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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 10-Nov-2014 17:20:46

Hi, Folks -

Found at


11-10-14 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1 - Truncated as I got cut off…Precis: Sorry for the delay, should go today/tomorrow):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Pam: there is a post on Bank Perks that people can ask for when they go to the bank. That is posted in the Banking forum and also on the front page under Tony Blasts, so that people who are not members can also have access to this post. That does increase the bill --- which doubled last month after DC came out of the closet. Is that okay with you?

Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Monday, November 10, 2014. We are set to go here. Today’s will be a little different. We’ll talk about where we are at, and some behind the scenes information, and explain our strategy and what we should and shouldn’t do. The reason we will do all that is that I got text and calls yesterday and lots of people want us to start up the Twitter campaign to expose and demand things. I’ll tell you were we are at, and also in life: do what you feel is the right thing to do, what you feel you can get away with or what causes you the most pain you can stand. This will be and informative and enlightening call on all levels.
We are in a very good situation, and I’ll tell you why. We have been asked not to do some things, and I’ll tell you why on that, too, because the more information you have, the more you will understand. It will make sense to most of you, though not to the idiots, fidiots and those who don’t understand the process. We will give a little more information than they expected today, with both sides of the question. DC will answer some of your questions, too, right, DC?

At this point, you’ve got to realize by now… I’ve had people call me including other gurus, discussing what we can do as a group, heading in one direction, and all that make sense. But as DC will tell you, we have people directly involved in the process who are saying it’s okay and here is where we are. Just like last November, we have people in the government giving us exact details of the times, process and people who are involved. I”ll just give you the overview of where we are with the entire process and what we can look forward to here and in Iraq. We are the people!

DC: East to west, in Iraq they are running the same thing, that the economic reforms are in process and in progress. There are interviews with finance minsters and the CBI, explaining the process yet again. They say it will be completed in the coming days, and meetings in Iraq with international folks, and how Iraq is turning a page and doing wonderful things with the government and contracts, and very positive things with ISIL. Parliament met all weekend and earlier today, continuing to pass laws and help propel their country forward, and that’s going very well. It’s important for everyone that they continue to push forward. The CBI is ready, coins are where they should be for distribution and some have been passed out. Those are going on now.

There is a lot of frustration boiling over, and that is getting briefed to all world leaders. The three-zero notes revaluation is being held up by the US, and that is causing a lot of frustration. Before they said, “international community” but now they are saying the US is holding it up. That’s being told in the mosques and to international leaders, and that is causing a lot of frustration and anger, and there is the threat of riots. This is NOT what you want in the middle of an insurgent war in your own country. There has been some wonderful progress against ISIL by the coalition, hitting a lot of the senior leaders. That’s a very good thing for us, and deserves a lot of applause. That’s Iraq!

Tony: Let’s split this up. A bunch of people want to do a campaign to put pressure on our banks and government officials. A week and a half ago, I got the messge from over there that they want to do a twitter campaign, and I said to tweet #wearethepeopleiraq. We understand now that they’ve gone past that and are now taking to the streets, and it’s being televised. We predicted this six weeks ago. The intel guys said that it’s building, that the streets are starting to rumble and people are getting upset. They are doing what they need to do to express themselves to their leaders and their country. That is what they need to do, and we saw the Arab Spring in other countries. If they let this build up every day, all hell with break loose and they will have to tear down what they built up over the last year. It don’t think anyone wants to live with that.

Pam, I didn’t get the text/email I am supposed to discuss. I wanted to read a text from over there from one of our contacts in the Middle East. It’s from an important person. He says, “Thanks for everything, and all the TNT members praying for peace and help against the ISIL war and all the comments. Glad to see TNT is thinking of him and Iraq.” This is someone who we talked to a couple of years ago, now in a high position, who monitors all our calls. They are listening and they are thankful for those thinking not just of the money but for Iraq as well. I asked if he wants to send a direct message. They are aware of the people and their emotions, and he will get back to me. There is an active thing going on with their citizens, and at this point, we need to let them do what THEY do to force the release of the RV. That is up to them, they have a voice, and they can have a clearcut reaction – and every other government will see it and be concerned that all their work will go down the drain if they don’t do something about this.

DC: They are finding out the US is behind the delays, in Iraq and elsewhere.

Tony: They are finding out who is really holding it up, and that defeats the point of fighting ISIL for them if we are still holding down their economy – mixed message.

DC: In the USA, the UN guys are jumping up and down to get this done. The administration had everything beautifully lined up, then got into a message starting on Thursday. Everything was cued up nicely for the weekend, then they got into a pissing match over things that others didn’t think they needed to fight over. That causes a lot of consternation and frustrations on the part of everyone else in the world including the banks. We have some senior statesmen and women who have been diligently working behind the scenes and get them back to the table again. They are getting them back in line to work out the final changes that need to be made. Those men and women were very successful throughout the weekend and got everyone back on track. However, everything got delayed again. But we are very grateful to those people, but we are now back on track and we are back on the rollout process again.

