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CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet: Dancing the Baraka to the Pulse of Shiva's Drum

Posted By: Susoni
Date: Monday, 24-Nov-2014 14:33:56

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

I had been hearing things coming out of the ethers; that sounding board for the word of the ineffable; that resonating, sympathetic medium that is Shiva’s Drum; at least to my way of thinking. It matters not; it’s my image in my posting (grin). Like I said, I’ve been hearing things, things promising me a positive change in my weather. I hadn't seen that happening. I went on as one must do and Today; what a shift! Regardless of whatever news I get as the outcome of what I showed up for today, it’s still a shift because you can feel it. This is the next.

One of the most overlooked aspects of good fortune is one’s emotional climate. It’s one thing to have good fortune and have it manifest in a material sense. It is another thing to feel good about it; not self satisfied, which generates arrogance and a sense of entitlement but a deep down sense of well being, as if all were right with the world.

We hear ancient aphorisms. We see it in scripture. We say it to ourselves to make us feel better about it not happening to us ...AND what is that? It is the understanding that just because people are rich and famous, powerful, influential and well connected; not to mention temporarily beautiful, doesn't mean that person is happy and in possession of a certitude of rightness about the situation. Quite often, especially in these times, people run roughshod over others in the pursuit of riches, power and the like. Try as one might, they cannot hide from their ever watchful conscience, the wrongness of their path. Yes, some of them are psychopaths and sociopaths and have no connection to a functioning conscience but the majority are not from that genre and those cannot escape a perpetual uneasiness about themselves and this results, further up the line, in ‘ashes in the mouth syndrome’; a sense of looming doom and the certainty that it was not worth it.

That has got to be one of the more unpleasant things that can happen in this life; to have moved through it as a real sonofabitch and eventually having to live with it, recognize it and bear the constant reminders, of which there will be many.

Success, however you measure it; sometimes it doesn't come ...and that is often dependent on how you measure it because... success in a real sense, cannot fail to come into the life of a devoted and determined soul. All blessings flows from one source and no other force is in any position to deny it. So... it’s not a matter of relentless enterprise, that mysterious thing called ‘luck’ or any other cause. It comes about because the one, who is the owner of all force, decided that this should happen or be permitted. That goes for the bad guys as well as the good guys and there is always a good reason for it but not always a good result.

When you tell people that you are no longer interested in the grind of the interplay that goes on between people and (in these days) leads, most of the time, to some form and degree of suffering, they might take that all kinds of ways. I’m not opposed to suffering, provided some wisdom is the result of it and providing it was unavoidable, for whatever the reason was. However, when one seeks to free themselves of the endless rounds of gaming that go on in the human vectors of interaction, it is expected that people will presume you are copping out on life. For some reason they think that is what life is all about. That is a narrow definition based on the control freak and appetite drives that are two of the biggest determinants of shit happens. In fact, those who aspire to something higher in this life and take the ‘management decision’ to step away from the acrimony and grief of this perpetual steam bath they are, copping into life; real life. Nothing is sadder than to see people of a certain age still pretending that they are in the game and trying to act and dress like they are. The truth is, only a lot of money or some combination of the other factors of privilege, gives most anyone the currency to perpetuate in that illusion and without them, they’re just telling lies on a bar stool somewhere.

If you are still being driven at a particular stage of your life, it is pretty much a certainty that it is not in the direction of somewhere you actually want to go. There is an essential dilemma in life and it is the reason that so many people feel their lives are empty and unfulfilled and they just get more and more so as time goes by and they pass their due date and their level of commercial and sexual appeal heads further and further down the block to The Dollar Store. The truth is that any life without an awareness of the indwelling spirit is an empty life and the whole purpose, the entire purpose of coming here, is to find that out and either you find that out or you will suffer and suffer and suffer until you do and no one can do anything for you because you are indifferent to all of the efforts already being made for you.

Certainly, lives will come and go that are chock full of excitement and high rolling sorties behind the velvet ropes but... they are just a few blurred moments of glitter and tingling heat exchanges in the alcohol fused night; in that night of enduring broken promises that can’t be kept and weren't meant. They were only a part of the expediency of need, forced into a temporary congress, like blind worms, writhing in the darkness of the world, twisting and turning in search of light but... they are blind. They are blind.

It feel like, right now, that a lot of bad shit just got washed away, or it got made clear, on a subconscious level, that it never existed in the first place. For some reason there is a fine emptiness where something was formerly resident. It’s empty... but... there’s a good feeling in that emptiness. I've no idea how that could be but it is. It’s been going on now for over 24 hours. Maybe it’s just a phase like everything else that comes and goes here on this plane of constant change. No matter; it is how we change that matters. If we are empty it is why we are empty that counts and that qualifies the experience in the emptiness that might not be empty... or most certainly is.

The possession of the one, through the decision of the one, to take residence in one, is the highest achievement that can be realized. There is none greater. There is no time limit on it. It does not age. It is perpetually new in the cycling of its renewal. It’s like Spring eternal, like that time so long ago, when the children of the living god danced on the mountain tops in the exultation of their state.

You can feel this, sometimes, in Sufi dancing and you don’t have to be a Muslim to do it or experience it. I wasn't and I did. As I remember, it was called The Baraka, or it sounded like that. It was awhile ago. For those of you who have some familiarity with the martial arts; most specifically Ta’i Chi and Aikido, you know that there comes a point where the energy of the body does what it does automatically. As an example of Ta’i Chi; you get up in the morning (cue Desmond Decker) and when you stand up, you find your hands rising into that first position, following the initial placing of the feet into the required position. It is both surprising and reassuring at the same time. It all happens by itself, the moment you stand up. This can also be said for spiritual disciplines that one has been consistent with; you get up in the morning and they seem to do themselves. The discipline has become stronger than the inertia. You have actually discovered a perpetual motion machine. Maybe you should head right on down to the patent office.

The lures of this plane... it is understandable that they would be near irresistible in the passionate stretch of one’s youth. However, while discovering, from the experiences that follow, that this is also empty, when it is not filled with suffering, it is insanity to continue to pursue fulfillment in what is not capable of providing it and anyone who may feel genuinely fulfilled, is fulfilled by another reason for which this process is merely one of the vehicles and not even, by a long stretch, the best of available vehicles.

I've got my sights set on The Alchemical Marriage; which I could give other titles to, depending on the discipline that it occurs in. We've got names for all those things, “The Great Work”, “The Operation of the Sun”, “Godhead”, “Enlightenment” and so on. Of course, these things may vary in the route taken, as well as by degrees of intensity and perpetuation but... I don’t think any of the recipients are complaining.

The sun is shining brilliantly here today. It’s in the upward 50’s and it’s been, more or less like this all through The Fall; not so much in other places... I've discovered lately, in that slow arriving and slow dawning way, why it is that I got put through the things I did. It is sort of a duh moment that it turns out to be for the purpose of demonstration. Anyone can achieve to better things and a higher understanding through persistence and dedication, through sincerity and love; faith, certitude and determination. It’s right there waiting this very moment and has been. Avail yourself.

End Transmission.......

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CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet: Dancing the Baraka to the Pulse of Shiva's Drum
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