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Hudes Needs The Lawful Authority To Do So - Which She Does Not Have

Posted By: Lion
Date: Tuesday, 26-Jan-2016 16:41:04

In Response To: Karen Hudes has different plans for General Dunford, Jr., by suspending his authority... (igots2no)

: It appears Karen Hudes has a different approach to things by
: suspending General Dunford, Jr.




The Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joseph Dunford, Jr. commands the military rule in the US.

The US Congress has been declaring a state of emergency behind closed doors and suspended the Constitution of 1789
for a second, secret constitution ever since 1871, when the Revolutionary War debts fell due.

The US Congress failed to call a convention to consider amendments of the Constitution under Article V after
two -thirds of state legislatures submitted applications.

The consent of the governed is no longer present.

Accordingly, the coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF, has requested me as Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility to suspend the authority of General Dunford or any of his successors to command the US government.

The US is now in interregnum and is replacing unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes during the Global Currency Reset


Hudes does NOT have lawful authority " suspend the authority of General Dunford or any of his successors to command the US government".

What Hudes wishes, is that if the Joint Chiefs are not willing to assist Hudes in the continued defrauding of the United States of America, then Hudes wants to 'suspend their authority'.

That wish and 6 FRNs will get you a cup of Starbucks coffee.

Notice how Hudes references are to the US Corporation.

She is referring to the US Federal Corporation, (Governmental Services Corporation) because she does know whom she is speaking for.

Mrs Hudes knows she cannot speak for the United States of America, but she is hoping the inference will equate both as the same entity in the readers mind - which they are not.


Is The FBI Assembling Death Squads - A Commentary by Judge Anna Von Reitz

There Is No “Interregnum”

23 January 2016

Everyone needs understand that our government is not in any “interregnum” as the result of a governmental services corporation going bankrupt.

That is a problem for the owners and operators of that corporation.

It is not a problem for the lawful sovereigns of this country.

We are able and willing to appoint new federal entities to act as our agents in the international venue and we have done so.

This is the equivalent of dropping the employment contract of a criminal housekeeper and hiring someone new to do the job.

The IMF owned and operated UNITED STATES is insolvent.

It presumed upon us, stole our identities, racked up our credit accounts to the moon --- and we have repudiated the entire circumstance and the associated odious debts.

Everyone on Earth can plainly see that the sovereignty of this country is fully vested in the unincorporated people and organic states and has never been vested in any incorporated legal fiction entity at all.

Ms. Hudes’ presumption that this country is in any kind of “interregnum” is the height of self-interested wishful thinking.

The "federal government" with respect to us is a provider of government services under contract, an association of states that has never been a sovereign government with respect to us or our assets to begin with.

If any form of "United States" is in interregnum, it is the euphemistically named United States of America, Minor---- composed of the seven (7) Insular states and the District of Columbia.

It isn't the Continental United States and any confusion with us will be summarily dealt with---most likely at the end of a rope for those promoting it.

The sovereignty of our country has always been with the people and the organic states on the land, not with any incorporated vessel in commerce.

Our country has never been bankrupt, hasn’t been at war in 150 years, and we are not obligated to explain our actions or inactions.

Suffice it to say that we have returned home to find that our hired help has acted in Breach of Trust, has misrepresented us and grossly abused our property and good name with criminal intent to defraud us of our inheritance and to institutionalize a multi-generational fraud scheme perpetuated by a joint collusion between the Federal Reserve Banks and the International Monetary Fund/World Bank/IBRD ---all of which are in receipt of stolen goods belonging to us and our progeny.

As of the sixth of November 2015 we concluded Treaty negotiations with leaders of two of the largest American Indigenous Nations, the Lakota Sioux and the Athabasca.

As a result of our Declaration of Joint Sovereignty all the Native Americans have regained their status as free sovereign people on the land, and as a further result, we have placed our international agency with these nations whose fate and future are allied most closely with our own.

