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Reader T Responds

Posted By: Swami
Date: Thursday, 19-May-2016 03:18:00

In Response To: Reader KC Says, Strike 7: Trump Meets With War Criminal Kissinger (Swami)

So much for Trump being an outsider.

I am sure he was given his marching orders from the nazi pedophile.


And now, looking in that direction of inquiry, inspired by reader T's response:

Birds of a feather flock together.

Matriarchal madness seeks out patriarchal positions
like a moth to a flame
the abusee becomes the abuser
in a global game, of revenge
at the family you didn't have..


Bob Chapman: Kissinger & the Bushes Are Famous Pedophiles - YouTube

German Jew Henry Kissinger is a homosexual paedophile - YouTube


Henry Kissinger | Truth Control

On May 10, 1982, addressing a celebration at the Royal Institute for International Affairs at Chatham House in London, Kissinger boasted that throughout his career...he had always been closer to the British Foreign Office than to his American colleagues, and had taken all his major policy leads from London...Chatham House is a successor to the old British East India Company, and serves as the think-tank and foreign intelligence arm of the British Crown

Lyndon Larouche / quoted by Michael Tsarion

Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the world government.

Henry Kissinger / Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991

[Katherine] Sullivan claims that one of her mind controllers was Henry Kissinger, of whom she says, "I still love Henry Kissinger, even though I should be absolutely furious at him, I haven't found that anger yet." She states that Kissinger was one of the few controllers who did not rape her, and was "a very lonely man, an absolute genius," and in a "lot of pain and fog somewhere." Oddly, she still has a degree of respect for him because he was "honest about being a bastard."

Jim Keith / Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness

NAFTA will represent the most creative step toward a new world order taken by any group of countries since the end of the Cold War, and the first step toward an even larger vision of a free-trade zone for the entire Western Hemisphere.... NAFTA is not a conventional trade agreement, but the architecture of a new international system.

Henry Kissinger

The late Aldo Moro, Prime Minister of Italy, was one leader who opposed the "zero growth" and population reductions planned for his country, thereby incurring the wrath of the Club of Rome commissioned by the "Olympians" to carry out its policies in this regard. In a Rome courtroom on Nov. 10 1982, a close friend of Moro's testified that the former prime minister was threatened by an agent of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) who was also a Committee of 300 member -- and the U.S. Secretary of State. The witness named Henry Kissinger as the man.

Dr. John Coleman / The Committee of 300

Kissinger's role in planning wars in the Middle East, Korea and in Vietnam is well known, as is his role in fomenting the Gulf War.

Dr. John Coleman / The Committee of 300

Henry Kissinger, the Satanist, ritual child killer and mass murderer, was made Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St George at a ceremony at Windsor Castle.

David Icke / The Biggest Secret

Kissinger operates in the highest levels of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Club of Rome, and he is a member of the Grand Alpine Freemasonry Lodge in Switzerland, which controlled the notorious Italian terrorist lodge known as P2.

David Icke / The Biggest Secret

Kissinger had no official role in the Bush administration to the knowledge of the American public and yet there he was calling the shots. Kissinger’s ‘shuttle diplomacy’ consisted, and consists, of misrepresenting each side to the other, so sparking war after war. In 1973, Kissinger ‘was given the Nobel Peace Prize for stopping the Yom Kippur War which he had actually started. When Kissinger and Carrington come into your country, its time to go on holiday, because all hell normally follows the moment they leave. Ask the people of Burundi and Rwanda...

David Icke / The Biggest Secret

Kissinger has been the man behind all the presidents since Nixon, even though he has not been involved officially. It was he who arranged for the Watergate scandal which removed Nixon and brought in Gerald Ford (CFR, Bil) as President and Nelson Rockefeller, Kissinger’s crony and mentor, as vice-president. It was Nelson Rockefeller who advised Nixon to appoint Kissinger in the first place.

David Icke / The Biggest Secret

Kissinger is a Satanist, mass murderer, mind control expert, and child killer.

David Icke / The Biggest Secret



[loads of links and pics at the above location]

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Richard Nixon's secret backers included:

1. Allan Dulles, friend of the Nazis, boss of the CIA, and agent of the Rockefellers.

2. The bankers who wanted the Federal Reserve to remain private.

3. The Mafia, led by Meyer Lansky.

In other words, a mixture of Jews, Nazis, oligarchs and gangsters.

Politician Jerry Voorhis advocated public ownership of the Federal Reserve System.

Voorhis claimed that, in 1945, 'big Eastern financial interests,' arranged for Nixon to stand against Voorhis and defeat him.

(Source: The Arrogance of Power by Anthony Summers; The Nixon Administration)

Allen Dulles is thought to have recruited Nixon as a spy in 1945, while Nixon was still in the navy.

Nixon was the ideal candidate.

Nixon's unloving mother had German origins.

Nixon's brutal Irish-Scottish-English father was physically abusive towards his children.

Neighbours would hear the screams.

(Source: The Arrogance of Power by Anthony Summers)

At Whittier College, Nixon was one of those who dreamed up the 'Orthogonians' induction rite, which involved being stripped naked, hit with a wooden paddle, digging up the corpse of an animal and eating its decaying flesh.

Nixon did not get on well with women, and he got married for purely political reasons.

Henry Kissinger has written of "the various personalities within Nixon".

Nixon's psychotherapist, Arnold Hutschnecker, said of Nixon "He was totally devoted to his mother. He was brainwashed, if you will..."

George Reedy, the UPI's congressional correspondent said of a talk with Nixon: "It was a feeling that we weren't talking to a human being. Seeing him walk and seeing him talk was like watching a doll.

(Source: The Arrogance of Power by Anthony Summers)

Beginning in the 1920's, Prescott Bush, the Rockefellers, and their associates, including the Dulles brothers, were in business with the Nazis.

"A large number of U.S. citizens ... aided the Third Reich all through World War II.

"The evidence of their treason was overwhelming. The captured German records were horribly incriminating."

So, they were destroyed.

"The bottom line is that the Nazi businessmen survived the war with their fortunes intact...

"So far as the Dulles-Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller clique were concerned... the great prize would be to seize power in the United States and to use the government to serve their own ends...."

"Even before the end of World War II, Allen Dulles, who would soon become the first director of the CIA, had begun recruiting his dream team of super-spymasters ... from Himmler’s dreaded SS and the Gestapo.

"Dulles would create an American version of the Gestapo: the CIA. The CIA would become his personal instrument of power.

"From 1927 to 1941, the Dulles brothers worked as lawyers and international finance specialists for Sullivan and Cromwell, a Wall Street law firm.

"Allen Dulles performed work for Bush, Harriman, and Rockefeller in setting up business relationships with the Nazis and with top Nazi industrialists. Dulles played a pivotal role in promoting U.S.-Nazi corporate relations."

"Dulles was originally recruited by OSS intelligence chief Colonel William J. Donovan, in 1941...

"These Americanized fugitive Nazi war criminals have been involved in ... international weapons smuggling, drug cartels, Central American death squads, right wing anti-communist dictatorships, LSD mind control experiments... and the Presidential campaigns of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush'.

"Dulles immediately began recruiting Nazi terrorists and SS torturers... Almost overnight, the CIA became a criminal enterprise, devoted to protecting the business interests of the Wall Street elite, including those directed or controlled by Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, and the Dulles brothers...

"'I worked in the CIA for 13 years' explained John Stockwell, in a speech given on October 10, 1987...

"'To teach torture, sometimes they would grab beggars from off the streets. All they could do was lie there and scream. And when they would collapse, they would bring in doctors and shoot them up with vitamin B and rest them up for the next class.

"And when they would die, they would mutilate the bodies and throw them out on the streets, to terrify the population so they would be afraid of the police and the government. And this is what the CIA was teaching them to do...

"'They’d go into villages, haul out families, and with the children forced to watch they’d castrate the father, peel the skin off his face, put a grenade in his mouth and pull the pin.

"With the children forced to watch they’d gang-rape the mother, and slash her breasts off.

"And sometimes for variety, they make the parents watch while they do these things to the children.

"Its been documented that 13,000 people were killed this way in Nicaragua, mostly women and children. These are the activities done by these contras. The contras are the people Reagan and Bush call ‘freedom fighters'...

"As explained by Loftus and Aarons... 'according to several of our sources among the ‘old spies,’ Richard Nixon’s political career began in 1945, when he was the navy officer temporarily assigned to review . . . captured Nazi documents.

"'The documents revealed the Nazi record of Karl Blessing...

"'If Blessing went down, he could have taken a lot of people with him, including Allen Dulles,' and the Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller gang.

"Naturally, the Dulles, Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller clique were eager to reward Nixon for his help, and together, they 'arranged financing for Nixon’s first congressional campaign'...

"As documented in a 1988 study by Russ Bellant of Political Research Associates, virtually all of the Fascist organizations of World War II were welcomed into the Republican party during the Nixon administration - and George W. Bush, as chairman of the party, played a major role...

"Nixon, after he became President, was surrounding 'himself with what was known as the Berlin Wall, a long succession of advisors with Germanic names: We recall at the top of his ‘German General Staff’ as it was also known, there was Haldeman, Erlichman, Krogh, Kliendienst, Kissinger (the Rockefellers’ emissary) and many others'...

"Prior to joining the Nixon Nazis, Kissinger had served as a top aid to Rockefeller, and played a major role in covering up the tracks of his boss, while in Germany immediately following the war..."


Allen Dulles had made a deal with Richard Nixon.

Nixon helped Dulles bury the Nazi files. In return, Allen Dulles "arranged to finance Nixon's first congressional campaign against Jerry Voorhis."

After Truman's victory, "Nixon became Allen Dulles's mouthpiece in Congress...."


George Bush described Nixon as his 'mentor.'

Nazis in the Attic

Richard Nixon and Bebe Rebozo used to hold hands.

Nixon and Rebozo had links to America's top Mafia bosses.

Rebozo had a bedroom at the White House while Nixon was carpet-bombing Cambodia.

Don Fulsom, veteran Washington reporter, has written Nixon's Darkest Secrets.

Did Nixon have a gay affair with a Mafia fixer? - Daily Mail

Fulsom quotes a former Time magazine reporter who, at a Washington dinner, saw Nixon and Rebozo holding hands under the table.

Fulsom quotes a journalist who says Nixon once put his arm around Rebozo 'the way you'd cuddle your senior prom date. Something was fishy there'.

General Alexander Haig, Nixon's chief of staff, reportedly imitated Rebozo's 'limp wrist' manner and 'joked' that Rebozo and Nixon were lovers.

Rebozo, Hoover, Nixon - all reportedly gay.

Fulsom says Nixon's relationship with his wife Pat was a sham.

They had separate bedrooms.

Rebozo had a bedroom at the White House, and was allowed to enter the White House without being logged by the secret service.

