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Not What This Forum Is About

Posted By: Lion
Date: Thursday, 28-Apr-2016 11:28:28



With all due respect, Mr Crayford, "keeping you opinions on a leash" is not what this forum is about.

Opinions in print can often inspire action.

Even though the reader may not agree with the opinion stated, the thought reaction of the reader, toward the opinion stated in the text, can lead to a better understanding of the topic under discussion in the text.

Just so we are all on the same page to begin with, find below the original article you replied to in the above text.


When it comes to control over vast amounts of wealth, all men become little men - self serving little wimps who will do or say anything to maintain their position in the game.

The world wide game is coercion and grand theft - or designing and implementing schemes which steer the productivity of the masses to a select few at the top of the corporate pyramid.

Maintaining control over vast storehouses of wealth accumulated in the game, includes and equates to power is this world, and most in those attained positions of power do not have what it takes to handle their position without being absolutely corrupted by the power in their hands.

The deep set corruption is evident in all central banking and governments - from the Fed, to the City of London, to the Vatican Bank, to Bank One, to the IMF, the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, the UN, the 'OITC', and the ESF – Exchange Stabilization Fund – the secret financial black hole no one talks about - where all the working stiffs producers productivity goes - but only the 1% predator/parasites know exists.

So yes, reader J, you are absolutely correct in that Mr Crayford will continue to be the 'last mouthpiece' authority on all the financial fraud being perpetrated, by everyone else, but just the same you will not see any differing results coming from the "OITC" - save for expressing that "everyone else is in the wrong".

I began investigation on this matter more than 30 years ago, and every rabbit hole one ventures into eventually ends up in the same place - a place where little men who have control over a small amount of power and wealth, do nothing except covet even more wealth and power, and become absolutely mad, self-serving corrupted power junkies.

Don't kid yourself.

There are no men left standing who are big enough, or internally strong enough to do what all the con-artist shysters and talking head gurus are promising.

Over the years, there have been rare few who came close to having the wherewithal to do what is right for the Human race, such as JFK, Martin Luther King, or Tommy Buckley.

Of course, they, and anyone like them are killed off by other power mad, self serving psychopaths who 'want all the stuff' for their self.

A benevolent financial system sounds pretty, looks good in print, encourages truckloads of eager readers and listeners, and fits the hopes and dreams of many.

The financial problem is in the hearts of men.

Unless the hearts of men change, the self-serving, utterly corrupt financial system will remain - no matter what that system may be labeled as, or whom assigns the label.



As I have stated before, Mr Crayford, the only 'dog I have in this fight' is results - and the hope of realizing some common sense applied to the situation.

I am not a Karen Hudes sycophant any more than I am a David Crayford sycophant.

I am a strong believer in allowing the discourse, opinions, and discussion to be played out.

I also admit harboring a strong allegiance to sanity, which appears to be on the wane with each passing day.

Anyone who attempts put an end to the insanity of this world, put an end to the senseless destruction, war mongering, the prescribed death wish for, and enslavement-for-profit of the Human Race - will have my endorsement for life.

There is plenty of 'he said - she said' going around, and those opinions do count to a point, because they all contribute toward a better understanding in the long term.

However, simply labeling someone else's opinion as dis-information without providing a better solution is exactly what politicians do.

It still leaves nothing accomplished, save for the one stating their opinion to the contrary, perhaps feeling better.

In stating that "YOU SHOULD KEEP YOUR OPINIONS ON A LEASH UNTIL YOU KNOW ALL THE REAL FACTS", is, incidentally, the same option we are offered by the Cabal.

The one small difference being, the Cabal wants NO OPINION from any source except their propaganda machines.


Mr Crayford, you stated in your text:

"The ITC / OITC is so far away, in its policies and operations;
from the corrupt arena of the Fed, to the City of London, to the Vatican Bank, to Bank One, to the IMF, the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, the UN, and the ESF – Exchange Stabilization Fund, the difference is rather startling to say the least."


The REAL FACTS are as plain as the nose on your face, Mr Crayford, and Earthly Inhabitants are being forced to live with and die with those real facts on an hourly basis.

The real facts are thus:

...the corrupt arena of the Fed, to the City of London, to the Vatican Bank, to Bank One, to the IMF, the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, the UN, and the ESF – Exchange Stabilization Fund...

The above grouping is THE MAIN SOURCE of the world wide game of coercion and grand theft - or designing and implementing schemes which steer the productivity, and enslavement of the masses to benefit ONLY a select few at the top of the corporate pyramid.


