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Prince and the Illuminati Blood Sacrifice Conspiracy

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Friday, 22-Apr-2016 14:07:49

So many photos and more on the link below:

Prince and the Pineal Gland & Third Eye

Prince was obviously a complex man and artist. Throughout his career he kept us guessing as to whether or not he was an “Illuminati” occultist or if he was hip to the conspiracy and tried to reveal it to the masses. His artwork and symbolism suggests he was interested in Eastern occultism concepts such as the pineal gland-third eye; yet his religion remained to be that of a Jehovah’s Witness.

Prince Third Eye

In fact, shortly before his death the Twitter page that represents Prince changed the main image to his third eye being opened:

Prince Third Eye Twitter (pic on link)

Name Changes: Transhumanism or Clever Marketing?…

In 1993 he changed his name to Prince logo.svg, as a form of rebellion from the record label that “owned” him:

Prince is the name that my mother gave me at birth. Warner Bros. took the name, trademarked it, and used it as the main marketing tool to promote all of the music that I wrote. The company owns the name Prince and all related music marketed under Prince. I became merely a pawn used to produce more money for Warner Bros…

He infamously scrawled the word “SLAVE” on his face as a form of protest against an industry that surely has a dark side worth considering…

The symbol he chose was a combination of the male and female symbols- suggesting he was into this recurring Illuminati theme of gender neutralization. There could be more behind the LGBT movement than just equal rights if you consider the beliefs of the secret history of the occult. They believe that humans were originally androgynous beings and someday will return to this “perfected” state.

Was Prince interested in pursuing the pan gender- perfected state?

Was this a symbol of the alchemical wedding and embracing opposites?

We know that there is an attempt at destroying the male-female paradigm in order to usher in the digital matrix hell through transhumanism, so maybe this was one form of early predictive programming sent to us from Warner Bros. under the guise of a staged rebellion from this famous musician.

We’ve seen recent attempts at making the pan gender movement more mainstream with the questionable motivations behind Bruce Jenner’s transition and Miley Cyrus claiming to be the same. The article from Elle UK with Miley tells us about her pansexuality:

She then goes on to discuss her opinions on gender, and relationships saying, ‘I’m very open about it – I’m pansexual. But I’m not in a relationship. I’m 22, I’m going on dates, but I change my style every two weeks, let alone who I’m with.’

The concern here is NOT LGBT rights (I’m totally fine with that); my concern is that these celebrities are in fact NOT LGBT, pan gender, or pansexual. In fact, it’s even worse than that because they are trying to become the voice of the LGBT community when in fact they may not even be so (e.g. Miley’s dating history of men up until her “pansexuality” comment and now she is into women all of a sudden?…).

I believe they are being used as stunts to push the message in order to steer society down a path of merging opposites and pursuing the alchemical wedding and androgynous “perfection”; a symbol embodied in the familiar Baphomet…

The All Seeing Eye

At the 2013 Billboard Awards he sported a ring with a giant “All Seeing Eye” on it:

Prince wasn’t a total stranger to the “All Seeing Eye” symbolism elsewhere either; take a look at some of his album covers:

Prince: Chemtrails, NWO, and Secret US History

Prince went on mainstream television and proceeded to warn us about chemtrails, the New World Order, and much more; as featured in an article I wrote in 2013:

Prince was on a late night show of Tavis Smiley’s and starts dropping knowledge on chemtrails, New World Order at the UN, and a global manipulation. He said that we are all indentured servants, and currently slaves on a plantation. Prince said he doesn’t vote because he is a Jehovah’s Witness, although he said he thinks Obama means well.

He said that he could recall literal aggression when seeing chemtrails as a child, and a speech that Dick Gregory gave that everyone needs to listen to. He also makes an enlightening point that there were several presidents before George Washington, which I don’t recall ever hearing before either?…

But think back to your history books — The United States declared its independence in 1776, yet Washington did not take office until April 30, 1789.

So who was running the country during these initial years of this young country?

It was the first eight U.S. Presidents.

In fact, the first President of the United States was one John Hanson.

I can hear you now — John who?

John Hanson, the first President of the United States.

Don’t go checking the encyclopedia for this guy’s name — he is one of those great men that are lost to history. If you’re extremely lucky, you may actually find a brief mention of his name. (It’s in the Encyclopedia Britannica.)

The new country was actually formed on March 1, 1781 with the adoption of The Articles of Confederation.

Illuminati Blood Sacrifice of Beltane

In terms of Illuminati Occult & Holiday Traditions; Prince passed away during a crucial time period for those that follow the pagan calendar. Many claim that the “Illuminati” conduct blood sacrifices in the thirteen days leading up to May 1st- a holiday known as Beltane.

The bonfires were previously called “bailfires” referencing fires for the god Moloch, aka Ba’al. So, in essence we could call them “Ba’alfires.” The blood sacrifice of humans to this occult god Ba’al being is played out in different forms.

