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Judge Anna von reitz - Reply to Suggestions

Posted By: Lion
Date: Monday, 1-Feb-2016 21:16:19


Monday, February 1, 2016

For Arnie Rosner-- Reply to Suggestions

by Anna Von Reitz


1.The organic Constitution is installed as the supreme law of the land.


The Constitution, thank God, never left and doesn’t have to be “installed”—but it may (once we have educated ourselves sufficiently) need to be seriously corrected in some respects. Term limits for Congress and no ability for Congress to exempt itself from the consequences of any action it takes and an end to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 all spring to mind. A complete reworking of the sections dealing with courts and the judiciary also. The Constitution is a marvelous thing, but it has been over 200 years and while many needs and issues remain the same, we don’t have to maintain a split jurisdiction allowing any foreign governments to meddle in our affairs. The time will come for a Continental Congress--- a real one, not a fake—that brings together Fiduciary Deputies from every state to take stock of where we are and where we want to be.


2.It would seem that there should be some sort of NOTICE provided announcing the termination of all contracts and agreements with any current contractors/employees.


Fortunately or unfortunately, none of these people are actually working for us, and even if we had the right to terminate employees of middlemen employers (which is arguable since we are ultimately the ones paying for all this “service”) – it would cause real panic and chaos because there is no other organized system in place yet.


3.Some key issues with which we would consider dealing…
Washington, D.C. recognition revoked. Start charging rent for space.


The discussion so far is to absorb DC back into the states that contributed to it to begin with and ensure that it is no longer operated as a separate Congressional oligarchy.


4.Congress dissolved.


The incorporated Congress is a private body--- a corporate Board of Directors---of a bankrupt corporation, so it is already in receivership and its assets are under distribution by Trustees.

In a sense, “Congress” is already dissolved, impotent, forced to operate through secondary corporations if at all.

The problem is that false claims have been made to the effect that we and our public and private property assets are “standing good” for this bankrupt entity and the Trustees are trying to seize upon us and sell off our property to pay the creditors of the bankrupt UNITED STATES, INC.

We have objected and refuted any such presumption on the part of the Trustees and have also repudiated the mounds of odious debt that the UNITED STATES, INC. accumulated in “our names” and left for us to pay, just like any other identity thief or credit card snatcher.


5.The Judiciary has its authority revoked.


The strange truth is that unless you are actually involved in business on the sea or operating a corporation or are functioning as an employee or dependent of the federal government, the Federal Judiciary has never had any authority over you.

Except for a vague reference in Article I, another vague reference in Article VI, and Amendment VII, the real court system that everyone at the Constitutional Convention knew and thought of and took for granted was the then-functioning and powerful Continental Common Law Court system, which existed in the land jurisdiction and so was not part of the subject matter related to the Constitution.

The courts set up by the Constitution are all corporate administrative tribunals and Admiralty/Maritime courts--- precisely what you would expect of a document created to set up an organization charged with protecting the National Trust on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways and providing nineteen services all of which are in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

The Federal Government has nothing much to do with the land jurisdiction — by the Founder’s design -- -so The Constitution simply doesn’t make mention of the land jurisdiction court system which had been functioning since the first Pilgrims waded ashore and which has functioned barely to the present day--- except for those two vague references and very directly, in Amendment VII.

Another point for Americans to understand is that the “United States Supreme Court” is only “supreme” for the Federal United States and its corporation employees.

It has no power over the free sovereign and independent organic states nor over the free sovereign and independent people living in those states.

The function of the United States Supreme Court is to interpret the Constitution’s trust indenture, treaty requirements, and service contract for the federal corporation employees and elected officials, thereby setting the limits for them.

Not for us.

Our Federal Supreme Court that addresses those “federal issues” that arise on the land jurisdiction under the Commerce Clause is The Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Please note--- there is the “United States” which is organized according to United States Districts wherein operate United States District Courts which are all supposed to be limited to the jurisdiction of the sea and the Law of the Sea (though they fudge it).

