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Reader: "What ticks Glenn Beck off is the tables are turned now...and Glenn Beck knows it. The masses are awakening..."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 29-Feb-2016 19:46:49

In Response To: Video: The Whining Shill Cheerleader Of Status Quo, Glen Beck Losing Networks, And He Says It's All Your Fault, You Vile Trump Supporters (Watchman)

(Thanks, n. :)

Reader n. writes:


So Glen Beck, you think the Trump supporters have no common decency? So you say have never seen anything like the lack of decency. Well you lied again. There is no way anyone could be involved in politics for 20 years and not see the absolute primal ugly behavior of its party leaders. They have lowered themselves to every pitiful tactic imaginable (and some beyond imagination) to make sure "their guy" gets in. The have caused division in the party forcing some to leave -vowing never to return, never wanting to again experience the harshness of the parties climate. Divisiveness among the party leaders has been an art form. Additional deliberate instigators strike angry cords for more division. It has been the establishment VS the non establishment for a very long time.

It was the establishment VS the non establishment in 1988 when Pat Robertson (before he became an offensive, senile old man) had most of the same ideas as Trump. Robertson ran the most organized campaign I have seen to date. Like Trump, Robertson had a flock with fervor. Since party ugliness was there then, many county and state conventions ended up being brokered with rules challenged, and delegates outright stolen.

We cannot forget the fight of Reagan. Reagan won popularity with charm and wit, but the establishment kept him in line by putting daddy Bush in charge. He was NOT the establishments choice. However, Reagan had a plan. His work with Ambassador Leo Wanta will gave birth to a plan that brought down the evil empire. Reagan will have his last laugh from the grave. He will go up the list in standing, and go down in history as one of the greatest of the greats.

Most recently the Ron Paul campaigns were dealt blows- Some immoral and some illegal. This gentle man has taken immeasurable abuse, yet has continued fighting for America for over 40 years. Ron Paul has stood up against horribly biased media, the least of them in your face Sean Hannity. Throughout his candidacy he was cheated of precious media air time, and seldom called on in debates, (even thought he had a HUGE grass roots following). The media blatantly ignored him. Paul made common sense valid points in few words, and he did. Yet giving Ron Paul any air time was a risk the PTB's media could not afford. Still his campaign grew.

During the national convention, while Paul supporters stayed in rented houses, they got to deal with an incredible amount of illegal activity via the opposition before the convention even began. Paid off criminal thug cops would come with search warrants to the houses they were staying in, detain the delegates so they could not attend the convention, go through their belongings and and go through their computers. The computer search yielded the location of other delegates so they could repeat the process. Which they did. There used to be a whole bunch of youtube videos showing this crime. Try to find them now....

What ticks Glenn Beck off is the tables are turned now...and Glenn Beck knows it. The masses are awakening... with more to follow! The establishment can no longer be nasty without someone rubbing their faces in it. What Glen Beck is referring to is the tsunami of constituents that are as mad as hell and not taking it any more. A group that is tired of getting lied to. A group that is wise to the lies. This is a group so large that they cannot be stopped. You better not mess with them. God help anyone if they try. A group of people rising up isn't new. The awakening of people in this sheer numbers is. They finally have a candidate that will do the right thing and not be pushed around. Who the media can ignore if they want, as he can self fund. Who will do what he says he will do. That part isn't new. But the sheer numbers are. And we are done being polite. This is serious business and there is nothing that Glenn Beck and his cronies can do about it. Beck knows it and is throwing up his hands... as he should. You Glenn Beck are out numbered. You and your cronies are done. It might be good for you to know that as in sports- there are many "fair weather fans" that only turn out when their team is winning. Expect many more.. as many more will be jumping on the Trump wagon. People WANT to be on a winning team. Many will join the masses and help take our country back. This is our last chance. We know it and will not let people like your blow it for us!


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Articles In This Thread

Video: The Whining Shill Cheerleader Of Status Quo, Glen Beck Losing Networks, And He Says It's All Your Fault, You Vile Trump Supporters
Watchman -- Monday, 29-Feb-2016 09:49:19
HEY GLENN: Think of ratings as just another VOTE. *NM*
food4thought -- Monday, 29-Feb-2016 09:53:44
Reader: "What ticks Glenn Beck off is the tables are turned now...and Glenn Beck knows it. The masses are awakening..."
hobie -- Monday, 29-Feb-2016 19:46:49

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