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What you Do with Your Time is Your Choice

Posted By: Swami
Date: Saturday, 23-Jan-2016 16:46:00

In Response To: **When You THINK You Won't Vote Because The System Is Corrupt And Fixed---, Well Guess What? You Are Actually Voting For That Corrupt System (Watchman)

Three concepts to consider,

False Government

Rigged Election Counts

Rigged Debates

Here are some reminders,


No Debate: How the Republican and Democratic Parties Secretly Control

"George Farah

Broadcast to tens of millions of Americans, the presidential debates are the Super Bowl of politics. A good performance before the cameras can vault a contender to the front of the pack, while a gaffe spells national embarrassment and can savage a candidacy. The slim margin for error has led the two major parties to seek—and achieve, under the aegis of the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates—tight control through scripting, severe time limits, and the exclusion of third-party candidates. In No Debate, author and lobbyist George Farah argues that these staged recitations make a mockery of free and fair presidential elections."


Join the Fight for Fair Presidential Debates

"The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) has a rule that candidates must average 15% in popular polls. The catch is that it is virtually impossible for any candidate without the free publicity and exposure provided by the two major parties, the media and, of course, nationally-televised debates, to reach 15%. It's a classic "Catch 22". Even with his millions of personal wealth, the last third party candidate to appear in a CPD-sponsored debate, Ross Perot, would not have qualified under the 15% rule. Ironically, after he DID appear, polls showed a majority of Americans believed Perot won the debates.

The official-sounding and acting Commission on Presidential Debates is, in reality, a private organization created by the Republican and Democratic parties and funded by special interests whose goal is to protect the status quo. Thus, it is no surprise that the Debate Commission has adopted “rules” that make it virtually impossible for an independent or third-party candidate to ever participate in the ?all-important Presidential Debates."


Computer Programmer testifies at senate hearing to election voting fraud

"Uploaded on Aug 9, 2010

It is enough that the people know there was an election.
The people who cast the votes decide nothing.
The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin

A computer programmer testifies at senate hearing to election voting fraud in the u.s , this is not the only occasion where the machines were manipulated, amazing huh, they manipulate people through mass media to get an uninformed vote, then they still have to manipulate the machines to win the elections

"democracy" can be a useful tool when you have these tools at hand, republic is the word used in the constitutions,
no wonder they try to convince people that America was always a democracy"



Posted By: food4thought
Date: Tuesday, 19-Jan-2016 10:42:44


The “missing” 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads as follows:

“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”


Central Bankers Converted The US Into A Corporation To Control The People: Anita Whitney - YouTube


Specifics for Sheriffs and Federal Agents Regarding the Difference Between "Law Enforcement" and "Peacekeeping" - Judge Anna Maria Riezinger


"But, when you incorporate anything, you remove it from the jurisdiction of the land and from the Law of the Land.


Thus, when our Counties and States incorporated as franchises of the Federal "United States, Inc."---either out of stupidity or treasonous intent, they became franchises in the same sense as we have franchises of Dairy Queen.

They no longer function as our organic counties or states.

They function as private corporate entities no different than Burger King or Walmart.

They have no authority as government, and are merely "governmental services corporations".

All the offices that were public offices associated with them immediately also devolve to merely private status.

Thus the "Sheriff" working for such a "Federal County" or "Federal State" is no longer a Public Official.

He is a private security officer working for a private corporation, no different than a mall cop working for Walmart.

The fact that he may or may not be working on a contract requiring him to provide "law enforcement services" in a particular county in no way imbues him or his office with any governmental authority or immunity.

His job is to ride herd on corporations in general and employees of federal corporations especially.

These corporations set up as franchises of the parent federal corporation are all required to abide by the in-house rules of the "United States, Inc." or whatever federal corporation is acting as Queen Bee at the time.

Theirs is a government "of the corporation, by the corporation, and for the corporation".

His job does not involve enforcement of the Organic or Public Laws.

His job is merely "code, statute, and regulation enforcement" that is meant to apply solely to corporations and corporate entities--- trusts, transmitting utilities, and so on.

He does not have a Public Bond, does not have an Oath of Public Office,

He's in the same status as a Mall Cop and has no lawful right to deputize anyone or commandeer anything.

He is in private rather than public capacity and should not continue to call himself a "Sheriff" because there are no Sheriffs operating within the international jurisdiction of the sea and continuing to call himself a "Sheriff" sets up a condition of constructive fraud for which he can be held accountable.

The same applies to the FBI, FEMA, DHS, BATF, IRS, and the host of other quasi-law enforcement "agencies" out there.


They continue to act as if they had something to do with the lawful government of the United States and as if they had some authority over the people of the United States, when in fact they do not and never have had.


The rule is that if you can't do something acting in your private capacity, you can't do it, period, not at all.

If you can't bust down your neighbor's door and face-slam his teenage daughter and ransack their house looking for imaginary "contraband" as Joe Average, you can't do it as a Mall Cop, either.

