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CGI's Morgan: Killing for Krap and the Wrath of Tamerlane - Dog Poet

Posted By: CGI_admin
Date: Sunday, 30-Nov-2014 02:06:17

From CGI's Morgan:

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

The fall of a gigantic super power and its culture of excess is never pretty. It is especially gruesome when, front and center, all that one can see is the tawdry, the ridiculous and the embarrassing. Of everything I have seen, nothing sums it up better (or worse?) than this. It’s all become a cartoon; an unfunny cartoon. The leaders are cartoon characters. The social luminaries and entertainment icons are all cartoons. When it isn't a cartoon it is a horror movie. It’s Tom and Jerry hacking each other to death with axes. It’s Roadrunner being chased by a rabid, frothing at the mouth, coyote and then... a safe falls on his head. It’s not a safe, it’s the Federal Reserve and it’s not the Roadrunner, it’s the American public, lurching on crutches down a concrete road of fused skeletons. The stretch of the highway of the dead goes on forever.

Somewhere over a millennium ago, a stunted little psychopath named Tamerlane, built a massive concrete wall and he embedded over 2,000 living men into it. There they remained screaming and crying out, until they starved or vermin and predators killed them. That wasn't all Tamerlane did. He buried alive, over 4,000 Armenians. He built many towers of skulls at Aleppo and Damascus. He slaughtered 100,000 Indian captives at Delhi and 70,000 others at Isfahan. There’s a monster for you. History is filled with examples of this sort of thing, committed by these kinds of people.

One of the things I have noticed as I go, is how few people have any awareness of History and what history they do know about is what is sanitized for public consumption. Materialism has a lot of byproducts and nearly all of them are toxic and undesirable. One of them is the wide spread proliferation of callous indifference and brutality that are expressed in action, manifesting from the mind of assumed authority. Here’s a classic example of that and this sort of thing is happening in multiples every single day. Meanwhile, the nation is in uproar over the shooting of someone who robbed a store and assaulted a police officer. The more I look at the case the less innocent Michael Brown appears. Saying this won’t win me any leftist liberal hearts. Maybe they can create a downtown holy manger scene with Brown and the Memphis 3 from Robin Hood Hills. It’s what it is until it isn’t.

It’s getting really weird out there and as Mr. Apocalypse cranks up the uncovering of manufactured darkness, it is going to get even weirder and the indefensible gets more and more indefensible. Slowly but surely, light is creeping into the Groves of Academe. It’s the opposite of the darkness creeping in as it did over past decades. The press is on! Try as they might, the manipulators of perception, the hidden persuaders, the smoke and mirrors dancers and snake oil salesmen are all getting turned out and showcased for what they are.

It truly is touch and go. Will humanity wake up in time? Will calamity swallow humanity whole? Will The Perfect Bacon Bowl be that mysterious relic that future civilizations pull from their archaeological digs and will they create an entire religion out of it like what happened in “A Canticle for Leibowitz?”

Every day I climb out of the brilliant color of the night’s fading dreams and rise to whatever the occasions of the day might be. I go to the Crass Media and I go to the Alternative Media and I think about what I see. I sit down to write about what I see, as I am doing at this very moment. I wonder and I analyze. I consider what actions are appropriate for me to take and to abstain from. I look at what is possible for me, or anyone and I find... I find... invariably that all I can do is seek to improve myself and my nature and attitude. The world outside is a runaway butcher shop. The level of cruelty and general disregard is both shocking and intimidating. Black Friday got transplanted across the Atlantic to one of the major centers of gross obesity on the planet with the predictable result. You've got more pictures than you could need of the whole sorry spectacle.

Materialism is a disease. It is nearly indistinguishable from Cancer. It is a cancer. It eats your soul. Obviously, this sad and horrible trend has to play itself out. What can you do? You can step out of the way. You are not going to convince any of the rest of them to. They are mad. They are certifiably insane and they will kill and maim in the pursuit of gain. They will Kill for Krap. Imagine the level of rage, the anger that the futility and impotence generates. Think of what the end result will be when the assault of ever more outraged Nature and the lack of heating fuel and electricity meet up.

Imagine the exponentially wider epidemic of health problems that are on the doorstep given the diet and emotional state of the masses. It is not going to be pretty. I don’t want to sell despair over it all. It is meant to happen in those places where it happens and you will happen to be there or you will not. To the degree that you are a part of this consciousness, the fate of this consciousness will play out in your life.

Beneath the surface of what might be called ‘ordinary life’ but which is no longer ordinary, there are large monsters swimming in the collective unconscious and these monsters are being whipped to the surface through the medium of the masses.

Day after day, I watch what comes to pass. I watch the wider world and I watch what passes directly in front of me. Where is the best place to be during a cattle stampede? The best place to be is somewhere else. Where are cattle stampedes most likely to occur? They are most likely to occur where there are a whole lot of cattle herded up or grazing in the same place. I've got no more to say on the matter.

Last week I went to take a test for which I had gone through a lot of changes and a lot of work to be in a position to take it. Yesterday, I found that I had passed that test and now I have EU citizenship as well as US citizenship. That means I can go anywhere that this influence runs the show and stay as long as I like. This was quite an achievement for me and it comes on the heels of some other achievements that I don’t feel the need to go into at the moment. Let’s just say things are moving well and I had been told they would and so they are. This doesn't mean it can’t all go horribly south at any moment but... the trending vibe is not giving any indication of that.


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Articles In This Thread

CGI's Morgan: Killing for Krap and the Wrath of Tamerlane - Dog Poet
CGI_admin -- Sunday, 30-Nov-2014 02:06:17
CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet: The Siamese Twins of Satanism and Materialism, Dancing a Clockwork Orange
Susoni -- Monday, 1-Dec-2014 00:51:01

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