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I watched crowd control "drone" at a college soccer game

Posted By: Nameless_one
Date: Thursday, 13-Nov-2014 10:49:02

In Response To: FBI Report Shows That Americans Less Violent than Ever, Except for Police.... (Watchman)

While entering the gates of the stadium I was asked to open my bag so the "4 event guards" could take a peak inside. My bag held a blanket to keep my legs warm during the game. Of course I had to joke with them and tell them it was full of tortillas. They laughed.

At this particular college, whenever a soccer player makes a goal hundreds of tortillas fly out onto the field.

A lady whom I met at the game said while the guards were checking her purse, they spotted some medication that she had for her blood pressure. They held it up and asked her what it was. She told them and they put it back.

During half-time, I happened to spot a red and green light flying above the stadium, (200 feet). Right away I knew what it was. Yes, the college has its very own crowd control drone.

There was a television camera man behind me and I asked him to film the drone and put it over the air...that should get some peoples attention. He responded, but I don't think he knew what I was talking about.

I walked up to one of the many "event guards" who never took their eyes off of us...(I noticed they never watched the game), and asked him if he noticed the drone. He replied that he did, because he was watching it also. I asked him if he thought the college owned it, he replied that they did.

The crowd of over 5,000 was very mild mannered because the University of California's Regents President, Miss Janet Napolitano made sure that this particular Semi-Conference game was played on a school night and most of the crowd weren't college kids, but the community of parents and friends of the team.

I asked my friend who I was sitting with if she liked all of this going on..."Oh yes", she replied, "It's for our safety"!
I wanted to scream, "communism", but thought better of it because I wouldn't be invited back to the games.

My husband who was raised in a communist country stopped going to the soccer games with me, because he spotted the "police" control last year. He sits quietly at home watching the games streamed on the computer. I'm still with the "American Way of thinking", but changing gradually as I observe the upswing of "crowd control" from last years games. Yes, It's getting worse, little by little.

Next time you see some small red and green lights, don't forget to look up and " may be on condid camera".

PS: We lost the game...won't be invited to the college cup!

I tried to find a pic. of a drone, but was told by RMN that all was hacked.

More to be revealed.

If you find errors, didn't have time to edit.

: According to new FBI statistics released this week, violent
: crime rates in the US fell over 4% in the past year alone,
: bringing the amount of violent crimes lower than it has
: been in nearly 40 years. The statistics showed that there
: were an estimated 1.16 million violent crimes in the year
: of 2013, which is the lowest number since 1978, when 1.09
: million were recorded.

: Broken down, the report revealed that manslaughter dropped by
: 4.4% to 14,196, the lowest rate since 1968, while instances
: of rape were down 6.3%. Despite the tough economic times,
: robbery is also down by 2.8% and property crimes were down
: by 4.1%.

: The violent crime rate has been steadily declining since 1994,
: but the prison population has continued to increase over
: the decades. There are currently over two and a half
: million people imprisoned in the US, which is by far the
: largest prison population in the world.

: However, a study recently published by Pew Charitable Trusts
: showed that for the first time in decades, the US prison
: population is actually on a decline. Their research found
: that the drop in crime that was seen in 2013 actually
: coincided with a decline in the prison population.
: According to their data, the amount of people in the US
: prison system peaked in 2008, and has since dropped 6%.

: The study also found that there was a drop in the amount of
: prisoners in 32 of the 50 states, while imprisonment
: continued to rise in the other 18 states. California showed
: the largest drop in crime and imprisonment over the past
: five years, which is likely connected to lighter drug
: penalties that have been adopted in recent years.

: Even among those who are technically “guilty” of breaking some
: law, a vast majority of prisoners are nonviolent offenders
: who don’t belong in prison to begin with. According to some
: statistics, nonviolent offenders make up nearly 70% of the
: prison population, many of these people are not guilty of
: any transgression, and they are in fact themselves victims
: of state violence.

: While violence among citizens has dropped, violence against
: citizens carried out by police has been rising sharply.

: According to the FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report, 461 felony
: suspects were shot by police last year, which is the
: highest number seen in decades. These numbers are likely
: unreported as well, and only includes felony suspects, so
: it is possible that this figure is much higher than the
: study suggests.

: Another interesting angle is that in the same time period gun
: sales soared across the country, which seems to support the
: idea that more people owning guns actually contributes to
: making society a safer place.

: According to a Congressional Research Service report covered
: by Breitbart News on December 4, 2013, the number of
: privately owned firearms in America increased from 192
: million in 1994 to 310 million in 2009 and has continued to
: increase every year since.


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Articles In This Thread

FBI Report Shows That Americans Less Violent than Ever, Except for Police....
Watchman -- Wednesday, 12-Nov-2014 21:14:41
I watched crowd control "drone" at a college soccer game
Nameless_one -- Thursday, 13-Nov-2014 10:49:02

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