There are also the Federal Postal Districts wherein operate the Federal (Postal) District Courts that are land jurisdiction courts that operate under the Law of the Land.

There is The Supreme Court of the United States and there is The Supreme Court of the Commonwealth (not the State) of Pennsylvania at the top of the two different “federal courts” –one on the sea and one on the land.

Anyway, please grasp the fact that the United States Supreme Court is not “supreme” over you--- it is supreme over them, the Federales.


6.The Administration given 5 days to vacate the premises.


Once again, you have to remember you are dealing with a private corporation that claims to own the property and until our counter-claims are made and successfully proven and prosecuted in behalf of the People of the United States, they have possession of them.

Also remember that these outrages have occurred in the jurisdiction of the sea and under the Law of the Sea, wherein “possession is nine-tenths of the law”.

Unless we want to be accused of piracy we have to play the game and evict them properly.


7.All treaties, agreements and legislation declared null and void…subject to review and reconsideration by a new type of government, should one be formed.


So far as I have been able to determine the Organic Law which includes The Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution and Northwest Ordinance plus the original formation documents of each State of the Union are still valid and in full force, as are the United States Statutes-at-Large which form the only body of Public Law except those public State and County Public Laws passed prior to incorporation of these bodies.

We are always free to reorganize on the county level and repeal or update or add to local laws at will.

In our system, the power stays with the people who delegate to the counties which delegate to the states which delegate some of their powers and responsibilities to the federales.


8.Transitional government agencies and resources.


We may have a somewhat rocky start dealing with the debacle of Obama Care, reforming banking and securities law and administration, coming up with a means to deal with transition first to a gold/silver monetary system and later a blockchain credit delivery system, but in the main, it is the duty of those in office to ensure a smooth and orderly transition.

Failing that, we have to take charge at the local level, form up our own unincorporated counties, elect our own Sheriffs. and take up the issue of continued services.

Ideally this entails organizing emergency relief organizations, food banks, hand pump water wells, medical supply storage, having alternative power ready including moth-balled electrical and sanitation facilities, use of churches and schools and other large buildings in each community to provide emergency shelter.

Development of a safe community trading center would also be desirable and useful immediately--- such centers provide a place for vendors to sell locally produced goods and goods brought in by local people for sale --- like Farmer’s Markets, but offering at least a partially indoor venue where people can still trade comfortably and safely in bad weather.

In the event of real social upheaval, such trading centers will have to have armed security to prevent raids and theft.


9.Individual sovereignty is immediately recognized.


Our sovereignty has always been recognized---what has been misrepresented and obscured is our political status.

To correct this in a sane and fair way, we need to set up a public process in which people are given full disclosure regarding their political status options and they are allowed to choose their option without coercion.

There are plusses and minuses whatever one chooses, but the right to make an informed decision for oneself is fundamental.


10. Monetary system established.


The “new” monetary system is already well on the way to being here.

Initially, it will mean a return to the old gold and silver standard, but quite soon there should be a worldwide alternative currency that permanently de-centralizes banking functions and provides a secure platform for trading itself and which also interfaces with national currencies to allow mutual translation and exchange.


11. Orderly transition of control over the military – Military protection for the people.


We have repeatedly asked for assistance from the Provost Marshals who are responsible for coordinating joint response task forces without success.

These men have been either dumbed down or redirected so as to render their crucial function worthless.

The Coast Guard Commandant who is supposed to protect us from inland piracy has been equally unresponsive.

This is very problematic to say the least, but on the other hand, the military has not created any problems, either.

Hopefully the growing broad spectrum understanding of who and what the government really is will lead to better service delivery and performance overall.


12. Public safety – police, fire and rescue.


These functions are or can be headed up by volunteers in each community.