When Nixon holidayed in Key Biscayne, near Miami, Pat Nixon did not sleep in the same building.

Rebozo was in the house next door.

A former military aide to Nixon had the job of teaching Nixon how to kiss his wife.

Nixon first met Rebozo, during a holiday, in 1950.

Rebozo is quoted as saying of Nixon: "he doesn't chase women... he can't even fish."

Nixon and Rebozo became close buddies.

Nixon would spend holidays with Rebozo, but without Pat.

When Rebozo set up a bank in Florida, Nixon attended the opening and became the bank's first depositor.

The bank was reportedly used by the Mafia to launder stolen cash.

According to the FBI, Rebozo had close links to the Mafia's Santo Trafficante and Alfred 'Big Al' Polizzi who worked for Meyer Lansky.

At the age of 18, Rebozo reportedly had an affair with a young person called Donald Gunn.

A Miami resident told Nixon biographer Anthony Summers that Rebozo was part of Miami's gay community.

According to Summers, and co-writer Robbyn Swan, Nixon and Rebozo "held hands on occasion, and both men had problems with consummating physical relationships with women..."

During Nixon's first five years as president, both Nixon and Rebozo saw their personal wealth increase greatly.

Rebozo's wealth rose rose nearly seven-fold.

Rebozo was with Nixon as he was dying.


Did Nixon have a gay affair with a Mafia fixer? Forget Watergate. A new book claims America's most corrupt President hid a far more personal scandal... | Daily Mail Online

By Tom Leonard
Updated: 18:58 EST, 26 December 2011

More personal scandal than Watergate? Richard Nixon with Bebe Rebozo at Key Biscayne, Florida

He carpet-bombed Cambodia, spewed out anti-Semitic slurs and crude misogynistic jokes in the White House and smeared his political opponents with ruthless 'dirty tricks' campaigns.

And, of course, he lied to his country about his involvement in the Watergate scandal and went down in history as America's shiftiest, darkest President.

Given everything that Richard Nixon has been accused of, it's difficult to believe there could be any more skeletons left in his cupboard. But it seems there are.

A new biography by Don Fulsom, a veteran Washington reporter who covered the Nixon years, suggests the 37th U.S. President had a serious drink problem, beat his wife and — by the time he was inaugurated in 1969 — had links going back two decades to the Mafia, including with New Orleans godfather Carlos Marcello, then America's most powerful mobster.

Yet the most extraordinary claim is that the homophobic Nixon may have been gay himself. If true, it would provide a fascinating insight into the motivation and behaviour of a notoriously secretive politician.

Fulsom argues that Nixon may have had an affair with his best friend and confidant, a Mafia connected Florida wheeler-dealer named Charles 'Bebe' Rebozo who was even more crooked than Nixon.

The book, Nixon's Darkest Secrets, is out next month — by coincidence at the same time as the UK release of a new film directed by Clint Eastwood about another supposed closet gay among Washington's 20th-century hard men.

But while FBI boss J. Edgar Hoover, played in Eastwood's film by Leonardo DiCaprio, allegedly had an affair with his squeaky-clean deputy Clyde Tolson, Nixon's supposed secret paramour was a very different character.

Bebe Rebozo was a short, swarthy, good-looking Cuban-American businessman with a history of failed relationships with women and close alliances with Miami's Mafia chiefs.

The veteran TV newsman Dan Rather recalled how Rebozo 'transmitted the sense of great sensuality', paying tribute to his 'magnetic' personality and 'beautiful eyes'.

Fulsom uses recently revealed documents and eyewitness interviews — including with FBI agents — to shed new light on long-standing suspicions among White House insiders that Nixon may have been more than just good buddies with Rebozo.

He claims Nixon's relationship with Pat, his wife of 53 years, was little more than a sham. A heavy drinker whom his own staff dubbed 'Our Drunk', Nixon used to call his First Lady a 'f***ing bitch' and beat her before, during and after his presidency, says Fulsom.

The pair had separate bedrooms at the White House — and in Key Biscayne, the exclusive resort near Miami where Nixon holidayed, Mrs Nixon didn't even sleep in the same building. Rebozo, however, was in the house next door.

Fulsom claims one of Nixon's former military aides had a secret job 'to teach the President how to kiss his wife' so they would look like a convincing couple.

How much of this can we believe? Nixon died in 1994 and his reputation is pretty much irredeemable. As with Eastwood's Hoover film, there is no definitive proof, but plenty of 'supporting evidence'.

Fulsom quotes a former Time magazine reporter who, at a Washington dinner, bent down to pick up a fork and saw the two holding hands under the table. It was, the reporter judged, sufficiently intimate to suggest 'repressed homosexuality'.

Another journalist related how, loosened up by drink, Nixon once put his arm around Rebozo 'the way you'd cuddle your senior prom date. Something was fishy there'.

But who exactly was Bebe Rebozo, and how did a shady Florida businessman of unclear sexual leanings end up as the bosom friend of one of the most paranoid and buttoned-up political leaders of the 20th century?

Born two months before Nixon in 1912, Charles Gregory Rebozo was the son of a Cuban cigar-maker and, as the youngest of nine, was stuck with the nickname 'Bebe'.

He came from poverty but worked his way up through property speculation and then banking. According to the FBI, he had close links with Mob bosses such as Santo Trafficante, the Tampa Godfather, and Alfred 'Big Al' Polizzi, a stooge of Meyer Lansky, the Cosa Nostra's financial brains.

By the 1960s, an FBI agent was describing Rebozo as a 'non- member associate of organised crime figures'. He bought land in Florida with a business partner who was believed to be a front for some of the most powerful Mafiosi.

When Rebozo started his own bank in Florida in 1964, Nixon — then a lawyer — wielded a golden shovel at the ground-breaking ceremony and became its first depositor.

According to Mafioso Vincent Teresa, the bank was used by the Mob to launder stolen cash. It hardly seems possible that Nixon, who pledged to make fighting organised crime a priority of his presidency, could not have known of his best friend's Mafia links.

Nixon had just won one of California's U.S. Senate seats when he first met Rebozo in 1950. Fearing Nixon was facing a nervous breakdown, fellow Senator George Smathers suggested a holiday in Florida and enlisted his old school friend Rebozo to show the socially awkward Nixon a good time.

Their first jaunt together — in Rebozo's 33ft fishing boat — did not go well. Rebozo later complained that Nixon just sat reading papers and, according to his host, barely said half a dozen words to him.

Smathers said Rebozo later told him: 'Don't ever send that son of a bitch Nixon down here again. He's a guy who doesn't know how to talk, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't chase women... he can't even fish.'

But Rebozo persevered — and according to a cynical Smathers, Nixon's rising stardom in Washington and the potential influence it offered 'had a lot to do with it'.

In months, the pair were inseparable, holidaying with Nixon's wife Pat — and without her. Rebozo became an 'uncle figure' to the Nixons' two daughters, Tricia and Julie. The dapper Cuban-American chose Nixon's clothes and even selected the films he watched at the White House.

On Nixon's solo visits to Key Biscayne, they swam and sunbathed, indulging in their shared passions for discussing Broadway musicals and barbecuing steaks.

Both men were also extremely secretive, and their relationship — described as the 'most important unsolved mystery in Nixon's life' — was kept so discreet that the New York Times did not mention it for nearly 20 years.

Observers noticed their intimacy became most apparent when they were drunk. An aide recalled them playing a game called King of the Pool at Key Biscayne: 'It was late at night, the two men had been drinking. Nixon mounted a rubber raft in the pool while Rebozo tried to turn it over. Then, laughing and shouting, they'd change places.'

They were seen together at the same British-themed hostelries in the Key: the English Pub, where they drank beer from tankards engraved with their names, and the Jamaica Inn, where they ate at a discreet booth.

Both spots were owned by another businessman with Mob links and the secret service asked Nixon to find another place to eat.

Why the President's minders didn't raise alarms about Rebozo's Mafia connections has puzzled experts, but they probably didn't dare. When a New York newspaper investigated Rebozo's Mob links in the 1970s, its staff suddenly found themselves under secret service surveillance.

A White House aide once dismissed Rebozo's role as 'the guy who mixed the Martinis', but he was far more important than that.

When Nixon became President, Rebozo got his own office and bedroom at the White House, and a security clearance that allowed him to go in and out without being logged by the secret service. Using a false name, says Fulsom, Rebozo even got into Nixon's hotel suite during a trip to Europe.

The President's closest colleagues complained at the way Rebozo monopolised Nixon's time. General Alexander Haig, his last chief of staff, is said to have imitated Rebozo's 'limp wrist' manner and joked that Rebozo and Nixon were lovers.

According to Fulsom, Henry Kissinger resented the way Rebozo would fly on Air Force One, the Presidential plane, wearing a blue U.S. Navy flight jacket bearing the President's seal and with his name stitched on it.

[Swami: Hmm? A bit of jealousy perhaps?]

Away from Nixon's side, Rebozo surrounded himself with glamorous women and threw Miami parties that descended into orgies, but was it all a front?

Aged 18, Rebozo reportedly enjoyed an 'intense' affair with a young man, Donald Gunn. He later wed Gunn's teenage sister. The marriage lasted four years and, according to his wife, was never consummated.

Rebozo didn't marry again until middle age, when he entered what Newsweek magazine described as an 'antiseptic' alliance with his lawyer's secretary. 'Bebe's favourites are Richard Nixon, his cat — and then me,' the lady complained later. A fellow Miami resident told Nixon biographer Anthony Summers that Rebozo was definitely part of the city's gay community.

Summers and co-writer Robbyn Swan, however, question whether there is enough evidence to suggest Nixon was gay. 'They held hands on occasion, and both men had problems with consummating physical relationships with women, but we found no evidence that Nixon was actively homosexual,' Summers told me this week.

Physical or not, Nixon's attraction to Rebozo has struck many as politically reckless. Nixon expert Professor Fawn Brodie couldn't understand how he would be 'willing to risk the kind of gossip that frequently accompanies close friendship with a perennial bachelor'. After all, she added, Nixon was, in public, a virulent gay-hater.

When Walter Jenkins, a trusted aide to President Lyndon Johnson, was caught providing sexual favours to a retired sailor in a YMCA lavatory, Nixon denounced him as 'ill'. People who suffered this 'illness', he added, 'cannot be in places of high trust'.

Rebozo was certainly in a position of 'high trust', and not only because he was a key fundraiser. He was with Nixon when he announced his successful run for President and again in June 1972 when Nixon learned that five men hired by the White House to break into the Watergate building had been arrested.

'We were swimming at Key Biscayne in front of my house,' Rebozo recalled. 'They came out and told him. He said: "What in God's name were they doing there?" We laughed and forgot about it.'

Rebozo also ended up being investigated by the Watergate committee, which found that a £64,000 cash contribution from the industrialist Howard Hughes that was meant for the Republican Party was actually in Rebozo's safe deposit box.

