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Posted By: igots2no
Date: Wednesday, 30-Mar-2016 23:06:24

From American Lawyer


Dear Mr. Crayford

You said there's a way to do it, but I didn't believe it, not at first. But we'll come back to that later...You said something else that I never believed you would say, based upon my reading
of your voluminous inventory of writings, and that is, "I want to see America and other countries rebuilt... We have the financial resources to do that, to rebuild and reconstruct every nation on the planet... But..." You filled my email box with so many "buts" I immediately fell back into the defensive. For one, Mr. Crayford, and I know you speak on behalf of the
International Treasury Controller, you're having a difficult time trusting America and other countries, and I'm sure it probably starts with me, and I can understand why you feel that way, and why you might say things like:

"Strange, but not so strange when one has real information; that all of our (ITC /OITC) opposition comes out of America, Hudes ----- American, Keenan ------- Irish American, Wanta ------ American, Cotterell -------- American, Drake --------
American, CIA ------- American, Bush (Both) -------- American, Cheney --------American, Anna von Reitz ------ American, and so on... You can understand now why I always say that Americans live in Fantasy Land and cannot face reality or the
truth (Said as a general comment against observations)."

- David P. Crayford (March 25, 2016) -

Again, Mr. Crayford, you get no argument from me here. You've been extremely busy swatting off the flies of disinformation like Hudes and Keenan for years, and now you take the time to compliment me regarding my hard work and due diligence in
researching and learning the truth of what our global financial / military /political situation / outlook in the United States and the world is really like. But seriously, can we really pay off the national debt? I still don't believe that's possible! And again you put me on the defensive, this time when it comes to
Americans and our perception of what truth and reality really are. All I can say is that inherent in the truth of what you said above is why we as Americans are so confused and misinformed in the first place. Look at the real life characters you mention that we're stuck dealing with. The Bushes? Come on. They stole from all of us who had something and murdered everyone else. And Wanta? How many lives did
he (and Reagan) destroy with his huge heist from the Global Debt Facility and his use of the stolen assets to completely dismantle the Soviet Union? How many innocent lives were lost in that exchange? And then if you've taken the time over
the years to read what Hudes, Keenan, and von Reitz have been writing about, as I have, and if you really didn't know the truth regarding the Global Debt Facility, which I did not, you too would be confused as to who is doing what to whom with the
world's gold. Reading what these perpetual disinformants write, and believing it hook line and sinker, would give us zero idea that the Global Debt Facility has been made available to the People and Nations of the World, by the Royal Families of the
World, for almost 200 years. The agents you mentioned are pure disinformation traps, laying down their own tracks of non truth and disinformation regarding the Collateral Accounts, while they steal them as we're all looking in the other direction. To make matters worse, there really is no other voice out there laying
down a true and concise narrative of the global financial situation except for you. The planet's financial future all centers around the Global Debt Facility, and you only post your truth regarding the same on Rumor Mill News and Abundant Hope, whose readerships are limited. Your message is not proficiently getting out to the masses. Not enough people have access to this truth. And you say you're really too busy to write down the truth in any greater of a manner, so we Americans must remain
confused and disoriented as to how the ITC could help us pay off our huge twenty-trillion-dollar debt and rebuild from the bottom up in a matter of years counted on one hand, unless we take the time to research the truth thereof.

The truth for me is that before I entered this alternative media train and began to grow a better perception of what the reality of our existence is, I was plainly a programmed simpleton. Unfortunately, I can say the same about much of my brethren
back home in America. Mr. Crayford, you have been way too complimentary of the knowledge I have gained through my intensive research and search for the truth on a global and economic scale, but the truth is it was tough. But I worked hard to find that truth, and I did it for us, for my family, my grandchildren, my Brothers and my Sisters of all color and nationality. I wanted to know that there really was truth
in the prospect that Humanity could actually survive the insanity we are presently being subjected to, and what that truth might be. And it took me a long time and great deal of energy sifting through the maze of disinformation to find out and
understand the truth and history behind the OITC, and what the International Treasury Controller is actually all about. You don't write enough about the International Treasury Controller. We can't find any good information about him or her, other than what you write. How about a photograph? Maybe an Alex Jones or
Sean Stone interview? And the search for financial truth is made even more painful by the fact we have to again completely break down our previously broken down belief systems, and then we have to break those down again.

