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A Ex-Jew on Jewi-ness

Posted By: Swami
Date: Sunday, 12-Jun-2016 00:56:59

In Response To: link: "New York Governor Signs Executive Order To Punish People Who Criticize Israel" (hobie)

Gilad Atzmon on 'Jew, Judaism, Jewishness' - an interview with Bill Alford - YouTube

"Jewishness, is the ideology that drives Jewish politics, Jewish culture. It is self-centric, it is self-loving, it is exclusive, it is racially driven, or at least ethnocentric."

"Zionism is just one symptom of Jewishness gone mad, but the Jewish anti-Zionist are following exactly the same pattern."

"..Jews believe in many things, but all Jews believe in the holocaust, and he came to the conclusion, that actually the holocaust is the contemporary Jewish religion."

"Jewish religion, whatever it is, holocaust, Judaism, reformism, or whatever, always make the Jew very special. It is the ultimate form of exceptionalism."

"What is Zionism? Zionism was formed, in the light, of Jewish emancipation. The nation, European nations, invited the Jews to join in, and they moved out of the ghetto, and they started to drift away. Zionism was an attempt to grab them and to give them a prospect of a new collective future."

"Those who see an element of special-ness in the fact that they are Jews, and this is exactly what Zionism is all about. They don't necessarily follow the Torah. In fact the early Zionism was formed by Jewish atheists. And those third category, those people who operate politically as Jews are very very problematic, because whether they understand it or not, they are participating in an ethnocentric racially driven discourse."

"When it comes to Jews, or Jewish identity, they've built a very unique trinity, that is built on racial orientation, religious orientation, and nationalist orientation. When you attack them, when you attack their politics, or the nationalist politics, they hide behind the race. So when you criticize Israel, they tell you, you attack me because I'm a Jew, because you attack my race, regardless of the fact that Jews are not a race, and they've never been a race. This is something, you know its kind of, I interject with myself. Jews are not a race. There is no Jewish racial contin[??]. Jewish politics, Jewish identity politics, Jewish culture, is uniquely racist. So when you criticize their politics, they hide behind the race. When you criticize their religion, they become atheist, and they are just a nation of atheists. The meaning of it is again, you can oddly run an educated debate with Jews who subscribe to Jewish politics, because you have to run around, and its like, you can never catch them in a clear solid position. Now, in order to make sure that you are paralyzed, in such a debate, and can never criticize, either the Zionist or anti-Zionists or whatever, you cannot touch this subject, we refine, we have to refine the notion of Jewish power. Jewish power is the unique capacity to silence the discussion on Jewish power. So AIPAC is not Jewish power, the Jewish lobby in America is not Jewish power, its just symptom of Jewish power. Hollywood, dominated by Jews and so on and so on, no this is not Jewish power, this is a symptom of Jewish power. Jewish power, Jewish power, is actually a project that is facilitated by the Jewish left. They are gate keeping the discourse, and I'll be very precise, they planted this political correctness in the hearts and minds of each American, or I may even say, each western person."

"What is political correctness? Political correctness is politics that doesn't allow political opposition. ... self censorship, it is you who censors yourself.."

"We have managed to paralyze any truthful political discussion. Now, we are living 30/40 years with this political correctness, and I definitely think political correctness is a Jewish project."

"..every Jew who thinks politically as a Jew, whether supporting Israel, or oppose Israel, is a Zionist. But if you are a Jew, who believe in the Torah, you're not necessarily a Zionist. In fact we know that the most forceful and ideologically lucid opponents of Israel are actually are the Torah Jews who are an orthodox sect. Now, you can be a Jew because of your ancestry, and this doesn't make you into a Zionist. "

"Zionism is a hoax. Zionism was the promise, to bring the Jews to the promise land, and eventually form a sovereign state."

"I joined the Israeli army in 81. In 82 there was a war. I realized that the Israeli army wasn't necessarily a defense force. We were quite aggressive. And definitely an offensive act in that conflict. In that war, I started, for the first time, to see the Palestinians in a different light. I saw Palestinian resistance. I saw the refugee camps. I started to ask questions, and it still took me a good 8, 9, or 10 years to realize the scene, that was involved in my existence in the promise land."