It also emerged that both Nixon and Rebozo's personal wealth had soared during Nixon's first five years in the White House, Rebozo's rising nearly seven-fold from £432,000 to nearly £3million.

Rebozo escaped prosecution — allegedly because of a White House deal — and he stood by his disgraced friend. He was at Nixon's bedside during his final days.

When Rebozo died in 1998, he left more than £12million to the Nixon memorial library, whose executive director eulogised him as a 'consummate gentleman' on whose 'wise counsel, shrewd political insight and ready wit' Nixon relied.

Typically, Nixon had been rather less charitable — he always described Rebozo as just a 'golfing partner'.


Kissinger: 'Is there a more self-serving group of people than the Jewish community?'

Adam Horowitz on November 18, 2011

It seems the Israel lobby has not always been held in such high esteem within the White House. The AP reports on newly released documents regarding lobbying in the early 1970s on the plight of Jews in the Soviet Union:

Among the appeals flooding the White House was one from the late Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir to President Richard Nixon in August 1972 asking him to protest to the Kremlin its levying of fees for exit permits.

The White House, defending its strategy of quiet diplomacy, sought to assure the American Jews that Nixon was very concerned about the plight of Soviet Jews, had taken up the issue with Soviet leaders directly and remained convinced that quiet diplomacy was the best approach, the documents related.

A White House official, Leonard Garment, saying he was flooded with letters and phone calls with Jewish appeals, asked Kissinger for help and guidance. The late Alexander Haig, Nixon’s national security adviser, sent him Mrs. Meir’s letter and said “We will have to consider the best means by which to proceed.”

According to transcripts released by the State Department, Kissinger, who was Haig’s deputy, said to Garment: “Is there a more self-serving group of people than the Jewish community?” Kissinger is Jewish.

Garment, also Jewish, replied: “None in the world.”

At this point, Kissinger was quoted as saying “What the hell do they think they are accomplishing?”

Kissinger went on: “You can’t even tell bastards anything in confidence because they’ll leak it.”

But Kissinger said he would take up the issue with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin and also meet again with Jewish leaders. “They ought to remember what this administration has done,” he said.


Who Controls the Gay Agenda? - The Book Lipstick and War Crimes by Ray Songtree

by Ray Songtree, April 20, 2015 (updated May 5, 2015) ( New article at end Feb 22, 2016)

Excerpt from Vol.2 of book Lipstick and War Crimes by Ray Songtree

His blog is

Does the following accurately outline a “gay agenda?” Are the talking points below something the reader has ever spoken? Did you know none of this has anything to do with gay rights?

Why did Elton John become famous? Why did Anderson Cooper become famous? Why did Adam Lambert become famous? Is there any connection? Are gay rights activists really patsies for a program they have not examined?

Below are excerpts from a 2007 article by J. Matt Barber, called “Unmasking the Gay Agenda.” [brackets are mine]

… In their manuscript, After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s (1989, Doubleday/Bantam), Harvard educated marketing experts Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen meticulously laid out the homosexual lobby’s blueprint for success in what is widely regarded as the handbook for the “gay” agenda.

[Marshall Kirk was not a marketing expert, his background was neuropsychiatry, Interestingly, gay Dr. William Thetford, the co-producer of New Age “A Course in Miracles” which frames Christianity in a way that re-frames the readers values, was a clinical psychologist. Thetford worked for the Manhattan Project, Project Bluebird (MK-Ultra mind control) and the Personality Assessment Program for the CIA during the time “the course” was produced. While Marshall Kirk had a front as a genealogist, Thetford had a front as a rare book expert. Unknown Marshall Kirk was featured in Newsweek, Time and The Washington Post to promote his handbook. The entire controlled media and controlled Hollywood manifested the “gay is okay” “transformation” and is doing so today. Marshall Kirk was found dead in his home by two friends. The cause of Kirk’s death has never been publicly revealed. All this adds up to likelihood that Marshall Kirk’s work was for the CIA, just like Gloria Steinem Feminism and Ms. Magazine was a CIA project, and like New Age “A Course in Miracles” was a CIA project. ]

Kirk and Madsen devised a three-pronged approach that the homosexual lobby [with controlled media] has masterfully implemented in subsequent years: Desensitization, Jamming and Conversion. [only first two included here]

They summarized their approach this way:

Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers.

Give potential protectors a just cause.

Make gays look good.

Make victimizers look bad.


“Desensitization,” wrote Kirk and Madsen, means subjecting the public to a “continuous flood of gay-related advertising [by globalist corporations, not the gay lobby], presented in the least offensive fashion possible. If ‘straights’ can’t shut off the shower, they may at least eventually get used to being wet.”

If people keep seeing it and seeing it and seeing it, eventually it’s not going
to be such a strange thing.
– Madonna, The Advocate (gay magazine), May 7, 1991, Page 49

As previously stated, glamorizing and normalizing homosexual conduct in our public schools is a full time endeavor. But the schools represent only one field of battle in the war over America’s body, mind and soul.

With the aid of a willing [controlled – the author of this article hadn’t studied this yet] mainstream media and a like-minded [controlled] Hollywood, societal desensitization has been largely achieved. Blockbusters like Tom Hanks’ Philadelphia, the late Heath Ledger’s Brokeback Mountain, and television programs like Will and Grace and Ellen represent a modern-day fairy tale…

The homosexual group, GLAAD, even offers awards to the television networks that most effectively carry the homosexual lobby’s water. The more distorted and positive the portrayal of homosexual conduct and the more frequently the networks shows such portrayals; the more likely networks are to win the coveted awards.

As Kirk and Madsen put it, homosexuals should be portrayed as the “Everyman.” …”In no time,” they said, “a skillful and clever media campaign could have the gay community looking like the veritable fairy godmother to Western Civilization.” [He was not exaggerating.]


“Jamming” refers to the public smearing of Christians, traditionalists or anyone else [emphasis mine] who opposes the “gay” agenda. “Jam homo-hatred (i.e., disagreement with homosexual behaviors) by linking it to Nazi horror,” wrote Kirk and Madsen. “Associate all who oppose homosexuality with images of ‘Klansmen demanding that gays be slaughtered,’ ‘hysterical backwoods preachers,’ ‘menacing punks,’ and a ‘tour of Nazi concentration camps where homosexuals were tortured and gassed.’

“In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be portrayed as victims in need of protection so that straights [97% of population] will be inclined by reflex to adopt the role of protector [the “humanitarian intervention” we have seen again and again to justify invasions overseas but used domestically also to trick compassionate people]… The purpose of victim imagery is to make straights feel very uncomfortable,” they suggested.

But, perhaps Kirk and Madsen’s most revealing admission came when they said, “Our effect is achieved without reference to facts, logic, or proof.” [That is, it is visceral, emotional, irrational programming.]

And so [hate] words like “homophobe” and “heterosexism” were pulled from thin air, not because they had substance, but because they were effective jamming [irrational] tools. Anyone who holds traditional values relative to human sexuality suddenly became a “homophobe,” a “hatemonger,” a “bigot.”

Not even churches are safe. [As with the communist take over of Russia and China, the dogma replaces anything previously held sacred.]

“Gays can undermine the moral authority of homo-hating churches over less fervent adherents by portraying [them] as antiquated backwaters, badly out of step … with the latest findings [theories] of psychology. Against the atavistic tug of ‘Old Time Religion’ one must set the mightier pull of science and public opinion [emphasis mine] … Such an ‘unholy’ alliance has already worked well in America against the churches on such topics as divorce and abortion. … That alliance can work for gays.”

In Kirk and Madsen’s writing do we see any respect for 97% of the population, the “straights?” Do we see any respect for religions that are thousands of years old?

The following is from After the Ball–Why the Homosexual Movement Has Won June 3, 2004 by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

“What about the origin of [the expression] sexual orientation? The success of the homosexual movement can be largely traced to the very idea of “orientation” itself. More precisely, homosexuals advanced their cause by arguing that they were born that way. Madsen and Kirk offer this as candid public relations advice…

‘We argue that, for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay–even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence.’ [Does the reader agree?] Alas, ‘To suggest in public that homosexuality might be chosen is to open the can of worms labeled ‘moral choices and sin’ and give the religious intransigents [who believe that some things are wrong] a stick to beat us with.[ and warn their children about.] Straights [at least 97% of humanity] must be taught [!] that it is as natural for some persons to be homosexual as it is for others to be heterosexual: wickedness and seduction have nothing to do with it.’ ” [Therefore no one is choosing, so no one is accountable and there is no such thing as wickedness or wrong or even mistakes.]

“…A quick review of the last 15 years demonstrates the incredible effectiveness of this public relations advice. [carried out by mainstream media] The agenda set out by Kirk and Madsen led to nothing less than social transformation. By portraying themselves as mainstream Americans seeking nothing but liberty and self-fulfillment, homosexuals redefined the moral equation [by ignoring morals]. Issues of right and wrong were isolated [from the realm of choice] as outdated, repressive, and culturally embarrassing. Instead, the assertion of “rights” [to do anything] became the hallmark of the public relations strategy. “

(I cannot cover every thread here in one article but I suggest the reader consider the globalist agenda in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. If there are many cultures, how can there be one code of rights applied to all? In fact the Rothschilds and Rockefellers who created and funded the League of Nations, and the UN, and also funded both sides of World War II, do not want many cultures. They want a One World Government, their government, that controls the world under One law, and to get to that goal, all behavior has to be consistent, thus choices have to be narrowed. What better way than to define what the rights are, that every child can expect, despite the culture of the parents? Rights include the right of the child to be exposed to other cultures, that is, globalist propaganda. The state will take away parenting from all parents. This is ongoing now with projects like The Early Childhood Initiative headed by the World Bank)

Clinton Fein wrote “The Gay Agenda” in 2005 which the reader can check out. Though she says it is a spoof, this statement was added later, because it is not obviously a spoof. The reader can decide what level of respect she has for people she claims are wrong not to accept her. Interestingly, she writes as if the 1989 well publicized book above never existed.

Does this next woman who is dead serious and not spoofing, represent the “gay agenda?”

“It’s a no-brainer that (homosexuals) should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. …Fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there — because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie.The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change. And again, I don’t think it should exist. And I don’t like taking part in creating fictions about my life. That’s sort of not what I had in mind when I came out thirty years ago.” – Masha Gessen

The reader might take stock of how many of the points in this “agenda” have already come about since 1989.