13. Legitimate judicial system.


The judicial system is already embodied in each and every one of us and is brought to full life by the process of reorganizing our county and state governments--- either by overtly dissolving the incorporated county and state or by creating a separate county and county court system for the jurisdiction of the land, the vacant offices of the public courts are filled at the same time as Sheriffs responsible for upholding the Organic and Public Laws are elected.


14. Healthcare: See items above related to community organization.


15. Basic life support for the indigent.


We’ve seen hard times in this country before when we have had to open up poor houses and orphanages and hospices and “day hospitals” and shelters and we may come to that again, but in view of the amount of assets available there is really no reason for anyone in this country or any other to go without anything they legitimately need.

All such suffering and deprivation has been caused by criminality and greed.


16. Other essential citizen’s services.


I am often asked about pensions and Social Security and other related issues. The rats responsible for this fraud and mis-administration have gutted the Social Security funds along with everything else.

That’s the bad news. The good news is that we know where it went and we are determined that just as we are all Priority Creditors the top Priority Creditors are America’s Seniors and Veterans, to whom we owe it all.


17. All pensions, benefits and agreements previously in place are the responsibility of the previous management. All inquiries must be submitted to the United States of America, Inc. This corporation is located in Washington, D.C..


Actually, we have claimed back all American assets and the only ones whose pensions are subject to any threat are Federal United States and Washington, DC citizens.

So far as I know at this point even “federal” pensions owed to anyone born in the Continental United States or whose parents were born in the Continental United States and who contributed to federal pension funds should be covered in the asset reclamation.

In fact—another ray of very good news--- pensions should be considerably more generous and medical care and health preservation “extras” such as dietary supplements, massage, physical therapy, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, kinetic kinesiology, pain relief therapy, chiropractor services, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, exercise and spa programs, recreational therapy, assisted living services, and hospice care should be far more available for the elderly and injured and mental health services – especially early intervention and support services and assistance with drug and alcohol and tobacco addictions—should be much more readily available.


18.It would also seem appropriate to notice all members of the federal government. They must be given termination notices – perhaps given 5 days to vacate any offices and or facilities they currently occupy.


It is indeed appropriate to give Notice of the facts to federal employees and agency subcontractors in terms of what is going on, but not termination notices which would lead to a wholesale and disorganized panic and disruption of essential services people depend on.

The “federal government” has to be turned over and reformed in a gradual and orderly way to prevent loss of national security, loss of domestic services and loss of life.

The new services corporation will be considerably stripped down and reorganized, and federal employees may be widely re-tasked and re-educated to do other jobs, but there won’t be any extremely abrupt changeover if we can help it.


19. An interim administrative operation should be created to handle the details.


Provisions for protection of the people as well as a method to continue essential services need to be established locally.

We anticipate the delivery of pensions and services will continue uninterrupted in most cases, but unlike the old system which promoted a permanent welfare population everyone will have sufficient credit to pay for all basic needs apart from any program or special entitlement or insurance so that the need for welfare programs and administration of welfare programs will dwindle and cease.

People will simply have what they need and community assistance will be community assistance.

We will always have the poor, the mentally ill, the addicted, the orphaned, and the infirm among us and we will always have to deal with these special challenges, but for many, many people the new system will offer immediate and permanent relief, mainstreaming them back into the community and freeing them to pursue new pathways.

Marriage and family relationships will be encouraged, nurtured, and supported.


20.It would seem county governments and municipal governments can continue in this function but under the direct supervision of the local citizen’s commission.


Assemblies are supposed to provide this oversight function in the present system and for the most part have failed dismally. County and city governments are among the most corrupt organs in the entire system and it is up to the people to get motivated to “self-govern”.

“Representatives” who “interpret” your needs through a filter of self-interest are no replacement for fiduciary deputies who have to act prudently and without nepotism or conflict of interest or improper contracting processes.

Basic reorganizations and new thinking are required especially at the local level.