"Because once you operate within, or close to, a political organization, you have to subscribe to terminology. So for instance, the Palestinian solidarity now, they talk about bds, they have colonialism, they like to talk about colonialism, and apartheid."

"I insist to be a free-thinker."

"I have a lot of followers. And I hope that my followers are brave enough, a) to question everything I'm saying, b) to think critically for themselves."

"I am a post-political person, I don't believe in left and right, I despise activism. Rather than being an activist, I much prefer to be very active. And what does it mean for me to be very active? I read a lot, I think a lot. For me, rather than finding a solution, the most important thing, is to refine the question."

"We are making love to ourselves, at the expense of the Palestinians. Its self-affirmation. And as a matter of fact, we know that we achieved nothing. ... 40 years, we've achieved nothing. Why? Because we are a controlled opposition front. The most important question is, what is going on with this Jewish state, how is it supported by the lobbies, what is the relationship between the Jewish ideology, the old testament, and so on, and so on? These are the most crucial questions. So rather than just saying the Israelis are not nice and they are very radically racist, [ask] why?"

"What can we do? And this is the most important question. It is very simple. I go back to the first amendment. Start to explore your thoughts, openly, celebrate your being. Celebrate the fact that you can see things, that you can feel things. This is the change. Start to say in the open what you think. And you will see the change."

"It is not a secret, that American politics is dominated by a foreign lobby, namely AIPAC. The Jewish lobby. The tragedy, is that the people who lead AIPAC, are not exactly experts on intelligence, military matters. This is the issue. They are good accountants, they come from Hollywood, some of them, one of them, is kind of a major factory for toilet seats. But this is not exactly the people who can define American strategy."

"The Jewish lobby wanted to see blood, they wanted to see Syrian blood, they want to see war..."

"..and eventually, how embarrassing it was, to see president Obama zig-zagging his way, out of the war, set by the lobby. It was very very clever. He was extremely clever. But the fact that the president, democratically elected president, of the united states, has to be so sophisticated and manipulative, in order to save your country, from launching another illegal war?"

"I think that by now, it is very clear, to many of us, including the Israeli leadership, that Washington is Israel's most subservient colony."

"It is not clear, who or where, is the headquarters of the world Jewish affairs. Is it in Knesset, is it the Israeli cabinet, [unclear], is it in George Soros, is here in this room now, it is not clear. And I looked into it, for many years, and I realized, that the most sophisticated element of the core, of Jewish domination, is the fact that we have managed to create a tribal setting, that operates like an organism. When you shoot a gun, and kill, is it the finger that is complicit in the kill, is it the arm, is it the brain, is it the eye. Its all of you. And yet, not a single organ is responsible."

"Even I, Gilad Atzmon,, an ex-Jew, serve the Jewish cause, by talking to you now. Because, if tomorrow, somebody will attack a Zionist, and say, listen you know, all the Jews they are your war mongers. We'll say, look at Gilad Atzmon, he is one of us. At least ethnically. And he's against it. And this is very, very unique. And this is by the way, the role of the Jewish anti-Zionist. They say, Oh you see not all Jews are that bad. Look at us, we are so nice. You know. Yeah, we are used to it. And this is why, in order to save America, and to save the Jews from themselves, or from the cognitive elite, because its always, by the way, the cognitive elite that brings disaster on the Jews, and they never suffer. How many Rothschild died in the shoah? None. Even Soros was working with Nazis."

"It is very clear to me, that a lot of Jews are drifting out, away, all the time. But, I don't think the Jews, and this is my answer to the Jewish question, it is the first time that I say it in front of camera, I don't think that there is a collective answer to this question. If you are a Jew, you are troubled, find your way. Find your way. Don't try to find other Jews that feel like you. Find your way. Deal with it. Go. You are free. If you are a Jew, and you are troubled, and you should be troubled, find your way out. There is no collective solution. There is no solution to the Jewish question."