After a National Plebiscite allowing people to express their true political status under conditions of full-disclosure and clearing away five generations-worth of fraud, semantic deceit, and abusive criminality by a succession of bank-run governmental services corporations – we may indeed call for a Continental Congress of the organic states of the Union, in which knowledgeable Fiduciary Deputies acting under full commercial liability take up the issues posed by the present circumstance and 150 years of bad housekeepers and dishonest stable boys.

For now let it be observed by the Holy See and the entire World that the British Monarch has acted in unrepentant Breach of Trust, that Dishonor of our National Trust is entirely the fault of a succession of such Monarchs since 1845, that all debts ever accrued by the organic states of the Union are limited to those services actually received and contracted for under the provisions of the Original Equity Contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America and that all other debts are not and never were our responsibility.

Let it also stand that as a result of this fundamental Breach of Trust by the British Monarchs we have been mischaracterized and defrauded and press-ganged and subjected to enslavement and peonage, that false titles have been imposed upon our assets and many false and infamous claims have been made against us and our property.

We have also been misrepresented as criminals and war-mongers and immoral libertines to the rest of the world.

All this has happened despite British assurances of perpetual friendship and amity, despite the many signatures and seals of British Monarchs and British Crown officials on Treaties, United Nations Declarations, Geneva and Hague Conventions, Trade Agreements, Pacts, and Alliances.

These perpetrators of fraud and criminality have betrayed and enslaved their own people since the 1867 Enfranchisement Act. They have betrayed their Allies in both War and Peace.

The IMF-run governmental services corporation in America has amassed a huge commercial mercenary army on our shores, disguised as government agencies –BATF, FEMA, DHS, IRS, FBI, CIA, and so on-- when in fact these are all nothing but private, for-profit corporations lacking any public office or authority at all.

These are bands of armed thugs who are being instructed to bully and rob us by criminals pretending to hold public offices and by bankers who are running governmental services corporations “as if” they were actual governments.

Imagine that you pay ABC Housekeeping Services, Inc. to do your laundry, vacuum your carpet, clean the kitchen, empty the trash, and scrub down the bathroom once a week.

They subcontract the work out and hire DEF, Inc. to do the laundry; GHI, Inc. to do the vacuuming and so on.

Then imagine that ABC Housekeeping Services, Inc. directs all these subcontractors to boot up, ambush you, rob you, beat you, and bring false charges against you---and also pretends that you asked for this “service”.

That’s what we have going on in America and we have reason to believe the same thing is going on all over the world.

We would like to ask Pope Francis how much longer he expects people to put up with this before they take massive violent direct action against the clergy, the bankers, the lawyers, and the politicians responsible for this? We've seen the French Revolution.

We've seen the Russian Revolution. We've seen the Chinese Revolution. We've seen two World Wars and countless police actions, and at the end of the day---- it is all because of this hideous fraud.

This Babylonian Slave System has been instituted to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy and Rule Britannia and the Marseilles--- and all these evils perpetuated from 1845 until now have been finessed by the British Government despite the fact that slavery has been outlawed worldwide since 1926 and despite the fact that war has been outlawed since the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928.

They just call it by a different name, put on a new uniform, create a new office for themselves and pretend that it’s all right.

All the purloined and borrowed assets owed to the American people and the organic states of the Union must be returned to us, the lawful Entitlement Holders, First Copyright Holders, Heirs, and Beneficiaries and released to our control, free and clear, with interest--- with no further obfuscation or delay.

That is our counter-offer to Ms. Hudes and the banks she works for.


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Articles In This Thread

Audio Video - 10-12-2015: Ben Fulford - Khazarian Mob on the Run, US Military Takes Over Federal Reserve
Lion -- Tuesday, 26-Jan-2016 12:52:27
Karen Hudes has different plans for General Dunford, Jr., by suspending his authority...
igots2no -- Tuesday, 26-Jan-2016 14:51:30
Hudes Needs The Lawful Authority To Do So - Which She Does Not Have
Lion -- Tuesday, 26-Jan-2016 16:41:04
Relevant information?
igots2no -- Tuesday, 26-Jan-2016 22:41:58
Karen Hudes answer: Relevant information?
igots2no -- Wednesday, 27-Jan-2016 14:00:21

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