Since Friday before last, they have been exchanging people – mainly politicians and bank-invited people. That slowed back down at the weekend and has now taken off again. This makes me very angry. “Come on, already – let’s go!” But at least we are getting back on track. Bottom line, I want all of us to get paid, and what gets us paid is letting the top guys calm everyone down and moving again on the process.

So the banks have started cranking up exchanges again. Some banks are very ready for this, and some are actually exchanging. Exchange are all over the board. We have people in every bank, the UST and IMF, and they are feeding us information so that we DON”T have another December/January again. In summary, we are waiting on the US, and now it’s in back in the process and moving on.

Tony: Let’s talk about #wearethepeople, because you are upset that some people are being paid and you are not. We went through the list, some people are black and some are white, and some don’t even know why they were on the list. We have gone through the NDA – some got five pages, some got seven pages, some got more. Some banks are doing their procedures differently, in terms of when your money is released. There is a break down on how much you get the first day and the third day, and also a breakdown on the fee. Your rate is based on the conversation you have at the bank. We are NOT trying to hurt the process. We are asked not to hurt the process, and I don’t want to hurt the process, but many are asking me to hurt the process. When people called me this weekend, I told them just this: do what you want to do. But I know what I have, and I know what I can produce if I’m called before Congress. If you can do the same, that’s fine. Our aim is to be treated fairly in the RV, that’s all, as people who fought in the war and those who are helping develop Iraq by buying the dinar. One politician said that we have earned our place at the table, and I will take him at his work. We have all done that, and that was our agreement. Until I see that they’re not living up to that agreement, that is when we protest, turn stuff over to newspapers and the world at large, and Congress. We hope it doesn’t get to that, because it will be a mess. At this moment, we don’t have an argument apart from “they are paying people out today and I’m not one of them”. I get that argument!

I have been highly targeted by some of our government, bad apples with a lot of power. The same thing with the banking system – they don’t even want us to have a bank account in the US. You don’t know the level we are being scrutinized at. If it were just about me, I could tell you the locations, people and rate they paid out this weekend – if I were only thinking about what they are doing to DC and me. I’ll deal with that when it comes time. If that’s what this is all about, about the money, then we could do that, but it’s not about that, it’s about everyone exchanging and being treated fairly. So when I get the calls from the other gurus, it’s not right, they don’t really know what is going on. There ARE people trying to push this through, and chopping their legs off wouldn’t help. That’s why I’m saying it’s not time to do this unless I see them blocking our exchange.

Do I trust this? NO, because I’ve heard it all before.

DC: Many folks in the process feel the same way we do. Some people are not very nice, and they are doing some nasty things. The point is, a lot of the banks just don’t trust these people any more because they’ve heard it’s going in the next couple of days, so they are following the letter of their contract. They are tired of hearing “It’s happening, just trust me”. So they are doing this in a very procedural way, by the book, and a lot has to be done that way. They are viewing this in the worst possible light. Several more banks would be exchanging now, but they are too nervous and they are going to wait until X or Y. A lot of these banks feel this way because they have been burned by having this stop and start so many times. Even those very involved are waiting to see how this pans out.

Tony: So while we have a few banks who are participating, some major banks and the tier 2 banks are not taking part because they feel unprotected. This is even dividing the banking industry, and I completely understand that. We wanted to give you a better picture of what’s going on, why some are being exchanged and some are not. I told you the NDA most are signing is five pages, and we have the information on that, and it’s nothing to be concerned over. We are still getting the information, still trying to protect us and still on our side. We were asking not to start anything that will mess it up. Our timing is again this week, and they are saying, “this time it’s for real”. But last week it was for real, too. Now we have the firm numbers of how many are being paid on a daily basis. We know that and we know the future plan for that, and that’s giving us a little bit of confidence that this will go and what the banks are going.

DC: So some folks will say, “Hey you both sold out and you’re just doing what the admin-istration tells you to do”. We can’t win for losing in this argument and here is why. There are people in this administration who have been downright evil jerks towards us and our families, using some flexible powers towards us. We are not protecting anyone – they are coming after us! Cooler heads are telling them to calm down and not go after these two little guys – we are not a big deal. If we were selling out, why would we continue with this? Some others think we are bad guys. As these changes have happened, we have been asked to keep things calm so that we don’t mess up the resolutions they are working on. If they are trying to help the process along, and get the Iraqi and US citizens paid, that is all we are trying to do anyway. We know those trying to solve the issues and move past the funny business, if those are the people asking us to keep it calm and not hurt the situation, then we will pay attention because we want to help this along. It’s a judgement call, and this is the best way to help.

