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Posted By: tenavision
Date: Monday, 29-Sep-2014 16:56:51


tena's note:
This information is from Jane Roberts' book, "The Nature of Personal Reality" which was published in 1974. It has been my "bible" for many years and I read it to my child when he was young as a bedtime story. It is impressive indeed and still resonates with me after 40 years. Try it, you'll like it! In her book "The Seth Material," she details her skepticism and questions regarding her unexpected ability to speak for an unseen entity and the many ways she sought to ascertain if it could be real or not..

Jane and her husband, Rob Butts, accidentally discovered Jane's trance ability while playing with an Ouija board one evening and from then on, he took verbatim notes of her trance sessions. They published many fantastic books and they have been followed by millions, I bet.

The following information details how our inside and outside realities are being created and I think the evil ones are using info similar to this to get what they want for us..if they can do it consciously, so can we! And don't forget that THEY WEAPONIZE everything they learn about how our world works, the better to kill us with! Did you think they were doing it accidentally? When I read "The Secret Life of Plants," there were details of how governments were making use of the mind reading abilities of plants to find out if people were telling the truth, and other things.

I think the elites are projecting their selfish self-hatred onto the world and that is what is causing our problems. One night late I woke and the tv was on and I saw on the screen the woman Osborn standing all alone with her arms out as if she were offering herself to those millions of unseen people who were saluting her with prolonged clapping of their hands for her. She was dressed in a long gown and beautifully made up. I am not really sure if it was real or not and have looked for my notebook where I wrote the event down but have been unable to find it..I did see it.

I wrote to Jane years ago asking a personal question and received a letter from her husband telling me that she had just died. I will never forget the shock that information caused me..

This excerpt is from Chapter 5 in that book which I recommend for everyone who is aware that we create our reality with our thoughts. Get a book! You deserve it.

I am editing out Rob's notes which are in italics in the book. Page 96, Jane's alternate personality, Seth, talking in trance:

In your present life the conscious mind assesses physical reality and has behind it all the energy, power and ability of the inner self at its disposal. Any information that it requires will be available. Its job is to assess that reality effectively, using that fine focus mentioned earlier. Because of its character, consciousness, or the conscious mind, cannot be swamped by too much detail, too much information. The inner self sends to it only the information it asks for or feels necessary. To a very large extent then conscious beliefs act as great liberators of such data, or as inhibitors of it. Are you following me? The conscious mind is itself developing and expanding. It is not a thing. It learns through experience and through the effects of its behavior. The inner self brings about whatever results the conscious mind desires.

It does not leave the conscious mind at loose ends nor isolate it from the fountains of its own being. Because the conscious mind is part of the inner self, it is obviously made of the same energy, filled with the same vitality, and revitalized by the deep sources of creativity from which all being emerges.

You must understand that it is not cut off from the inner self. The inner self keeps the physical body alive even as it formed it. The miraculous constant translation of spirit into flesh is carried on with inexhaustible energy by these inner portions of being, but in all cases the inner self looks to the conscious mind for its assessment of the body's condition and reality, and forms the image in line with the conscious mind's beliefs.

So--once more--you form reality through your beliefs, and your most intimate production is your physical body. Your beliefs about it are constantly fed into inner data. You organize on an unconscious level the atoms and molecules that compose your cells to form your body. But the blueprint is made by your conscious beliefs. To change your body you change your beliefs, even in the face of physical data or evidence that conflicts.

You each have a body and you each have a consciousness. You can practice with these ideas by applying then to your body. For now we are taking into consideration the fact that, generally speaking, you are not going to make yourself five physical feet taller if you are a grown adult already, because there are certain physical laws with which you must contend. We will discuss those more fully later.

You constantly give yourself suggestions about your body,, your health or ill health. You think about your body often, then. You send a barrage of beliefs and instructions to the inner self that affect your physical image. As I mentioned earlier, your thoughts have a very definite vital reality. Beliefs are thoughts reinforced by imagination and emotion concerning the nature of your reality. Now thoughts in general possess an electromagnetic reality, but whether you know it or not, they also have an inner sound value.

You know the importance of exterior sound. It is used as a method of communication but it is also a by-product of many other events, and it affects the physical atmosphere. Now the same is true about what I will call inner sound, the sound of your thoughts within your own head. I am not speaking here of body noises, though you are usually oblivious to these also. Inner sounds have an even greater effect than exterior ones upon your body. They affect the atoms and molecules that compose your cells. In many respects it is true to say that you speak your body, but the speaking is interior.

The same kind of sound built the pyramids, and it was not sound that you would hear with your physical ears. Such inner sound forms your bone and flesh. the sound exists connected with but quite apart from the mental words you use in thinking. The sound is formed by your intent and the same intent--I am putting this simply now--will have the same sound effect upon the body regardless of the words used. In quite practical terms the words and intent merge. For all practical purposes then the two are one. When you say, "I am tired," mentally you are not only giving silent messages to yourself --I say messages rather than message because the general statement is broken down; many portions of the body must be affected before you feel tired-- but beside this the inner sound value of the messages automatically affects the body in just that way. What should you do, then, if you find yourself feeling tired? This is your conscious assessment of your body's reality at a given time. You want to change it so you do not reinforce it. Instead you say mentally that the body can now begin to rest and refresh itself. You take your initial judgment for granted then without restating it, and instead suggest the remedy be carried out. To tell yourself over and over that you are tired, however, reinforces the condition.

