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Reader M: "There is no debt...."

Posted By: Lion
Date: Monday, 10-Nov-2014 06:29:13

In Response To: Preston James PhD: American Bunco - Kiting the American Financial System (Lion)


Re: Preston James PhD: American Bunco - Kiting....

All the trillions of $ do not exist in a tangible manner.

Gold is of a limited supply.

Oil is unlimited and this is why the split was made in the last former twin towers.

The invention of the unlimited supply of money is a genius creation if only it was for everybody.

The downfall of the current unlimited is caused by the greed of those who accumulated a virtual wealth that can only be seen in banking numbers.

There is no debt and there is no profit.

Earth resources are still the same as millions of years ago.

The economic trick of the 20th century has no match in recent history.

If interest rate becomes zero all schools of business will close because any number divide by zero is infinity.

And that is what abundance is all about.

Thanks, M

Under the scenario of an unlimited supply of both oil - and zeros - of which to enter into a data base, then the only excuse for the unfulfilled needs and wants of any Human Being is the pure evil of the control freak terrorists who maintain the unlimited supply system for themselves, while physically, and financially genociding the remainder of the population.

Obviously, that system is unacceptable, and must be dealt with.

Rendering a solution of either the Kabbalist cooperation or the Kabbalist demise, is the order of the day.

Either way, no excuses brought to the table will be accepted.



: Thursday, November 6th, 2014 | Posted by Preston James, Ph.D

: Kiting the American Financial System

: The foreign based Rothschild Banksters have worked hard to
: consolidate and get control of all American Police, Intel
: and the Alphabets, that is, to create their own large
: internal militarized Occupying Force inside America,
: Homeland Security.

: DHS is designed to serve as their enforcers and to protect
: them from any corrective actions by “We The People”.

: Even though they have worked hard to stack the deck against
: the America Masses, their system is failing and DHS is
: collapsing from within, now recognized to be an Illegal,
: Unconstitutional monstrosity with no valid mandate to even
: exist at all, like the Federal Reserve System.

: American Bunco

: The American Financial System is now being “Kited” to a
: Catastrophic Collapse not expected by the American People.

: It should now be more than obvious to most folks that the
: current spending levels of the US Congress are completely
: unsustainable, but false narratives dispensed by the
: Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) have prevented the
: public from realizing this.

: Any reasonable analysis would conclude that the American
: Economic System is being “Kited” by an out of control US
: Congress with an elastic, unlimited checkbook provided by
: the Unconstitutional, criminal Federal Reserve System and
: unknowingly backed by “We The People” and their
: descendents.

: Some economic experts have claimed that so much Federal
: Reserve FIAT script has been borrowed by an out of control
: Congress to pad the accounts of special interest
: legislation (in order to get massive kickbacks!) that it
: would take up to fifteen generations to pay up the accruing
: interest.

: Others claim it is so excessive that it can never be paid up.

: And some claim that since it is a such a colossal fraud it is
: completely null and void because of the US Constitution and
: RICO organized crime laws.

: And of course there is the USG’s Secret “Plunge Protection
: Team” which uses advanced software to buy up huge
: quantities of US stocks in large batches at the speed of
: light to kite the stock market up to unsustainable highs.

: Ask any Police Bunco Detective about “Check Kiting”.

: Isn’t this the same thing that the USG is doing with its
: partner in Financial Crime, the Federal Reserve System
: which provides it with a limitless elastic checkbook by
: which money can be endlessly created from nothing with no
: backing?

: The result of this Congressional overspending from their
: Federal Reserve System Provided Elastic Checkbook is two
: fold: first, it keeps money and jobs for many that would
: not otherwise have them, especially Government bureaucrats
: in a bloated, out of control Federal Government; but
: second, it is a very crafty covert tool to quietly steal
: the fruits of the labor of many American Middle Class folks
: as well as a great deal of their accrued wealth.

: RICO Crime beyond what most can imagine.

: In reality this is a most sinister system which steals hard
: earned wealth from We The People, and is actually a massive
: financial fraud with absolutely no Congressional oversight
: at all.

: In fact the Federal Reserve System has never been audited,
: despite recent efforts to pass such a law in Congress which
: failed.