Tony: If they could see a better view of the picture, they will understand better. So that is what we are trying to explain where we are, on all sides. We don’t like all sides – I don’t like any of them right now, to be honest – and I know you won’t be happy about all the details either, but let’s just get the process done. There are some things where you will have to make decisions on your own, on the spur of the moment, and those will be easier if you think about them beforehand. People are upset in Iraq and it has to boil over there. If our people are not being treated fairly in the US, then we will take steps because we know who is participating and who is not, and who is on the list. Some of our own people are saying goodbye because they have exchange, and family members have exchanged. Those make us feel good, but there are not enough of us. We wanted to see what would happen over the weekend because we were told it was supposed to bust out over the weekend. Now we are being told this week, and we’ll have to see what happens. For that reason, we won’t take action unless we are being treated unfairly.

503 caller: I noticed ebay is selling the Iraqi dinar coin – is that a good sign that the RV is happening?

Tony: Are they the new ones or the old ones?

Caller: They showed the 25, 50 and 100 coins. I ordered some from a person in Jordan, and there were sellers from Denmark, China, and other places.

Tony: I didn’t see that, and don’t know why they would actually sell their money!

Caller: If you were in Iraq right now, people don’t want the coins because it would take a lot to buy anything. Right now you can buy 50 or 100 for about three dollars. If they are making a profit, what are they buying them for in Iraq. Would the rate be $300 for 100d?

Tony: They wouldn’t buy currency over there, they are changing old notes for new notes. They are trying to get the three-zero notes off the street, we were told this morning. Pam? Twelve loaves of bread cost how much?

DC: Bread used to cost 5,000 dinar and now cost five dinar.

Tony: Is that all over? I don’t know, because there are five different rates. Saturday they said that something happened that would affect all of Iraq and that was the RV… but here we are on Monday morning without the RV because someone stopped it.

Today we’re having Truth and Consequences. We get a lot of information, and some things they ask us not to tell. Sometimes we get things and we choose NOT to put them out because of all the idiots and other guru sites; some is contradictory, and some is not that important until you go to the bank, so it’s not worth fussing and fighting over it. Everybody is going to have a call after this call, and it’s going to be about this call, this information, or saying Tony and DC are liars, or whatever. We don’t you do have to ride the same rollercoaster every day. It’s cruel, and some people cannot handle the truth, and the fact that it will change at 5pm this afternoon, so they don’t have to go through that. It’s bad enough we have to got through it!

Caller: I listen to a certain call and sometimes they mock some of the gurus, they really do follow what you are doing and don’t call the RV. You put yourselves on the line and you have been burned. I do appreciate that you do the appreciation and keeping us more calm. Organizing #wearethepeople was a great thing, and we appreciate that you speak the truth in parallel with this other call, and that is great.

Tony: I thank you for that, but it’s not about me. It’s about the information and putting the pieces together, and seeing the patterns, often 3-4 days later. We want you know the possibilities as the banks are getting geared up. Some people only want to know when it actually goes. We want you to have the whole picture. The bank people are sitting in their rooms without their phones and having lunch shipped in – that’s the reality.

Caller: I have two WF advisors; one cannot tell me anything conclusive, and the other has dinar. People just need to stop with the sour grapes and accept reality.

DC: A lot of this has been brutal. We have calls three day per week, and it’s up and down. Those who speak once a month will have a smoother approach. Some people cannot not handle day-to-day stuff. I cannot handle a lot of emotion, and my wife calls me a freight train, just moving forward. A lot of folks are not appreciating the fact that if they cannot handle the info in the moment, they should take a step back. Is this logical? Hell, no! But it’s the way it is, so if you can’t handle that, step back and get the bigger view, or know it’s a roller coaster and get ready for going up and down.

Tony: People have put personal stuff on the boards, and that is just stupid. We are just a couple of guys trying to help other people understand this.

Caller: That’s why that other call is once a week, and you speak three times a week, and some people want info every hour. [Appreciation] This is highly speculative, and the big bucks are waiting on the side for the arbitrage.

352 caller: We are supposed to get an 800 number, I guess, right? The information you put out about people being called in, one by one. So when they release that 800 number, they will be flooded all over the country.

Tony: There is a rollout plan, and this weekend there were some options.

