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CGI's Morgan: DOG POET ~May you become the Person your Dog thinks you Are

Posted By: Susoni
Date: Wednesday, 19-Nov-2014 13:28:53

In Response To: CGI's Morgan: DOG POET~~~Those Pigs in Kevlar Blankets at The Molotov Cocktail Lounge (Susoni)

: From CGI's Morgan. What is CGI? CGI is Rumor Mill News Readers
: Forum where Morgan is a Member.

: Come Join us there!!

: Susoni


: ********************************************
Dog Poet Transmitting…….

May you become the person your dog thinks you are.

One of the phrases that regularly reappear in my thoughts is; “those who love much are forgiven much.” You might say that the addition of that emotion in the context of sincere and even flawed endeavor, validates it in the afterglow. Whatever that endeavor may be, it is sure to be enhanced and shaped to the right end when Love is the motivator. At the same time, with Love in the driver’s seat of your life, you won’t be motivated, automatically, in any direction that runs contrary to it. This is why love is often seen as a shield as much as sustenance because it protects you. Even when others might harm you and you were not discriminating or wise enough to catch it ahead of time, it saves you from the worst of it, which is not whatever you might have lost materially, or however much it might have disadvantaged your life. What is the worst of it? The worst of it is that which gets awakened in your breast as a reaction; vengeance, resentment, hatred, anger etc. You may be sure that these are the worst fruits that can come as the result of being injured by another.

I realize there are people that question my intentions and sincerity. I’m pretty sure they question their own because people ‘naturally’ measure others against themselves; not only from conscious speculation and observation but also from established patterns in the subconscious, which account for our kneejerk and reflex responses to whatever. Perhaps there are people who think they know something about my life. Largely they know what I have told them. Why would I tell people things they can later use against me? That is my full disclosure thing. I absolutely do not want people to presume some idealized version of me. Regardless of the reason but… almost certainly having to do with the effects, over time, of my Kundalini experiences, some amount of people like to look at me as a guru figure. This has been a constant in my life for decades; from the time I was a teenager and anyone asking people who have been in my life for any period of time would find that they concur that this happens and it happens regardless of the environment and often… even regardless of my behavior.

I do not want people to view me in that light. I don’t mind if they see me as a source of information transmitted to and through me by the same force that resides in them as well. I have paid attention to the personas and behavior (by their works ye shall know them) of any number of guru figures from the yoga channel; the new age channel and whatever channel by which people come to be identified in that fashion and I am largely unimpressed and sometimes offended by what I see; especially from that sector which came out of the Bhagavan-Osho lineage and the Papaji pop up instant gurus, the latter of which Papaji commented on and said that it was for the purposes of amusement, a joke if you will. I forget the exact words but the result has surely been that, except that on several levels it’s not funny at all. It is not funny when you manipulate people, when you toy with people’s credibility and faith in you for the purpose of personal profit. In the case of the former, what I notice most is the material focus of those who have set themselves up in this fashion. I don’t want to be like that. What I believe in is far too important for me to misrepresent it for my own purposes. Much better not to claim or accept certain titles, than to accept them and have yourself exposed as being unworthy of them.

If you espouse something that you do not sincerely and accurately reflect in your words and actions, you are a hypocrite. You might be incredibly successful at it but you are still a hypocrite and time will tell. Irrespective of whether you are exposed in a public manner, the ineffable knows. The ineffable knows.

I have been privileged to be in the presence of real jnanam gurus. Their state is unmistakable. Only a fool would presume to present themselves at such a level; once that level is achieved… and it will be, by all sincere and dedicated aspirants

This will probably further upset the person about to be the subject of discussion but the person should never have gotten upset in the first place. This person, whom I do not know previously, contacts me to let me know that she is also looking for a location in my next location and she sends me a couple of real estate prospects. One of them is surprisingly cheap but considering the locale, understandable. I’m not looking for a place to buy in any case. I don’t have any money. I thank her though and go on with whatever I am doing. A couple of weeks later she enters my mind and as a courtesy I write her to see how she is doing; whether she might have found something for herself. Now, on reflection, I have to wonder, did she think I wanted something from her? That would certainly not be true on any level and I didn't remotely suggest anything like that.

Responding to me, she makes reference to some website called “the Shouter”, where I am being spoken ill of. She says something, more or less like, “You certainly do attract some weird people.” I thought about this and then I wrote about it in a recent posting. Next thing I know I get this screeching email, where she is hugely upset that I mentioned this and telling me that she didn't say what I attributed to her. The difference was trivial, like using ‘to’ instead of ‘too’, or ‘the’ instead of ‘that’. Understand now, I made no identifying remarks about her at all. Perhaps I said ‘she’? That would mean nothing. Yet she was brutally offended as if I had published her name and address. Neither of her chief concerns could possibly be of any concern except to a professional neurotic, or someone who generally looks for trouble and is therefore capable of finding it at any time. I was taken aback by the intensity of her email and so… I let her hear about it.