"I am very, very troubled, with the state of your country, and I think you are in big trouble. And you are in big trouble because of debt, lobbyist that dominate your politics, and drag you into war, and I think America is very important for me, as a musician, as an artist, as a humanist. There are so many things that I love about this country. And I am very troubled by it. And I am very troubled by the level of oppression, that we see in Palestine. And I think that Jews are bringing a huge disaster on themselves."

"Opposition to debt is the only thing that can save us, as well as the Jews."


Gilad Atzmon: The Cognitive Elite of Jewish History - YouTube

"..if I would be allowed to say what I am saying in NYU, or Colombia university, it would probably mean that I am part of the establishment, so the fact that you are here with me today, kind of we are hiding basically, only means that the situation in this country is not that different from USSR in 1970's. The only difference, is that in the soviet union, at the end of the empire, is that ... in the soviet union, people realized that they were heavily misinformed, so that if they told you in the morning news, that the weather is gonna be nice, people realized that there was a storm approaching. And I'm not so sure that this is the situation in the united states."

"In the Jewish ghetto, the European Jewish ghetto, for many hundred years, some people say as many as 1500 years, they exercised a .. a very unique exercise, something you may call .. a eugenic project. They used to marry the merchant daughter, the daughter of the richest Jew in the ghetto, it was always an arranged marriage, with the sage. With the boy, .. what they called.. the Torah supreme talent, the boy that was destined to be a leading rabbi, scholar, judge, and so on. They basically created a very, very unique and small class of people, who were extremely talented in money, and scholarship. It explains a lot. For many years, I came across this notion of the Jewish genius. And I've always been troubled by it, because the amount of Jewish idiots that i encounter along my life, was more than enormous. But i also realized, that some Jews are uniquely clever, shrewd, they're funny, and they are good in business. Its a fact. And I never understood it. This kind of class division in the Jewish world. But now we start to understand what it was. The more clever, the small elite [became], the more stupid the Jewish masses became. Because, for 1500 years, they were impoverished, they were robbed, of talent. Every time we spot a talent, we send him to the best [isheva?]. By the way, all that time, the catholic, did exactly the opposite. Every time they spotted a uniquely clever boy, they send him to the church, they told him, girls - forget about it, boys maybe. So the catholic became more stupid, and the Jews were extremely clever in building that kind of unique cognitive elite. "

"Let us try to understand what is cognitive elite. .. the bell curve is a representation, of the manner in which things are distributed in nature. .. the same applies to ability... in European societies.. aristocracies .. elites .. we have a few idiotic aristocrats, some are clever, most are average. Its basically a bell curve squashed. And why? Because in European society, the title .. was passed to the elder son, .. not to the most clever, son, yes. So if the older son, was stupid, .. the Brits had a problem, because they were greedy, they wanted to run an empire, and they realized that they need many, many more clever people. The open aristocracy, through peerage, ... they started to grab people from military, from clergy, from civil servants, academia, the arts, sir Elton Jon, its a joke. And they created a nice little bump [on the bell curve of ability]. This trick made British aristocracy one of the most sufficient cognitive elite. This is why they managed to run an empire. The ottoman empire used a very similar trick. They collated talent from different tribes. Different ethnicity. Armenians, Muslims, obviously, Kurdish, their aristocracy looked pretty much the same. But when it comes to the Jewish elite, it looks different, ... no stupid, no average, uniquely clever people, again clever in scholarship, and money. At the same time, the Jewish masses are becoming more and more stupid. We [are] really talking about cognitive partitioning. Between the very clever, ... we have a clear division between the uniquely clever people and the stupid. There is something even more interesting. In the Jewish world, we see a clear geographic divide between the stupid and the clever. The stupid are in the east, the clever one are in the west. And why? Every time you identify a very very clever Jew, what do you do? You send him to a top [isheva?] in the west. This is obviously a generalization. "

"..when it comes to Zionism, 5 to 10 extremely uniquely clever Jews are redeeming the Jews in the east. Who are pretty much a limited class. [the eastern Jew is only capable of manual labor, while the western Jew is the unique people with rabbinical ancestry]"

"Now, by the way you have to understand that this unique combination of money and scholarship, is very unique for the Jews. Those who visited good universities, .. good American universities with American professors, probably were quick to find out that many of our Anglo Saxon or white professors, many of them not all of them, are uniquely clever in mathematics, physics, philosophy, but they are pretty much totally dysfunctional in everything else. They definitely don't know how to sell their theories, how to turn them into money, do you know what I am talking about? They don't know how to talk to women. .. And this is something that we can start to understand. These people - money and scholarship."