You stated, Mr Crayford:

"The above organisations are what we refer to as the cabal, whereby the ITC / OITC is, categorically speaking and without reservation, is certainly not connected to same either in its policies or operations".


How is it possible the OITC - ITC is NOT connected to any of the above predators?


You stated, Mr Crayford:

"We are appointed by the benevolent Royal Families of the World and we just get on with the job we are required to do, so less of the incorrect and unwarranted negative comments / categorisation please."


It is undisputed fact that so-called 'royal' bloodlines have controlled the worlds' wealth for centuries, and 'royal' family members serve as board members of the same corporations who are destroying the planet and her people in the name of profit.

This organization of 'royal' blood lines and interlocking corporations is exactly what Karen Hudes refers to as the 'Network of Global Corporate Control'.

However it is stated, and whomever says it or not - that fact became self evident long before Karen Hudes was even born.

In this case, My Crayford, what exactly does 'benevolent Royal Families' mean?

In this world, wealth is power and power is wealth - unfortunately.

Does 'benevolent' translate into sitting on a mountain of the worlds' wealth, and watching as the Cabal...whom the ITC is not connected to...destroy every sovereign nation on the planet, and enslave the Earth Inhabitants via corporate mandate backed up by strong arm militants?

I am what is known as 'old school American".

IMO, 'royalty' is a farce - an excuse for maintaining a position as a parasitic reprobate whose family bloodlines have been lording over, and preying on Humanity for thousands of years.

Have you taken notice of what types of creatures the designated 'royal' bloodlines are made of?

Designated royalty, or delegated authority, either by accident of birth or appointment, is merely a superficial nonsense title unless the individual designated the royalty or authority can live up to the responsibility of the designated title.

Living up to that responsibility does not include hoarding the worlds wealth, enslaving the Human Race for profit, or creating for - profit wars of destruction.

In other words, if someone tells me they have 'royal blood', my first thought is "royal according to whom?".

No one man, or one family, is 'royal' unless that 'royalty' is earned, any more than one man carries authority unless that authority is earned of and for the people.

The real facts are, the Cabal is having its way with this world, and from my point of view, I see nothing preventing the Cabal from acting out its' depraved notions, and completely destroying what is left of the Human Race.

It is also evident - in my point of view - the hearts of men have darkened to a point where both the oppressed, and the oppressor Cabal deserve each other as much.

I would most appreciate having to eat these words, Mr Crayford.

Having to eat these words would translate into a small ray of hope for planet Earth, and for the Human Race.

As it stands now, the Human Race is cheering loudly for its own destruction, while being led down the path to their own demise by destructive soothsayers.




: For a background to what David Crayford is referring to,
: please read this article: In Order to Show Achievements,
: One First Has to Achieve Something ,
: Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
: Date: Monday, 25-Apr-2016 21:28:02
: _______________________________________________________________

: Dear Lion, Reader J, and others who may harbour the same
: opinions as expressed with the above article.

: Please do not group the ITC / OITC within the same arena as
: the Fed, to the City of London, to the Vatican Bank, to
: Bank One, to the IMF, the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, the
: UN, the 'OITC', and the ESF – Exchange Stabilization Fund,
: because you could not be further from the truth.

: The above organisations are what we refer to as the cabal,
: whereby the ITC / OITC is, categorically speaking and
: without reservation, is certainly not connected to same
: either in its policies or operations.

: Personally, I believe you are classing the ITC / OITC in the
: same arena as all the others because you just do not know
: any different, nor do you fully investigate the issue as
: you wisely should. You just give your opinions and you
: don’t really care what damage it might do.

: The ITC / OITC is so far away, in its policies and operations;
: from the corrupt arena of the Fed, to the City of London,
: to the Vatican Bank, to Bank One, to the IMF, the World
: Bank, the IMF, the BIS, the UN, and the ESF – Exchange
: Stabilization Fund, the difference is rather startling to
: say the least.

: At the same time you appear to be expecting miracles to be
: achieved in a short time compared to the 100 years of
: mismanagement, corruption, embezzlement, fraud, criminal
: activities. Gentlemen, you are living in an unrealistic
: world but still insist on venting your unwarranted opinions
: without evidence or foundation whatsoever.

