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Reader P: "...if they call you names it is a compliment and means you are doing good.."

Posted By: Lion
Date: Tuesday, 11-Nov-2014 07:55:56

In Response To: Reader N: "...a couple of men visited him and gave him a credit card worth a million dollars in buying power!" (Lion)


Thanks, P

Re: Reader N: '...a couple of men visited him ....

Wow Lion-this post reminds me of something that happened to an acquaintance of mine who is probably deceased by now.

I was sitting in his office one night-basically in tears-as i was being targeted by persons known and unknown to me in very disgusting ways from calling me names and making up disgusting stories about me.

Now this man was literally one of the most powerful people in this western state and owned the states largest newspaper and was in the middle of running for governor and widely expected to win.

He laughed and said that i must be doing something very right to catch the attention of the lowlifes going after me--and that i just needed to look at the situation differently and quit blaming myself when in reality, especially being a woman, to be called a whore or a bitch was a HUGE COMPLIMENT--because it said they felt threatened by my very existence enough to spend time trying to trash my reputation and intimidate me.

He then said that earlier in the evening, an elderly woman had visited him with a shopping bag--full of cash.

He said she told him that she was such a supporter of him that she wanted to donate her life savings to him for his campaign.

He told her to keep her life savings-that she would need it more than him in times to come-and he had plenty of money for his campaign--after all--he could publish whatever he wanted for his campaign in his newspaper.

Well, he said she became very irritated and as he was trying to calm her down and show her the door, he got a phone call.

The person on the other line said something referring to the elderly woman in his office--saying to the effect "GOTCHA-YOU HAVE TWO CHOICES-take the money and do as you are told--or don't take the money-that it did not really matter because if he did not do as told, it would get out that he was taking money from elderly people, and other more ugly inferences would come to public knowledge very promptly.

My friend calmly told the person on the phone, that he would provide his response the following day in his newspaper. I asked me what would be in the newspaper the next day and he just laughed and said-get a copy tomorrow and then we will talk.

The next day--big headlines--that my friend had withdrawn from the race for governor because of nefarious threats and attempts at extorting and manipulating him--things that were repugnant to him and that if that was the cost of being governor, he would not have it if he could not have it freely and honestly.

And that was it.

Later he laughed out loud because the boys in the back room did not see it coming--they thought they had him cornered and they were such psychopaths that it never occurred to them that he would walk away rather than be compromised.

Of course, this does not say much for the world of politics, and i can attest, that the guy who DID end up governor was a sleaze among sleazes who did as he was told by the boys in the back room.

I cringed whenever I had to sit with that next governor in meetings--although it was nice one day to be the subject of a fist fight IN THE GOVERNORS OFFICE when later someone called me names and both my boss and governor started a fist fight defending my honor.

At the time i was embarrassed but remembered what my friend had said-if they call you names it is a compliment and means you are doing good...and THAT scares them.


: Thanks N,

: Boots on the ground reports are the best.

: Re: Video: Foster Gamble Weighs In On World Fi....

: Just in case you believe that ANYTHING will change as a result
: of last week's election here's a true story for you.

: I live in the Midwest.

: A few years ago a friend of ours moved out West and did a
: television show that studied conspiracies and other
: controversial topics.

: Our friend was a libertarian and ran for congress.

: His friend ran for the same seat on the Republican ticket and
: won!

: A few months after the friend was sworn in as a congressman,
: he returned home for some reason or other and while there
: had a 'chat' with our friend who had run against him.

: He told our friend that when he was alone in his Congressional
: office, a couple of men visited him and gave him a credit
: card worth a million dollars in buying power!

: He was told he could buy anything he wished, JUST SO LONG AS
: HE VOTED AS HE WAS TOLD on certain occasions!

: This fellow gave them the card back AND WAS THREATENED FOR NOT

: THEY told him he would never get elected again and he told
: them that was fine with him!

: Now, who was behind this?

: Are ALL congressmen bribed and tempted?

: ----------------------

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Articles In This Thread

Reader N: "...a couple of men visited him and gave him a credit card worth a million dollars in buying power!"
Lion -- Monday, 10-Nov-2014 21:56:45
Reader P: "...if they call you names it is a compliment and means you are doing good.."
Lion -- Tuesday, 11-Nov-2014 07:55:56
Reader M: "Is it possible 76 yr old Rockefeller who's been a senator or 30 years is behind all this stuff"?
Lion -- Tuesday, 11-Nov-2014 21:17:31

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