: If the Federal Reserve System was ever completely audited and
: all the figures made public as they should be, the public
: would become so enraged at this greatest financial fraud in
: history that somehow they would force it out of existence.

: Yes, once the American Masses fully understand that this
: Federal Reserve System is an illegal, Unconstitutional RICO
: criminal enterprise, they will demand its complete
: elimination, full prosecution and the claw-back of every
: single dime defrauded from the American people.

: Why would any People ever pay foreigners massive interest to
: use what should have been their own money?

: Such a concept is ridiculous at face value.

: This only came to pass because of crooked Members of Congress,
: USG Bureaucrats and an Administration took bribes and/or
: was compromised or blackmailed.

: Folks, this is massive RICO Crime and it’s time it is fully
: exposed and stopped.

: This is the true Litmus test for any Member of Congress.

: Any such member who supports this huge RICO Crime Syndicate
: can be assumed to either be so dumb that they shouldn’t be
: in office or is Dirty, as in “Compromised”.

: Any Member of Congress who supports the Federal Reserve System
: has clearly violated his Oath of Office to support the US
: Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic.

: Consider what was done to Germany during the Weimar Republic
: which was engineered by the Rothschild Banksters, and what
: the final result was of this “Money Manipulation”.

: And for those that think this uncontrolled incredibly huge
: volume of US Dollars spread out all over the World is no
: problem, all one needs to do is study the hyperinflation of
: the Weimar Republic in Germany before WW2 to get an idea of
: where it can lead.

: Only this time these US Dollars are spread all over the world
: and when they collapse in value can take much of the
: World’s economy down,

: The Weimar super-inflation was engineered by the City of
: London Banksters and their Wall Street cronies to
: destabilize Germany and make it ripe for the rise of
: Fascism.

: Are these Banksters doing that again here in America right now
: and inflicting this on a dumbed-down, TV satiated,
: uniformed public that has been fed continuing false
: narratives by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM)?

: End of the hegemony of the Petrodollar system?

: Right now this is the intended target of the new BRICS
: Development Bank

: The US Petro Dollar appears to be a sinking ship, with obvious
: decreasing value and no way for normal citizens to earn any
: return on their money that exceeds or even matches
: inflation.

: And if you think the US Dollar is strong, just ask yourself
: why interest paid on bank savings that used to be 5% or
: more and is now close to 0%?

: Ask any retired person who still has a nest-egg if the value
: of their savings is shrinking every month and if they have
: seen a major loss of purchasing power of their money.

: Many lost 30-40% of their investments in 2008 and have seen a
: steady decline since in value as most prices and their cost
: of living continues to rise.

: The USG has spread these Federal Reserve Debt Notes all over
: the World doing business and buying Politicians in such a
: huge unfathomable quantity that if they are ever released
: on the open market they will collapse the American Economy.

: At that point then the “chickens will have come home to roost”
: and this out of control, criminally insane spending of fake
: money created from nothing can no longer be denied.

: The total quantity of USD has increased the the level that
: many experts consider the whole US Financial system based
: on this Congressional Elastic Checkbook to have become a
: huge Ponzi Scheme ready for collapse.

: And have some economists have asked, has the USA been
: technically Bankrupt for a long time, able to get by
: temporarily by just issuing more money aka Quantitative
: Easing?

: We now know that the Powers That Be (PTB) aka the “Central
: Banking/Wall Street Establishment”, e.g. the Federal
: Reserve System carefully crafted a system of Deceit and
: Illusion right from the very start.

: The Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) has been used to
: effectively dispense this system of false narratives which
: have essentially concealed their Kiting of the American
: Financial System.

: These Six Major Mass Media international New Corporations are
: completely controlled by the folks who own and control the
: Federal Reserve System.

: All news is written and approved into talking points
: distributed to each of “The Six” for broadcast.

: Any talking head who veers from these scripted talking points
: is pushed out.

: This happened to Dan Rather who lied about the JFK
: Assassination and was rewarded with a prominent “talking
: head” nationally prominent position.

: When he later stepped out of line he was pushed out.

: Some talking heads have been murdered for straying from
: assigned talking points.