: We do not need to particularly show what we have, and are
: achieving, because we know who we are, what we are, what we
: have to do, and the way to do it. We do not speak BS only
: fact, and we do not shout aloud of what we have achieved,
: and what we are achieving.

: We are not like politicians who shout aloud about what they
: have achieved (Which is usually very little), want to
: achieve, propose, or even dream about, just to get votes.
: We don’t need votes. We are appointed by the benevolent
: Royal Families of the World and we just get on with the job
: we are required to do, so less of the incorrect and
: unwarranted negative comments / categorisation please.

: Contrary to what you may believe, we are helping hundreds of
: normal people in a manner that allow me to give you a few
: examples:-

: a). A farmer with 10 hectares of land he grows crops on.
: However, as a consequence of adverse weather conditions (El
: Nino) he has no water for his crops and his crops are dead.
: Therefore he has no income and cannot feed his family (Wife
: and Four Children).

: We have paid for a deep well (70ft) to be dug, a small
: reservoir (10 mts x 5 mtrs x 2.5 mtrs deep), a 10 HP pump
: and hoses, all of which we allow the farmer to water the
: crops he grows, sell the crops, and feed his family. The
: Farmer and some of his neighbours assisted in this
: operation.

: The Farmer is very happy and so is his family. Now they have
: something they never had before as he use to pump from a
: stream.

: b). Two pensioner couples whose homes (Semi-detached
: Bungalows) had fallen into a bad state of repair for lack
: of money. The local authority would not help, neither would
: the banks. They were living in desperation with buckets,
: bowls and even baths covering the floor to catch the
: rainwater. Neighbours would empty the bowls, buckets, etc
: into the sink every day for the pensioners.

: We paid to have the roofs repaired (Including replacing some
: of the rotten timbers), and the gypsum plasterboard
: ceilings replaced. We paid for paint and the pensioners,
: along with some of their neighbours, painted the inside of
: the house.

: The pensioners are very grateful to us, but are highly
: critical of the lack of action and bureaucracy of their
: local authority.

: c). A small girl (3 years old) strayed on to the road and got
: hit by a passing vehicle. The vehicle did not stop and the
: local police did nothing to locate the driver of the
: vehicle.

: The girl needed medical treatment which was above the
: financial means of the parents (here is no National Health
: system in that country), so the neighbours contributed. The
: girl had the basics of medical treatment but still needed
: much more treatment.

: We paid for that treatment and now the girl, who is now over 5
: years of age, is a healthy, active, young girl and is the
: apple of her parents eyes.

: ---------------------------------------------------------------

: That is just 3 examples, there are many more. In fact quite a
: few hundred more, but we don‘t boast about it nor do we
: advertise it. Neither do we want thanks or praise. We would
: like to do a lot more but until the ITC has resolved all
: the problems that the Fed, to the City of London, to the
: Vatican Bank, to Bank One, to the IMF, the World Bank, the
: IMF, the BIS, the UN, and the ESF – Exchange Stabilization
: Fund, and the likes of Karen Hudes, Neil Keenan, Keith
: Scott, Wolfgang Struck, and others have created both in the
: past and at present, we do face restrictions, which is
: another factor we do not shout about, because we just get
: on and do what we are suppose to do.

: So, Gentlemen, before you categorise persons, parties,
: organisations, and hang a label around their necks, check
: your facts first and don’t cross the line into defamation
: or slander.

: If you want to place yourselves in the same category as the
: misinformation artists, then carry on, because you will
: place yourselves among those who preach that the Prosperity
: Programs are still going to pay out, and the Iraqi Dinar
: revaluation is still going to happen ---------Dreams,
: dreams and dreams ------ turning to nightmares.

: The ITC is the Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter of the vast
: amount of wealth of the Global Debt Facility, and whether
: you care to believe it or not the ITC is not a “Little man
: - self serving wimp” you think he is, nor will he ever be.
: Neither is he a corrupted power junkie.

: One day Gentlemen, you will choke on those words, so be ready
: for it. In the meantime I will continue to be the last and
: possibly only mouthpiece against the likes of Hudes,
: Keenan, Scott, Struck, and several others because all of
: them are on the wrong side of the fence and have never done
: anything except cause confusion, problems, and spread
: absolute misinformation, but I don’t see you criticising
: them at all ----------- WHY, is it because you prefer to
: believe them? They are all talk and no action because they
: hold no power or authority over the Global Debt Facility.
: That Power and Authority lies solely with the ITC.

: Regards

: David P. Crayford

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