21. State government agencies and agents will be dealt with as required. All employment arrangements and contracts terminated.


Again, this is not practical or desirable to do in any abrupt or wholesale fashion and everyone should realize that although public employment tends to be a revolving door at the higher levels, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Term limits, the end of the “two party system” and other measures to ensure dynamic interaction with the whole community have to be considered as part of the overall re-examination of government functions on every level.


22. State court system abolished immediately.


The State courts are needed to deal with the issues that the state courts have always been tasked with, but need to be operated on the land jurisdiction and as public courts for people, not private courts for corporations.


23. Arrangements for lawful elections must be coordinated.


The most pressing electoral process has nothing to do with public offices, but with political status and that is not a ballot process, but a true election that then determines the obligations and standing and law that an individual accepts.

These political status elections need to be among the very first discussions and orders of business people undertake.


24. An interim citizen council would need to be formed to handle care-taking details.


Don’t know what you mean by this exactly. Many communities and counties have already formed what are being called “Safety Committees”—groups of competent men and women who undertake the job of preserving the lives and the property of their communities.

These Safety Committees already engage in a wide variety of functions from planning for alternative power and fuel sources to developing “talent banks”--- who knows how to operate ham radios? ---who has paramedic training? ---do we have a dentist in the area? ---and organizing the local county infrastructure and elections to fill vacant public offices.


25. All current public officers and employees must be served termination notices effective in 10 days.


These people aren’t our public officers and they aren’t our employees, either.

Not directly, anyway.

This is part of what is so hard for most Americans to understand.

These are employees of a foreign government (federal) providing “essential governmental services” for THEIR citizens.

The State is a “Federal State” and the County is a “Federal County” – franchises of the Federal corporation charged with providing these services and all of these entities are functioning in the foreign jurisdiction of the sea and under the Law of the Sea, not the Law of the Land, because they all incorporated themselves to share in the racketeering profits generated by the fraud.

Your government --- which you thought you were paying for and electing people to fill offices in --- is vacant because you were deluded and deceived and mischaracterized as a “Federal Citizen” and failed to operate the land jurisdiction you are owed.

Your government isn’t present.

Your parents and grandparents were fooled just as you were and they let it slip away gradually over a period of years and the end result is that we have to entirely rebuild the land jurisdiction government in America as unincorporated cities, unincorporated counties, unincorporated states, and have to seat a Continental (land) Congress as opposed to a United States (sea) Congress.


26. Notice also provided for new applications for employment being accepted by citizen commissions.


We are just now in the process of recouping our assets and reclaiming our land and our sea jurisdiction from these interlopers.

This is being done on a volunteer basis at present.

Any idea anyone has that we are suddenly all set up, have plenty of money, and can just go ahead and hire a new government to suit ourselves needs to step back about ten steps and take stock of where we really are.

A few Americans woke up in time to save the Constitution, save our land claims, pass the “federal contract” to Americans and reconsolidate our joint claim on our jurisdiction of the sea.

We are now pursuing American assets which have been stolen, given away, registered in foreign domains all over the globe, taken via false claims of abandonment, suffered hypothecation, false copyrights---you name it, we have to deal with it, folks----and that is just the nuts and bolts part of getting our land patents and land descriptions and copyrights to our names and our gold and silver that have been purloined and our credit that has been hijacked and our identities that have been stolen back in our control and possession.

At the same time there are unincorporated county, city, and state governments to set up, Sheriffs on the Land to elect, rats to arrest, liens to be collected, law suits to be filed, crimes to be prosecuted---all on a worldwide and totally unprecedented in the history of the world scale.

Some aspects of this will come together surprisingly quickly, but this is not going to happen overnight.

Even if we all grab an oar to Save America and pull our Ship of State off the reef these criminals were trying to drive us upon, it will take time and effort and long patient slogging to restore the government we are heir to.

Open to further suggestions and discussion.