: Tim Russert was one who made the mistake of questioning Bush2
: about his membership in Skull and Bones and other most
: sensitive “verboten” matters.

: Unfortunately most of the American People are naive and have a
: strong emotional need to view the USG and its illegitimate
: stepchild the Federal Reserve System as a benevolent parent
: figure when it is wolf in sheep’s clothing so they are
: easily conned by the CMMM to believe these false
: narratives.

: Normally in the past years anyone who explored this subject
: publicly was severely sanctioned, some time beaten by hired
: thugs, many times repeated audited by the IRS and often
: just plain murdered.

: Yes, the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), the Guardians of
: the Federal Reserve System and completely controlled by it
: through Cutouts, works hard to dispense notably False
: Narratives to keep these facts from the public who would be
: outraged if they knew the truth.

: However, thanks to the Worldwide Internet which is the New
: Gutenberg Press this information can no longer be kept from
: the public.

: And as many VT readers know there are now Websites that have
: enough real Political Power themselves to allow the
: publishing of this kind of an article.

: No greater Institutional Evil in America has ever existed.

: No greater institutional evil has ever existed in America than
: the Federal Reserve System which is the wellspring and root
: cause of everything wrong with America today, including
: poverty, unemployment, rampant crime, political
: correctness, diversity, perversity, uncontrolled borders,
: illegals allowed in without proper papers, flourishing
: urban drug gangs, perpetual un-winnable foreign wars,
: massive illegal drug trafficking into America, corrupt
: politicians, judges and police, and massively inflated
: consumer costs accompanied by shrinking wages.


: YouTube - Veterans Today -

: It is no longer necessary to remain confused about all this or
: why so many inner cities have become urban jungles filled
: with muggings, robberies, burglaries, car-jackings and
: murder.

: Yes, we now know for certain that the root cause of all this
: is the Federal Reserve System which is in essence is the
: actual hijacking of America’s Government by a foreign
: Banking Entity known as the Rothschild World Zionists (WZs)
: operating out of the City of London Financial District, an
: evil entity which uses Israeli and American Dual Citizens
: as its main Action Agents of espionage inside America.

: The purpose of this system of deceit and illusion presented
: through the CMMM is to hide these financial fraud crimes in
: plain sight by dispensing false narratives.

: Other “slight of hand” tricks like phony Unconstitutional
: “so-called” IRS Regulations which are enforced by the power
: of their “Boot in your Face 24 hours a day” are used to
: keep the American people confused, distracted, beat-down,
: disheartened and dis-empowered.

: Kiting is when a financial entity fails to deliver securities
: (equity backing) of “buy and sell” transactions in a timely
: manner.

: Bernard Madoff. He “Made Off” with a lot of other people’s
: money using a massive Ponzi scheme based on non-existent
: investments.

: How many more of these Wall Street Ponzi schemes are out
: there.

: Is the Federal Reserve System the greatest Ponzi scheme in
: History, one that has engulfed nearly the whole world in a
: Web-of-Debt and human slavery that can never be paid off?

: Numerous financial experts and economists have claimed that
: the US Derivatives system is one big Kited Ponzi scheme,
: essentially Kiting on a mass-scale reaching mind-boggling
: proportions of un-backed obligations so large they are
: actually unfathomable, yes unimaginable.

: When Bernard Madoff was arrested he claimed that everyone on
: Wall Street was doing the same thing he was and the only
: reason he got caught was because of the dragging economy.

: Consider the Bernard Madoff case, the man that Made Off with
: (as in stole) a lot of other people’s money.

: Madoff had been chairman of the NASDAQ Stock Exchange, perhaps
: he knows something about how things on Wall Street are
: really run.

: Perhaps the Federal Reserve System is being run the same way?

: Some experts believe that the Federal Reserve System has
: produced and distributed so many US Dollars that have been
: distributed all over the World and become so heavily
: stockpiled in foreign nations, especially China, that when
: these un-backed funds are circulated they will immediately
: start lowering the value of the USD.

: Actually this is technically Kiting too because printing and
: distributing too many dollars un-backed by real value of
: any kind can eventually produce the very same thing that
: happened in Weimar Germany before WW2 when paper money was
: so worthless it was used for wallpaper.

