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Who's Worried about Illegals When the Blacks are Going to Kill Us in Our Sleep AHHHHHHHH !!

Posted By: Susoni
Date: Saturday, 22-Nov-2014 18:06:23

.. Of course you all know sarcasm when you hear it, yes??? Granted, there are Entities who want to start some trouble but as we all know Ferguson is a scripted event.. You can't watch TV without thinking St Louis is a war zone or a Future one.

I've had people ask me how living 5 miles from Ferguson is affecting my life. Truthfully, Ferguson was a non issue to most all in St Louis (City and County).. We knew it was going on, in Ferguson, but the vast majority of it was along 3 or 4 blocks and little else. So far, and that could change, it's not caused any trouble for any of us in or around STL...



“Fear is a very powerful weapon, it catalyzes, it causes division, it can be used as an excuse to remove even more civil liberties. Make no mistake America, there are reasons the media are portraying this, in this particular light. You are ALL being manipulated.” (random comment I read the other day…)

History has shown that so many revolutions that many of us have cheered on over the years have turned out to be completely fabricated (or at the very least, co-opted) for an ultimate end game.

Let me start this article by letting you know (in case you didn’t) that every massive rights movement in modern American history has ultimately wound up infiltrated…

Every single one. Remember Occupy Wall Street? These things may even appear to start out organically, but at some point they get co-opted and steered by powerful people for a specific agenda. The question always becomes, “How long has this been going on?” and “What is the endgame?”

The Ferguson situation reeks of COINTELPRO.

For more on that, just go read “Counterintelligence: A Documentary Look at America’s Secret Police” subhead “The FBI’s Counterintelligence Operations Against: Black, Puerto Rican, Native American, and Chicano/Mexicano movements.” It’s filled with the FBI’s own declassified memos pointing to the reality that the FBI and other agencies have historically run counterintelligence programs in this country “designed to systematically disrupt and destroy domestic Third World liberation movements and their leadership by any means necessary.”

It’s all a playbook and people just keep getting conned by it over and over and over. It’s the Hegelian Dialectic: problem — reaction — solution.

The Michael Brown/Darren Wilson case in Ferguson, Missouri has blown up. It has been engineered to do so. See the article below on just how highly organized, scripted and surely funded this thing has become. A state of emergency has preemptively been declared for 30 days in Missouri before the grand jury’s decision has even been announced. “Planned responses” (not protests) have been organized for 83 cities across the nation and Canada. They are even holding informational meetings and “direct action trainings” in the lead up to the decision. The cops are stocking up on riot gear and rubber bullets. Residents are emptying gun stores.

When this first began, we were asking “Where is COINTELPRO?” This video was uploaded August 14th, just five days after Brown was killed:

Since that time, the evidence has only grown.

Ask yourself. Why is this particular case in Ferguson the one that our government and mainstream media have thrown all of their time and resources into? Why has it blown up so fast? Why were high-level shills like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton immediately involved and on the ground in St. Louis within 24 hours after Michael Brown was shot? (They certainly don’t do that every time a black man is shot by police in this country.) Why did our justice department get so intimately involved in Ferguson, with Obama ending his vacation early to meet with Attorney General Eric Holder about it, and Holder ordering not one but two federal autopsies (for a total of three autopsies) on Michael Brown?

Why is it this case of all cases? The one where the subsequent facts coming out don’t exactly paint Michael Brown as the totally innocent victim the media tried to initially portray him as? A case that will definitely divide people on race lines?

Sadly, there are lots of examples of police killing all sorts of totally innocent Americans all the time in this country. Elderly people in supposedly accidental SWAT raids. Mentally ill and disabled people. Children and family pets.

Where are the highly organized, scripted protests for all those people?

As I wrote in the article posted below, cops kill an average of THREE PEOPLE EVERY DAY in this country.

As I asked below, “Where’s the outrage from all Americans on all sides, all races, colors and creeds, on the bigger police state growing all around all of us EVERY SINGLE DAY in America? Where are the organized protests for all those who have died at the hands of an ever-increasing, ratcheted up tyrannical system enslaving us all?”

Instead, the powers that shouldn’t be are using fear to push everyone’s buttons…and, once again just like the tired old playbook predicted the first time it was used so long ago, it’s working. Across the country people are allowing themselves to become little puppets for another Hegelian Dialectic puppet show.

Obama is about to announce executive amnesty Thursday…and none of the three major networks are even carrying the speech (it just so happens to be sweeps, fancy that). How shocked will anyone be if the grand jury comes back Friday to yank everyone’s attention in another direction?

“Hey guys! Don’t look at the right hand! Look over here at the shiny things in the left hand!”

It’s all a time-tested playbook to sow chaos and division on both sides and distract everyone from the bigger picture once again…and it’s working.

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Who's Worried about Illegals When the Blacks are Going to Kill Us in Our Sleep AHHHHHHHH !!
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Reader: In the Delmar Loop area (St Louis) no one was out shopping!
Susoni -- Sunday, 23-Nov-2014 14:01:06

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