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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT RayRen's conf. call (Cliff notes)

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 3-Feb-2016 14:58:23



TNT Call notes 3-February-2016

RayRen: [TNT Rap]. [audio checks] Good afternoon, TNT super-fantastic family! Today is Wednesday, February 3, 2016, and yes we are still here on this side of the RV/GCR, of whatever you are expecting to happen, but not surprising. I actually anticipated our being on this side of it today, based on the lack of information that I did NOT receive yesterday, that led me to believe we wouldn’t be on the other side today, not yet, but we’re headed there.

There is not a lot of new intel from Monday’s call, although there are a few updates based on a few things we said would happen. Over across the pond, all of you have heard about the 18% interest rate in Iran – how exciting is that! What does it mean to us? That’s definitely a conversation. We have also heard that cards have been received in Baghdad We were expecting that on the 31st and so did then, but we are now hearing the cards are filtering out to the Baghdad area, but not at the new rate, so there are still protests. Progress is slow, but it is happening. Some people did get some back pay as well. It’s a trickling effect. That is the best information we have from over there: cards, rates, etc. That $3.41 is going to hold, that the Budget is based on, and those who have received cards with new rates are getting that rate. So we’ll be somewhere in that range, so we can plan for that over there and probably over her.

Otherwise, we are still in about the same place. As for Items 1, 2, and 3, I guess others are just not going to bring them up. On Items 2 and 3, the memos exchangers received in Iraq and here in the US, saying the RV is starting any time from now until that specific date, and we have not reached the end date on those. We’re still in the time frame; we are just poking along, seeing what happens day by day until we get to that date. If it hasn’t come out by then, there will be concern, not alarm.

There were rumors yesterday that exchanges were taking place, but we didn’t see any indication of that. A few banks got memos saying to be prepared to do some early exchanges on Tuesday. It’s possible some SKR activity was taking place.

Tip for the Day: Keep an eye for dong. We may find ourselves in a leveraging position.

Let’s look at members’ question in the forum, and then we will go for first-time callers only.

Q: Thanks for being there for us. With the threat of negative interest on our deposits, what chance of us ‘little whales’ getting the higher rates? A: Nothing has come to my notice about negative interest rates; as for exchanges, the high rates are still out there.

Q: Are they still exchanging people? A: I don’t know. Nothing is indicating exchanges took place this week. If people have appointments, if they are exchanging and if they haven’t signed an NDA, they may tell us. I know TNT members who have appointments in the next week, and they will report their progress, and we’ll report it to you.

Q: Have Iraq’s cards gone live yet? A: Yes, but not as the new rates.

Q: As the banks have been getting as frustrated as we have, maybe more, what percent of the information do they get that we don’t? A: I don’t know. They are obviously getting info that causes them to go into lockdown, overtime, etc. They do get information I don’t get, but I don’t know how much.

Q: What percentage does China own of WF’s bank? A: I don’t know.

Q: Same question for other corporations under the WF umbrella? A: I don’t know, but you you can find out who owns majority shares in any public corporation.

Q: What will WF do in states that don’t have WF branches? A: I don’t know, so if there are any WF representatives listening, please let me know and I’ll pass it on.

Q: Is this really going to happen? It seems the finish line keeps moving. Are they stalling to cut us out of something? A: I do believe that this is really going to happen. I don’t believe anyone is attempting to cut us out; we are just bystanders.

Q: Is it time for ‘we the people’ to do something? A: No. Let me talk about delays for a second. This thing has been scheduled a couple of times and it just didn’t take place. I haven’t heard of technical issues, just that it wasn’t initiated at those scheduled times. We will keep listening for any issues, but usually we learn about those after the fact.

Q: I have noticed several sites are selling 100 trillion uncirculated notes, and they state that the zim is ‘collector’s items only’, and not considered currency. Will we be able to exchange or are they worthless? A: The zim is not being used in the country right now, so they can sell it as collectibles, and we can buy in the hope that it will revalue. Meanwhile, those selling it are making sure you know it’s not legal tender at this time. We do believe and have been told that we will be able to exchange zim, and when a value is assigned to it, it will then be legal tender and we can exchange it for US dollars. If you own some, don’t discard it – wait it out until the end, and then we will know one way or the other. Don’t rush to judgment and don’t move too fast.