As usual, certain people (names deleted) drive me crazy running out far, far ahead of the game, trying to resolve things that MIGHT be resolvable two years from now and chomping at the bit, wanting to know why it isn’t already all done right NOW?

Yesterday, even?

I get the feeling that I am somehow responsible for this mess –at least in the minds of some- simply because I took action to try to correct it and raised the alarm.

Like the feckless suspect in a murder mystery who wandered into the library, found the dead body on the carpet with a blood-stained knife beside it, and mindlessly picked the knife up just in time for the Chief Inspector and four or five witnesses to show up and accuse me of the deed?

I have--- among all the other fascinating facts I have learned in this life—learned that if you discover a crime and report it, you are automatically suspected of being guilty of it or responsible for it somehow.

But, of course, if you discover a crime you have the duty to report and oppose it, or you become an accomplice to it----so you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t and you might as well just do your best, throw your hands in the air, shake your head-- and run full tilt screaming into the bushes.


Monday, February 1, 2016
Answers for Tom--- and the Rest of the World, Too.

by Anna Von Reitz


1) A few years back I wrote a series of replies concerning the argument that “US citizens are not protected under the Constitution and Bill of Rights because they were not signatories to the documents” or similarly that “the documents only apply to Federal employees and to Washington DC and its territories only”.

My reply was that every American should SIGN these documents and notarize them and then file such with a County Clerk or other registered authority.

This provides a clear statement of jurisdiction and the fact that one has decided to be under “Land Law” and not Admiralty Law.

This would in essence negate any and all Federal or corporate law as being binding on that individual.

To date I have not found anyone who can confirm or negate this assertion or are even willing to respond.


The Declaration of Independence is the most important document of our Organic Law so far as the living people are concerned.

The function of The Declaration of Independence is that of a Last Will and Testament made for the Future Generations of Mankind by the Testators--the Founding Fathers who in pledging their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor made their bequest to all future generations of Americans, and it must be more fully appreciated, to all Mankind.

The Declaration is the embodiment of our national trust, our inheritance, and our founding document. It remains the form and foundation of our National Will, which we pass on in turn to our children and all those who are born on our shores and to all those people wheresoever they may be, who are willing to pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to the same cause of freedom and justice for all people everywhere, now, and in the future.

You don't have to be an American and you don't have to be born on our soil to claim The Declaration of Independence as your birthright:

The Declaration of Independence stands for all Mankind, throughout all Time.

We continue to give its words meaning and we continue to pass it on to an ever-widening progeny of people all over the world who have taken it into their hearts and lived it with their lives and who strive to pass this most important of all inheritances on to their children.

The Constitution is by comparison a trivial document.

The Constitution is a tri-lateral treaty of interesting form, also a simple trust indenture binding the new "federal government" entity to guard and respect our national trust, guarantee our Bill of Rights, and other than that, it is a commercial services agreement that sets up the organizational management structure to deliver those nineteen enumerated services all of which are functions to be undertaken in the international jurisdiction of the sea and under the international Law of the Sea.

When Federales call the Constitution "The Supreme Law of the Land" they are looking at it from their perspective--that is, as people who do their duties in the jurisdiction of the sea and who have to respect the agreements of the Constitution when they go ashore on the jurisdiction of the land.

The Constitution is their supreme law with respect to us and their interactions with us, not any "supreme law" over us. Similarly, the United States Supreme Court is their supreme court, not ours.

The United States Congress is their legislative body, not ours. Ours top legislative body is the Continental Congress---when and if we elect Deputies and seat one.

The Constitution is a treaty and commercial service agreement between the united States of America and the so-called Federal Government created as a result of the agreement---not the people.

Except for the Preamble and Bill of Rights, the people have no part in it.

The people are not signatories to The Constitution--- the delegates who signed it were all functioning as Fiduciary Deputies for their respective colonies doing business as the united States of America and the focus of the document is so entirely on the business of setting up international representation in the jurisdiction of the sea that it barely mentions the pre-existing Common Law Court System owed to the people--- just a passing nod in Article I and Article 6, and a single direct and explicit directive in Amendment VII.

