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Reader: "FEDERAL LAND" "There is no such thing as federal land. It is just mass hysteria pretending. The BLM is a fiction in law.

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Sunday, 28-Feb-2016 05:18:13

In Response To: Utah Sheriff Will Arrest Federal Agents! (With enhanced audio) - video (glasc)


Initially, Maryland and Virginia gave land so that Washington DC, a seat for the Federal govt, could have a place to occupy. In 1847, the Virginia portion of that land was given back to them. Doesn't that mean that DC is no longer 10 miles square?? (check out the map on the URL above) DC is not part of the united States. The seat of the federation, which is what the federal government is supposed to be, cannot be in a State as that State's jurisdiction would supercede that of the Federal government. All States, Constitutional States not corporate States, have jurisdiction, in their own States, superior to that of the Federal government.

Unfortunately for the People, the incorporated States have been in control and the People have not known or do not know the difference. The Federal government does not have ANY jurisdiction over any of the People on the Land-- only the ALL CAPS corporate fiction that they have corralled the unsuspecting masses into. The People on the Land is US, We the People. Most of you know that the corporate government which calls itself the United States of America, Inc. (though they do not use Inc.), creates a corporate entity for each of us with a birth certificate, name in all caps. All we need is a birth registration for the official records--definitely not a corporate entity which is traded on the stock market and brings income to the corporate governments.

For those who are not aware of it, ALL governments and the different agencies within those governments are corporations FOR PROFIT--even your sheriffs departments and county or city governments!!!! Until people wake up to the fact of the abuse these corporations are doing and enslaving the masses under a fraudulent system, we will have great difficulty standing in freedom and having our inalienable rights. We have a fraudulent government which was created in 1871 as a corporation and after the civil war because the States in the south seceded from the Union. They could not remain a federation Constitutional government from the point in time those States seceded. Basically, the government which calls itself the federal government usurped our Constitutional government since that time. From time to time, the agents of that government, the supreme court, etc., will actually do something Constitutional enough so the People will not catch on en masse and rise up.

All corporations (even the courts are incorporated) fall under admiralty law which, in turn, fall under the jurisdiction of the Vatican. That is why, for many decades, we have been using a gold-fringe flag that signifies that we are under admiralty law.

As far as the article below goes, as each territory became a State, ALL LAND within that State boundary was supposed to transfer to that State leaving the Federal government with none.




“There is no such thing as federal land. It is just mass hysteria pretending. The BLM is a fiction in law.

The federal government has never been granted land ownership in the U.S. Constitution (its only source of powers). The Constitution granted the fed gov powers to contract with the States to obtain the use of lands granted to it by each State for specific uses and nothing else. These powers were only for the universal benefit of all the States at large:
Maryland and Virginia agreed to provide the ten square miles for the federal capital. For the other States these uses are for “the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards and other needful Buildings.” (Article I, Section 8.17)

The feds were granted the power to “establish Post Offices and post Roads” (build and contract the operation thereof). (Article I, Section 8.7) in order to enhance commerce.
The title “united States of America” refers to the separate countries (states) that are united (federated) in the continent known as America. “united” is an adjective, not a proper noun. “States” is a capitalized proper noun referring only to the countries (states) in America which are federated. This tells you what the USA is supposed to be, not the perversion it is treated as today.

This shows why the fed gov cannot own property. It is not to have the power that comes with owning property. It was deliberately never given such power.

Article IV, Sections 3 & 4 explain how new States are established. There must be a territorial government. There must be a large enough population. The territory must petition for Statehood. It is not under federal rules until Statehood is granted by the other States. It must agree to the U.S. Constitution and write its own constitution in conformity to those standards of liberty. To violate those standards is to secede from the union. Once statehood is granted the feds MUST get out and go back to DC. (because it is no longer a territory.)

The federal government has no authority in the federal constitution to own land and any power not granted DOES NOT EXIST. (Amendment 9) Even DC is not owned. It is merely dedicated for federal use and would go back to MD & VA if not needed to operate the fed. govt.

Article V tells how to change the “Constitution rule book”. No lower law can change the U.S. Constitution. Only 2/3 of the States (members) of the federation can propose change and amendments only pass if 3/4 of the States approve. The federal government has no authority to change itself. Executive orders are not laws. Laws are statutes listed as “titles” in the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations).

One reason that the federal government cannot own land is that it is not a physical entity. It is a contract between the States, not physical real estate. It was created to serve the States. The States were created to serve the people.

YES! this means that: There is no such thing as national forests, national parks, national monuments, or the BLM.

THERE ARE HOWEVER State Forests, State Parks, State Monuments, and State Bureaus of Land Management. Most of them are now illegally held hostage by a corrupt federal government under blatantly unconstitutional names.

All “federal territories” must be turned back over to their peoples, not held onto by a fake federal government.

The term “Trust Territories of the Pacific” was created by self-interested politicians. There is no such jurisdiction given in the Constitution. It was a result of WWII, but the responsibility of the federal government is to return the sovereignty to the peoples of those lands within a reasonable time and safe conditions. Those people are responsible for their own lands, not to be billed to the American people. Any state (country) can apply to be a State in the federal union, but it is up to the other States whether to accept it or not. There are other federations they can apply to as well, or stay independent.

BLM= Blatantly Lawless Morons”


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Articles In This Thread

Utah Sheriff Will Arrest Federal Agents! (With enhanced audio) - video
glasc -- Wednesday, 24-Feb-2016 18:14:13
Utah resident comments on coward sheriff
Mr.Ed -- Saturday, 27-Feb-2016 15:04:34
Reader: "FEDERAL LAND" "There is no such thing as federal land. It is just mass hysteria pretending. The BLM is a fiction in law.
RumorMail -- Sunday, 28-Feb-2016 05:18:13

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