: Has US Attorney General Eric Holder has been little more than
: a Cover Up man for the Banksters?

: It is more than obvious that US Attorney general Eric Holder
: has not done his job.

: Perhaps it is now easy to understand why.

: Could his new job offer at a major Bank he covered up for be a
: clue to how he really operated to protect the top Banksters
: from the felony criminal prosecutions that should have been
: made?

: Seems like multiple recurrent offenses of “Misprision of a
: Felony” as well as criminal RICO don’t you think.

: Instead of going to a new job with a fat salary he should be
: arrested and taken away in Cuffs for trial. The probable
: cause is overwhelming. No reasonable suspicion needed here.

: Unless the rats and criminals are cleaned out of the US
: Department of Justice at every level, including the crooked
: or compromised US Attorneys (which is most of them
: unfortunately), there can be no restoration of the
: Constitution of Rule of Law in America, now or ever.

: If you think these Top Banksters, the US Secretary of the
: Treasury, and Attorney general Eric Holder have been
: upstanding, honorable, honest folks, just read this to get
: a true picture of their abject criminality and total
: disrespect for the American Public and how US Attorney
: General Eric Holder protected the Banksters from exposure
: and adequate criminal prosecution personally.

: That is why he has been promised a “revolving door job” at
: Morgan Chase for an announced 77 million dollar a year
: salary as soon as he leaves office.

: Instead he should be going to trial for obstruction of
: Justice, RICO crime and lots more.

: Has America’s financial system been “Kited” to include over
: 750 Trillion dollars worth of only marginally backed
: derivatives?

: Some have claimed that the derivatives system has increased to
: over 750 Trillion dollars of obligations with less than 1%
: equity backing, which is actually considered massive
: financial fraud.

: Equity backing is supposed to be provided for each layered
: transaction but in most cases is no longer existent,
: creating the largest system of financial fraud far larger
: than the whole Federal Reserve System of issued debt notes
: presented as real money.

: And realistically, it is a large house of cards that is
: actually so unstable that it could collapse at any time.

: Or perhaps this was intended and set up this way from the
: get-go, although some believe that the large Wall Street
: banks have habitually engaged in this high risk, very high
: profit international financial gambling while expecting the
: American taxpayer to back them up for any major losses that
: could put them out of business. And that is exactly what
: happened with the two big bailouts.

: Two major Bank Bailouts by the USG were presented and passed
: to supposedly “fix” the damage done by this Kiting of the
: Financial System.

: “This is great fun threatening Congress with Martial Law in
: the Streets tomorrow to get the dumb American Goyim to
: cover our International Gambling Losses.”

: In fact that was what was happening when Bush2’s Secretary of
: the Treasury Henry Paulson demanded a near Trillion dollar
: bailout or when Timothy Geitner President Obama’s Secretary
: of the Treasure demanded another Trillion Dollar bailout
: for the large “too big to fail” Wall Street banks.

: Together these bailouts have been estimated to total 2.3
: trillion dollars when it was all done, enough to pay off
: every single homeowners mortgage in America.

: These derivatives are sold with claimed equity behind them but
: in actuality, there is little, almost none.

: And yes the major Wall Street Banks are all involved in this
: scheme and cannot continue to operate without the support
: of a very corrupt US Congress.

: In fact there have been two prior, incredibly massive Bailouts
: of these Banks, the first by Bush2 and the second by Obama.

: Neither was legal or Constitutional, but some in Congress said
: that Secretary Paulson threatened them with next day
: Martial law in the Streets of America if they refused.

: It has since been learned that most of this Bailout money (900
: plus Billions for the first one) was sent to foreign banks
: to shore them up.

: And we now know the same was done with the second bailout, it
: was given to the Banksters to use as they wished, with many
: personally receiving huge sums.

: The apparent purpose for this Kiting of the US Economic System
: is to create and maintain the Illusion that “everything is
: okay” to keep the American masses pacified and compliant
: while they finish asset stripping the wealth of the
: American worker and the fruits of his/her labor and
: completing the construction of their worldwide Web-of-Debt.

: That is, the Banksters have worked hard to keep the average
: American somewhat satisfied by providing them notably false
: narratives which mislead them and prevent them from
: understanding how they have been deceived, robbed of their
: accrued assets and the fruits of their labor.