Perhaps I shouldn't have done this (responded as I did; discussing the subject to begin with, that was perfectly okay, done as it was done). Perhaps I should have put on that guru face where I get all understanding and apologized profusely that she was offended and did that routine that people deeply invested in playing a certain role like to fall back on, cause it makes them look wise and knowing, by catering to an obvious dysfunction which accomplishes nothing in terms of correcting it. What I said probably didn't either (grin). In closing, she let me know that she was sorry that she went out of her way to turn me on to all that valuable information that was of no importance to me whatsoever but; I was gracious about receiving it and sincere about further inquiring of her. I like to be nice. I do something like that several times a day with people I don’t know but I know they would appreciate a cyber-touch; some kind of internet reiki and when I get reminded to do something like that I follow through.

Yeah, I’m not always patient and wise and understanding. I’m working on that and I can see progress, albeit not at the speed I (or others) might like. I’m trying as hard as I can. Maybe that’s the problem? Maybe there is no problem. Certain changes just aren’t due yet. Maybe that’s it. I’m tardy replying to my emails. I forget things I am supposed to do because of other things I am supposed to do but I do do them, immediately, once I am reminded about them.

Incredible things are happening right in tandem with this writing, or boomeranging into things already said. It’s like life imitating art or something like that.

This isn’t the first time I haven’t been pleasant in an email; generally I am. On a related matter, some portion of people feel that since they read my work I owe it to them to read their work or follow up on all kinds of things I have neither the time nor compulsion to. People do not realize the volume of email I receive. This is why I am often tardy in response. I don’t want anyone to cease from communicating with me for this reason. It’s part of what I do and I am glad to do it. Still… I don’t have the time to take people up on everything. It’s two AM and I am writing this. My day begins when I get up and it goes on seven days a week and anything I might enjoy watching or listening to have to go on at the same time or there is no time.

So people might think, “What right does he have to talk about these things when he is flawed as he obviously is?” I’m not going to hide my light under a bushel. I’m not going to wait around until I got some kind of certificate of passage that says I can now do the things I already do. The truth is that we are all flawed; “all have sinned and come short of the glory of god” and “all your righteousness is as filthy rags”. If we wait around until we have a corona around our head or the heavens open and a voice comes out and says, “now, you’re good to go” well… a whole lot that could have gotten done won’t get done.

No one needs a certificate to authorize them to be useful. No one needs some uniform or outfit, funny hats or any of the rest of the paraphernalia to serve as they go. Every moment in our lives is an opportunity to be of use. Some people will appreciate the effort and some people never will. You go into this kind of work and you automatically paint a big target on your back. You do it for free and people don’t believe you. You demonstrate it and they whine about the donations they don’t make in the first place; not knowing that the donations are not and never have been sufficient for what was needed but the ineffable will and does provide. You make constant efforts on people’s behalf and some of them don’t even appreciate it (DO NOT assume I am speaking about you- grin). You do all kinds of things and there is often no reciprocal response. You cannot operate with the expectation that there will be. You have to do it because you love it and even more, you love the one who inspires you to do it. You make your mistakes all along the way but… “those who love much are forgiven much”.

Whether I or you are what we present ourselves as, is something that will be revealed as time passes’ “by their works ye shall know them”. For myself I’m comfortable with that. Time will tell and one thing you can be certain of is that the ineffable will demonstrate in accordance with what is deserved or by grace conferred. Whatever static; barking dogs, suspicious minds or the like come up with is just part of the movie. Especially in this time, service on behalf of the one has exponential potential both in impact and in return. If you are an investor type, this is one hedge fund that deserves serious consideration.

No one should imagine that they can say, “Ah… I didn't know”; though plenty will. Excuses not to do what is possible are easily acquired. They come up all by themselves. We are given ample opportunity to opt out all along the way. One should never worry about it being too late or wallow in states of regret for what they might have done already. The past is past but the moment; the moment is forever and the moment anyone chooses to be in service in whatever way their talents permit them too… opportunities for service will surface through the live long day and you’ll never get tired of it because the joy is always on the increase. The more you do it and the more you lose yourself in it, the more the presence comes and all that was heavy and unwanted about yourself goes away.

I will apologize for using myself as an example to communicate something; on occasion that happens, cause of the purpose of demonstration thing, both the good and bad and the yet to be determined. I sincerely hope each and every particular heart, so inclined, will rouse themselves to a greater industry, in pursuit of a higher level of being. We are collectively engaged, whether we presently know that or not. There is a great power in that. Time will also tell in this matter too.

End Transmission…….

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Articles In This Thread

CGI's Morgan: DOG POET~~~Those Pigs in Kevlar Blankets at The Molotov Cocktail Lounge
Susoni -- Wednesday, 19-Nov-2014 13:25:43
CGI's Morgan: DOG POET ~May you become the Person your Dog thinks you Are
Susoni -- Wednesday, 19-Nov-2014 13:28:53

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