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Re-Traction For Reader D?

Posted By: Lion
Date: Tuesday, 2-Feb-2016 19:30:15

In Response To: "My Goal Is To Fulfill the 'End Times' Prophecy Agenda... (Lion)


Dear Reader D,

You oh so politely suggested I retract the above post under threat of "slander and ad hominem comments about another'.

My understanding is, Reader D, that if there was NOT truth contained in the above which you; yourself ALSO know to be an actual fact, you would not have given the above post the time of day.

You also suggested I was jumping on the bandwagon of 'it being popular to slam all things Catholic'.

And then you politely asked me not to post what you wrote to me on the forum.

I will honor your request.

This, dear reader D, is not about some non-nonsensical religious title, religious affiliation, or anything about the superficiality of allegiance to any fake religion over the value of a Human Life.

This is about calling out evil for evil, no matter what name the evil portrays itself to be, or entitles itself to be.

I have spent a lifetime of study in a much wider field of view than merely the idiocy of religious control dogma, and I know from whence I speak.

In all fairness to you, Reader D, if you as a supposed Human Being, cannot understand the depth of evil you choose to defend - either you are not a Human Being, or you have a perverted, psychopathic controlled view of reality, and cannot differentiate between good and evil.



Eyewitnesses Testify:

Pope Francis Raped and Killed Children; Sealed Vatican Documents Expose Their Satanic Rituals

Last month I was reporting that Pope Francis, the Jesuits and the Church of England will be prosecuted for child trafficking and genocide.

The Queen of England was already found guilty by a previous trial.

Here is how the trial is unfolding:

This article was based on the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State on this week's litigation in the Brussels Common Law Court of Justice.

Five judges and 27 jury members from six countries including the USA, considered evidence on over 50,000 missing Canadian, US, Argentine and European children who were suspected victims of an international child sacrificial cult referred to as the Ninth Circle.

Two adolescent women claimed that Pope Francis raped them while participating in child sacrifices.

Eight eyewitnesses confirmed the allegations according to evidence presented this week at a Brussels Common Law Court of Justice.

The Ninth Circle Satanic child sacrifice rituals were said to take place during the Springs of 2009 and 2010 in rural Holland and Belgium.

Pope Francis was also a perpetrator in satanic child sacrifice rites while acting as an Argentine priest and Bishop according to records obtained from the Vatican archives.

A prominent Vatican official and former Vatican Curia employee obtained the sealed documents for use by the court.

This was not the first time satanic activities were suspected to be at the Vatican according to this ABC news story.

Another witness was set to testify that they were present during Pope Francis' meetings with the military Junta during Argentine's 1970's Dirty War.

According to the witness, Pope Francis helped traffic children of missing political prisoners into an international child exploitation ring run by an office at the Vatican.

Evidence of a Catholic Jesuit Order document called the “Magisterial Privilege" was presented in court by the Chief Prosecutor.

The record dated Dec. 25 1967 was said to show that every new Pope was required to participate in Ninth Circle Satanic ritual sacrifices of newborn children, including drinking their blood.

“Documents from Vatican secret archives presented to court clearly indicate that for centuries the Jesuits had a premeditated plan to ritually murder kidnapped newborn babies and then consume their blood," the Chief Prosecutor told the five international judges and 27 jury members.

"The plan was born of a twisted notion to derive spiritual power from the lifeblood of the innocent, thereby assuring political stability of the Papacy in Rome. These acts are not only genocidal but systemic and institutionalized in nature. Since at least 1773, they appear to have been performed by the Roman Catholic Church, Jesuits and every Pope.”

Two witnesses claimed that as children they were at child sacrifices with the former Pope Joseph Ratzinger.

Since at least 1962 Ratzinger participated in child sacrifices as a member of the Knights of Darkness according to the Vatican records presented at court.

Ratzinger was an S.S. Chaplain's assistant at the German Ravensbruck Concentration Camp during World War II.

The children to be killed were supplied from prisoners at the death camp.