In one sentence I would like to draw a circle that includes the financial banksters (Rothschild, Rockefeller, FED, central banks, IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organization), the political New World Order (UN, NATO, covert ops, Bilderberg Group, Gates Foundation, the Zionists who protect and use Israelis), the Entertainment Industry Mafia-Illuminati, the controlled news media (JP Morgan took control of U.S. media in 1915, CIA Project Mockingbird, National Security Agency (NSA) access to Google, AOL, Skype, Facebook, Apple, Hotmail, Paypal, Yahoo) the international secret society of Freemasons, and ritual sacrifice satanism in which participants are held as blackmail-able puppets. This interconnected, organized and code-of-silence circle has been called “The Cabal.” Some also call it the Elite, some of whom meet in secret.

How does the gay agenda, as defined above, fit or not fit in with the “Cabal” as just outlined? As the reader will see, the real gay agenda is not about gay rights, but is an excuse for a social engineering project by the “Cabal” for their long term goal… That is, gay people and gay rights activists are being used.

Eye of the Pyramid

The person in image to right and below is perhaps the top male gay singer in USA, Adam Lambert. He was runner up in the 2009 American Idol talent show. And then what happened? Why didn’t he disappear like every other runner up? On the lower part of his shirt is none other than foundational satanist Aleister Crowley, with pyramid and the all-seeing-eye. Also the checkered shirt is Freemasonry symbolism. Websites that track the entertainment industry, such as and, have noted the obvious mafia-like control of entertainers and their constant use of freemasonry/satanic symbols. Freemasonry and satanism are two threads combined, as will be explained when we read letter by George Washington. The all-seeing-eye at top of pyramid is a freemasonry symbol that was taken over. It appears on the back of the U.S. dollar bill. The satanist symbols such as 666 and devils horns have their own origin. So on Lambert shirt we see both the Freemasonry all-seeing-eye and checkers, with the satanist Aleister Crowley. As another example, we see Katy Perry, an Illuminati created celebrity, wearing the Freemasonry all-seeing-eye symbol, while her friends wear devil and hell blouses.

Lambert’s shirt has the same symbolism used by other Illuminati puppets in the entertainment industry, and this lets other entertainers know he controlled/protected. Notice the all-seeing-eye tattoo on his wrist in left image. For agreeing to advertize the branding, he is told he will be rewarded, and he has been. These symbols have nothing to do with a gay agenda in themselves. It only shows that gay entertainers are just as susceptible to control as as anyone else. However, the gay community is not protesting this at all. Are they naive? They didn’t notice his tattoo or ask what it meant? Are there any gay activists out there who want to endorse satanism?

Perhaps it would be good to back up to see that there really is a hidden conspiracy called the Illuminati. Here is scan of George Washington’s letter from 1798 where he discusses the infiltration of the Freemasons by Jacobinism/Illuminati. He was not a conspiracy theorist. See youtube on this here. The infiltration became a take over. Now we see Illuminati-Freemasonry symbolism as branding signatures in many many places including the logos for government agencies, corporations, and foundations. Those that understand the symbols understand the membership story they tell.

Placing puppets on stage

Lambert has a satanic orgy music video which tells us something about him and the gay community that doesn’t protest his satanism. The screen shot below of an uncensored video, which was his debut for his first album, included sex slavery and oral sex, which he defends in interviews with lesbian “anything goes” Ellen Degeneres, with puppet Oprah Winfrey, and with David Letterman. This was super promotion. By contrast, Caleb Johnson, 2014 American Idol winner got no interviews. Melanie Amaro, 2011 X-Factor winner not only got no interviews, but her debut album was shelved. But then, she is a devout Christian, and not someone the satanic music industry can get behind. In below video screen shots, does Adam Lambert look like a poor gay victim that isn’t allowed to love who he wants because of oppressive homophobia? Apparently he is now liberated and can oppress his own slaves. He was brought in as a mentor (tutor) for other Idol contestants only one year into his career, a novice, to keep boosting him. No other runner up or winner got this publicity, except perhaps Carrie Underwood, an alleged Christian who nevertheless portrayed herself in a music video as a prostitute in a brothel for her industry masters. The price of fame in today’s big label music industry is selling out to perversion or simply being ‘out’ about it.

Recently Lambert was chosen, out of the blue, to be a judge on American Idol. Upping his visibility again brought the “anything goes, no taboos” social engineering to millions of viewers as prescribed in After the Ball. The goal is obvious. Young people are being conditioned to feel they can be “free” to experiment with their sexuality, which is almost always just that, an experiment. That is why a person can dress up one night this way, and dress up another way another night, or claim “bi-sexual” orientation, which flies in the face of “being born this way.” It is all just an excuse for wanton sex which is considered by the entertainment machine as acceptable “adult,” and now family entertainment. J. Edgar Hoover, the long time FBI director was a cross dresser. Anyone making the assessment these days that such behavior is unstable would be a accused of hate or being “homophobic”, as we saw outlined above. Those who use these labels are regurgitating irrational programming, as defined also above. TV host Ellen Degeneres was also hired to be a judge on American Idol, though she knows very little about singing. Her credentials were simply that she was gay. This happened in UK also with a flamboyant gay man being chosen to be a judge on X-Factor. This disproportionate representation is example of the After the Ball guidance we just read about. Keep remembering please, that gay activists have nothing to do with this.

Lambert was brought on to show as judge, while guitarist Keith Urban, with his Illuminati shirt shown to right, was on leave. He was on leave because of the death of the father of his wife, placed actress Nicole Kidman. The father, Antoine Kidman has been named by a survivor as a ritual pedophile. Urban might protest this, but with his Illuminati slave status, his voice doesn’t really carry much of anything. Urban is also shown with the standard all-seeing-eye-at-top-of-pyramid photo shoot in below image.

American Idol, The X-Factor and The Voice are Illuminati productions, as shown by the many judges to left who are required to be obedient Illuminati members in order to get “industry love.” They are paid well, and receive massive publicity. The Illuminati are using these shows to spread all kinds of messages. Promiscuity, materialism, vanity, patriotism, loyalty to the Queen, zero modesty and “gay is okay” are some of the social engineering messages which give the real purpose of why these shows exist. The same is true of the movie industry, which does not exist just to make money, it exists to socially engineer the masses, feed subliminal narratives and memes, and deploy predictive programming which softens us to coming policies or technologies. The talent shows now appear in scores of countries, where on stage standards for contestants are more important than the cultural traditions of their parents. The talent shows are an amazingly powerful way to influence the values of youth and are an important tool in globalization, which basically is the creation of a one world culture under a one world government.

So let’s get personal. How does the reader feel about gay people being disproportionately put in the spot light as per the 1989 hand book? If you feel like I do that Lambert is a sick degenerate puppy, how do you feel about him being introduced as an authoritative judge before 20 million viewers? We are supposed to accept anyone’s “orientation” without blinking, but how do you really feel? How do you feel about Beyoncé Knowles opening the 2014 Grammy awards with her legs spread for millions of children to see as an example? Being a sheeple means we say nothing. We just shut down and go along with the herd. It is considered un-evolved to draw lines in the sand about moral standards against, for example, anal sex. And because we are sheeple we are allowing our children to be taught anal sex in our schools.

Anyone with morals is now labeled as a “moralist.” Where did this label come from? This came from the 1989 blueprint outlined above, but the source is much deeper than a couple of authors, who were undoubtedly hired to produce the book. Their ideas were quickly adopted by the controlled media itself without any lobbying by gay activists. The controlled media is hired by the same people who hired the authors. For gay people who are against the New World Order, they need to become suspicious very quickly. You are being used. Interestingly, cabal top players are themselves compromised damaged goods. Henry Kissinger did his PhD thesis on the Illuminati Congress of Vienna. That means he was groomed. That means his rape of women, men, children as reported by survivors with court documents, was probably an out growth of his own abusive programming as a child. This huge circle of understanding is subject of my book Lipstick and War Crimes, so I can’t cover all this in a few paragraphs.

The ruling class has the schools and press [and entertainment industry] under its thumb.

This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.

– Albert Einstein

The purpose of pushing Lambert on American Idol was the same purpose as pushing Ellen Degeneres. The purpose is to have young viewers get accustomed to the “gay is okay” idea, but not so that homosexuality will be accepted. Please understand this. The Illuminati could care less about gay people, their rights, women, minorities, the environment, indigenous people or anything altruistic. The gay rights and “gay is okay message” is a trojan horse to bring a wrecking ball into the infrastructure of traditional values. That is the goal, not anything fair for anyone. Gay people really need to wake up to this fact. Your lack of discretion is being spread to undercut any standard that would resist satanist planning. The Illuminati Cabal want moral breakdown, and they are using the temptation of sex, as people are encouraged to experiment more by having no boundaries. The zero-taboo role models lead the way.

The Cabal’s gay agenda wants “transformation” of the whole. This is the big point to come to grips with. The moral standards, taboos, and guidance of the vast majority are being replaced with lack of moral fiber. This is so everyone can become weak powerless slaves under Big Brother. Does it matter if you are a gay or straight slave?

On the micro level, with our family members and neighborhoods, the fruit of this program certainly is not clear strong young people with noble aspirations. The elite who hold the strings of power want serial relationships that are based on lust, not love. They want broken homes. They want more kids without dads. The agenda of spreading “romance” and “night life” has been going on all our lives. The reader might recall the song “Strangers in the Night” by Frank Sinatra which celebrated sports sex. [link-Illuminati Sinatra] Sinatra was given this song by those who controlled his material. And what was the message? Was it different than traditional chastity? You haven’t heard that word in a while have you?

So I hope the reader now has enough proof that the music industry is indeed controlled by a group that uses satanic symbols, and that you have a suspicion, at least, that unknown gay Adam Lambert and knows-nothing-about-singing Lesbian Ellen Degeneres were put on national TV by the Cabal for a social engineering reason. Gay activists had nothing to do with this.

Normal or Rare?

Some say that homosexuality is normal. What they mean really is there is some incidence of it. So what? That incidence in natural indigenous societies of very feminine men who have sex with straight men is so rare that cross-incarnations are not seen as “equal,” they are seen as exotic anomalies. Yes, there is a rare incidence of many kinds of behavior, but that doesn’t mean all those behaviors are equal. There might be gradations of sexual energy, but world wide, there are men’s bathrooms and women’s bathrooms, not gradations. Male and female polarity is quite clear for 97% of people. Homosexuality is a very much a minority expression, and not essential to the species. Straight sex creates the next generation while same sex doesn’t. So no one should be concerned with homosexuality per se because it is not sustainable. What we need to be worried about is the blurring of all moral standards.

The idea that homosexuality is genetic is ridiculous, when the percentage of people who are “gay” is going up as fast as the social engineering. The homosexual phenomenon is a promoted fad, not a genetic orientation. I am saying that if you are “gay,” it is most likely due to designed influence that encouraged experimentation. The design was from an evil group. If your surrounding culture had reinforced strictly that sexual experimentation is a mistake and that some things are taboo (WRONG), you wouldn’t have tasted the kool aid.