It's been really tough for me and my family. Imagine how tough it must be for the rest of my American Brothers and Sisters. My American Brothers and Sisters are not dumbed down so much as we're exhausted and beaten up. We're fed so much garbage, that we're sick physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The leadership of our country has mercilessly tortured us U.S. citizenry into programmed compliance. We've been turned into clones and droids and genetic mutants who are not allowed to act upon our free will, because we really don't know what Free Will

I don't believe for one second that, as a country, we want to be known, in actuality, or on a global perception basis, as "sheeple addicted to television and sport." But you're right. We do need to get out of the information box we've been
incessantly programmed into since our births. Americans' basis of understanding and knowledge must rise above and beyond the religion, education, upbringing, role models, minimal understanding of the shape and size of the Universe, and everything else false that has been painted into our minds as if that were the truth of all that is. But there is so much more out there to learn. There is a world out there that they don't tell us about in here. That's why there are people like you, in
possession of the golden nuggets that are truth, who possess the ultimate global financing that will, one day, one way or another, bring my people back, and will make my country of origin spiritually, morally, and financially strong again. And I
hope it's sooner rather than later.


You said that through your observations you believe the American population to be more of the follower mentality than that of the leader. And I do understand the truth of what you're saying here as well. But I don't believe that truth is across
the board in the U.S. We have brilliant leaders in America, strong, independent free wills ready to make our country better, who just need to be fed better, more truthful information. America's leaders will need better access to the truth. If
we have better access to your information, and we had you working with us, and I understand that is a big if, but we could then learn what we would have to do to rebuild America.

And this would probably be a good time to give a shout out to the likes of Benjamin Fulford and many others like him. Fulford did a wonderful piece recently that appeared here on RMN and painted a really fair picture for us who are searching for
an understanding of truth on how the world can move forward in a positively moral and prosperous way, of what is going on politically / economically / militarily across the planet, with a well devised plan on how to get America restarted financially. It's the second best plan I've ever heard. I don't want you to get jealous, Mr. Crayford, but Benjamin Fulford was actually my first Internet teacher regarding the nature of the global financial system and its relationship to
voluminous gold hordes and their relationship to global economics and the people's and nations' battles for freedom and prosperity. You were my second. The truth is, at first, I really didn't get you. What you were saying seemed preposterous. It was beyond my scope of understanding. But then as I continued to digest the meaning of your cumulative writings, your consistent, untarnished, expansive truth began to
expand into the mainstream of my consciousness, and you became my predominant teacher, Internet, or otherwise. There are no lies or inconsistencies to your writings. Your truth flows very smoothly through my heart.


My truth is I listened to Benjamin Fulford's truth before I listened to your truth. Both of your truths are consistent in many important ways. Both of you get tremendous jewels of information that you disseminate to those of us with a want to
learn. I imagine what it might be like to one day see the Global Debt Facility tapped into for the national debt repayment and rebuilding of America. I understand there is no other way to accomplish this without the Global Debt Facility backing a
new American currency. None. There are no other ways to pay off our national debt. Twenty trillion dollars, and rising. We as Americans must understand this and then honor this debt obligation before we are allowed to join the new financial system
that has arisen out of the East. This is what it will take to pay off our National Debt in our lifetime. David Crayford knows how to do that. The International Treasury Controller, the sole legal heir, owner, manager and administrator of every
cent of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, wherever on the planet they may be located, stashed, or hidden, is the answer to the
question. And I would love to see Benjamin Fulford and the White Dragon Society help with the implementation of David Crayford's / ITC's plan to move the world forward into a brilliant future for everyone. The plan is already in operation and well financed. David Crayford's / ITC's plan is similar to Benjamin Fulford's in many important ways. If the White Dragon Society truly is an alliance of benevolent Western Secret Societies, as they state to the public, then they will understand
what I mean. They will do the research. They will contact David Crayford or the ITC.