Q: Please post the address to mail donations to TNT – T’s address or yours? A: You can mail donations to PO 1748 Elm City, North Carolina 27822. Hopefully we won’t even need to address that for February; we’ll see how the week goes.

Q: Did you personally see the bank memo that had ‘up to this date’ in it? A: No, I don’t work in the bank, but others who don’t work at the bank HAVE seen the memo with their own eyes and shared it with me. They are in my intel team, and they saw and read it. We are still within that window, so we’re still good there.

Q: Have rates been added to the HCL? A: Publically, on. I have no idea when they will.

Q: Has Iraq scheduled a holiday/celebration for the RV? A: Not that I know of.

Q: How are contractors being paid? A: They are already being paid, they are just waiting for the new rate.

Q: Is February the final month this can happen? A: Not that I know of.

Q: A week ago you said we were within days of the RV; have we passed that date? A: No.

Q: Has the esteemed statesman said anything? A: No. Is he still actively involved? : yes.

Q: Many of us hold rial, and many are faced with various stipulations. Now that sanctions have been lifted, wouldn’t it be in the best interest of the banks for these rules to change? A: Yes, and they probably will in time.

Q: Are notes bought prior to ??? still valid? [Sorry, didn’t catch the currency/date.] A: Yes.

Q: Is it wise to get attorneys and CPAs who are used to working together as long as there is an auditor? A: Yes.

First time callers only, please:

775 caller: You mentioned earlier that there is some negotiation possible with the dong; can you please elaborate?

RayRen: I said to keep an eye out, we might be able to do some leveraging. If the rate changes on the currency, what is the average person going to do? Exchange, get the money and spend it, pay bills, or go shopping. That’s not leveraging. An astute person would use it to increase their net worth, with major purchases that increase in value.

Caller: My plan is to ask for a contract rate, and then ask for investment strategies. I don’t have a large quantity, and I’m retired, so I don’t want risky investments. Do you think I should wait in case the rate goes up?

RayRen: It may do something, and if it does, leverage that into something greater.

301 caller: Are there any current rates being quoted now?

RayRen: I don’t know what’s out there currently. They change so often from one bank to another. I can check with five different banks today, but they do change. I’m led to believe that the rates on the screens are placeholder rates; there are to many variations. In the same bank, the WM sees one rate, the VP sees another, and the teller a third rate. There really can only be one rate, so it must be something temporary for them at this time, and we won’t know the real rate until it’s time to exchange.

Caller: I have heard that there will be 800 numbers and then that there won’t.

RayRen: We haven’t been told there will NOT be 800 numbers, but we don’t know if we will be given the 800 numbers to give to you. We just don’t know.

Caller: When we thought this was going a year ago, I set up an account at WF, and transferred some of my retirement annuities. I haven’t had a good relationship with the WM there, and I’m wondering what others doing.

RayRen: I don’t know. Some have developed great relationships with their WMs, who have been helpful in making plans. Their experiences have been positive.

Caller: This WM confronted me, said it was a fraud, and asked if I had currency.

RayRen: Ask if he will put that into writing. The other responses I’ve had from people talking to managers and such have mostly been favorable.

312 caller: Thanks for your patience; it’s a good virtue. Is there any resource that will give me a synopsis of a foundation, trust and LLC to see which I should go after. There is so much information on the internet, I can’t decide what to use to protect my assets post-RV.

RayRen: I don’t know of a specific resource to send you to, apart from the extensive reading you’ve been doing. Here’s what you will probably be looking at when the dust settles: possible a trust OR LLC, and definitely a foundation. Everyone should look at getting a foundation, even if you don’t have trust or LLC. That’s a given.

Looking at the other two, look at what those tools offer. You might need only one, or you might need both. You have to understand the tool sand see that they provide. Both can provide protection and some tax-saving strategies. So what else separates the two. With on, you have to ask permission to have it, and with the other, you don’t . That might be important to you. If it is important, you may have already made a decision. Otherwise, you have to learn enough to see what each tool can do, and what one can do that the other one can’t. The LLC is basically for business applications, and it’s not as helpful for lifestyle living. The trust can deal with some of that so you don’t have to deal with probate, pre-nuptial agreements and such – the LLC doesn’t deal with any of that. If you set up a trust so that only blood-line relatives can sit on the board, in charge of the wealth, then the in-laws are automatically excluded from the control of the family money. You have to look at all that, and you want a tool that does all that also gives asset protection, then you’ll probably want a trust. There is a lot more to learn on both of those, and that info might give you a short cut to your goal. It might turn you off either the trust or the LLC, and that makes your choice for you. Or you might use all three entities depending on your goals. It’s not a matter of which ONE do you go for, but which TWO, because the foundation is a given for me. Beyond that, learn more about trusts and LLCs, for which you need permission.