"Marx, he wasn't alone. .. Marx was likely better, in marketing. Freud and Jung, Jung was way more interesting. Freud, quite incredibly, managed to convince all of you, that you want to sleep with your mother or father. And you were stupid enough to buy it. I'm sorry about it, I take some responsibility for it. As its quite embarrassing. There is no doubt that Freud was better in marketing. He invested, actually, a lot of energy in suppressing Jung. Let me tell you something else, and I'm going to annoy some of you, I hope. Noam Chomsky, I really tried to dig into Noam Chomsky's work, and I found nothing. Nothing, uniquely boring. Which is, as far as I'm aware, is much bigger crime. Boredom, is a disaster. The man has never inspired me to think. He's an anti-intellectual. An intellectual is a person, who inspires you to think on your own. Noam Chomsky, and his disciples, they try to tell you what to think and how to think. Its the correctness model"

"But in spite of him being so lame and boring, he's very good in marketing. "

"I find a lot of those symptoms in my own activity, in my own personality, and so on."

"When you start to understand this cognitive divide, you may be able to start to understand what is Zionism."

"What I am doing today, is I'm trying to give you a tool, that will help you to understand, the social environment in which we live."

"Even Palestine has a bell curve.. ..idiots, clever, etc.. . Palestine has been conquered.. ..for quite a few years.. more than 2 thousand years.. 70 different conquerors.. what is the role of elite in a conquered society? To acquiesce, to serve the conqueror, to keep the people in line.. , ..what is the Israeli/Zionist method to deal with the Palestinian resistance? Focused Assassination. Who are the people that they take out? The [Palestinian] elite. .. they take out the cognitive elite, because they understand the importance of the cognitive elite. .. this bell curve of the Palestinian elite, explains to us why nothing really happens in Palestine, and why the Palestinian elite diaspora, is the first to take money from George Soros and other sources. They are there to put their own people in line. The meaning of it is that they achieve nothing."

"And now I'm going to contradict myself, I just said that Palestinians are useless and cannot raise a proper elite. And by the way its not the Palestinians fault that their elite is subservient. But look what happened in the last three months. In the last four months in gaza. This is incredible, There is no doubt, that the Israeli army, Israeli air-force, are militarily superior, advanced weaponry, tactics, and they were defeated, humiliated, in Gaza, by a very small military force. How did it happen? I just argued that Palestinians cannot have elites. It is very simple. If I lock this room now, put NYPD around us, and leave this room with few pita bread, and a bit of hummus, it will take us 2 hours to find out who is the most charismatic person in this room, who is the most clever person in the room, who is the most assertive, who is happy to physically engage. This is the law of the prison. By turning Palestine into a prison, they pushed the Palestinians into a completely knew social order, and the Palestinians were extremely clever, through the Islamic education, they developed an elite, by the way you can develop eugenically, and you can develop elite through IQ test. I can take this room, run an IQ test, everyone over 150 is going to further education, there are many ways to do it. This is what they did in Palestine in ten years."

"Let's talk about you guys, America. ... you were a very very diverse and mixed society, in other words, along the assembly line, in ford factory, you could have a very limited person standing side by side with the most clever people on this planet. There was a lot of need for labor, and people realized that if you work you can support a family. But America 2014 looks like that [partitioned]. Miraculously, you have managed to copy the cognitive partitioning of the Jewish ghetto. How did it happen to you. Its a disaster. Its a disaster because its very difficult to close this gap. How did it happen to you? I'm happy to discuss it with you, but what I think that led towards this very problematic partitioning, basically we have some very very clever people, and we have people who used to be working class, now they are work-less class, and they are becoming under-class. More and more people are becoming under-class. And there are millions, tens of millions in your country. And each of you can find yourself here (under-class)."