If there are no taboos, what we get is satanic heaven called “anything goes” and then there is no definition of sin or wrong. Evil then has no resistance. That is the goal of the Illuminati, because no resistance means total control.

“The tour’s goal is to break useless taboos.” – Madonna, on her 1990 Blond Ambition World Tour

Her statement wasn’t hers as she didn’t choreograph or arrange the tour, so she is just repeating the value system of the Cabal’s agenda. Madonna is a mind controlled puppet used in porn films, some say snuff films, when whe was a teen. Her words are an utter lie. Taboos are totally useful! They make a culture unique. Every unique culture has unique taboos. Taboos guide behavior, which is what tradition is all about. The goal of the satanist Illuminati has been to destroy guidance. And now there is a part within many people that is confused. This is what the globalist control freaks wanted. They want confused people. Taboos guide us and actually protect us, and breaking taboos often leads to random confusion and suffering. Are all taboos fair? Hold on, are you a globalist that is going to judge every other culture with your own rules?

Elton John and the Boy Scouts

Elton John has been used to push an Illuminati gay agenda. (Not an agenda by gay activists.) In fact, in my opinion, the only reason we know of Elton John, like every other celebrity, like tattoo Adam Lambert, is that he was placed, framed and given fame. In Elton John’s case the reason was to push the “lust, not love” and the “anything is okay” idea upon us all. Madonna was the same kind of agent, as are many of the other role models that the Music Industry rolls out. Elton John was used for this purpose on the children’s Muppets Show in 1977, in order to undercut ancient moral guidance for children. His presence on the Muppets would have been a slap in the face for most parents if they had been watching, which they probably hadn’t. Again, if you are gay, it is probably because of this kind of social engineering which influenced you. If you had never had any influence like this, and had a tradition with guidance, you probably would have followed the guidance. (Caveat – some feel the rise in gay “orientation” is also due to the amount of estrogen in our drinking water …)

To right, early photo of Elton John wearing Illuminati leopard skin shirt, used for kitten beta programming for women. This indicates Elton John is another mind programmed stooge, like Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Beyoncé, etc. The programming comes out of Nazi MK-Ultra programming mentioned above with “Course in Miracles” William Thetford. My feeling is that Bernie Taupin, also in image was and is Elton John’s handler.

“Bernie Taupin, [now net worth $300 million] who has lived with Elton John and written most of his lyrics [for over 38 years] stated that Elton John’s “home is laden with trinkets and books relating to Satanism and witchcraft” (US, July 22, 1980, p. 42)… Taupin admits that he decorates his walls with “satanic art” and has further declared, “the occult fascinates me” (People, June 23, 1980). [In 1991, Bernie Taupin self-published a book of poems called The Devil at High Noon]

“Elton John has admitted that he is deceiving his fans, “Its all a big con,” and adds, “But as long as the public laps it up, I’m quite happy to go on giving it to them.” (Rolling Stone, July 15, 1976, p. 30)

“… Elton John has stated, “In most artists there’s a self destructive streak. Drugs, sex and doomed liaisons were my form of destruction.”

On his sexual past – “I would walk into a club and see someone I hadn’t even met and I would already have them on the conveyor belt,” declared John. “They’d come out with a Versace shirt and a Cartier watch at the other end.”

“… Elton John has sung about suicide, lesbianism (All the Girls Love Alice), glorified prostitution (Sweet Painted Lady), and sniffing glue (B*tch is Back) ). [But he didn’t write the lyrics. Who did, and why? I don’t believe it was Taupin alone.] [source]

In 1999, Elton John caused outrage by performing at a gay Stonewall charity concert with dancers dressed as boy scouts that then stripped. The song was called “It’s a Sin” by the Pet Shop Boys. The song basically blames the church for blaming. Who came up with the boy scout costumes? Stonewall spokeswoman said “the routine was Elton John’s contribution” to the event. I ask, who was in charge? Regardless, no one at the rehearsal batted an eyelash about dancers dressed as children stripping to their shorts, getting on their knees and grabbing their groins. This is example of the same old Illuminati theme of “transformation,” also called “good gone bad,” but extended to society in general, where underage boy scouts are portrayed as players in loveless lust-centered homosexual activity.

John Fogg, a spokesman for the Scout Association, said at the time:

“We think it is pretty deplorable and in bad taste in terms of denigrating our uniform and what it stands for. We are disappointed that someone of Sir Elton’s standing should involve himself in something of such poor taste. It linked homosexuality with pedophilia. If Stonewall [charity] are completely for the rights of homosexual people, they have not done themselves any favors.”

The scout spokesman above said it correctly, “If.” Excellent, because in fact Stonewall could care less about gay rights. Stonewall is a front.

Wikipedia – “Stonewall is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights charity in the United Kingdom. Now the largest gay equality organization in Europe, it was formed in 1989.”

Somebody came up with this performance idea, then Elton John performed it, and an alledged gay rights group didn’t question it. Who is accountable here? The “gay is okay” message got mixed in with an abusive satanic “use children” message.

“It does not surprise me that an unrepentant homosexual [Elton John], who is legally married to another man, would refer to Christians as “Jesus freaks.” The underlying power to all occult practices, is Satanism, i.e., the worship of Satan (or Lucifer) in opposition to the worship of God. It is the worship of Satan which has been the driving force behind the handful of men who have perpetuated the Illuminati conspiracy. Through its various incarnations, the spread of the occult has enabled the Illuminati to create a social climate that has welcomed the advent of the New World Order, and the one-world government that accompanies it.” [source]

Religions can argue about the meaning of God, but few religions other than satanism, deny that their is such a thing as sin. What is sin for Elton John? Deceiving his fans? Sports sex? Trading for sex with designer clothes and watches? Attacking boys organizations? Suggesting pedophilia is acceptable? He seems to be confessing occasionally, but where is the reformation? What is sin? Does he use the word? All other religions do, except satanism which is an anti-religion.

Fans of Elton John need to step back for a moment. If Elton John didn’t write the songs, why is he so promoted/honored? Why didn’t Bernie Taupin, his writer, get knighted? I believe Elton John is programmed puppet who plays a role for the social engineers. His job is to influence youth.

We see him rolled out for a recent superbowl commercial by Pepsi with naive Christian Melanie Amaro, mentioned above, singing song “Respect” to him. Get it? And notice the checkered floor. This is cutting edge social engineering impacting millions and millions of sports fans, blurring the lines of sexual polarity and moral boundaries. Look how much money was spent, and Pepsi is hardly mentioned in the commercial.

Besides knighting Elton John, the queen has knighted war criminals Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf. She even knighted cross dresser and serial killer J. Edgar Hoover. The queen regularly honors people of questionable character such as Lord Justice Fulford, founder of the Paedophile Information Exchange or singer Kylie Minogue.

“Gay rights awareness charity Stonewall will be celebrating today, as their chair, David Issac, has been announced as a recipient of the CBE in the Queen’s birthday honors list. Issac becomes a Commander of the Order of the British Empire in recognition of many years of voluntary service.”

The Queen is a Bilderberger and has long personal history of pedophilia (see Zion King), the British have been controlled by the Rothschild banksters for centuries (See quote far bottom), and the physical crown itself bears a Maltese Cross used by the Illuminati, which has nothing to do with Christianity. Being knighted by the queen is not an honor, it is a disgrace if one has taboos against pedophilia and war criminals. This same queen honors Stonewall charity, but it gets worse. Stonewall was always under the Cabal because the Cabal created it.

“Stonewall was established in 1989 by influential Fabians … what is effectively a branch of the Freemasons… Fabian members include Jack Straw, Stephen Twigg, Peter Mandleson, the current Prime Minister Gordon Brown [a pedophile, photo to right], and Tony Blair [Pedophile cover up].

‘Stonewall’s Ben Summerskill has used his position as Chief Executive of Stonewall to speak at a number of Fabian events [top/down social engineering] all over the world [globalist – one value system for all cultures], and his Grandmother, a notable feminist, the late Baroness Summerskill was a notable member of this elite group.” [link]

“In 1875 an intriguing organization called the Theosophical Society was founded at New York by Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, editor of a magazine called Lucifer. It is currently said by her followers that Madame Blavatsky wanted her Society to be “unconcerned about politics: hostile to the insane dreams of Socialism and Communism, which it abhors….” Nevertheless, upon her death in 1891, the mantle of the Theosophical Society was inherited by Annie Besant, a prolific writer and occultist who was also a member of another cult founded in England in 1884. This powerful organization was called the Fabian Socialist Society. Its avowed goal was the sameas that of the Order of the Illuminati: complete control of the world. Madame Besant founded the Fabian Parliamentary League.”

Thus we learn that the boy scout performance was not a problem for Stonewall with it’s Luciferian Fabian roots. Rather, Stonewall is an arm of the no-taboos agenda. Once again, heads up for gay activists who respect Stonewall. You are being used, and the scout spokesman was spot on. The pedophilia of Blair and Brown who are New World Order, is connected with Fabians who founded Stonewall,

Do gay people really want the support of a Prime Minister who is a pedophile, or someone like Elton John, who studies satanism as part of his programming?

Clear lines?

Is there a clear distinction between gay activism and the Cabal? Obviously not. After the Ball and Stonewall prove that.

The gay agenda is inextricable connected, initiated, and nurtured by the perverse controllers who truly are involved with satanism.

Here we see the memorial for Princess Diana. She was murdered and the memorial tells us who did it. Note the satanic pentagon in photo. Elton John helped cover up the murder by singing “Candle in the Wind” at her funeral, which was originally a song written by someone else to help cover up the fact that natural brunette Marilyn Monroe was a mind controlled sex slave. CIA agent Gloria Steinem did the same with a book about the myth Monroe.

Elton John appears to be a tool of the Cabal, and little else.

The same Illuminati that created Stonewall controls the Movie Industry and the actors. As everyone should know by now, when we say the entertainment industry is controlled by the Illuminati, we are also saying it is controlled by sexual perverts.

‘The British entertainment industry is crawling with pedophiles, says Ben Fellows, a former child actor who worked in theatre productions and TV. ‘I ran a gauntlet of pedophiles – both at the BBC and at other television production companies, and also in theatres, as well as on commercial photo shoots.’ During productions, staff would warn him to stay away from certain actors who were known to be pedophiles. He was in danger when he ran into them backstage. He gives an example: ‘I was chased around the dressing room by a naked actor who had invited me into their dressing room at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane – and this actor was extremely famous. I was advised by the director of the musical that I was not to complain, or tell anyone of this incident. I was thirteen years old… so I didn’t.’ His testimony is full of shocking detail. On one occasion he was seduced by a female BBC producer who regularly had sex with teenage boys. On another he was molested by cabinet minister Ken Clarke MP, who gave him alcohol and groped his penis through his trousers. Ben Fellows says he knows child actors who committed suicide because of the abuse they suffered. However, abuse by homosexuals somehow doesn’t come under ‘bullying.'” [Its legal!] [link]

How many gay activist groups are actively denouncing pedophilia and helping to bring down the Illuminati?