The only people who have that kind of authority are "Peacekeeping Officers" working for the unincorporated government of the land, and they are required to abide by the Organic Laws and Public Laws and to operate under Common Law when they do it.


In 1976 the rats in "Congress" operating as the Board of Directors of the "United States, Inc."---- a doing business name of the International Monetary Fund--- declared with no lawful authority at all, that all our state offices and state laws were "vacated" and released to the trusteeship of the United Nations.

See the International Organizations Immunity Act and the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act.


Of course, nobody bothered to tell us.

This had the affect of further removing all Federal County and Federal State and Federal Agency personnel from any valid Public Office.

Even though these "agencies" have continued to use the names of our public government offices and units, such as the "Bureau of Land Management" and "U.S. Small Business Administration" and "Sheriff of Macon County"---- these are merely trademarked names, like brand names under new management, and have no meaning in terms of their actual authority or function.

The FBI Agents out in Oregon are acting under Color of Law and pretending to be under the administration of our lawful government, when in reality they are just hired commercial mercenaries acting at the behest of unknown private interests--- mostly banks--- and, as a result, they are engaged in armed racketeering on American Soil, against the American people, who are in fact paying their salaries via a criminally mismanaged "governmental services contract".

So it is really very simple for anyone to determine exactly who these people are and what their status is.

Are they working for an incorporated entity or not?

If yes, they are working in a private capacity and have no lawful public function at all.

Virtually all the Sheriffs in this country have been converted in this surreptitious way from being "peacekeeping officers" to being "law enforcement officers" --- leaving nobody in charge of enforcing the Organic Laws and Public Laws of this nation, except the People themselves, even though the People have continued to loyally pay through the nose for "Sheriffs" and "Deputies" and other such "services" aplenty.

Now, given this as a background---- all you "Sheriffs" and "Deputies" and "FBI Agents" and others involved in this travesty--- have to ask yourselves two questions:

1. Am I working for a corporation?
2. Am I therefore working in private or public capacity?

If you work all day enforcing "codes, statutes, and regulations" you are a Mall Cop working for some version or franchise of the current "federal corporation" as a private "law enforcement officer" operating under international law.

Any presentation or pretense otherwise is constructive fraud.

You have no public office, no public bond, no capacity to exert any governmental authority on anybody.

If you work all day long enforcing the Organic Law and Public Law you are a Peacekeeping Officer acting with all the authority of the actual government owed to the land jurisdiction of the people of the United States behind you.

All corporations and all employees of all corporations are obligated to obey the Organic and Public Laws of this nation and if you do not, you are acting as an "Outlaw" on the land or a "Pirate" on the sea-----that is, as criminals.

You are also perpetuating war crimes against unarmed non-combatants when you trespass upon private property and pretend to have any jurisdiction over it.

The people of this country have the absolute right to defend their lives and their property with armed force, and even more so, when the threat and trespass is being offered by their own misdirected employees who are required to provide them with Good Faith Service.

Everyone on both sides of this circumstance needs to wake up.

All those presently acting as "corporate Sheriffs" and "FBI Agents" and "DHS Agents" and so on need to recognize the very, very thin ice they are skating on and be very circumspect in their actions.

At the same time, they need to be asking themselves--- hey, wait a minute!

I am not a "citizen" of District of Columbia nor an employee of the bankrupt District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, and even less am I aware of being a UN Corporation employee! "

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

**When You THINK You Won't Vote Because The System Is Corrupt And Fixed---, Well Guess What? You Are Actually Voting For That Corrupt System
Watchman -- Saturday, 23-Jan-2016 13:53:47
Nemesis -- Saturday, 23-Jan-2016 14:21:47
?? Not Voting = Acquiescence = Implied Consent: Not Voting = Not Voting, Nothing More...Nor Less = Status Quo *NM*
Watchman -- Saturday, 23-Jan-2016 14:29:20
Nemesis -- Saturday, 23-Jan-2016 14:46:13
Reader: 'Voting is important but its often been said by unsavory leaders; " Its not who votes, but who counts the votes".'
hobie -- Saturday, 23-Jan-2016 14:53:01
Reader: "indeed, who counts the votes is what counts"
hobie -- Monday, 25-Jan-2016 13:31:39
Nemesis -- Saturday, 23-Jan-2016 16:07:09
RMNREADER: by registering one is saying I want to participate, participation equals support.
Nemesis -- Saturday, 23-Jan-2016 16:10:52
What you Do with Your Time is Your Choice
Swami -- Saturday, 23-Jan-2016 16:46:00
rmnreader, please post
Nemesis -- Saturday, 23-Jan-2016 19:08:53
rmnreader: "If voting could really change anything, the Elite would make it illegal."
Nemesis -- Saturday, 23-Jan-2016 19:15:18
Reader: "When I found out that voting is not what it is, that it is a cruel fraud perpetrated against the hapless pedestrians..."
hobie -- Saturday, 23-Jan-2016 23:41:23

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