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All This Nonsense Could be Halted By Taking Out a Few Key Figures

Posted By: Lion
Date: Saturday, 13-Feb-2016 20:43:51

In Response To: Reader: Limited Nuclear War Within 18 Days As Saudis Mass 350,000 Troops, 20,000 Tanks, 2,450 Planes & 460 Helicopters For Syrian Invasion (RumorMail)


The biggest percentage of the participating goons in any conflict of any size, are the vapid, brain dead order followers.

The real problem children then, are not necessarily the brain dead military goon grunts waiting for orders to carry out.

The real problem is a command and control hierarchy, who have never seen the field of battle, but are willing to sacrifice the grunts, so they can benefit writ large for themselves.

Face it.

Can you even pretend to claim compassion and concern for Humanity when you routinely schedule, and order the killing of millions?


It's the same with a a football coach in the 'war sports' arena.

The coach wants all the glory, but you will never find the coach on the gridiron actually running the play.

It is always the linebacker or tight end who run the play, take the heat, and the damage for the glory -and profit- of the coach.

The order followers on the football team run the plays the coach tells them to run.

The order followers in the military run the plays the generals tell them to run.

You want to see the idiocy of war and destruction ended?

(1) Take the WAR PROFITEERING out of the equation.

(2) Take out the key figures ( bankers and captains of the Military/Industrial/Intelligence Community Corporations ) giving orders to, and PAYING the generals who follow THEIR orders.

Taking out these entities will not do anything to hurt mankind.

Taking out these demented scumbag predators will only improve the landscape.

Leaders of predator factions are worthless, no-human schleps to begin with, who are using up good air that a real Human Being could use to survive, and prosper.

"Arresting" the key figures is hogwash.

They have already proven their aim and their worth.

Taking them out directly, permanently, and forever, is the only way any difference will be realized.

There is no place for anti-human destroyers or war mongers in a civil society.

Do you want a civil society, or do you want to pretend there is such a thing as a 'war hero"?

In this case, neither multi-generational mountains of weak justifications, or excuses and false flags will change the reality of the war virus.

If you want to kill the virus - then kill the virus.

Anything less is allowing the virus to live.

I can hear the excuses already from the order following pansies:

"Nobody really wants war, it's just one of those things that people and nations have to do at times".


If you truly did not want war, war would not be.

It's not rocket science.

Have you ever stopped to think WHO assigned your enemies to you?

Have you ever stopped to think WHO assigned you 'enemies' for you to hate, and therefore you are 'justified' in killing?



: Reader WJ:

: Re: Russia’s Medvedev Warns of New World War

: Limited Nuclear War Within 18 Days As Saudis Mass 350,000
: Troops,
: 20,000 Tanks, 2,450 Planes & 460 Helicopters For Syrian
: Invasion

: *****************************************************

: Snip

: Russia will have no choice but to use Tactical (Battlefield)
: Nuclear Weapons to defend Syria once a ground invasion
: begins within 18 days, by 350,000 troops, 20,000 Tanks,
: 2,450 military planes and 460 Helicopters from 25 countries
: massing in northern Saudi Arabia. Syria has warned
: "any aggressor entering the country will go home in
: wooden coffins;" Russia has said "any country
: sending ground troops into Syria without permission will be
: considered a declaration of war."

: Thousands of soldiers from regional countries are set to
: participate in what is being "called" a military
: "exercise" media reports say.

: Saudi media said some 350,000 forces from Persian Gulf Arab
: states and a number of other countries will take part in a
: Saudi-led military maneuver in the area of Hafer al-Batin
: in northern Saudi Arabia.

: In addition to the massive troop build-up, some 2,540
: warplanes, 20,000 tanks and 460 helicopters will also
: participate in the "exercise," dubbed “North
: Thunder.”

: The "exercise" is scheduled to last 18 days, during
: which the airspace over northern Saudi Arabia will be
: closed.