The inner sound value of the countering suggestion automatically begins to refresh the body. It is fashionable now to think about noise pollution, yet the same kind of circumstances occur with inner sound, particularly when your inner thoughts are self-contradictory, scrambled and random. Diverse and highly conflicting instructions are then given to the body. As you should know, the body's inner environment changes constantly, and it is you who change it. Change is quite necessary and as a rule the body's overall balance is maintained. But the directions that you give are often not clear or advantageous, and your beliefs largely determine the kind of information you send to that environment. The inner self always attempts to maintain the body's equilibrium and health, but many times your own beliefs prevent it from coming to your aid with even half of the energy available to it. Often only when you are in dire straits do you open up the doors to this great energy, when it is much too clear that your previous beliefs have not worked.

You have at your disposal the means to insure your health. You must discover the reason for the belief behind the physical poor function or non-function and if this is done the condition will automatically clear up. While you believe that only doctors can help you, you had better go to them because in the framework of your beliefs they are the only people who can help you. But the framework itself is limiting; and again, while you may be cured of one difficulty, you will only replace it with another as long as your beliefs cause you to have physical problems. If you have physical problems, concentrate instead upon the healthy portions of your body and the unimpeded functions that you have. In the healthy areas, your beliefs are working for you.

As I mentioned, inner sounds are extremely important. Each of the atoms and molecules that compose our body has its own reality in sound values that you do not hear physically. Each organ of your body then has its own unique sound value too. When there is something wrong the inner sounds are discordant. The unharmonious sounds have become a part of that portion of the body as a result of the inner sound of your own thought-beliefs. That is why it is vital that you not reinforce these inner sounds through repeating the same negative suggestions to yourself. Verbal suggestions are translated into inner sound. This passes through your body in somewhat the same way that some kinds of light do. While you are physical creatures, then, your perceptions must be largely physically oriented. You perceive them as objects, with bulk, composed of bone and flesh. They also have "structures" of sound, light, and electromagnetic properties that you do not perceive. These are all connected with the physical image that you know.

I told you that thoughts are translated into this inner sound, but thoughts always attempt to materialize themselves also. As such they are incipient images, collectors of energy. They build up their own embryonic form until it is in one way or another physically translated. Mental images therefore are extremely powerful, combining inner sound and its effects with a clear mental picture which will seek physical form. Your imagination adds motivating and propelling power to such images and so you will find that many of your beliefs are entertained by you in an inner visual manner. They will have mental pictures connected with them. One such image may represent one particular belief or it may stand for several. As you make lists of your beliefs you will find some of these pictures coming into your mind. Look at them as you would a painting you have created, If you do not like what you see then quite consciously change the picture in your mind. These images are interior, but because they are so a part of your beliefs you will see them exteriorized also in your experience.

There is light then that you do not see with physical eyes, as there is sound that you do not hear with your ears. These combine to mentally form the physical image that you know so you must work from the inside out. Your beliefs are your palette, using the analogy of a painting. Your thoughts give the general outline of the reality that you physically experience. Your emotions will fill in the patterns with light. Your imagination will forge these together.

The sound of your inner thoughts is the medium that you actually use. This is far more than an analogy, however, for in simple terms it explains quite clearly the way in which your beliefs form your reality. The body reacts not so much to physical sound as to the interior sounds into which the physical sounds are translated. As mentioned, it also reacts to sounds that have no physical "counterparts." There are certain properties within the structure of the chromosomes that must be activated by specific internal sound values. If this activation does not take place, then the "attributes" latent within the chromosomes remain so. There are chains of influence that are actually composed of inner vaiues of sound that thread together, as it were, the complicated interweaving of both the genes and chromosomes, These sound values are literally interwoven in an electromagnetic pattern. The sounds weave themselves through and help form this pattern, The activity of cells within the body also causes what you might call minute explosions of interior sound. The electromagnetic and inner sound patterns are impinged upon by certain kinds of light. Together these all form the prototype upon which, and out of which, the physical body is formed.

Now: when you create a mental image in your mind it is composed of the same properties just mentioned. A mental image then is also a pattern of internal sound with electromagnetic properties imbued with certain light values. In a sense, and a very real one, the mental image is incipient matter; and any structure so composed, combining the electromagnetic sound and light values will automatically try to reproduce itself in physical existence, or materialization. There is a definite connection, then, with the nature of such images and the way in which your body itself is composed,
end excerpt

There is so much more fabulous info but my typing skills are not the best right now…hope this will give us all an idea of how we can edit out the psychopathic elites and their minions from our lives and realities. TV helps us stay asleep a lot, gives us exactly their ideas and what they want us to do, be, and feel, thus bringing their desires into being with our great combined creative energies….Careful what you think!

If desired, I will post one of the exercise she gives to illustrate how to use this info, but she stresses that it is to be used after you have written your beliefs and tried to trace where they came from so you can know why events happened as they did for you, and to then change them.

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tenavision -- Monday, 29-Sep-2014 16:56:51
CapnGriff -- Monday, 29-Sep-2014 20:25:51

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