Fans of Elton John or Adam Lambert need to incorporate the information above and re-access your admiration. Gay people need to stop defending anything that is gay just because it is their tribe, because supporting anything is very close to the satanic theme “anything goes,” or as Aleister Crowley on Adam Lambert’s shirt said it, “Do what thou wilt.” No taboos.

Jay-Z, husband and some say handler of singer Beyoncé (and [link]), is another card carrying satanist.

There must be moral lines or else virtue gets buried in sleaze and dysfunction and the only winner is Big Brother who will come to save the dysfunctional day with a police state. That dear reader, is definitely planned if you hadn’t noticed.

Did Elton John respect the innocence of young people in the boy scout performance shown below? Where are his lines of morality? Did Stonewall charity respect the innocence of children? Where is their line?

(It should be mentioned that satanism label has been used in media to distract from what satanists do. “The thirty year history of the False Memory Foundation, shows that focusing solely on the satanic aspect of the claims has completely prevented any real discourse on the facts on the child sex trafficking issue” – David Shurter )

What did this boyscout costume performance respect?

I ask Gay Rights proponents, why didn’t you also protest this? I believe it is because the “gay movement” has a disrespect for tradition built into it. Experimentation rules, not obeying guidelines. This exactly is why the gay agenda is called immoral. It doesn’t respect taboos, guidelines, morals. Not respecting morals is immoral. Period. Ethics without rules is unethical. And this is why gay people are being used by the Illuminati as a wrecking ball, because gay people can be counted on to have no taboos. Again, the Illuminati gay agenda is to use gay people for their own purpose.

Before the reader comes down on me for daring to say that sex does indeed need moral parameters, please examine the mentality and the satanic background of Elton John.

What does moral parameters mean? It means there must be a clear line beyond which the behavior is deemed WRONG. That is why taboos are useful. Whether we call ourselves gay or straight, we need to have an idea of what is wrong. Sex cannot be free. Sex must be wise. Gay people who don’t have the word decadent in their vocabulary need to re-think. Gay people need to have a word for perversity also. Are bondage toys okay in sex shops? Is bathhouse sports sex okay? It doesn’t matter how many condoms you use, is it morally safe? Where is the line that defines WRONG besides attacking others as homophobes?

When we consider that we are all immersed in intentional social engineering campaigns from cartoons, to super bowls half time shows, to the sea of “pushing the envelope” advertising, to most Hollywood movies, to new laws, to song lyrics, can we really say that “consensual sex” between people, straight or gay, is the exercise of free informed choice?

The key words in the children’s song “Let it Go” from movie Frozen (2014) are …

“No right, no wrong, no rules for me. I’m free.”

As a side on that, Frozen was distributed by retailer Costco. Costco, as of this writing, is still distributing the pro serial-killer DVD American Sniper, and for those who aren’t aware of it, the true story of Chris Kyle is very different than the movie. Costco is controlled by William H. Gates, who has been on the board of Costco since 2003. He apparently isn’t busy enough directing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which is involved with sterilizing young women overseas, chemtrails, GMO foods, and other despicable globalist projects. Costco is controlled by the top corrupt elite. “No right, no wrong, no rules for me.”

Children who grow up with this kind of programming are not excising free choice. Rather, they, all of us, are just experimenting with implanted images and values coming from the media and getting addicted to sexual habits like sports sex instead of holding to virtue and waiting for a true partner. I fell to this decadent sex-first culture 50 years ago. Isn’t it obvious that what we think is normal has been planted in us, and that we are victims of social engineering. (See Tavistock Institute)

“In the wake of the Supreme Court’s historic rulings last week, we were able to blow the lid off Hollywood’s Gay Marriage Conspiracy (see part one here), wherein American writers, producers and television executives spent years manipulating audiences and public officials through mainstream entertainment in pursuit of their marriage equality agenda. And it worked!” [link to historical list of TV shows]

and from India

“Let us not forget that 60% of India’s population is under the age of 25. The decriminalization of homosexuality is going to impact them as they come of age, develop their increasingly individualistic identities and make choices about how they wish to live.” [link]

At least this pro-gay India opinion above, printed in New World Order Forbes Magazine was honest; homosexuality is simply a choice, a whim, a fad for the vast majority of people into same-sex experimentation and it is being steered through programs and laws that “impact.” I wasn’t exaggerating when I called Forbes a New World Order magazine.

In Taiwan, there have been repeated calls for legal amendments and for the Justices of the Constitutional Court to interpret the constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in such a way that would allow same-sex marriages to be legally recognized.

But Chen said: “All countries are not the same. In Taiwan, the issue of legalizing same-sex marriage remains extremely controversial.”

“We must take into consideration the development of our society and public opinion,” said the deputy minister. “So we would not consider it for now.”

He didn’t say the traditions of his country, he said “the development”. He meant “Take into consideration the schedule of social engineering.”

I ask, why is there more bi-sexual experimentation now than before? What changed?

Can we ignore the Illuminati programs to engineer our values and choices and behavior?

For What Purpose?

The reader might ask, “If this plot is really true, what would be the ultimate goal of such an elite co-opted Gay Agenda?” The reader can add in the Feminist Agenda and the New Age Agenda also, because these have the same control. Original feminism was co-opted back in the suffragette stage, and New Age was quickly co-opted after India and Zen were discovered by Western youth in the 60’s. Those old traditions have clear moral lines and taboos, but they were replaced by Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey narcissistic “don’t judge anything because anything goes” alleged spirituality, without morals.

The purpose of the Cabal’s Gay Agenda is as another front to destabilize traditional values, as delineated by New World Order Zbignew Brzezinski, so that the elite have a weak, dysfunctional, complacent population of sheeple to control. Traditional values are not perfect. They are not sacred. But most traditional values respect innocence and virtue while the New World Order does not. The push for “gay is okay” is another front to attack traditional values. I’m not defending any one set of traditional values here, I am defending all old time-tested cultures in general, that all happen to maintain clear forms of sexual polarity. The cultures of entire world are under attack. And the excuse is fairness,”equality,” and peace.

Until we see gay activists denouncing Elton John’s pedophile messages, Adam Lambert’s satanic attire, and the white washing of American crimes by people like gay newscaster Anderson Cooper, the gay community is not doing its job in confronting the New World Order controllers. Rather than denouncing “homophobes,” gay activists should denounce poster boy gay people who are part of globalist organized crime. Anderson Cooper does not represent gay people! The gay community honored him because he was gay, and forgot he is heir to Vanderbilt 1% wealth, was member of a secret society at Yale, attended CIA training courses for two summers, and now continually brings us watered down news that hides the real culprits behind war and domestic problems. The truly honest people in the Gay community, not the bought off leaders of the gay movement, need to take sides… to be gay sheeple or to be whistle blowers against controlled media and satanic celebrities.

“Previous recipients [before Cooper] of the [GLAAD] Vito Russo Award, presented to an openly lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender media professional who has made a significant difference in promoting equality, include Ricky Martin, Rosie O’Donnell, Elton John and Nathan Lane.” [link]

Does anyone want to be equal with the someone like Anderson Cooper who works for and represents the indecent policies of the New World Order? How about being equal with “Sir” Elton John, a mind programmed satanist puppet?

I will maintain that there would be no gay movement without Illuminati support. Just as feminism was hijacked by CIA agent Gloria Steinem, the gay movement has been manipulated, as the After the Ball and Stonewall stories exhibit.

Zbigniew Brzezinski was the first Director of the Trilateral Commission, architect of the Afghan holocaust, and is presently a consultant to globalist puppet Obama. He wrote the books Between Two Ages — America’s Role in the Technetronic Era and The Grand Chessboard—American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives.

In his words …

“The Technocratic Age is slowly designing (this link is a 7 minute youtube of former KGB operative) an every day, more controlled society. The society will be dominated by an elite of persons free from traditional values, who will have no doubt in fulfilling their objectives by means of purged techniques, with which they will influence the behavior of people and will control and watch the society in all details … it will become possible to exert a practically permanent watch [all-seeing-eye] on each citizen of the world.”

“Britain is the slave of an international financial bloc.”

– British Prime Minister David Lloyd George,
June 20, 1934, New Britain Magazine

Largest LGBT Donors Are Drone Manufacturers

By Hannah Kapp-Klote May 01, 2013

In the 1960s and 1970s, LGBT liberation (what we now call “LGBT equality”) was seen by its advocates as an all-inclusive movement intrinsically bound to other social justice movements: there could be no justice for LGBT people without justice for people of color, women, workers, those in other nations, etc. Accordingly, LGBT activists worked hard to build coalitions with all those determined to fight for justice.

Nowadays, the LGBT movement does more branding than coalition building.

Steven W. Thrasher, who has been nationally recognized for his LGBT journalism, called out national LGBT nonprofits and advocates, colloquially referred to by some as the glitter industrial complex, in a Gawker article, contending that the LGBT activists and nonprofits “have been bought, paid-for and sold to the highest bidder.”

It’s true: corporate America runs the LGBT movement, or at least the part of the LGBT movement that gets press time and donors. Their sponsorship keeps the LGBT movement from addressing the issues that matter most for the LGBT community and beyond.

Thrasher highlights that many of the biggest donors to the Human Rights Campaign, the multi-million dollar nonprofit that receives the bulk of donations for LGBT issues, are drone manufacturers. These donors profit off of the United States’ use of drones to kill civilians, including children, with little oversight or accountability. Drone manufacturers are far from the only ethically dark gray to black donors to LGBT advocacy organizations: a brief perusal of any major LGBT organization’s list of donors reveals that corporate black hats like Bank of America, BP, Coke, and Nike all provide major cash to LGBT nonprofits. …


Dominant Mothers and Gay Sons

September 18, 2002 Times 2 - features

Despite the huge publicity accorded to them, studies purporting to prove that male homosexuality is caused by genes or brain abnormalities have turned out to be largely groundless.

Very recently published studies have found little or no genetic effect and there is a large body of evidence to suggest that homosexuality has a significant environmental component.

Gay men are twice as likely as heterosexuals to come from a distinctive family constellation, half painting the following picture of their boyhood: the mother is the centre of his attention and they are unusually close; she sees rough-and-tumble play as dangerous, and is excessively anxious about his health and safety; this inhibits his aggression, and he is clinging and anxious at being separated from her; in early adolescence she may be flirtatious with him, and is a dominant, powerful woman who is uncomfortable with masculinity — emasculating even; she takes more family decisions than the father, and is the stronger personality; the father is rejecting or withdrawn or weak or absent — emotionally, literally or a combination of these — and the marital relationship is disharmonious.