Caller: I didn’t know you have all three or that you could use them all together. Thanks. You talked about place-holder rates at the bank. If I purchase currency from a bank…

RayRen: That’s an actual rate. When we talk about exchanges, the bank people are looking at that future rate, and because different people look at the screen at the same day and they are seeing different rates, then it cannot be the one real rate. We won’t see the absolute real rate until it’s show time. That’s my conclusion.

Caller: [Appreciation] Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

631 caller: I feel like a learned a lot from your answer – thank you. Have you been able to confirm for sure that people have exchanged in the past, like last year or the year before? And if so, what about their taxes? My mother did her taxes recently and there was a question about foreign currency; I was wondering if you heard that at all.

RayRen: Yes, I am at peace with the exchanges. I haven’t heard anything about taxes one way or the other.

Caller: People are talking about oil prices being high or low and other commodities, stock market, etc. What do you make of all that?

RayRen: I haven’t been following all that because I have no skin in the game. When it comes to the time, I will have a team of professionals to advise me on those matters.

Caller: I’m thinking the markets would have to be down, but you would know better…

RayRen: I’m not up on all that. In the last few years, there have been moments when people said “If this happens, the RV has to come or everything will explode!” Well, it didn’t happen and we are still here. Once it’s here, I will rely on my professionals who under-stand these issues.

209 caller: A lot of these people, up to six million dinarians, how many are reading that book Tony recommended about Jekyll Island. Many answers are in that book. This is real, it will happen, we just don’t know when. I have a source at BofA and at WF, and they say this thing will happen. I’m on their waiting list, and as soon as they call, I will make my appointment and deal with all this. One of the banks is four hours’ drive away. This IS real and it is going to happen. I have sat down with each of these managers for 2-3 hours at their branches. In the meantime, people really need to read that book. This isn’t about us, it’s about how the world works: the police, armed forces, government, banking.

RayRen: It is an eye-opener.

Caller: [same again] People are so concerned about the rate, but it will be what it is, we cannot control it. Most people have a 401k, and that is long-term and they leave that money in for 15-20 years; this is 5-10 years, it’s an investment and it will pay off. Just hang in there, and don’t get frustrated. You have to learn how and why it’s happening.

RayRen: We can’t control but we can leverage it. I’m sure more will read the book now.

It’s Wednesday, approaching the end of the week, and there are still expectations and anticipations out there. I do believe and feel there is a scheduled time for this to happen; I’m just going to relax, sit back and wait on it. If anything happens in the meantime where there is an opportunity to leverage yourself in your currencies, take advantage of it! If there is anything else you can do to position yourself to receive this, take this time and get it done. Get your questions answered. If you have bank questions, call the banks and ask them. If you have retirement questions, ask the relevant agencies – take this time to learn about how outside income, earned or unearned, will affect your benefits. Don’t wait until afterwards, take advantage of the time while you have it. One morning you will wake up to a tweet that says “It’s show time!” You won’t have time for more research and planning then; you have to be behind the curtains in place. Be ready, so you don’t have to get ready.

Our next scheduled call is on Friday and I hope NOT to have that. I wouldn’t mind if we have an unscheduled call before then. I’m still in ‘any minute, any hour, every day’ mode. This was scheduled to pop, and I can’t think of anything else that needs to happen. Time will tell all, so we wait. We hold on and we hold out. One thing is for certain for me: when I first learned that this was happening, that it is happening and that it will happen, these two words are with me from beginning to end: I BELIEVE.


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Articles In This Thread

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT RayRen's conf. call (Cliff notes)
hobie -- Wednesday, 3-Feb-2016 14:58:23
*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT RayRen's conf. call (Cliff notes)
hobie -- Wednesday, 3-Feb-2016 18:09:49

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