Many Americans have grown up with the completely silly idea that The Constitution is the source of their rights, when in fact The Constitution merely recognizes and guarantees pre-existing rights claimed and delivered by The Declaration of Independence.

The Constitution limits the Federal Government, not the people.

Many have also grown up with the idea that the Federal Government created by The Constitution is our government, when in fact it is not our government and never has been.

The Federal Government is an association of sovereign nation states acting together in mutual self-interest with regard to the nineteen enumerated powers delegated to it--and it has never been a sovereign government with respect to us at all.

Our sovereign government is vested in the organic states and the people.

That thing in Washington, DC, is under obligation to protect our national trust, to respect the treaties created under The Constitution, and to provide nineteen enumerated services all in the international jurisdiction of the sea and under the Law of the Sea. Period.

Put bluntly, the Federal Government works for us under contract.

It's our employee, and it has abused its position of trust to commit credit fraud and identity theft against its employers and benefactors.

Signing onto the Constitution would just commit us each as parties to the contract, and our Forefathers purposefully ordained that we should NOT be parties to that contract, so as to not be bound to it and enslaved by it.

Only states are bound by treaties and obligated to pay the public debts. We retain subrogated rights through the united States of America, and the actual united States of America are the entities that need to be operated on the land jurisdiction and used to ensure enforcement.

Having covered all this you are prepared to understand that the United States Statutes-at-Large provide the only process by which anyone born on the land of one of the organic states of the Union can ever become a Federal United States Citizen.

This process set down in 1804 has numerous requirements including filings and notices and a two year waiting period.

It is literally impossible for any American to actually vacate their birthright status without performing this duty--- which voids all claims that we ever did or ever could trade our birthright for a bowl of porridge.

Our own United States Statutes-at-Large adequately protect us from false claims against our true political status despite the best attempts of the perpetrators to deceive the other nations of the world and continue their campaign of Breach of Trust, Mischaracterization, Press-Ganging, Inland Piracy, Identity Theft, Credit Fraud, Unlawful Conversion, Kidnapping, Loan Fraud, Securities Fraud, Currency Fraud, Copyright Theft, and more against us.

We can also formally "Expatriate" from any presumption of foreign political status--- but our position is that we never were and never could be removed from the land jurisdiction of our nation by any fraudulent action undertaken by a private corporate Board of Directors secretively occupying vacant Public Offices and abusing them for private gain.

Please help spread the word throughout the world that we have been the victims of identity theft and credit fraud, undisclosed enslavement, probate fraud, and numerous other crimes and that the same loathsome practices have similarly been applied to other innocent nations worldwide including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the EU, Japan, and more.

Every nation on Earth has been victimized by the scourge of these criminal banks and their henchmen, the members of the Bar Associations working as the "Enforcers" of this malicious fraud scheme.

Please also help spread the word that The Declaration of Independence belongs to all Mankind, not just Americans. We welcome our brothers and sisters throughout the world to embrace our heritage and fulfill our pledge to our sons and daughters to their sons and daughters, too.

2) Your recent article on the TRUE REVALUATION of the Dollar is for the most part correct but it stops short of valuing the Dollar in the US only. 80% of all Dollars are OVERSEAS with NO backing.

These and all currencies are backed by the Collateral Accounts and agreements that gave rise to the Treaty of Versailles and the Historical Boxes issued by the FEDs in the 30’s and all the fraud that surrounds such a mess.

Currently I am fighting the lodging of USD in T’s into the Malaysian Central Bank in exchange for local currency.

This will leave the Central Bank holding what may be toilet paper and a bunch of greedy politicians, bank official and lawyers with real cash and all indebted to the Holder of the bulk of the funds for financing national projects.

Basically this is a scam with big pigs at the trough.

