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Reader: "Yeah, I get what you guys are saying. But what if you already GOT a stent?"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Sunday, 14-Feb-2016 13:13:16

In Response To: GMI: "A Baby Aspirin A Day Is A BAD Prescription For Most" (hobie)

(Thanks, S. :)

Reader StentBoy writes:


Re: Reader: 'I for one are deathly allergic to....

Yeah, I get what you guys are saying. But what if you already GOT a stent? I via nutrition reversed weight, health, mental clarity and got off the Dual Anti Platelet Therapy (DAPT) in about a year and a month after my Heart attack/stent.

I got rid of AstoraVastorin (the statin) Clopidogrel, Metroprolol, and Lisinopril but I still take the baby asprin.

I throw this out there just to mull.
Sure, if you don't got a stent, quit asprin.

But if you have say an RCA Stent like me....

I know my lack of planning isn't deserving of an emergency on your part.

I was rotten to my body for 40 of 50 years.
That I went from 230 to 165 is a miracle by cutting out wheat and sugar.
That I can breath again from stop smoking.
That I can think again from stop drinking.

Now that I can think, I work at how to stay far away from the Hospital as possible. The number one thing I did was nutrition.

I got Cron-o-meter (the free offline version) and entered all my foods in, then after awhile, I learned to just visualize this info and eat right.

Then I one day I shook my nutrition up, and added some foods.

an apple, carrot, and beet every day. I remain 165 as long as I don't Stray into high carb or hidden processed foods. I Keep away from sweets and high carbs.

I don't need Obamacare.
But I do take that baby asprin still.

But again, I can see that not everyone HAS a stent.
And also not everyone has the willpower to take action, quit cold turkey smoking, drinking, wheat, sugar and go 1000% hard work in a nutrition program written from scratch by yourself.

You note I carefully don't say

1 Name brand Hospital
2 Alcoholics Anonymous


1 Hospital gives bad advice it's their SOP (standard operating procedures)

TO use a metaphor of computer programming, they got the wrong Assembly Instruction set running and it's a VIRUS.
Statins, and Nutrition.
Hospital food sucks.
Doctors are not HEALTHY and I am more fit now than the folks who work there!

2 AA causes triggers and psychic vampires want a story to lead them like a child. Be a Sponsor so others keep reminding you of your fail.

3 God Bless the "NUTRITIONIST"

the other thing I learned here is STRESS.
Food can't cure that.
And I am pretty mad at the situation. mad this country's current government. As a vet, It is PAINFUL to watch this unconstitutional show going down the toilet. You don't get to let that resentment go -- you know your OATH that resentment watching these punks destroy the country with this socialist military fascism.

and such resentments do KILL! Almost got me.

I can't really fight now in the trench, but I can support those who will. I can do radios and comms, electronics repair and power distribution, I can do much again, and actually tho I shouldn't I already liftin over 100 again..

These traitors will fall. Question is how able are we to take up the slack and fix it proper. I have to be honest I ain't feeling very secure right now. The NCIC database tied to the hospital, it's ****ing pure evil. It's the SSRI story bent for propaganda by the DSM and psychiatrists and then spare no expense propagated by the back stabbing corporate media who occupy the Public Spectrum all while the traitors make bills and do deals to sell the soul of America to the spycraft and fascists.

I can tell to those who haven't been to OBAMACARE yet.

yes the hospital asks about guns.
yes they try to check your mental health
Yes they try to get you on drugs (you need to say you sleep just fine you don't need PAXIL)
Yes they push vaccines.
Yes they have a hacked JNZ asm code (jump) when it comes to Cholesterol, if you tuned out like I did on the Cholestorol being a problem the hospital treats it like a CRACK cause their OPCODES are FUBAR, they make extremely tough to talk to them .

And finally this isn't a game.
They don't TELL you what you do to yourself, YOU DECIDE.
Not them. It's YOUR BODY! Your doctor don't tell you what to do, so stop behaving like that. If I told you give me all your money and stfu you wouldn't do it. So when you know Something is wrong and they say do it why do you CONSENT!?

If you want to behave like that then if you get hurt I will not be Sympathetic. After all I drank 40 of 50 years, I had my fun!

I ain't asking for sympathy when I Have ANGINA. But in fairness my nutrition now has taken that away.

The proof is in the 117 over 60 and 56..
But I can not keep low blood pressure when ANGRY.
I was reading ROn Paul yesterday it went to 130 with ANGER.

compare to PHYSICAL

188 with ALL MY STRENGTH (way too hard workout hopping a bike over fully raised double railroad tracks--extreme sport)

and then we have 169 - my natural cadence based on this. I bike one an two and one and two and . SO I naturally walk faster than most, I naturally bike faster also. In fact I now pass YOUNG people on the bike. But hey, who will tell them that FRY bread is why they are 300

192 was right before my heart attack. Oh yeah and the stent was 100% blocked, and also, I should mention the PAIN of a heart attack, I also had that SAME pain for about 15 YEARS!~ so maybe I been walking with a heart attack for 15 YEARS!!!!!!!

welp thats it.
Consider carefully your decisions in life.
As MUCH as I do not like it, I will be taking my baby aspirin a bit longer.

I got out of the Cholestorol scare, when I saw where it came from, now the doctors can not say anything to me about cholesterol I got educated as to the TRUTH-- I either agree and shut up or just ignore, when I fought it took up the entire appointment time with some god complex obamacare dr's.

I also educated them a bit along the way, I put DOUBT into THEIR minds.

SO anyway I wish I had the answer, I do these health supplements
Niacin, turmeric, D3, Magnesium (good kind not rocks glass), C (right now i am on 4.5 Grams a day), apple cider vinegar/honey ea day, melatonin. And each day I eat an apple, carrot and beet raw. I got more health supplements but these are the daily grule. I pat myself on the back every time I eat GRAPEFRUIT now. NO statins! Yeah Grapefruit instead.
And Viva Eggs.. Ba humbug Cholesterol scare. I am eating food and living life, and working and getting stuff done, not eating Statins and sitting in BED with lower stomach/back/body pain.

Another thing is if you just don't put all that crap in your mouth, then your cholesterol won't be high, and the doctor with the OBamacare finance agenda has to SHUT UP.

Thats the other thing. the finance. What a club to beat the poor clueless un-banked non-financially resourced with.

God bless us all, cause we all need help!


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Articles In This Thread

GMI: "A Baby Aspirin A Day Is A BAD Prescription For Most"
hobie -- Monday, 8-Feb-2016 23:33:19
GMI: "Evidence Against Aspirin And For Natural Alternatives"
hobie -- Monday, 8-Feb-2016 23:43:11
Reader: "I for one are deathly allergic to all pain medications related to aspirin."
hobie -- Tuesday, 9-Feb-2016 15:07:47
Reader: "Yeah, I get what you guys are saying. But what if you already GOT a stent?"
hobie -- Sunday, 14-Feb-2016 13:13:16
What I'm Taking to thin my blood and Remove toxins
CrystalRiver -- Sunday, 14-Feb-2016 13:42:00
Reader: "I take SERRAPEPTASE ..."
hobie -- Sunday, 14-Feb-2016 18:17:09

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