"At a certain stage, in your history, you decided, not you, somebody decided on your behalf to give up on production. You have become a service economy. "

"Milton Friedman ... talking about Jews and capitalism, Jews and free market.. and for Jews, service economy is what they do for 2 thousand years. They are never getting involved in production. In fact Zionism was there to change it. This is very interesting. We always like to look down on Zionism, but early Zionism was there to change . The Zionist admitted there was a clear problem in Jewish culture. They said we are a bunch of usurer capitalists. Belbolholf [?] said, every society looks like that [pyramid], we have a lot of working class people working in production, a few doctors, lawyers, and a few bourgeoisie. He said, Jewish society look like that [inverted pyramid]. Maybe we have one guy, who you know, by mistake walked into a factory. We have a lot of lawyers, and the rest are in wall street. Zionism says, its not our fault. This is something clever about Jews, its never our fault. Its always the goyims fault. He said, but we are going to change that. It all happened because we don't have a state, once we have a state, we will become a normal society. We will change it. And it was true. They went to Palestine, they started to walk on the land, they built factories, for almost two weeks. And then they found out that the Palestinians were cheaper. And this is probably the end of it. So, Zionism, at least ideologically, early Zionism, is a very interesting moment, in Jewish history. Its a unique moment where the Jews are owning their problems. Admitting their problems. In my book, you can read some Zionist quotes, and if you wouldn't know that they were written by Zionists, you believe they were written by Hitler, guerring [?], er, whatever."

"Milton Friedman managed to convince, not just your government, not just Reagan, also Margaret thatcher, that we can operate as a service economy. The creation of service economy, led to the annihilation of your production, manufacturing, and created a great demand for high ability. This led to the rise of the only industry, in this country, I think, is university/academia industry. They are selling you the image, the fantasy, of being able. So you go to university, pay 40 thousand bucks a year, with the hope that you will find your place here [elite zone]. And usually it doesn't work, they don't need your paper, they don't need your diploma. They need you to be clever, and brutal."

"If we now, look at the American cognitive elite, ... and the under-class, what do you see? The Jews are overwhelmingly over represented in the cognitive elite of America. Which is exactly what you see in your politics, in your Hollywood, in your media, and blacks and Hispanics are pushed into the under-class. So whether Einstein was right or wrong, I leave it for you to judge. Maybe this model is completely wrong, but the prediction is fucking spot on. Spot on. And the left [?] organizations, that silenced his study, actually are responsible for millions, tens of millions, of Americans who are living in total deprivation, and don't see a prospect of a better future."

"And now the left... America is now broken into two societies, the cognitive elite, and in practice the cognitive elite, lets face it, their very very clever, and they're not that many [.01%]. .. Now you understand what it is. In the old days, we had a real genuine left. Why? Because left is labor oriented notion. The left was the voice of the working class. Because there was work, so simple. When there was work, there was left, that was representing the worker."

"Nowadays, its quite strange, because there is no work. The left in the west, not just in America, are a uniquely average people. They are a bunch of delusional collective And why do I say they are here [center of bell curve], if they were here [high cognitive end], they wouldn't have time to be left. They would make money and a lot of it. so they cannot be here [high cognitive end]. If they were here [under-class], where they should be, nobody would notice them. Nobody cares what happened in the most deprived, segregated neighborhoods of Detroit, or new jersey. So the left is here [center of bell curve], and now we are going to witness the greatest political betrayal of modern times. The people here [high cog], the elites, they are usually very liberal and nice, their pro immigration, against injustice, racial discrimination, gender discrimination, they are really nice people. And guess what, these unique average people [center of bell curve/lefty], namely the left, are also pro immigration, against discrimination, gender discrimination, racial discrimination. Shockingly enough, the left was traditionally there to criticize the elite, is now supported by the elite, because they believe in the same things. And there is a guy called George Soros, and he has the open society institute, and the open society institute supports every left progressive organization, not just in America. But all over the world. Because what we see here [center of bell curve] is not real left, it is a controlled opposition. Pretty devastating isn't it."