My question is what do you really think will happen to all those Overseas Dollars in a revaluation?

Particularly since these were not created by the US or by trade, but often through rollover programs and other bank interest outside of the US and often through fraudulent or illegal activities.

This also involves derivatives and other market manipulations.

I feel that there will be a lot of “Zeros” written off and the separation of domestic banking from bank fraudulent gambling.

I am not for throwing banksters in jail but permanent retirement from the banking industry is a must.

They can get jobs at McD’s.

We are in the process of repudiating the odious debt compiled by the IMF and its minions against our credit, and tracking down the American Assets that Secondary Creditors have falsely claimed as "abandoned property"---such as the American portion of the gold reserves being held by the World Bank/IBRD.

Our actual dollar--- the only real dollar there is --- the United States Silver Dollar issued by the Republic will be backed, but not one penny-worth of our assets or credit will go to back any private script of any kind issued by any bank anywhere on Earth.

That includes "United States Treasury Notes" and the rest of the "Federal Reserve Notes" that are floating around everywhere--- we won't be buying any of that foreign currency back and we don't suggest that anyone else take any wooden nickels, either.

Here's the situation:

In a debt-credit system, as you know, you can't have a debt without an equal credit being created.

So how did we wind up with an $18 trillion dollar "National Debt"?

Where's the "National Credit" that goes with the debt?

Answer: we paid it all as it accrued with our goods and labor, and that National Credit should have been applied to the National Debt.

Instead, the criminal banks and the bogus "Treasury Department" siphoned off the National Credit owed to us into their own pockets and simply never paid the debts we thought in good faith that we were paying.

We gave them the labor, the assets, and the resources to pay all our debts plus interest and they just sat there, year after year, letting the debt side of the transactions pile up against the victims.

It would be like collecting someone's rent money for years, never paying the landlord, and then pretending that the victim was a deadbeat who still owed the rent when the landlord came to town for an accounting.

So the rats owe us $18 plus trillion dollars and they left town, filed for bankruptcy protection for themselves, and left us holding the bag.

Number 1:

They did all this with criminal intention and via fraud and malicious, purposeful deceit, including copyright fraud against our given names.

They deserve no bankruptcy protection, and they deserve no protection from any "corporate veil".

Consider the corporate veil already pierced and picture the outraged American people as well as all the angry creditors--like China-- who haven't been paid by these rats on the other side of the swindle, coming to dinner and going after all these criminal banks and their "governmental services corporations" and the people behind all this crappola.

Number 2:

If they didn't make enough profit after stealing us blind for a hundred years to pay their lawful debts including the debts they owe our creditors, that's a problem for them, not for us.

Here's another part of the swindle.

The perpetrators gave themselves a fixed exchange rate for their "Federal Reserve Notes" against our actual United States Dollars defined as an ounce of fine silver----one of their worthless I.O.U.'s in exchange for an ounce of fine silver.

In this way they quietly emptied out Fort Knox of all our gold and silver reserves in "equitable exchange" for paper they printed using our credit, and then charged us interest for the "loan" of their private bank script.

This was only possible because the American people were kept in the dark and trusted what they believed to be their own government.

Number 3:

We repeat --- if they didn't make enough profit from this outrageous currency swindle to pay all their lawful debts plus treble damages to the victims, that's a problem for them, not for us.

They stole our gold and silver and hoarded it and now plan to sell it back to the people they stole it from at 5000% or better profit margins.

Either that, or all the people who have been harmed by their criminality demand that these banks be liquidated and these banker's private fortunes be seized and used to repay the victims.

Please note-- we were not the only ones who suffered outright theft of large gold and silver reserves.

Almost every nation on this planet suffered the same.

In addition to the exchange rate swindle, we also suffered confiscation of privately held gold in the 1930's.

King Rat Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave our gold to the Federal Reserve Banks to hold as collateral backing their phony version of "United States Dollar" used in international trade.

