.

Williams' coach, Patrick Mouratoglou, said the loss to Vinci had taken longer for Serena to recuperate from than he initially expected.

"She missed once and because so many things were on the line — like the calendar Slam, the 22nd, the fact that it was in New York, I mean all those things together — this hurt her much too much," Mouratoglou said. "And then after, the other losses were a consequence of this one."

Williams downplayed the impact of that loss, saying reaching the finals of the next two majors showed her continued ability to persevere.

"I think if anything, I was able to show resilience," Williams said. "No, that's not going to shake me, you're not going to break me, it's going to make me stronger."

Still, she admitted the stress of falling just short so many times had weighed on her.

"I have, yeah, definitely had some sleepless nights, if I'm just honest," she said. "With a lot of stuff: coming so close, feeling it, not being able to quite get there."

The slow starts she had in those matches were nowhere to be found on Saturday, as Williams played with newfound purpose and power. She did not face a break point on her serve until late in the second set.

~~~ [Did this event actually occur? Were you an eye witness? Is this an example of casting another copy from the mold?]

"America Is Broken" - The Week Anger Boiled Over | Zero Hedge

Despite the fact a somewhat deluded President Barack Obama contends that racial relations have improved during his presidency - calling this week's black, former military Dallas shooter a "demented individual who's not representative of Americans," an atmosphere of crisis is enveloping the U.S. after a traumatic week; and as's Niall Stanage explains so 'fair-and-balanced'ly, it has left politicians, academic experts and private citizens searching for an explanation for the anger roiling the nation.

The killing of five police officers in Dallas in a Thursday evening ambush followed hard on the heels of two instances where black men were killed in deeply contentious circumstances by law enforcement: Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, La., and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minn.

As the nation was reeling from those events, there were also reports that a shooter in Tennessee who had killed one person earlier Thursday appeared to have been motivated by anger against police officers. There was panic at another rally in Portland, Ore., Thursday evening when an onlooker apparently antagonistic to protestors marching against police violence drew a weapon.

The series of events has created a sense that the social fabric is torn — one point upon which people in a deeply polarized country agree.

“America is broken,” movie director Spike Lee tweeted on Friday...

“America is driving toward the abyss and it’s time we hit the brakes” was the headline on a story on the conservative National Review website.

The atmosphere is so febrile that even some public figures who have themselves been accused of divisiveness in the past are emphasizing the need to seek common ground.

“We have got to make real change because otherwise these extremists exploit the anxiety of the people,” civil rights campaigner Rev. Al Sharpton told The Hill. “Most people want to see a balanced system where the police are respected and can do their job, and at the same time citizens are protected. After that, extremists have the floor.”

Others compared the current climate to 1968, a tumultuous year that saw the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, then a candidate for president, as well as riots in major cities and continuing friction over the Vietnam War.

“We had the riots, we had cities burning, the rise of the Black Panther Party, turbulence in the country,” said broadcaster and writer Earl Ofari Hutchinson. “But driving everything — the thing that stuck out — was the polarization, the division. We fast forward almost 50 years later and we are seeing a return of that sort of mentality.”

The comparison with 1968 is a fraught one, however, with some experts suggesting that the nation’s current troubles fail to rise to that level, significant though they are.

“It is not 1968. Many things have changed,” said Julian Zelizer, a Princeton professor of history and public affairs, on Friday. “Even the violence we saw last night pales by comparison with the rioting that took place throughout the 1960s.”

Whatever the merits of particular historic parallels, however, there is little doubt that the nation is in uncommonly volatile shape. While vexing questions of race and the criminal justice system are a big part of that, it also involves other issues, from economic insecurity to disenchantment with the political system.

Political polarization has also been exacerbated by the explosive growth in social media and the increased fragmentation of traditional media.

Cable news and talk radio give people the option to receive their information from sources that comport with their ideological leanings — and often speak with a shrill voice. On Friday, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said Black Lives Matter was “becoming a terrorist group committing hate crimes.”

The tendency to find reinforcement of one’s own views in social media is also well documented.

A 2014 study by the Pew Research Center found a significant rise in political polarization over the previous two decades.

The proportion of Democrats who said they held a “very unfavorable” view of the Republican Party, and vice versa, had more than doubled between 1994 and 2014. A full 50 percent of people who held “consistently conservative” views — and 35 percent of people who held “consistently liberal” views — said it was important for them to live in a place “where most people share my political views.”

“There is less overlap on the basic issues and basic values than there was two decades ago,” Alec Tyson, a senior researcher at Pew, said.

On top of that, the effects of wage stagnation, income inequality and economic insecurity seem to be playing a part in creating the current combustible atmosphere.

“When people wake up in the morning trying to figure out how they are going to pay the bills, how they are going to put food on the table for their family, it leads to an anxiety that then leads to bad judgment and bad choices,” said Sharpton.

The strained political atmosphere is hardly calming the waters either. To liberals, the success of Donald Trump in winning the Republican nomination has been rooted in an antagonistic attitude toward minorities, women and other groups. To conservatives, the comments of Democrats such as President Obama and Hillary Clinton about controversial cases involving police have undercut public confidence in law enforcement with unpredictable consequences.

Ron Hosko, the president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, asserted that while it was “perfectly appropriate” to have mature discussions about criminal justice reform, the president and others had taken things several steps too far.

Hosko argued that the “reflexive response” from Obama was to assume any interaction in which a black person died at the hands of police was rooted in racism.

“That is wholly inappropriate. He has shown ridiculously poor judgment. He is the divider-in-chief when he does that and he has done it repeatedly,” Hosko said.

Virtually no one on either side of the divide believes that a coming-together is imminent — especially when violence perpetrated by or against police might erupt again at any time, and the political world is moving full-speed ahead with a presidential campaign that is likely to be heated and bitter.

“The sides are pulling apart, they are certainly not pulling together,” said Hosko.

Hutchinson said: “I am deeply troubled because I do not see a way to bridge the gap that is there.”

Source: The Hill

