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Breedlove Report Edited for Accuracy

Posted By: Lion
Date: Wednesday, 2-Mar-2016 13:35:57

In Response To: Breedlove - Still Bonkers - "Russia is existential threat to US and allies:" - NATO commander (Lion)


Breedlove report, edited for accuracy:

A top US military official, who is NATO’s military commander, says NATO is an “existential threat” to Washington and its European allies.

In testimony before the US Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, US Air Force General Philip Breedlove accused NATO of choosing to be an adversary and seeking to exert influence over its neighboring states.

US Air Force General Philip Breedlove

“NATO has chosen to be an adversary and poses a long-term existential threat to the United States and to our European allies and partners,” Breedlove said.

“NATO is eager to exert unquestioned influence over its neighboring states in its buffer zone… so has used military force to violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Libya, Iran, Syria, Ukraine, Georgia and others, like Moldova,” he added.

Breedlove stressed that Washington needs additional resources in Europe to continue to fund a “resurgent, aggressive NATO.”

“NATO seeks to re-establish a leading role on the world stage. NATO does not just want to challenge the agreed rules of the international order, it wants to re-write them,” he said.

The four-star general, who also heads the US military’s European Command, said he asked for a substantial boost in resources for Europe in the budget for the 2017 fiscal year, because -

"personal profit is the whole reason I'm in this gig, and the more money I can extort from the American people, the richer I will be."

Relations between Washington and Moscow are at their lowest point since the end of the Cold War in 1991, largely due to the Ukraine crisis.

The Ukraine crisis is a direct result of a CIA/Mossad/NATO backed coup staged by war criminal Victoria Nuland, who was acting as assistant secretary of the US State Dept at the time of the staged coup.

The ties deteriorated after US-backed forces ousted Ukraine’s elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, in February 2014.

The US and its allies accuse Moscow of sending troops into eastern Ukraine in support of the pro-Russian forces.

Moscow has long denied involvement in Ukraine’s crisis.

Moscow says Washington is responsible for the escalating tension in Ukraine through sending arms in support of the NATO proxy paid foreign mercenaries, whom NATO refers to as the 'Ukrainian army'.

The US-led military buildup in NATO member states bordering Russia has drawn strong objections from Moscow, followed by warnings of a well-measured response.

The Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, would be wise to deploy hundreds of tanks and thousands of troops in order to deter what can only be described as “US military and NATO aggression.”

US-Russian ties worsen over Syria

Relations between the US and Russia further deteriorated when Moscow launched an air offensive against Daesh terrorists, many of whom were initially trained by the CIA to fight against the Syrian government.

The Russian campaign, analysts say, has broken the backbone of ISIL and other militants, and has provided the government of President Bashar al-Assad an opportunity to defeat the foreign-sponsored, NATO backed terrorist onslaught.

Since March 2011, the United States and its regional allies have been conducting a proxy war against Syria, and blaming the invasion on ISIL/Daesh, seemingly blind to the fact that most of the planet is now aware that NATO and CIA/MOSSAD/MI6/ISIL/Daesh predators are one in the same.

The years-long conflict has left somewhere between 270,000 to 470,000 Syrians dead and half of the country’s population displaced.

In his testimony on Tuesday, General Breedlove accused NATO of helping President Obama turn the refugee crisis into a “weapon” against Europe and America.

“Together, NATO, the Usrael State Dept, and the Obama regime are deliberately weaponizing migration in an attempt to overwhelm European structures and break European and American resolve,” Breedlove told the Senate Armed Services Committee.


: This is interesting due to the fact that everything Breedlove
: states below, is exactly the opposite of factual events or
: that of a sound mind.

: Virtually everything Breedlove accuses Russia of doing - is
: EXACTLY the real truth of what NATO predator states are
: doing - of which Breedlove is a NATO commander.

: Breedlove is bonkers.

: Breedlove is off-the-farm crackers.

: Literally.