Gay men tend to have had negative relationships with their fathers, half of them (compared with a quarter of heterosexuals) feeling anger, resentment and fear towards fathers whom they deem cold, hostile, detached or submissive.

They do not see their fathers as role models.

More than 70 per cent feel dissimilar to them while growing up (against a third of heterosexuals) and more similar to their mother. About half feel that their mothers did not want them to be like their fathers, and more than two thirds feel that their mothers dominated their fathers.


Childhood experiences of homosexual men : Mothers and sons

by Dale O'Leary; for NARTH


Bieber's study of homosexual male patients found that in many cases the detached, hostile father was matched by a mother who was "close-binding and intimate with her son." About 70% of the mothers of Bieber's patients met this criteria. The analysts also reported their patients' mothers were more restrictive of active play, over-anxious concerning health, more afraid of injury, and more overprotective than the controls' mothers.

The case histories presented by Bieber reveal psychologically destructive mother/son relationships. In one case the mother kept her son in bed most of the time between age four and seven because of a minor intestinal condition. Her daily ritual was to rub her son's back, pat and kiss his buttocks. The boy became terrified when he reacted to this inappropriate behavior by becoming visibly sexually aroused. In addition the patient reported that his mother sabotaged his relationships with his father and his peers: "It was as if she demanded that I give her all my attention. She criticized my friends and did it so nicely that it hurt more." (Bieber 1962, p.59)

According to Bieber:

By the time the H[omosexual]-son has reached the preadolescent period, he has suffered a diffuse personality disorder. Maternal over-anxiety about health and injury, restriction of activities normative for the son's age and potential, interference with assertive behavior, demasculinizing attitudes, and interference with sexuality -- interpenetrating with paternal rejection, hostility, and lack of support -- produce an excessively fearful child, pathologically dependent upon his mother and beset by feelings of inadequacy, impotence, and self-contempt. He is reluctant to participate in boyhood activities thought to be physically injurious -- usually grossly overestimated. His peer group responds with humiliating name-calling and often with physical attack which timidity tends to invite among children... Thus he is deprived of important empathic interaction which peer groups provide. (Bieber 1962, p.316)

Not all the homosexuals patients in the Bieber's study had mothers who were "close-binding and overly intimate." In eight cases the mothers, while covertly seductive, were openly hostile, contemptuous, critical, and belittling. According to Bieber, these men's homosexuality appeared less entrenched; six of the eight were bisexual in behavior and five became heterosexual after treatment. In seven other cases, the patients' mothers, while appearing affectionate, were basically cold toward their sons. In addition, the mother's seductiveness effected the boy's sexual behavior, in a number of cases producing "precocious and sometimes compulsive sexuality--masturbation and sex play with other children."

Bieber found that the mothers of their homosexual patients were women who did not get along with other women and did not favor their daughters (if there were girls in the family). The mother of a homosexual often singled out one of her sons, preferring this son to his brothers and even to her husband. She habitually appeared nude or partially clad in front of the son. She allowed him to share her bed, sometimes banishing the father. This kind of attention created a child who was fearful, dependent, and isolated from his age-mates.

Bieber also sought to understand why nine of the 32 controls who had backgrounds and childhood experiences which were similar to those of homosexual patients did not become homosexual. Investigation revealed that seven of the nine suffered homosexual fantasies and impulses, but had not engaged in homosexual behaviors. What appeared to make the difference was that in each case, the boy had been exposed at some point to a positive male role model.

Psychologist Dr. Kurt Konietzko describes the mothers of homosexuals as standing in the way of their son's heterosexual development, but making it easy for them to act out homosexually. In spite of her love for her son may be unable to help him, because according to Dr. Konietzko, "If she really faces his problem, she'll have to face her own. Maybe she is afraid of maleness, and in order to keep her son lovable has kept him a dependent little boy."(Karlen, p.568)

The mother's genuine concern for her son's distress may have a negative effect. An adult patient in psychotherapy for homosexuality recalled:

Whenever I felt rejected by my friends, my mother tried to console me. But she just didn't help. She was never a guy so nothing she could say could ever make me feel better. She'd say, "Oh, you don't want to play with those bad boys anyway." It would have been great if my father could have talked to me.(Nicolosi, unpublished)

Other researchers tested Bieber's findings in regard to mothers. Apperson et al., queried 22 homosexuals who were "functioning adequately" and not receiving any psychiatric treatment." They found that "the mothers of the homosexual group appear less restrictive than the mothers of controls." These mothers were "shown as being less concerned with training the child in socialization." Apperson comments that his findings appear to be "in direct contradiction to Bieber's," but Bieber reported that 11 cases of detached mothers and 8 cases of rejecting-minimizing-hostile mothers. Apperson's findings, in fact, agree with Bieber's conclusion that in these cases:

Neither parent provided the support and protectiveness required both psychologically and physiologically for normal growth and development. These patients were exposed to a range of traumatic experiences that go along with a hostile, affectionless milieu. (Bieber 1962, p.82)

This was confirmed by Green's (1987) study in which feminine boys reported spending less time with their sons than did control mothers and to have been more likely to have experienced mother-son separations.

Zucker and Bradley reported that in their clinical experience, "Boys with GID have been shown to have largely insecure attachments to their mothers;" however, they also found, "ample clinical evidence that boys with gender identity disorder have greater emotional closeness with their mothers than with their fathers." (Zucker 1995, p. 229)

Thompson found that "homosexuals more strongly identified with their mothers and more strongly disidentified with their fathers than with controls." (Thompson, 1973) According to Saghir and Robins' research:

The mother seems to replace the father as the parental model and source of identification. In the vast majority of the homosexual men, identification is reported to have occurred with the mother or with no parent at all during childhood. A majority of the homosexuals describe their mothers as having been dominant at home, making decisions, carrying out discipline and showing greater drive and involvement. (Saghir, p.152)

Comments collected by Saghir and Robins illustrate the nature of the relationship between homosexuals and their mothers during childhood:

She wanted me to be always good. I never associated with roughnecks. She did not want me to get hurt. Everything was towards the effeminate life. She prevented me from expressing any aggressive behavior and sex to her was always dirty. I never was encourage to date.

She babied me completely. She gave me a bath till I was in high school. Never wanted me to engage in sports. Always was nosy about friends and phone calls and found fault with the girls I dated.

My mother was more patient with me than my father. I learned a lot through her like cooking, baking and housework. My father liked my sister more ... Once I was making a cake and my sister came riding on a bike from playing basketball. I was struck by the reversal of the role at that time. (Saghir, p.148)

Observations from therapists who treat effeminate boys confirm the recollections of adult homosexual male. Bates and his associates reported on a group of 29 boys, 5-13 years old, who were evaluated and treated for gender role abnormalities. Frederick, age 7, was:

a clinging, fearful boy who was somewhat clumsy and compulsively clean, was not permitted to roam the neighborhood because of his mother's constant fear that he might be injured by the "rough" neighborhood boys. His mother also protected him against any anger from his large, imposing father who slept days and worked nights. Since she saw her son as helpless to achieve things by himself, she continued to bathe him herself, and even required that he change clothes with her in the women's locker room at the public swimming pool. Roughness, noise, and physical risk were not allowed. (Bates, 1974)

Over-protectiveness may be a symptom of the mothers' psychological problems. According to a study by Marantz and Coats (1991) mothers of boys with GID have higher rates of depression and borderline personality disorder than mothers of normal controls. According to Wolfe (1990), mothers of boys with GID "report more psychopathology on symptom checklists and meet criteria for more psychiatric diagnoses--social adaptation, depression, and hostility."

Other researchers have found that the closeness has a darker side. In a 1945 book Otto Fenichel observed that

In quite a number of male homosexuals, the decisive identification with the mother was made as an "identification with an aggressor," that is, in boys were very much afraid of their mothers. (Fenichel, p.331)

In a 1960 study of homosexual prisoners, Ullman found that these men described mothers who were overly aggressive or hostile. Stoller observed that the mother of homosexual often failed to identify with her own mother. Her partial identification with the father lead to feelings of anger, envy, and rage, because she couldn't be a boy. As a mother she is unable tolerate masculinity in her son, because triggers her competitive and hostile feelings. As a result these mothers reinforce their sons only when they are non-masculine or feminine. (Zucker 1995, p.231)

Tolerating Effeminacy

The mother's emotional problems allow her to tolerate or even reinforce her son's cross-gender behavior. The child develops a "fantasized other self" or cross-gender behaviors as a defensive solution and may be very unwilling to let go of these comforting behaviors.

Mitchell (1991) found that mothers of boys with GID were more likely to reinforce feminine behavior and less likely reinforce masculine behavior than the mothers of normal controls. According to Zucker and Bradley, the initial parental response to cross-gender behavior was in many cases quite positive and that this tolerance had a profound effect on the boys development:

we feel that parental tolerance of cross-gender behavior at the time of its emergence is instrumental in allowing the behavior to develop...What is unique in the situation with children who develop a gender identity disorder is the co-occurrence of a multitude of factors at a sensitive period in the child's development -- that is, most typically in the first few years of life, the period of gender identity formation and consolation. there must be a sufficient numbers of factors to induce a state of inner insecurity in the child, such that he or she requires a defensive solution to deal with anxiety. This must occur in a context in which the child perceives that the opposite-sex role provides a sense of safety or security. (Zucker 1995, p.259)

Zucker and Bradley suggest that some mothers may react more positively to their son's feminine behavior because these mothers feel unnurtured and believe that females are more nurturing. These mothers may have an "an intense aversion to aggression," and associate aggression with masculinity.(Zucker 1995, p.261) In addition these mothers may see this particular boy as an especially beautiful or feminine baby. In this regard the mothers' perceptions have been confirmed by independent observers. Stoller (1975) and Green (1987) both noted that boys with GID are unusually attractive. When objective raters were shown photographs of the boys with GID and normal boys, the GID boys were rated as more attractive.(Zucker 1993)

According to Green mothers of GID boys frequently send their son's a mixed message. For example, one mother refused to allow her son to use her new lipstick, but allowed him to use an old one. Another mother claimed to be upset about her son's cross-dressing, yet at the same time gave him her old shoes, saying,: "I had to throw more high heels away. I'd finally break down and let him have them to just keep him quiet. He would go and sit down and play with them." Another mother made it clear that she affirmed her son's feminine fantasy play telling the therapist that her son knew that she didn't see anything wrong with it. In another case the mother reacted positively to her son's chose of dolls for play things.(Green 1974, p.157-159)

One mother explained why she restricted her son's activities:

he was a very delicate baby. He didn't belong out there with the other boys! He belonged inside with me. I didn't want him to get dirty. I wanted him to be clean all the time. and I used to make him little shirts with little panties. Of course I made my other sons that, but with him it was special because I wanted a girl so bad, and he had the features of a girl. (Green 1974, p.219)

Another mother expressed a negative reaction to rough-and-tumble play:

I didn't want it to be too rough. If I saw that he was going to be hurt--now this was before he was five years old--he went out once and the other boys, his own age, were going to push him down the concrete steps--and I stopped them, stopped him from getting pushed. And I think I did more of that than I needed to do.