"How did it happen to the left, that is was hijacked and turned into a controlled opposition? And i guess that most people in the room here today, because they know that I'm the one who speaks about it. Once upon a time, you were a collective of Americans. Some of you were rich, some poor, many were middle class. And the left ideology was simple. If you are a worker, it doesn't matter if you are a man, woman, black, Jew, Indian, gay, LGBT, we didn't have it, we were one. And it was quite exciting, but then something happened, .. we decided to slice society into identity groups. Instead of being one, we started to talk about identities, the gay, the woman, the black, the Muslim. And each group had its own oppressor. The woman are oppressed by the man chauvinist, the black is suppressed by the white supremacist, and its all quite kind of theoretical. Because you know I've been with quite a few women, its hard to believe you know, because I'm fat and stuff like that, but it must be because of my intellectual . They think I'm a clever Jew, maybe. "

"So, we have a lot of sectarian wars, the gays with the Muslims, the Muslims with the islamophobes, the Jews with everyone. And all that time, we have these sectarian wars, we've forgot what are the most important issues. What is the most important issues in a society? Work, jobs, health, and education. Instead of being concerned with the three most important things, we are engaging endless discussions about gay marriage."

"..its a marginal issue. Antisemitism, whether its there or not, its a marginal issue. We put the marginal topics at the front, and all that time, instead of working for labor, it was the left, that created the segregated ideology, and facilitated the invasion of big money, corporatism, and globalization. And you cannot talk about, and you don't know what to do about it. And why? Because one of the first things that they did to you, they imposed political correctness. Political correctness is the cement that facilitates the transformation of your American collective into isolated margins."

"What is political correctness? Political correctness, is politics that doesn't allow political criticism. This is what political correctness [is]. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the definition of dictatorship. Dictatorship is politics that doesn't allow political dissent. No, dictatorship is nice in comparison to political correctness. Because, in dictatorship, you can go to the pub, we can meet in this room, [and whisper truth to each other] and its fine. You can even get away with it. But in the case of political correctness, it is you, yourself, that silences your dissent. Its a self-suppression. They turned you into a bunch of impotents. Intellectual impotence. You cannot even articulate your dissent. You may even see yourself as a racist, and cannot cope with it. It is very very clever."

"I've mentioned many times, Jews, we're very good in scholarship, and money. Philosophers, we don't have great Jewish philosophers. We have pretenders, Chomsky."

"If America had the right people in the right positions, maybe the situation would be different. You could save yourself. So, Jews, along history, created the cognitive elite, but they made sure that the cognitive elite is going back to the lower classes, to the east, and provide education. This is something the American government, for instance, is not doing for Detroit, Baltimore, Oakland, you are a deprived society. They are left behind. "

"You have to understand a bit about Jewish culture, to grasp that there is nothing special about the Nazis. For the Jews, they have the notion of amalek. Anyone here familiar with the notion of amalek? Amalek is an arch stereo typical Jew hater, and every generation we create the amalek. Alright, so in the bible we have a few amaleks. And then, you know, if you read Bernard Lazar, you will find out that the Jews have been expelled from so many cities. And this was written in the late 19th century, before the holocaust. Every few years you find out the Jews have amalek, now since the Nazis, we've had Arafat was amalek, amahjeenidad was amalek, just now what was in Uruguay in south America, where was a kind of community of Jews were expelled from a city. Where was it, in Guatemala? Its incredible. This is a big topic. Why it happens? Barnard Lazar says because we are uniquely supremacist. I actually developed it, and I believe that we strive by negation. You see."

