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CGI's StormyOne: Get Ready for President Trump

Posted By: Susoni
Date: Monday, 25-Jan-2016 00:27:10

by Wayne Root

The stock market is crashing, Wall Street is off to the worst start to any year in history, and the economy is in reverse. All the ducks are falling in place for Donald Trump.

The latest poll shows Trump leading 42…to 12…to 10…and establishment favorites Rubio, Bush, Christie and Kasich are all insingle digits. It’s all over folks. Get used to Donald Trump as your GOP nominee. Keep in mind, Trump hasn’t spent any serious money yet. What happens when he drops $500 million on the race? $750 million? How about a cool billion? Could Trump’s 42% rise to 72%?

Why is this happening?

First and foremost is the economy. We’ve all been lied to. The Obama economy is a disaster. We are headed for an Obama Great Depression. The stock market’s crashing and stocks are off to the worst start to a year in the history of this country

The market is only reflective of the truth about this disastrous Obama economy:

GDP is zero- again. Retail sales are a disaster. Durable goods orders have dropped off a cliff. Manufacturing numbers are horrible. Transportation and shipping numbers are horrible. The news is all bad.

And then there’s the great Obama jobs fraud. Sure there are jobs. Obamacare has created a nation of part-time, low-wage jobs for illegals and other desperate uneducated foreigners willing to take any job. Don’t believe me?

*Of the one million jobs gained by women in America in the past decade, 100% of those gains have gone to foreign-born women. This stat is direct from the Labor Dept. of the United States.

*In the past decade America has lost 1.4 million high-wage manufacturing jobs and gained exactly 1.4 million low wage bartender and waiter jobs.

*One month in the past year sums up what is happening…in August 2015 the economy lost 698,000 jobs held by American-born workers and gained 204,000 jobs by foreign-born workers.

All the jobs Obama brags about are fit only for illegal aliens and other low-wage, uneducated foreigners. If you want to clean dishes, clean toilets, or mow lawns, Obama has created the perfect economy for you!

Name all the major GOP candidates in the race…Cruz, Carson, Rubio, Bush, Kasich, Christie. With the exception of a doctor named Ben Carson, they’re all career politicians. All spent a lifetime working for government. None of them ever started a business, or created a job. Donald Trump created hundreds of businesses and hundreds of thousands of jobs. He amassed an unimaginable $10 billion fortune for himself.

The next president we choose has to understand business and how to turnaround a failing economy. Americans now understand we are on the edge of economic Armageddon. This is an economy tailor-made for Donald Trump to win the presidency.

The stock market crash also bodes well for Donald. Rising stock markets usually re-elect the party in power. Bad stock markets (let alone crashing ones) virtually guarantee defeat for the party of the sitting lame duck president.

Then there’s the Sarah Palin endorsement of Trump. To liberals, intellectuals and the mainstream media, this is a meaningless joke. But they all miss the point. Trump’s desperate establishment GOP opponents had only one last card to play- “Donald isn’t a true conservative.” Really? So why did the most conservative national figure in America just endorse Trump? Why did the conservative hero most responsible for electing Ted Cruz to the U.S. Senate just endorse Trump over Cruz?

That argument is now dead, just in time for the Iowa caucus. Palin may have just put Trump over the top in the only early state where the result was up in the air.

And then there’s Hillary. Mark it down. You read it here first. As I’ve been predicting for well over a year, Hillary will never be the nominee.

As of this morning, her support has collapsed. In New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders leads by 27 points. Let that sink in a bit.

Day after day after day, Hillary suffers from what might be described as “Chinese water torture.” Not only has the FBI expanded the investigation into her email scandal, they’ve expanded to bribery crimes at The Clinton Foundation.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, now the Inspector General has reported that Hillary had not only classified memos on her personal email account (with a server kept in a bathroom closet), but THE top secrets of the United States of America.

Hillary has a better chance- as I’ve argued for months- of heading to “the Big House” than the White House. She could very well be under indictment long before the Democratic convention.

And I haven’t even mentioned her husband’s sex addiction problem. Sordid allegations of sexual assault, rape,and affairs with thousands of women are just now bubbling to the surface.

All the while Hillary was standing by her man. What a leader for women!

Hillary is damaged goods. Expect to see Joe Biden inserted as the “savior” of the Democratic Party on the floor of the Democratic convention. Start thinking of a Trump-Biden matchup. But even if Hillary gets the nomination, she is the most crippled and distrusted candidate in modern American history.

Get ready for President Trump.

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CGI's StormyOne: Get Ready for President Trump
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