~~~ [Is it obvious that the globalism agenda is high on Obama's to do list? Would that taint everything that comes out of his mouth?]

Obama Pushes More Federal Oversight of Cops After Dallas Attack on Cops - Breitbart

by Neil Munro9 Jul 2016

President Barack Obama is harnessing the increasing attacks on police in Dallas — and the periodic shootings of people by stressed cops — to push his agenda to federalize state and local police forces.

“I want to start moving on constructive actions that are actually going to make a difference,” he said during his evening press conference in Poland when he was asked about the Dallas attack.

Those actions, he said, would be based on the recommendations of the panel that he picked after the 2014 street riots in Ferguson, Missouri. The panel offered “practical concrete solutions that can reduce — if not eliminate — the problems of racial bias,” Obama said.

The dramatic shootings are an opportunity to push that agenda, Obama said. “If my voice has been true and positive, my hope would be that… [the panel] surfaces problems, it frames them, it allows us to wrestle with these issue and try to come up with practical solutions,” he said.

Obama began touting the panel’s recommendations in March 2015. The report, titled “President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing Report,” was published in May 2015.

The report urges the federal government to federalize police training and practices, via the use of federal lawsuits, grants and threats to cut federal aid. So far, Obama’s deputies have cajoled and sued more than 30 police jurisdictions to adopt federal rules in a slow-motion creation of a national police system, similar to the slow-motion creation of a federal-run health-sector via Obamacare.

Obama also used the press conference to insulate his federalized police program — and his allies in the Black Live Matter movement — from popular rejection after the five police were murdered by the anti-cop African-American in Dallas.

“The danger is that we somehow think the act of a troubled person speaks to some larger political statement across the country — it doesn’t,” Obama insisted.

Obama shrugged off growing criticism that his own anti-cop statements helped trigger the shootings in Dallas and several other cities on Thursday and Friday. “It is very hard to untangle to motives of this [Dallas] shooter … you have a troubled mind … what feeds it, what sets it off, I’ll leave that to psychologists and people who study these kids of incidents.”

Throughout his press conference, Obama tried to play the role of national healer. “As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested. Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged by the inexcusable attacks on police … that includes protestors, it includes family members who have grave concerns about police conduct, and they’ve said that this is unacceptable, there is no division there,” he said.


Elite Preparing for Financial ARMAGEDDON? | James Corbett - YouTube


The Black Inventor Online Museum | Profiles on African American and Black Inventors Over the Last 300 Years

is the #1 resource on the web focusing on the ingenuity and accomplishments of the top Black inventors over the last 300 years. Their contributions are chronicled and the inventors are profiled, providing information for students and others interested in these pioneers of Black History.


Black Inventors A-Z

This is a A-Z list of popular Black inventors that we have more extensive information on: biographies, images, timelines, and other media. The Black Inventors Patent Holders List contains many more names, however, a biography may or may not be available. for further research we suggest using our Black History Month landing page.


20 Black Inventions Over The Last 100 Years You May Not Know - Atlanta Black Star


Are the above people examples of mold breakers, or did they just give their attention to something other than propaganda that is meant to divide and conquer?

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Agenda becomes clear: Obama uses recent shootings to push increased federalization of police
MrFusion -- Saturday, 9-Jul-2016 19:01:27
Racism Against Whiteness is Amplified because Whites are presently the Main Opposition to Global Domination
Swami -- Saturday, 9-Jul-2016 19:50:02

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