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Reader A: "She told me again to sit down or she would find me in contempt."

Posted By: Lion
Date: Wednesday, 19-Nov-2014 11:49:54

In Response To: THEFT BY DECEPTION - BAR Association History & Who Owns The Corporate U.S. (Lion)


Re: THEFT BY DECEPTION - BAR Association Histo....

Lion, You posted a very good article.

I had an encounter a few years ago with a BAR attorney in Las Vegas.

I had gone to court with a young lady simply to advise the judge that there was another action pending that, if settled, would cause the instant case to simply go away.

When she was called, I stood with her and the judge asked me if I was representing the defendant.

I replied that I was not representing her, I was there as a friend of the court to make a short statement that I thought might help resolve the issue.

Her Honor asked me if I was a BAR attorney, and I replied I was not.

She then told me to sit down as I could not represent the defendant.

I said I was not representing anyone, I just wanted to try to save everyone some time.

She told me again to sit down or she would find me in contempt.

The matter was set for a later time and date.

When we got outside, the attorney for the plaintiff marched up to me and said,

"What were you trying to do in there? You can't represent a client if you're not licensed."

I said, "Why not, you do?"

She informed me she was licensed by the Nevada BAR Ass'n.

I said, "That's not a license, it's a union card. There are 53 occupations licensed by the state of Nevada and lawyer/attorney is not one of them."

By this time we had an audience of 7 or 8 other lawyers who had been waiting at another court room.

A young lady attorney whom I knew, came over and took my arm and asked if she could speak to me about another matter.

She could see things going down hill and got me out of there before the court security showed up.

So, even though I repeated that I was not attempting to re-present anyone, both the judge and the Little Miss Muffet attorney had one track minds and kept using the term "represent."


Thanks, A

It will never make sense to try and make sense of a senseless deception, AKA, the 'legal system'.

Once inside the game, everything is geared for the benefit of the court - which is really a bank by definition - and the straw man scam created by the court/bank at your expense.

In other words, the straw man scam is IDENTITY THEFT on an international scale.

It's all based on doublespeak semantics gibberish to hide a system of extortion and racketeering the court/bank is expediting.

The entire western 'justice' system is based upon corporate legal fiction.

The key word is 'fiction'.

Deceptive word games for profit.

Purely adolescent behavior, practiced by criminals who have the hypocritical audacity to point their fingers at everyone else, of course.



: "The problem with contriving to deceive, and admittedly
: defrauding from the onset, is that everything which comes
: after, that is based upon the planned deception, is also
: fraudulent, and cannot hold water as legitimate in any
: future endeavors".

: Ever get tired of hearing that you agreed when putting your
: signature on a piece of paper, to a regulation that
: 'allows' a parasitical system to shear you like a sheep -
: and you had no idea any such regulation existed?

: IE: Drivers License, Voter Registration Card, Your Upper Case
: signature, Birth Certificate, Certificate of Title, the
: 'Blameless Incorporation' - et (many) al - things we take
: for granted are used as snares, and 'legal' chicanery to
: steal our land, our money, our liberty, our person, and our
: free will.

: To top off all these bonuses, there is an army of Corporate
: BAR shills behind every deceptive extortion and
: racketeering scam they design, in your face screaming
: "it's legal - or - it's the 'law'"!

: What continues to infuriate, is to bear witness to blatant
: theft and extortion, with lives destroyed and wars fought -
: over what some scheming parasite puts down on a piece of
: paper.

: Who exactly is playing all these word games for power,
: control, and profit, while intentionally deceiving anyone
: they possibly can?

: Illicit, criminal activities appropriated against Human
: Beings, backed by a paper tiger of bureaucracy is perhaps
: the biggest sham of all, particularly when the BAR
: Association shills swear their allegiance to, and have
: their so-called 'authority' granted from a foreign power -
: the British Crown.

: There's the rub.

: The Crown, and BAR paper parasites club of the Crown, still
: contend legal ownership of the united american states, as a
: colony - which grants the Incorporated bureaucracy standing
: to parasite on the Human Beings of North America, and
: elsewhere.

: And, again a scheme of fraud by any other name is still a
: fraudulent scheme, and attempts to legitimatize the fraud
: with paper and wishful thinking of paper parasites, cannot
: excuse or justify the initial willful intent to defraud by
: design.

: Lion

: ------------------------

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

THEFT BY DECEPTION - BAR Association History & Who Owns The Corporate U.S.
Lion -- Tuesday, 18-Nov-2014 19:22:56
Reader AL: "Let's blow the whistle on the American Bar Association. "
Lion -- Tuesday, 18-Nov-2014 19:54:47
Reader A: "She told me again to sit down or she would find me in contempt."
Lion -- Wednesday, 19-Nov-2014 11:49:54
Reader A: "Why would you not want to tell the readers of the Inner Temple and Middle Temple?"
Lion -- Wednesday, 19-Nov-2014 18:43:47

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