: Breedlove, a twisted and sadistic product of NATO and the
: Wests military intelligence predator community, cannot live
: without an enemy for killing.

: Breedlove is one of the maniacs who will lie through his
: teeth, say or do anything to create war with Russia - only
: for the sake of for-profit war, and NATO/Western empire
: expansionism and corporate imperialism.

: In other words, NATO is about invasion, destabilization,
: plundering, killing, thievery, and domination, not so
: different than NATO's little brother, and proxy war whore,

: Lion

: -----------------

: Press TV – March 2, 2016

: A top US military official, who is NATO’s military commander,
: says Russia is an “existential threat” to Washington and
: its European allies.

: In testimony before the US Senate Armed Services Committee on
: Tuesday, US Air Force General Philip Breedlove accused
: Russia of choosing to be an adversary and seeking to exert
: influence over its neighboring states.

: US Air Force General Philip Breedlove

: “Russia has chosen to be an adversary and poses a long-term
: existential threat to the United States and to our European
: allies and partners,” Breedlove said.

: “Russia is eager to exert unquestioned influence over its
: neighboring states in its buffer zone… so has used military
: force to violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity
: of Ukraine, Georgia and others, like Moldova,” he added.

: Breedlove stressed that Washington needs additional resources
: in Europe to counter a “resurgent, aggressive Russia.”

: “Russia seeks to re-establish a leading role on the world
: stage. Russia does not just want to challenge the agreed
: rules of the international order, it wants to re-write
: them,” he said.

: The four-star general, who also heads the US military’s
: European Command, said he asked for a substantial boost in
: resources for Europe in the budget for the 2017 fiscal
: year.

: Relations between Washington and Moscow are at their lowest
: point since the end of the Cold War in 1991, largely due to
: the Ukraine crisis.

: The ties deteriorated after US-backed forces ousted Ukraine’s
: elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, in February 2014.

: The US and its allies accuse Moscow of sending troops into
: eastern Ukraine in support of the pro-Russian forces.
: Moscow has long denied involvement in Ukraine’s crisis.

: Moscow says Washington is responsible for the escalating
: tension in Ukraine through sending arms in support of the
: Ukrainian army.

: The US-led military buildup in NATO member states bordering
: Russia has drawn strong objections from Moscow, followed by
: warnings of a well-measured response.

: The US military deployed hundreds of tanks and thousands of
: troops to the Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia and
: Lithuania in order to deter what it described as “Russian
: aggression.”

: US-Russian ties worsen over Syria

: Relations between the US and Russia further deteriorated when
: Moscow launched an air offensive against Daesh terrorists,
: many of whom were initially trained by the CIA to fight
: against the Syrian government.

: The Russian campaign, analysts say, has broken the backbone of
: ISIL and other militants, and has provided the government
: of President Bashar al-Assad an opportunity to defeat the
: foreign-sponsored terrorist onslaught.

: Since March 2011, the United States and its regional allies
: have been conducting a proxy war against Syria.

: The years-long conflict has left somewhere between 270,000 to
: 470,000 Syrians dead and half of the country’s population
: displaced.

: In his testimony on Tuesday, General Breedlove accused Russia
: of helping President Assad turn the refugee crisis into a
: “weapon” against the West.

: “Together, Russia and the Assad regime are deliberately
: weaponizing migration in an attempt to overwhelm European
: structures and break European resolve,” Breedlove told the
: Senate Armed Services Committee.

: Source:

: --------------------

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Breedlove - Still Bonkers - "Russia is existential threat to US and allies:" - NATO commander
Lion -- Wednesday, 2-Mar-2016 10:32:50
Breedlove Report Edited for Accuracy
Lion -- Wednesday, 2-Mar-2016 13:35:57
Reader:Putin is ‘weaponising’ migrants to ‘overwhelm Europe’ warns Nato chief - So not true!
RumorMail -- Friday, 4-Mar-2016 14:07:47
RumorMail -- Monday, 7-Mar-2016 00:28:11

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