For us who love America, (and for others who love their countries), there is no other way to get it done. It's a matter of when. When will America tap into the global gold backed financial system? First, though, we must stop those that are
stealing from it that are robbing us of our destiny. That, I believe, is where the WDS could be the greatest help to humanity. And this is where Crayford and Fulford agree dead on. Those financing the terrorists must be stopped. What needs to be understood is that it is through stealing assets of the Global Debt Facility that has financed all war and all terrorism since World War II ended. It is not because of the illegal drug trade, although that is probably a distant second. The oil
trade and slave trade probably come in a distant third and fourth from there. The illegal drug trade certainly has caused a lot of special ops activities around the world and through history, but the stolen Collateral Accounts are the reason for the string of wars across the planet over the decades. That is why wars string through countries and decades. To steal what they can, and move on and do it again. To find the gold, steal it, and finance more war, control, and domination. The energy
from the stolen Divine Wealth / gold keeps the Satanic criminals juiced and in power. Not the drugs, oil, or human slaves. That is the stolen assets - and the fact all the dealings regarding the Royal Families of the World and the Global Debt Facility are covered in Secret International Treaties. Not treaties amongst
nations, which are international, but not secret, but Top Secret International Treaties. Nobody can even legally talk publicly about what's being stolen, if they even knew about the Global Debt Facility in the first place. Individual members of
the Royal Family have no idea about the Global Debt Facility. It's that Top Secret! No member of any government or military would even be allowed in the same building.

So remember, the global reserve currency has for all purposes already been changed from the U.S. Dollar to the Chinese Yuan. This stealthily happened a couple years ago. This is the first time this has happened since the pound was changed to the
U.S. dollar in 1945. And that was the first time the global reserve currency had been changed since just after the French Revolution.


So we Americans have to stop those other Americans who continue to loot our grandchildren's futures. It's got to end sometime. Another reason Benjamin Fulford's vast secret underground society connections should work with David Crayford is because David Crayford belongs to the greatest secret society of all;
those who have the Top Secret security clearance to know what the Secret International Treaties of the World say. Full Jacket 3/5. Not too many people carry that kind of weight. The White Dragon Society, David Crayford, and the ITC could work together fighting for the greater good of Humanity. They're basically
talking about achieving the same things. However, it is only the ITC who is the globally recognized and sanctioned body, agreed to by all the Nations of the World, through International Treaties, secret and otherwise, to gold back the national
currencies of the world to be used to rebuild those individual nations.

America's only chance to rebuild and survive in the future will be to one day join in the trade agreements with the BRICS countries. Americans will want to work with world development banks like the BRICS banks and the AIIB bank and other Asian
development banks tied into gold backed currencies. These are the financial institutions that will replace the Old Country global predators like IMF, World Bank Group, Federal Reserve, who, incidentally, originally acted as Custodians and
Holders of Global Debt Facility assets and documents at their inceptions, before turning rogue and trying to steal it all. Legally, they are all inferior to the International Treasury Controller. He / she, for all legal purposes, tells them
what to do. So far, like the criminal derelicts they are, they haven't responded very well.

American businesses will also want to participate in the guaranteed financial prosperity of the new Silk Road, which connects China to Russia to Eurasia to the Middle East to Europe... That's why, eventually, we will have no choice but to get Global Debt Facility Gold to back a new American currency. So we can't close our borders. We will have to open them up to our trade partners. Our survival as a country will depend on it. Our abandoning the present worthless U.S. debt note will
depend on it. Our standard of living in this country has deteriorated continuously every day since 1972, when the criminals behind the Fed and Nixon took the U.S.
Dollar off the gold standard, so the rape of the Global Debt Facility, and the People's futures, could begin in earnest. And for the first time since then, we have a chance to change it. If we get smart and work together, if that is possible.

Mr. Fulford talks about Americans doubling our standard of living in a year, like the Russians did under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin. And I agree, we in America too can do that. We'll have to tighten our fiscal belts first. There
will be some pain as we convert worthless currency into valuable assets, but we can do it, just like Russia did. But first you have to do the research. You have to ask yourself - How did Russia do it? Sure Putin had to purge Russia's financial
system of the Rothschild banksters, but how did Russia get all that gold to back that now valuable currency? Wasn't it originally a member of the Russian Royal Family who in or about 1875 really got the Global Debt Facility rolling toward
combining the international collateral assets of the Global Royal Families into the Global Debt Facility to get to the People and the Nations of the World?

So now we realize Russia has kicked out the Rothschild banking agents and have effectively backed their currency with much of their own gold. But what happens when the full force and effect of the International Treasury Controller and the Global Debt Facility are fully launched? Is this why Kissinger was in Russia and what he was asking Putin about? Is this what the Pope wanted to hear from the Russian Patriarch? Or did the Pope ask for a loan?