When her husband tried to take the boy at two years of age into a men's bathroom, the mother prevented it because she didn't feel it was clean enough. (Green 1974, p.222)

Zucker and Bradley reported a case an overanxious six-year-old boy was extremely sensitive to his mother's professed resentment toward men. (Zucker 1995, p.92) In another case a mother seen in their clinic had made it clear that she "hated men." She was angry at her husband's for expressing concern about their son's marked cross-gender behavior, and she threatened to leave the marriage if he persisted in discussing the issue. While the father worried about allowing the boys to wear dresses on the street, the mother indicated forcefully that it would not bother her in the least if Jeremiah developed a homosexual orientation and asked how she would feel if he were to seek sex reassignment, she answered that this was fine with her as long as he was happy. It was Zucker and Bradley's clinical opinion that: "Jeremiah's mother had a great deal of ambivalence regarding men and masculinity and that it was probably very difficult for her to tolerate any signs of masculinity in Jeremiah." (Zucker 1995, p.90)

Moberly points out that concern about the relationship between the mother and son should not be misinterpreted:

To be attached to one's mother is in itself entirely normal. However, if there is a defensive detachment from the father, the only remaining channel for attachment is to the mother. What is normal when complemented by a father--attachment-- becomes abnormal when isolated from it. (Moberly, p.8)

Mothers' effect on adult behavior

Silverstein. minimizes the importance of the mother's influence; he writes: "A gay man's problems in later life, particularly in dealing with love relationships, are more apt to center around the father than the mother." Others see a substantial maternal influence.

Dr. Walt Odets, who works with homosexual men with AIDS, has observed how a patient's childhood relationship with his mother can effect his adult behavior. One patient reported feeling guilty that he was having a good time when his mother called during a dinner party. The event reminded him of the guilt he felt as a child about running around in front of her or walking too fast because his mother was crippled. He admitted that at times he resented being kept from normal play activities and wanted to run away from his mother. As an adult he did in fact "run away" from his mother, by moving to a distant city. (Odets, p.48)

In another case Odets reported how one client's empathy for his mother effected his adult behavior:

Growing up, Greg was the oldest of three siblings and was close to his mother. He and his mother shared a sense of abandonment by his father... Greg empathized with his mother's loneliness and depression, was acutely sensitive as a child to her moods, and attempted in an emotional sense to serve as a surrogate husband. (Odets, p.54)

Greg's efforts to care for his mother were unsuccessful. When she was hospitalized for depression. Greg tried to take her place, "caring for his mother so that his father, whom he idolized as a child but hardly knew, would not be burdened with her." As a child Greg bore a profound sense of failure and guilt because he could not solve his parents' problems. This caused him to limit himself as an adult "in order not to have a better life than he felt his mother had." When he contracting HIV disease, his potential for a better life was limited, and this reduced his guilt feelings. (Odets, p.55)

Stoller points out the importance of the mother's willingness to allow her son to develop a separate identity and a sense of mastery:

Mothers, we see, have an additional task in rearing a son not needed with a daughter. They must encourage the separation (1) with greater intensity, steadfastness, and vigilance; (2) at the right time(s); (3) with the right amounts of frustration tempered with (4) the right amounts of love, care, sympathy; (5) enjoying their husband enough to offer this father as a worthy object for identification.

In addition to encouraging the separation, they must also encourage the development of a sense of mastery. This has been studied in regard to many ego functions but perhaps less systematically in regard to those functions that are perceived by others and by oneself as masculinity. It requires of a mother (1) that her own envy of maleness be subdued; (2) that she be feminine, or, if not particularly so, that she be so in certain regards at least when with her sons; and (3) that she enjoy infants. It is a great advantage(4) if she is genuinely heterosexual and especially helpful if she is married, so that a loved masculine man can be permanently present in the family. (Stoller 1975, p. 162)

If the mother fails to allow her son to develop a confident masculine identity, the son may appear superficially compliant, but harbor a hidden anger toward his mother which is reflect in adult behavior. Stoller who has studied the relationship between hostility and sexual behavior believes that some homosexuals feel so defeated by "their blackmailing mothers" that they have a strong desire for revenge which according to Stoller "energizes aspects of many homosexuals' behavior, erotic and otherwise." (Stoller, p.201)


It is not uncommon for parents to have favorites, however if a child is the favorite of the opposite sex parent during the crucial development period this can effect gender identity development. In a study by Friedman only 7% of homosexuals believed they were their father's favorite (vs. 28% of the heterosexual controls). On the other hand 44 % of the homosexuals (vs. 24% of the controls) believed that they were their fathers' "least favored child." (Friedman 1988, p.61)

The two examples of identical twins raised together who developed differently mentioned in the previous section --Sam and Howard, Frank, Jr. and Paul -- suggests that the differential in parental attention and feeling that one is not the same sex parent's favored child can have an effect on gender identity development.

This also happens among siblings. Dr. George Rekers, the editor of Handbook of child and adolescent sexual problems and author of Growing up straight: What every family should know about homosexuality, Shaping your child's sexual Identity, and numerous other articles, has successfully treated a number of GID boys including Craig who was four years old and extremely effeminate when initially assessed:

the father had a closer relationship with Craig's eight-year-old brother than with Craig. Because Craig was not interested in the typical games that his brother participated in, his father felt less inclined to spend time with him. Instead, the father spent considerable time playing ball and roughhousing with Craig's brother. For this reason, Craig had an intensely close relationship with his mother and a quite remote relationship with his father. (Rekers 1982, p.132)

Rekers recommended behavior modification and an increase in contact between Craig and his father. The parents were willing to follow the therapist's advice and within 10 months Craig was "indistinguishable from any other boy in terms of his sex-role behavior." His development was followed into adolescence and there were no signs of any subsequent problems. (Rekers, p.137)

Friedman carefully reviewed numerous studies on the relationships between homosexual sons and their parents. His conclusion: a "warm and supportive [family] pattern has not been documented to occur with any frequency in the backgrounds of homosexual men." (Friedman, p.73)

Not everyone agrees with this analysis. Siegleman, in a widely cited study, also claimed that other studies found differences because they did not control for neuroticism. Siegleman claimed that there were no significant differences in familial interaction between non-neurotic homosexual men and non-neurotic heterosexual men. (Siegleman, 1974) The Siegleman study has been criticized by van den Aardweg because the questionnaire did not assess behavior in sufficient depth. In addition, in a subsequent study Siegleman (1981) found differences between non-neurotic homosexuals and heterosexuals in familial patterns similar to those found in other studies. (Siegleman, 1981)

Dr. Bernard Zuger, who has written a number of articles on effeminate behavior in boys, found that the parental relationships and attitudes in families of effeminate boys were not statistically very different from those in the families of non-effeminate boys". Zuger did not, however, compare the effeminate boys with normal age-mates, but with boys admitted to a children's psychiatric clinic.

In another study Zuger again claimed that parental relationships and attitudes "are not a significant factor in the origin and development of persistent effeminate behavior." However, in "21 of the 22 cases ... the boys was considered closer to the mother, and in only one to the father." Zuger blames the father's alienation on the "effeminate boys' withdrawal." Zuger also found that more mothers than fathers of effeminate boys were dominant in the family. Most interestingly:

Among the parents of the 25 effeminate boys only six of the mothers and two of the fathers had strong negative reactions to the effeminate behavior from the very beginning. The remaining parents were either unaware of the problem confused about it, or tolerant of it. (Zuger, 1970)

All this would suggest that, contrary to Zuger's assertion, the relationships within the families of effeminate boys in this study were substantially different from those of non-effeminate boys.

Several researchers have looked at birth order as a dynamic in the development of same-sex attraction in adulthood. Blanchard and Bogaert studied 302 homosexual men and 302 heterosexual men and found that homosexuality:."was positively correlated with the proband's number of older brothers but not with older sisters, younger brothers, younger sisters, or parental age at the time of the proband's birth. Each additional older brother increased the odds of homosexuality by 33%." It is possible that a father who was occupied with older sons might be more tolerant of the mother's protectiveness of a younger son or the father might invest less time with the younger son during the critical period of gender identity development. (Blanchard 1996)

Developmental models

Therapists who treat boys with GID propose various explanations for how the problem develops. According to Green, the mother perceives this particular child as special. This favoritism may reflect her own needs. She gives the child more of her time. The boy plays with his mother's possessions and imitates the mother. These behaviors are supported by adults. The father is less present or does not present himself as a model and does not object forcefully to feminine play. On the other hand aggressive boy play is frowned upon. The situation creates alienation between the father and son. The boy's perceived femininity is an obstacle to same-sex peer play. The mother responds positively to cross-dressing. The problem spirals out-of-control. (Green, p.239)

Zucker and Bradley, have observed that the Gender Identity Disorder arises when "a boy's temperamental vulnerability to high arousal" combines with "an insecure mother-child relationship." The mother may have problems with frustration, depression, or hostility. In these cases:

The boy, who is highly sensitive to maternal signals, perceives the mother's feelings of depression and anger. Because of his own insecurity, he is all the more threatened by his mother's anger or hostility, which he perceives as directed at him. His worry about the loss of his mother intensifies his conflict over his own anger, resulting in high levels of arousal or anxiety. The father's own difficulty with affect regulation and inner sense of inadequacy usually produces withdrawal rather than approach.

The parents have difficulty resolving the conflicts they experience in their own marital relations, and fail to provide support to each other. This produces an intensified sense of conflict and hostility.

In this situation, the boy becomes increasingly unsure about his own self-value because of the mother's withdrawal or anger and the father's failure to intercede. This anxiety and insecurity intensify, as does his anger. (Zucker 1995, p.262)

The mother's psychological problems can have a profound effect on a sensitive son. For example, a 10-year-old boy with gender identity disorder, whose mother suffered from recurrent depression, talked about "how difficult it was for him to predict what mood his mother would be in each day." (Zucker 1995, p.229) In another case Zucker and associates treated an anxious youngster, prone to fantasy and cross-gender identification, whose mother was depressed and have difficulty separating from her son. (Zucker 1995, p.91)

Bieber describes what is needed for a boy to develop a healthy sense of his own masculinity:

A mother who is pleased by her son's masculinity and is comfortably related to his sexual curiosity and heterosexual responsiveness to her and other females, encourages and reinforces a masculine identification. A father who is warmly related to his son, who supports assertiveness and effectiveness, and who is not sexually competitive, provides the reality testing necessary for the resolution of the son's irrational sexual competitiveness. This type of parental behavior fosters heterosexual development.(Bieber 1962, p.313)

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