: Now that the Rothschild Banksters and their Stateside
: Franchisees have created a massive worldwide Web-of Debt,
: can they pull the plug at anytime and create a worldwide
: financial collapse?

: Once this worldwide Web-of-Debt (in actuality a huge Ponzi
: scheme) has been constructed, then the Banksters can pull
: the plug at anytime, creating a worldwide economic crises
: which is so large, it will be proposed in the Controlled
: Major Mass media that only they can resolve it.

: Numerous top economic experts have said for many years now
: that the USG is spending far more than it takes in through
: Tax Revenues, some estimates are now as high as 40% more
: each year.

: Add to this the huge trade deficits such as the 45 Billion USD
: one each month and one quickly understands that the USG has
: been on a long term uncontrolled spending spree which is
: clearly non sustainable.

: Some economists believe the end of this process of worldwide
: economic bust has now been reached.

: What has made it possible for the USG to spend at these levels
: which far exceed collected tax revenues? As with any
: individual or family budget, the only option is to borrow
: money.

: Since 1913 the USG has phased out Gold and Silver backed
: bills, and has only issued phony Federal Reserve Debt
: Notes, except for the issuance and manufacture of coinage
: and a brief period when JFK printed some actual US Dollars.

: Nixon took the US off the Gold System and with the help of
: notorious long term Soviet Union mole Heinz Kissinger
: (tradecraft name: “Bor”), set up the US Petro Dollar system
: which set a world standard for paying for all Crude Oil in
: US Federal Reserve Notes.

: It was at this point that the the World shifted from real
: metal backed money to phony FIAT money only backed by the
: full faith and credit of the USG, which some say is losing
: strength by the day.

: JFK was murdered upon orders by the City of London and Federal
: Reserve Banksters using the JCS and the CIA with the
: coverup run by the FBI.

: The exception is that the USG has continuing manufacturing
: coinage and issuing it as money.

: These are not debt-notes but are actually real US Currency.

: Obviously a quick solution to our phony Federal Reserve System
: FIAT money problem is to just start shifting all money to
: US Coinage and make up larger denominations, and issue US
: Dollar Bills just as President Kennedy did right before he
: was assassinated.

: As many are starting to figure out JFK was murdered by the JCS
: and the CIA (OP40 run by Bush1) upon the orders of the City
: of London Rothschild Banksters who control the Federal
: Reserve

: The Biggest Trick in American History.

: In 1913 Congress (without a proper quorum) passed the illegal,
: Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act.

: Congressmen were bribed, blackmailed and coerced to vote for
: this Unconstitutional, blatantly illegal perversion on
: Christmas eve without even a required quorum.

: This means that the Federal Reserve Act was never legitimately
: passed in 1913.

: Congress cannot pass a law to break another law, that is
: Congress cannot pass a law which is clearly
: Unconstitutional to make it Constitutional without the
: passage of a Constitutional Amendment.

: What this means in practical terms is that it is not legal to
: impose pernicious usury on all Americans as a national
: obligation to pay back phony money issued by the Federal
: reserve System which always carries accrued interest.

: This is the biggest trick in American History, a foreign
: controlled US Corporation, pretending to be a US Bank and
: Reserve (actually neither a Bank or a Reserve) lending
: Americans what should be their own money and then charging
: them interest for using their own money.

: This is serious financial fraud and pernicious usury and is
: all completely illegal and Unconstitutional.

: And it has engulfed almost the whole world and been
: responsible for over two hundred million mass-murders to
: gain massive war profits and increased access to the
: natural resources of others.

: Long Snip Continued here:

: ---------------------

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Preston James PhD: American Bunco - Kiting the American Financial System
Lion -- Sunday, 9-Nov-2014 21:20:56
Reader M: "There is no debt...."
Lion -- Monday, 10-Nov-2014 06:29:13
Reader A: "Maybe this article will make sense of the deception."
Lion -- Monday, 10-Nov-2014 07:31:48
Reader WJ: Financial Repression as Far as the Eye Can See-Axel Merk
Susoni -- Tuesday, 11-Nov-2014 15:29:09

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