Those who do the research will learn that the new Global Financial System will be made possible by the new International Treasury Controller, who is Holder to the M1


I believe the WDS could be a tremendous help to the International Treasury Controller if they were playing with a more fully loaded deck of understanding. In his video, Mr. Fulford literally talks about creating a new paradigm for the planet, financially, and otherwise, and he's absolutely right. There's no changing the broken system of domination and control we operate under. It has to be replaced. We need to build from scratch a new, spiritually energized, financial system. While
the West has made war, terrorism and genocide main priorities of existence, they have stolen assets of the Global Debt Facility through the wars they make, to fuel the terrorism and genocide they commit. The new gold backed global financial system
operates out of the East and beyond as we speak. Everyone must understand this, American or otherwise. The new Global Financial System is very much achievable. As Mr. Fulford says, look East, and think BRICS. Gold backed, and gold backed. And
how do you think it became gold backed? Brazil, Russia, China, India, and South Africa.

Mr. Crayford, you have talked about how the gold and other assets of the Global Debt Facility had been disseminated to hidden locations and banks all across the globe after the 1920 London Treaty and World War II, in preparation of the new Gold backed Global Financial System back then. That's how the gold of Japan, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, and other parts of Asia, and the rest of the world, got there, buried in depositories and presumed safe in Western aligned banks, at that time. But since then, things changed. Want to steal gold from Libya meant to back the independent financial system of the Libyan people? Have Hillary Clinton finance the illegal terrorist war on Gadaffi utilizing stolen Collateral Assets of the Global Debt Facility, which were intended for the benefit of the People and Nations of the World, and invade Libya with proxy terrorist mercenaries. Still more thousands of metric tons of gold to be located and stolen. Multiply that by Ukraine, Syria,
Iraq, the world. More Global Debt Facility gold to steal. More gold to reprocess illegally and then sell on Wall Street. Funds to buy more mercenaries and weapons to kill more civilians and commit more genocide against Christians and Humanity cross the planet.

Gold is for Mother Earth. Gold is of our mother, Earth. Gold is Divine energy. With the aid of off planet allies, the "Hierarchy" of beings selected and appointed the International Treasury Controller to manage the Global Debt Facility for the
benefit of the People and Nations of the World. He / she is doing that right now. He /she did not ask for the job. He / she was asked to do it for Humanity. And when you look at it, he / she is doing a really good job. The new gold backed
financial system is designed to benefit many people in all nations of this planet. Just look at how the world is going. Look at who is financially and militarily strong, and look at who is not. Who has legal access to the Global Debt Facility,
and who does not?


Another thing that is important for everyone to understand is that the gold, whether it's termed Asian, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, or from the Philippines, or if it's in the name of a Divine Trust, still belongs to the Combined International
Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. It is not there to put on the market and sell at a profit, and claim those profits are going to be used to benefit the poor. That gold, whether it is being stolen by others or not, is still managed
and administered by the ITC, who is a "sovereign" entity unto his / herself, with its own jurisdiction, which is legally higher in law than any other legal jurisdiction on the planet, international, national, Maritime, or otherwise. That's why America must educate herself. That's why the leaders of the U.S. and the West must really understand the truth. The gold held by Custodian countries has already been accounted for. It is deposited all over the world. There is an agreed to
value of that deposited gold that was covered by International Treaty and signed by American Presidents and leaders of other Nations and Institutions of the world. So when it gets stolen, we, the American tax payers (the People) must pay for it,
principal, interest and all. And we continue to do so, until we stop it.

And it's going to take a lot of research for us Americans to uncover that truth. Again, we must peel away the many layers of disinformation that have been piled on top of and around the thin line of truth that exists in public media about the Global Debt Facility and the Royal Families of the World. The Royal Families of the World, by Secret International Treaty, created the Global Debt Facility. By Secret International Treaty, the Royal Families of the World created the International Treasury Controller, as legal heir, owner and arbiter, to manage and administer the Global Debt Facility. The Western Banks work hand in hand with governments to misinform the people of the world about the true nature of the global economic system. It has been hijacked, and the Mainstream Media programs us into believing our debt based financial system is all that is, and it is good for us, and they will replace it for us.