Just recently I revealed the plan in Temple of Baal, Drake, and Beltane in which we saw plans to rebuild the Temple of Baal in New York City and London:

The May 1st pole dance features a male phallic pole with the couples dancing around in a circle (representing the female sexuality), and is yet another symbol of fertility for Mother Gaia. Theorists claim that the British Royal House of Windsor lights a Beltaine fire every year to honor the festival. In fact, Queen Elizabeth’s birthday was the same day Prince passed away (April 21st)…

Destroying the Ego and Alters

When it comes to the idea of using alter egos; Prince takes the cake. Before Nicki Minaj and Jhene Aiko touted multiple personalities and names, Prince was rotating through various personas- suggesting he was either channeling spiritual energies, or experimenting musically. This concept was also featured in my hip hop conspiracy book SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC:

We’ve explored the power of rituals and also the magical laws of names and words. This shows us the importance in selecting a good name. This could explain why rappers change their names from their “governments” into aliases and alter egos. Many will claim the stage names are a tradition handed down through the hip hop culture since its inception, but one has to wonder where this concept originated. Practically every rapper or R&B artist has at least one alias stage name; many have more than one (with Prince the reigning champ with over seven aliases):

An interview with Prince suggests that we’re in the ballpark of occultism when we consider that he thought he was destroying the ego concept by taking on new names (from

“I was just getting tired of seeing my name,” he explains. “If you give away an idea, you still own that idea. In fact, giving it away strengthens it. Why do people feel they have to take credit for everything they do? Ego — that’s the only reason.”

Earlier in that same interview he talks about the music creation process and making a choice in which you must confront the ego:

“Sometimes your brain kind of splits in two — your ego tells you one thing, and the rest of you says something else. You have to go with what you know is right.”

This talk about confronting the ego, split personalities, and tapping into the creative spiritual channel all plays into the themes we’ve talked about so often before.

Prince and Aleister Crowley

Prince wrote a popular song called Baby I’m a Star which also ties us into Aleister Crowley if you consider this passage from SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC:

The support for the argument of the music industry forcing us into the Aeon of Horus starts with the emphasis on individuality. Our culture is experiencing never before seen levels of narcissism with social media and interconnectivity with one another. Through social media people can highlight themselves in whatever way they like; generally with a favorable outlook on how “exciting” their lives are, or perhaps how good looking they are. Psychologist and author Dr. Jean Twenge points out several studies of data and trends that indicate the millennial generation (people born after 1982) on average have a higher amount of narcissism and selfish behavior. This appears to be directly correlated with the technology and social media the millennials grew up with. Just taking a look around at pop culture and fashion indicates that there is an ever growing trend of people focusing on themselves and less worried about our society as a whole (e.g. crude shirts that put other people down without reason, fascination with death and skulls, lack of empathy for one another, etc.). The University of Michigan study entitled You’re so vain took a look at how people interact with social media and found the younger people used it as a tool for boasting and carving an image of extraordinary individuality. This supports the idea that we’re living in an age of self-actualization and trying to find our place in this world, but at the same time not being able to separate ourselves from desiring to be the celebrities we are so consumed with. Aleister Crowley’s The Book of the Law 1:3 states:

Every man and every woman is a star.

People put on a persona online that fits the image of a celebrity, and in a sense they believe they are a celebrity when they accumulate followers. Many online personalities have actually become celebrities through their YouTube channels or perhaps from starring on a reality show. In this modern time, anyone can become Crowley’s “star.”

Prince Predicts 9/11

In what could be the oddest peculiarity of Prince’s insight into the ways of the occult; he managed to predict the 9/11 attacks in 1998 at a concert in the Netherlands. You can clearly hear him say that Osama bin Laden was going to “drop the bomb” in 2001.

I’ve got the audio in this compilation video I created for SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC:

In Conclusion

One thing that is for certain (unfortunately), is that with the passing of Prince there is sure to be a horde of vampires waiting to take advantage of his work and monetize it fully. We saw this happen when Michael Jackson died and Sony proceeded to recollect the Beatles music collection (something they long desired to obtain but couldn’t do it in fear of the fan’s reprisals– allegedly).

From NPR

Some are claiming that Prince faked his own death because of his final statement to fans on the prior Saturday (as per

“Wait a few days before you waste any prayers”.

He also supposedly made a cryptic post to Instagram and then deleted which suggested something was coming to get him- (as per It said, "Just when you thought you were safe!"

This is sort of like how David Bowie followed “God” on Twitter before passing.

RMN is an RA production.

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Prince and the Illuminati Blood Sacrifice Conspiracy
RumorMail -- Friday, 22-Apr-2016 14:07:49
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RumorMail -- Saturday, 23-Apr-2016 00:25:29
NASA Honors Prince by Tweeting Photo of Purple Nebula
RumorMail -- Saturday, 23-Apr-2016 00:27:22
link: Prince - "I don't need any more attention, but I can't see in this world see this much pain and suffering and not do something,"
hobie -- Saturday, 23-Apr-2016 13:42:05
link: "Prince’s vision for lifting up black youths: Get them to code"
hobie -- Saturday, 23-Apr-2016 13:50:22

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