: Media reports say the "exercise" will be the largest
: in the history of the region. However, SuperStation95 has
: done research and there is no known example of this much
: military power being massed for an "exercise" . .
: . anywhere . . . ever. It seems quite obvious to any
: thinking person that the notion of an "exercise"
: is fraudulent on its face; this is an invasion force and
: when it moves, it will mean war.

: Egypt, Sudan, Pakistan and Persian Gulf Arab states are among
: the 25 countries that will also take part in the
: "exercises."

: The maneuver comes at a sensitive time after Saudi Arabia
: announced readiness to participate in any ground incursion
: in Syria if the US-led coalition decides to start such an
: operation. (Gee, what a coincidence.)

: Saudi Arabia is a member of the US-led coalition that has been
: conducting air raids inside Syria. The airstrikes have been
: going on without any authorization from the Syrian
: government or a UN mandate since September 2014. The Saudi
: "exercise" is believed as preparation for a
: possible ground incursion into Syria.

: Reacting to the troop deployment, Syrian Foreign Minister
: Walid al-Muallem said Saturday, “Let no one think they can
: attack Syria or violate its sovereignty because I assure
: you any aggressor will return to their country in a wooden
: coffin.”

: Pavel Krasheninnikov, a deputy of Russia’s State Duma, has
: warned Saudi Arabia that any military ground operation in
: Syria without Damascus’ consent would amount to a
: declaration of war.


: The civil war which has been wrecking Syria for the past
: several years has been funded and backed by Saudi Arabia,
: Qatar, the United States and other countries. Months ago,
: when Russia entered the fray to protect their ally, Syria,
: the Russians began impacting the rebels in a big way.

: Within the last week, it became very clear that the rebel/ISIS
: stronghold in Alleppo, Syria would be surrounded and
: cut-off by the Russians and the Syrian Arab Army. Once
: Alleppo is liberated by the legitimate Syrian government,
: the entire rebel effort will collapse.

: That's why this past weekend, Saudi Arabia publicly floated
: the "offer" of providing 150,000 ground troops
: for a "U.S. lead invasion force to enter Syria to
: fight ISIS." Trouble is that ISIS is part of the rebel
: effort and the Saudis, Qataris' Turks and the USA all knew
: it. If the Saudis, Qataris, Turks and USA enter with ground
: troops, it will NOT be to "fight ISIS" but rather
: will be to protect the rebels!

: US Defense Secretary Ash Carter publicly replied that the
: Saudis had a good idea and he would take it up with our
: other allies. But if Alleppo falls, then the final holdout
: of the terrorists and rebels, a city called Raqqa, will
: fall as well and at that point, the civil war is over and
: the bad guys will have lost.

: As of tonight, February 10, 2016, Alleppo is now surrounded
: and cut-off. The Saudis are getting desperate to help their
: rebel/terrorist buddies.

: The only way the Saudis, Qataris, Turks and USA can possibly
: _hope_ to protect their rebel pals is to enter in such
: massive force, they overwhelm the Russians. This triggers
: another problem: Russia has a doctrine of using tactical
: nuclear weapons FIRST to protect their interests and their
: territory.

RMN is an RA production.

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Russia’s Medvedev Warns of New World War
RumorMail -- Friday, 12-Feb-2016 14:48:48
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Lion -- Friday, 12-Feb-2016 16:02:47
Reader: Limited Nuclear War Within 18 Days As Saudis Mass 350,000 Troops, 20,000 Tanks, 2,450 Planes & 460 Helicopters For Syrian Invasion
RumorMail -- Saturday, 13-Feb-2016 12:02:40
All This Nonsense Could be Halted By Taking Out a Few Key Figures
Lion -- Saturday, 13-Feb-2016 20:43:51
Reader: Syrian Kurds plan big attack to seal Turkish border- Yahoo news
RumorMail -- Saturday, 13-Feb-2016 12:07:43

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