DC: This rollout procedure is what they are working on now. They have changed it many times now. Right now, what they want to do is Friday blast, after getting through some of the bigger players plus some random customers who are good practice for our teams. So they started this process to ease some of the time constraints. Before junk happened, the intent was for VIPS for three days, and then the folks who listen to the internet, about 250,000 people over three days or so. By the nature of information flow, our friends and family would then be told to go in. This would slow the whole process down. It is our understanding that we are still in that process, but it’s more like ten days rather than three or four days. But we are still getting the 800 number, or at least that is the plan today.

Caller: A lot of us are really being gutted here, because we know you are getting information, good and bad, that you are not telling us.

Tony: You’re right, and that’s why we are doing the call this way today. We are not the only ones who know that people were paid out this week and today. It’s a good day for you to see both sides and know where we’re at. This is not about me, it’s about all of our intel gatherers: you’ve trusted us up to this point to let out the right information. Please continue to do that. I don’t want people to make a fuss that will stop us right here if they don’t have the right information or the right people. I will know and say when it’s time to burn it all down, if that would get the desired results. I don’t think we are there just yet.

Caller: We trust you and DC and trust you know when to pull the cork out the bottle and let the genie out.

Tony: In all seriousness, I think we will know the right moment. We have enough people at all levels in this thing. The moment it looks like it will not go through the way we think, we’ll be getting calls from everyone.

618 caller: My question is this: what are your thoughts about the chatter regarding the arrests of the cabal? I keep reading this on other sites, and such.

Tony: I’ve been doing this for over four years, and every two or three months, Obama, Biden, Boehner, etc. are getting arrested, and they are going to replace the government over the weekend… that we are going to see a whole new government in place and we had nothing to do with it. Who does that make sense to? I’ve heard we will get all new currency, and they will notify people over the emergency warning system – who does that make sense to?

DC: The only arrests I’m aware of are of the people who have taken advantage of people in nefarious ways, who have double-dipped or put money in wrong places for bad people. Those are the only arrests I’ve heard of.

Caller: My recommendation is pretty simple. How about we institute a “One-question Wednesday”? The caller can ask one question and then move on.

Tony: That sounds great – if we have call on Wednesday, we’ll try it out.

786 caller: First time caller, here! I’ve been on the forum for a couple of years, and now I’ve been banned, so I need to get hold of Pam to figure out what happened.

Pam: There is usually a good reason, so they may not want me to address this here.

Tony: I’ll make a note to pass on to Pam and she will call you.

Caller: This thing is dragging on. Can the IMF force it internationally and leave the US out of it?

DC: They can, but they haven’t so far. I think Iraq will force the IMF to do that. [static]

I strongly believe pressures are escalating at an extremely fast pace now, and this delay is extremely counter-productive to all parties, even those creating the delay. We will know it’s happened because we will see the new rates on the screens at the banks and exchanges. There may be a news blip on the financial news, explaining the currency reform. I think they will downplay it as much as possible. [background noise] You will see the rate change on the CBI site at the end of the process.

Tony: The only currency being exchanged right now is the dinar, not the others. [Too much background noise, I had to stop transcribing at 12.31, 80 minutes into the call.]

From the TNT chat room, more information:

When you call the 800 number, they will ask for your name, email, amount of currency, and the zip code where you want to exchange. They will then give you the exchange location in or nearest to that zip code. There will be a straight 2% fee. DC said that he doesn’t know for sure, but has been told that if you attempt to negotiate that fee, you will be kicked to the end of the bus. You always have the option to exchange with the dealer (but only at international rate) and the dealer will also charge a fee, don’t know how much, plus you’ll have to transfer your funds to a bank anyway. But you do have that option.

Someone asked if there is some kind of agreement in place to make sure ordinary citizen get at least a chance at the contract rates. Yes, there is a simple contract to fill a certain percentage with contract rate, and if that is not fulfilled, then there will be clawbacks from those who got high contract rates last winter. [Tony says} People are being all sorts of rates and they have options to get paid even higher. And we know this has been going on, last week for four days, the week before, and we are kind of like those guys in Washington who are watching out for us, saying “Okay” cause the plan is for Sat/Sun for all of us to go so we won’t raise any hell. I wouldn’t want to go through the public scrutiny that’s about to happen, because good people will do the right thing, I don’t care if they are under an NDA or oath, when it actually comes down to it, standing in front of a courtroom, they will do the same thing. They are doing it right now, defying their bosses; what makes you think they won’t do this when it becomes public? There is safety in numbers for you guys, because me and DC are definitely out there. They have groups of attorney who want to get this info; someone on the call sends me texts all day, because the banks are committing unfair business practices. It could get really ugly for the banks; if there are class action suits, the general public will react to that. Nobody wants to go through that. They need to get it over with so we can all go in, gonna’ happen within 72 hours.

DC: I believe that this is NOT an attempt to drag it out to January – the election was too decisive for that. There is no motivation to do that for more than 1-2 days.


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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
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