For over 80 years our gold sat in their vaults and was used as collateral benefiting them and when the bankruptcy was finally over in 1999--- were we notified as the Priority Creditors and known Heirs of the Priority Creditors to come reclaim our assets?

The titles to our land and homes that had been used as collateral backing the debts of the United States of America, Inc. bankrupted by FDR?

The gold stolen by jack-booted FBI and Revenue Agents from our Grandmothers and Grandfathers?

We were not told a word, not notified at all.

Instead, the World Bank/IBRD came forward as Secondary Creditors and claimed our gold as "abandoned assets" belonging to "unknown heirs".

All these banks can find every one of us right smart quick when they have a tax bill or a fee-bearing charge to make against the "persons" they created as franchises benefitting their governmental services corporations and named after us by stealing and copyrighting our given names, but when it came time to pay us the receipts of all the escrow accounts related to the bogus "mortgages" they sold us, they couldn't find us.

They didn't even know who we are or where we lived.

And they didn't know where to return all the land titles they seized and placed on our property under color of law back in the 1930's, nor did they know where the confiscated gold needed to go, either.

So they just seized it all as "abandoned assets" belonging to "unknown heirs" and got ready to sell our property and our inheritance off to the highest bidder to profit themselves some more.

Now they have set up a "Drop Box" and called it the "Global Debt Facility" and put Karen Hudes and the 188 members of the Board of Governors of the World Bank (one of the perpetrators) in charge of getting rid of the stolen loot.

They have had the brass cajones to try to pass themselves off as great philanthropists for offering to give our assets and the assets of other victims away, but sorry, nobody is buying it anymore.

Number 4:

While the "Federal Reserve" was busy committing all this crime against us and the "IMF" was colluding with the Federal Reserve to pull all this off, and other banks like the World Bank and IBRD and HSB and Bank of Scotland and lots of others were busy getting their fingers extremely dirty, the Priority Creditors didn't come forward because they were never told a word about any of this.

God does work in mysterious ways.

Not all Americans are crooks and not all were asleep.

So a few --- a very few --- claimed back the assets owed to all Americans.

Think of it as a Class Action in Commerce.

I hate to tell everyone in America that they have been outrageously swindled by institutions they trusted---by banks, by what they thought was their government, by law firms and judges they trusted--- but such is the case.

Because nobody was minding the store after the Civil War, thieves settled in and milked us in ever-increasingly terrible acts of fraud and enslavement and oppression--- and now that the whole fraud is discovered and falling apart, these criminals have offered their "Final Solution"---- kill their creditors.

Just like they killed off the hapless Jewish people in Germany.

They took out million dollar life insurance policies on each and every one of us Americans, on Germans, on Japanese, on Aussies, on Canadians.

They figure that if they kill off six and a half billion creditors, they can save themselves and have the whole planet to themselves.

We have a better solution.

We intercept their plans and we tell everyone worldwide what these unspeakable vermin have planned and intended to do, simply because they don't want to pay back what they owe to all the rest of us.

Still think that a job at McD's is an appropriate punishment for what these people have done?

Bear in mind that they think they are smart and that the rest of us are just dumb animals, here to serve them and be sacrificed as needed.

Bear in mind that they are completely unrepentant, even now, when the guillotines they purchased to use on others are being prepared for them, they remain cocky and arrogant, confident that they are going to live to collect on our life insurance policies and the assets of the public transmitting utilities they recently named after us----which they call "derivatives".

You give the government of Malaysia a message for us---- help us nail these rats to the wall and seize their assets and liquidate their banks and their private fortunes and their foundation shelters----nail them before they murder billions of innocent people they owe money to--- and we will be happy to settle all legitimate debts that any American may have and we will pay those debts in gold or silver or other mutually acceptable commodities having actual value and we will back any script we issue with actual value, too.

And please, give our best to Neil Keenan, too.



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