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In Her Letters Clinton Revealed the True Cause of the Overthrow of Gaddafi

Date: Saturday, 9-Jan-2016 11:13:29

In Response To: Hillary Clinton pledges to expose that extraterrestrial aliens may have visited us already (IZAKOVIC)

January 9, 2016, 14:55
Photo: Jim Young / Reuters
Text: Anton Krylov

In other part of correspondence of the former US Secretary of State and current presidential candidate Hillary Clintonwere found interesting materials devoted to the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi. The Libyan leader had 143 tons of gold that could be the basis for the creation of a rival to the dollar: pan-African currency.

In the United States continues to be published the correspondence of former Secretary of State, the wife of ex-president and now presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Recall that the State Department decided to publish the correspondence of ex-chief after Clinton was accused that she used private e-mail server for a top-secret government correspondence.

In early December, it was published about 5 thousand pages, despite the fact that Clinton's State Department handed over 55 thousand. However, it has removed about 31 thousand pages saying that this part of the archive mailbox is not associated with the work and contains private information. Clinton Critics noted that now it is impossible to check whether it was really private information or confidential correspondence and asked to bring a criminal case against the former Secretary of State, but this has still not been done.

So, here is a fresh batch of correspondence referring to the reasons why the United States strongly supported the overthrow of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. It is about the large gold and oil reserves in Libya, as well as the expansion of French influence in the North African region. Moreover, in correspondence fears that Gaddafi's gold reserves are so large that they could be the basis for the creation of a pan-African currency, which, in turn, would compete with the dollar in the region.

In one of the letters she said that Libya has 143 tons of gold and silver with comparable amount in 2011 prices of $ 7 billion. Destination of letters is unknown - it is hidden under the pseudonym "Sid".

Hillary Clinton began to be seriously criticized for intervention in Libya after to American public for the first time it became clear that "something went wrong". This was after the brutal murder of the American Ambassador Christopher Stevens in October 2012.

Recall that Senator Rand Paul, one of the presidential candidates of the Republican Party, who said in 2013 that Stevens and the US Embassy as a whole were involved in the supply of weapons to the Libyan rebels. This confirmed well-known French journalist Bernard-Henri Levy, who participated in the negotiations with the Libyan rebels. In an obituary written on the death of Stevens, he called the ambassador, "one of the creators of the secret of its release," say "New York Times".

Levy, recall, is one of the main supporters of the "humanitarian bombing" - he hand in hand with the recently deceased Andre Glucksmann strongly encouraged to bomb Serbia, Iraq, Syria and Libya. In his obituary Stevens provides a number of interesting facts: "He (Stevens) set to work, rolling up his sleeves. He was one of those who spoke for reinvigorating his country from the air and on the ground by sending special forces to it the first ... I am reminded of our turbulent, but frank and friendly debate about the prospects of the Libyan variant of the Dayton Accords in which the stake on profile Libya and the creation of a confederation .. A year later, we met with him in Washington. The story came to an end. I came to talk with Hillary Clinton about the war for liberation in which both our countries fought shoulder to shoulder. "

Frankness journalist Levy shocking, perhaps, even more than the secret correspondence between the Secretary of State. The diplomat, who was in favor of bombing and lobbies sending special forces - and so what? Section of an independent state - excellent!

But the true reasons for US involvement in the Libyan war that is icing on the cake, without which the picture would not be complete. "Sleek and white teeth" Stevens and tens of thousands of not so elegant and white-toothed Libyans were killed not in the name of freedom and the struggle against dictatorship. They died for the sake of 143 tons of gold. Well, plus oil and other riches of Libya (water) after the overthrow of Gaddafi who, for some reason have not got the chance to liberate people. Libya is now really divided, and the West does not know what else to invent to legitimize its current impotent government. It is strange that the Libyan authorities have not get the Nobel Peace Prize, as happened with the Tunisian "Quartet national dialogue", which is also very arbitrary control of this North African country.

Terrorist attack in Elitene January 7, which killed 74 and wounded more than 200 people once again reminded the world of the destruction of the state. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that "these criminal acts are reminded of the urgent need for the implementation of the Libyan political agreement and the formation of a government of national consensus. Unity - the best way for the Libyans to resist terrorism, "says Tass.

Head of European democracy Frederick Mogherini traditionally promised money - 100 million euros. How this money can help to "glue"the land jointly destroyed by the US and France is not specified, reports RIA "Novosti". Again, it looks like, to put it mildly, strange - to offer 100 million the country, which four years ago was worth seventy times more.

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the State Duma Alexei Pushkov on Twitter also commented on the new information by the Libyan events: "In London, admitted: Gaddafi has much better sow the threat to Europe than the European policy. Before he was killed by him, he told to Blair that jihadists will attack Europe. It was 2011.
That's right: NATO war in Libya was a criminal stupidity. " He also recalled how Hillary Clinton was "gloating" over the death of Gaddafi, "We came, we saw, he died!" Praise is nothing. The blind leading the blind. "

(We come - he died video at youtube)

Once again, the truth behind US involvement in operations against Libya gives a very different tone of the American joy at the overthrow of the leader of the Jamahiriya.

Now re-read the American statements on Libya in 2011 is interesting not only compared against the publication of Clinton correspondence, but also on news from Saudi Arabia, where the authorities executed 47 people. More precisely, nothing surprising in the news there - Saudi Arabia has never stated its commitment to humanity and human rights. Surprisingly a complete lack of reaction both from American and European politicians. And if the second is a formal excuse - event in Cologne, the American silence is even more unnatural than the silence of the German police whose Cologne chief was forced to retire yeasterday for supressing the last event. Nobody calls to send troops - just to express condemnation of such medieval barbarism. But no - at the official level in Washington, silence reigns. Probably because with Riyadh about all contracts, unlike crooked Colonel Gaddafi.

Publication of the correspondence Hillary Clinton continues - perhaps we should expect more new revelations about the true motive of action of American diplomacy during the first term of Barack Obama. But do not leave one thought - if this data is the State Department considers "insignificant" and willingly publish - what revelations are hidden in the documents acknowledged secret?





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