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Nattokinase (from soy) & Serrapeptase (from Silk Worms)

Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Tuesday, 21-Jun-2016 11:17:09

In Response To: Fiber From Poor Foods/Pesticides That Stay in Body Provide Attachment For Hydrogen Sulfide to Also Stay in Body (CrystalRiver)

Dear RM Agents and Readers,

Serrapeptase is a proteolytic (protein destroying) enzyme from bacteria native to the digestive system of silkworms. It is the enzyme responsible for dissolving a silkworm's cocoon. Traditionally, serrapeptase has been used for its anti-inflammatory properties. Today, it is marketed as a joint health supplement.

The enzyme made by the silk worm freaked me out a bit thinking about William Harvey from NASA who had Morgellon's reserach in regards to worms being the cause.

Did you read or watch I Robot? Remember the crumbs. I started following crumbs before I was to ill to do so. Here I am again following crumbs and could it be that Harvey wasn't talking about what caused Morgellons but possibly that which could help it?

Why do dogs roll in worms? Article below only partly true; what of the enzymes? We are part of the natural world and so are the worms despite the overly myopic view of the tree huggers that don't realize their own importance in the scheme of the earth.

Read the following with a handful of salt:)


This looks more to be the correct answer or better stated on target!

Giving dogs more credit than just wanting to be stinky:)

See what sleeping with dogs will get you; lots of understanding in many things:) Didn't sleep with my dogs until after I got sick. For those that will suggest otherwise---

Many Blessings,

(note from CR: I was called to attend Harvey in his office in Colorado Springs, Co. but didn't go because I was to ill at the time. Later I discovered Harvey wasn't present and the whole thing was a ruse and those that did go; saw people that were flat of emotion and they took samples and that was it. Never to be seen or heard from again after that. The office closed and )

Research I can't find told of blue white and black worms and female male based upon color of the worm. I'm still unable to find it.

More info from Dr. William Harvey below:

William Harvey, MD, MS, MPH
Board Chairman, MRF
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2007 9:30:54 AM
Subject: Re: Treatment for Morgellons Disease
We are moving closer to understanding the mechanism of this illness and have almost completed the defining paper for submission to a medical journal for review. Early in 2007, we did a detailed study of 25 consecutive presumed Morgellons patients here, collecting over 407 parameters on each, from laboratory values, to physical exam findings, to detailed medical history. All parameters were mathematically collated to give us a first “look” at a Morgellons “average”. As the illness began with Ms Leitao’s search for a name for her son’s illness based solely on filaments she saw, all registrants have been purely self-diagnosed…again mainly based on the appearance of skin filaments, then later movement sensation.
The summary data was extremely revealing, and briefly, showed us consistent abnormalities in immune function, chronic systemic inflammation, multi-system involvement…and perhaps what is turning out to be most important, the presence in all of actual parasites.
By August 2007, we had micrographs of at least two genera and several species. The latter are so similar that we needed help in answering the question: exactly what species are they, as this impacts treatment significantly. As I speak, we have assembled a group of scientists at a state university laboratory with equipment capable of giving us the answer. In the group are three veterinarians, a parasitologist, a mycologist, an FBI trained forensics Nurse Practitioner, a PhD invertebrate zoologist, a psychiatrist experienced in infectious causes of behavioral change…and me.
Hopefully, they will close the loop for us in the next few months.
Meanwhile, we knew enough months ago to resolve the illness in most, with two caveats. (1) Close to 90% get 90% well if we use intravenous antibiotics strictly tailored for one bacterium for several months. Hundreds have done this safely. The same antibiotics given orally take about 8 months. (2) With the finding of the most common parasite species, the use of one of two anti-helmenthic antibiotics will resolve many symptoms, especially the skin manifestation in days…but only in about half.
Knowing the species in each individual may resolve this.
All that said, treatment has to be guided carefully with regular testing of liver, kidney and marrow effects. A clinician must have extensive experience to avoid the errors we made. As we arelicensed physicians, it is not permissible for us to write treatment protocols on line. This isn’t done for control, but for patient safety and steering to a good outcome.
FYI, this phenomenon in NOT chronic Lyme disease, it’s not Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and we are now certain it is NOT Delusions of Parasitosis. The latter in fact, will be the thrust of thepaper: the DOP label has resulted in inappropriate and incomplete treatment of countless people who never recovered. Once the final DNA sequencing is done and the paper completed, it will be published with treatment protocol(s) for all clinicians world wide to use.
Meanwhile, as both primary organisms create brain limbic system abnormalities, we now understand that the delusional component of the illness is real in many affected (but far from all), so correct psychotropic medication can help that component even if treated purely independently. Nearly half the Morgellons are bipolar, but became so AFTER the parasite infection began. Others have formal diagnoses of extreme OCD or ADD/ADHD. The prevalence in children is no different from adults, and there appear to be no gender or race differences.

We know that effective treatment can be obtained in Colorado from physicians who worked with us in Colorado Springs. Otherwise the globe is literally full of practitioners offering cures without factual basis. Our task is now focused: to complete and write the defining paper and provide the answer to everybody.
William Harvey, MD, MS, MPH

Board Chairman, MRF

Images of an unidentified species, which could be Protozoan, worm, fungi, wohlbachia(ricketts like), spirochate forms, archaean extremophiles, and others will be presented as we unravel this.
The introduction of Homeobox genes to form Universal genes was the first step, but, we must be able to identify what already exists and is being ignored.
Simply, my friends, it is Worms, in particular the Neglected Studies of Skin Worms. Now, consider these proteins from these worm coats were used for other things.
The minimal priomordial cell was created as a universal cell to be used across all species of living moving natural elements.
What is that progeny that can create numerous species that cannot be identified, because they have morphed into other new NOVEL organisms?
Who is responsible for this?
Are we asking the right questions?

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Articles In This Thread

Fiber From Poor Foods/Pesticides That Stay in Body Provide Attachment For Hydrogen Sulfide to Also Stay in Body
CrystalRiver -- Tuesday, 21-Jun-2016 07:57:26
Nattokinase (from soy) & Serrapeptase (from Silk Worms)
CrystalRiver -- Tuesday, 21-Jun-2016 11:17:09
Thanks - that might make for a good future article
Dquixote1217 -- Tuesday, 21-Jun-2016 11:32:16
Thank You DQ---I Really Think The Information Above Will Help a Lot of People
CrystalRiver -- Tuesday, 21-Jun-2016 12:22:21

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