Whenever as a country we reach that point, the President of the United States will become the Legal Custodian of the Gold from the Global Debt Facility that will back the new American currency, whatever that may be. It's happened before, and it will have to happen again. That's why we have to get really serious if we're going to change the plight of America for our grandchildren's sake. In that relationship, if the President fails the Global Debt Facility, and absconds with the gold, then the American people will be held liable, again, and it will become our debt problem, again. Sound familiar? Think Bushes, Clintons... Where does the list stop?


Or not. It's up to us. Whether we like it or not, we have failed ourselves. We waste too much time on television and sports. Many of us are morally deplete. Eventually we will have to turn it around. We will have to begin this by
researching the truth and educating ourselves to another path of reasoning other than the programmed lie. We're going to have to place responsible leadership at the helm of our future as a country. And that leader, the future President of the United States, will have to become Custodian to assets of the Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility.

One of the big reasons that the truth has been hidden for so long in this whole thing is because everything is shrouded in secrecy, and the bad guys have taken serious advantage of this. That's why there has been a false historical narrative laid out in education and popular culture. No one really understands the truth of the global financial economic system, how it really works. We've been boondoggled, tricked by Black Magic, Smoke, and Mirrors. So we've got to research to go beneath the layers of disinformation to find the truth. And here's another truth. All the treaties among and between Royal Families of the World - are done in secret. No one is allowed to see or view a Secret International Treaty without the appropriate security clearance. Which is very high. Full Jacket 3/5. So this means that very few people actually know what those treaties say. So the good guys, who for two hundred years or so have been trying to create a benevolent global financial system, can't even legally talk about the thefts. And the bad guys know this, use the stolen Collateral Accounts to buy up the global media, and then lie to us turning us into sheeple. So we must research. Find the truth beneath the secret security quagmire and the endless stream of disinformation by those who would steal from our collective destiny, the Global Debt Facility.

We need to find out the truth. What is our government really doing to us? How did we really get into debt? We must lift the veil of secrecy off the Secret International Treaties. Top Secret is Top Secret. It means it can't be revealed. Private International Treaties involving Royal Families of the World have nothing whatsoever to do with Constitutional Monarchy governments of the world. The ITC and OITC are limited in what they can say, so we must do the research.

What I'm beginning to understand is that we Americans really do have much soul reflecting to take part in. And if we do, I believe, collectively, we will be happy with ourselves. We will see good people, not sheeple, who need to change our program. We'll need to adjust the basis of our thinking. America is going to need to pay of her debt and be rebuilt at some point. When does that happen? How much suffering are we willing to endure? Do our grandchildren have a say in how much
they will suffer? Do we have a plan in mind so there really is a future in the U.S. for those who don't have money now? The U.S. Treasury is bankrupt. The Federal Reserve is bankrupt. The value of the paper currency we keep in our wallets and dresser drawers is very little when it comes to economic exchange. Nobody across the world is taking our valueless American dollars anymore. That's why cost inflation is rising so rapidly. And that's only going to get worse.

I'm again asking my American compatriots to do the research as I did. Perception is key. Understand a new reality. There is a way to rebuild every nation of the planet for every person right now. But that answer does not lie with the American government or the Mainstream Media. It does not lie with the Federal Reserve. It does not lie with any banking institution in the Western Banking Hemisphere. The answer to rebuilding any country that wants to catch on to the new financial model
is to research and understand that truth. Benjamin Fulford has as good a take as anyone putting information out there. He's getting good information, and passing it
along. He's trying to string it together for us to use and build on.

But when you watch the video understand that there's one fatal flaw to the presentation.

Watch the Fulford video here.

We must now begin to speak from the understanding that the financing is already in place. The gold exists within one independent, benevolent institution. It's called the International Treasury Controller. Just look at what's happening around the world, and you will know this to be true. Who's got all the gold in the world's financial realm, and who's doing what financially? Coincidental? Probably not. Look at BRICS. Where does their gold come from? Whether David Crayford will reveal to me or anyone else the details of the ITC plan as to how America can get rid of her twenty trillion dollar debt in three to four years, and begin to rebuild is unknown, but it can only happen if and when we get some "responsible leadership" to
play Custodian to the Collateral Accounts that we'll have to have to back our new financial system.

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