The Nazi Waffen S.S. Division Knights of Darkness was established by Hitler in 1933 and embraced ancient pagan occult beliefs in human sacrifice.

Dutch Therapist-ritual abuse survivor Toos Nijenhuis testified of her witness to child sacrifice in this video, which MUST be prefaced with a WARNING of GRAPHIC Depictions of a victims abuse by the church clergy.

“Survivors of these rituals describe newborn babies being chopped to pieces on stone altars and their remains consumed by participants” the Chief Prosecutor said.

"During the 1960's the survivor-witnesses were forced to rape and mutilate other children and then cut their throats with ceremonial daggers."

According to witnesses Pope Francis, former Pope Joseph Ratzinger, Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby were participants in the Ninth Circle Satanic child sacrifice cult rape and killing of children.

Evidence also could link to cult ceremonies UK High Court Justice Judge Fulford, members of the British Royal Family including Prince Phillip, Dutch Cardinal Alfrink, Dutch Queen Wilhemina, her family and consort King Hendrick, Belgian Royals and Bilderberger founder Crown Prince Bernhard.

Documentation of The Canada Gazette Issue No. 232, December 26 1942, Ottawa was also presented to court.

Evidently and unfortunately, the Canadian government and Privy Council Office in London granted to the Dutch royals, exception from all criminal, civil and military jurisdiction.

What would make these global leaders exempt from justice?

The Chief Prosecutor presented alleged links between the British, Dutch and Belgian royal families to disappearances of Mohawk children at Canada's Church of England's Brantford Ontario Indian residential school.

In 2008 a child mass gravesite was discovered at the Mohawk School.

An ITCCS dig by archaeologists was shut down when remains of a small child was uncovered.

Since then over 30 child mass grave sites have been located at Indian residential schools across Canada.

The Catholic and Anglican Churches, United Church of Canada, Canadian government and Crown of England have refused ITCCS' repeated requests for excavation of the mass grave sites.

"This week conclusive evidence was presented that the Catholic Church is perpetrating ongoing crimes against children," the Chief Prosecutor stated.

"The Catholic Church is the world's largest corporation and appears to be in collusion with governments, police and courts worldwide."

The Ninth Circle Satanic child sacrifice cult was said to operate at Roman Catholic cathedrals in Montreal, New York, Rome and London according to evidence filed in court.

Witnesses claimed child sacrifices took place at Carnarvon Castle in Wales, an undisclosed French Chateau and at Canadian Catholic and Anglican Indian residential schools in Kamloops, British Columbia and Brantford, Ontario.

The Ninth Circle Satanic child sacrifice cult was believed to use privately owned forest groves in the US, Canada, France and Holland.

Yesterday the five international magistrates adjourned court for two weeks and considered continuing in closed sessions.

This week's closed court was held in an undisclosed location due to notification that the Vatican had released a Jesuit "hit squad" to disrupt proceedings.

By Judy Byington, Examiner;

About author: Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret,

Author, "Twenty-Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities";

CEO Trauma Research Center and Child Abuse Recovery Speakers Bureau;

Supervisor over Children Services, Alberta Mental Health;

Director, Provo Utah Family Counseling Center;

State of Utah Child Welfare: and;



: anti-human masters designed so many centuries ago".

: So says the charlatan pedophile and child murdering disease;
: Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now known to the world as "Pope
: Francis".

: It is altogether within the realm of Humanities talents to
: disseminate the truth, and offer up these rantings of a mad
: reptilian beast as evidence for the necessity of complete
: removal from Human interaction, the brain worm known as the
: Vatican Virus - or the World Headquarters of the most
: disgusting evil known to Humanity.

: It will be quite a jolt for billions of Human Beings to
: finally understand the very God Building they have been
: worshiping for centuries, is the very same disease, the
: very same reptilian entity who salivates over destruction
: of the Human Race.

: If you are foolish enough to worship a Building, and worship a
: Disease in a White Robe, you are most likely foolish enough
: to believe charlatans such as Bergoglio are 'holy'.

: Lion

: ---------------

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Re-Traction For Reader D?
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Re: What other source supports this claim?
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