"To be identified as an orthodox Jew, its quite easy. You are identified as an orthodox Jew, because you believe in the Torah. But when you have all these idiotic Jews, who stand up in kind of left gathering, you know and say, as a Jew I believe.. As a Jew? Are you an orthodox Jew, do you believe in the Torah? No, I am an atheist cosmopolitan. So what do you mean, when you talk as a Jew? And there is very little to support it."

"There is no Jewish secular identity, and this is why we need the anti-Semite. The antisemitism is there to fill the lack of authenticity."

"And he said, all I'm afraid of, he's a secular Jew, he's not religious, he's afraid of the rise of antisemitism. Let me shock you. There is nothing better for Jews than antisemitism. And you know why? Because antisemitism was there to restrain the Jew. Now due to political correctness, we are so afraid to criticize the Jew, to talk about the holocaust, to look into the wall, why it happens, why it happens to Jews all the time. And AIPAC, is becoming stronger, and stronger, and they are bragging about the fact that they own Hollywood. And every week I read about the Jews, and Hollywood is ours. And heim sabban [?] is telling an Israeli in a mossad conference what it takes to take over America. Buy the politicians, control the media. If there was a fear of antisemitism, would they dare doing it? No. So, antisemitism was there to save the Jews."

"It doesn't matter what the Jewish masses think, if they support zionism, they don't support zionsim, you know, whether finklestein is right that jewish masses in america now drifting away from zionism, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, the only thing that matters, is what the jewish elite think. Zionism is an elite project. The only thing that matters, is where george soros puts his money. Get used to it. Get used to thinking in these terms. I know there are a lot of 9/11 truthers in the room. One of the reasons you don't get farther, with this discourse, is not because you are wrong about your instinct that the story stinks from every possible corner. Because you don't manage to identify the significance of 9/11 in terms of cognitive elite. What is 9/11? What is the product? These people are very good in reducing things into money. That's what they do."

"9/11, a lot of money. Wars, x-rays in every airport."

"..the amount of american people, hardly jewish, who now identify as jews is quite frightening. Why? Because for american people, to have a community of 1.9 supremecist, exclusivist, racist, its fun, its esoteric. .. ah, their crazy. By the time there will be 15% of people who identify with the most exclusivist, brutal aspect of jewish secular identity, you may have real anti-semitism. Serious. And I realize this is exactly what happened in germany in the 1920's. The reform synagogue is a german invention. They took everyone in. A lot of germans started to identify with jewishness. And for the first time I understood, I don't justify, I understood, where the nazi policy came from. I never understood why hitler would go and take a wife of a [?] jew and would treat her so badly. I realize because they identified with jewishness. Or maybe not, but this was the fear. So, again, the idea that jews have become a very powerful society in america is actually becoming extremely dangerous."

"There is nothing wrong, in building a cognitive elite. The problem in america, is that your cognitive elite, as opposed to your old wasp [?] elite, is committed to itself. It adopted the latin american model, rather then move society forward, they moved themselves forward. Complete negligence of society, as a collective. This is the problem. And this is typical to the jewish world. And I'll prove it to you. How many rothschild died in the holocaust? One. You know why? She wasn't exactly a rothschild, she was a goya .. she was a gentile, who married a rothschild and he left her behind."

"The whole idea of capitalist society, was capitalist, that we take less taxes from the rich, and why? Because they invested in the society, but this is gone now in globalization. They make money here, and they invest it in asia. What are you on about? It is the whole idea. These people are, let me say it, its so simple. In the old days we were productive human beings. Some of us made music, some other people made cars, toilet seats. We would wake up in the morning, we would do something along the day. And we would come home, we know we have bread and butter. But we did something. Our transition into a service economy turned us into consumers. While the role of the politician in the old days was to produce jobs, he will come to town and tell you, listen .. I promise you, if you put me in, I provide you with 40,000 jobs in the first year. The role of the politician now, is to facilitate consumption. This is all they do. We have been reduced into consumers. What makes a person into an under-class? Its very easy to define. The under-class are the people who cannot consume. "

"Two things that we could do. First, to celebrate the first amendment. To start, to say, what we think, and feel. This is very scary, for the elite, and particulary to the jews, who imposed political correctness upon us. ... "

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