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Another Rant: LONG...Profanity Warning...

Posted By: Watchman
Date: Thursday, 7-Jan-2016 21:54:38


Betcha this propaganda blitz covers Malthuer...

He’s going to take questions from the audience. lolzozozoz, yeah right.

There will, of course, be Ministry of Propaganda plant questions designed to further brainwash the sheeple. Are there any Americans who think these staged events are real “town hall meetings” at which any citizen can ask any question? Laugh out loud.

Kind of like how at the first Republican debate, the only facebook question taken from a white man asked whether the candidates feel they can personally talk to God. This was, of course, another antiwhite “redneck/Christian/hick” attack, pushing the idea that white Christians are “backwards” redneck wrong-side-of-history hicks. The other 11 questions were asked by women, Eskimos, brown or black “minorities”, queers wearing Eskimo goggles, and/or some combination of all of these. That’s right. I watched very carefully. They took about 10 or 12 facebook questions and exactly one — at this Republican debate — was from a white man. And his question was whether the candidates feel they can literally speak to God and have a conversation with God.

By the way, time for a realtalk moment: the GOP is the party for white men. OMG wow just wow OMG no he didn’t!!?!? Even your “conservative” friends who consider themselves “centrists” will react in horror if you simply state this simple fact in the real world. Folks, it is simply a fact that at least 90% of Africans and approximately 90% of Jews vote Democrat. And something like 65% of white women also vote Democrat, and probably 90% of single white women vote Democrat, and 100% of blue-haired, nose-ringed, obese, tatted-up, anti-white freaks vote Democrat. We get our own party, too. Period. We need not explain it, but doing so would be easy. Yet at the first Republican debate, hosted by Fox (Cux) News — supposedly a conservative voice lolzozzozoz yeah right — and a lingerie model who wants to be respected for her b…. brain, the candidates were asked about the “war on women” and 11 out of 12 questions from citizens were not asked by white men.

Anyhoo, back to the “town hall discussion on ‘gun control'”, to be “hosted” by CNN, no way TPTB lets any normal white father who is a responsible gun owner ask a question. Many of these white fathers would rather not own a gun, by the way, and would not have considered owning one five or 10 years ago — or, in many cases, even four years ago. For tens of thousands of “new” gun owners, the final straw event was the elementary school shooting in 2012. This blog is on record as not pretending to have any idea whether all of these mass shooting events are staged false flag events, as some people believe. But in any event, look up the spike in gun sales since the fall of 2012.

These fathers who are new gun owners and are new to the gun community are not hunters, and fear only government tyranny and, to be blunt, home invasion perpetrated by their African “neighbors.” Period. Diversity plus proximity equals war. CH has proven it.

If I were allowed to ask Obama a question at his “town hall” meeting, it would be this, in two parts:

Does the elite left really not understand that this crazy, dangerous world in which we live, right now, is the world for which the left has fought for 100 years? Or are the conspiracy theorists who claim that the elites simply want to disarm the populace and create a disarmed slave underclass correct? Because it is simply incontrovertible that in January 2016 we are living in the world fought for and created by the left: diversity plus proximity.

Would Obama or his handlers, or some of them, truly understand my point? It is a point that is understood by at least 60 million adult white men in this country. Realtalk: we don’t need “gun control”; we need dindu control. We don’t need more laws infringing the right to bear arms; we need a homogeneous society of civilized 100-plus IQ people who share a common ancestry, religion (or at least social mores), tradition, sense of decency and honor, and beliefs. Since we can’t have that (a country that is also one nation), we at least need the bottom 20% to know that they must follow the criminal laws, and that punishment for home invasion and other acts of violent crime will be swiftly punished. We need less criminal law, by the way, to the extent it prosecutes white fathers simply trying to get by for “hate speech” when they observe that their own country has been occupied and destroyed.

Incidentally, we also need a society that does not bash and seek to destroy betas 24/7. By this last comment, I am returning to the ideas debated at CH circa 2010-2012, before the turn to white nationalism. Good old fashioned “game” stuff. Betas (or “omegas”) who are sexless and see no hope while hearing about “white privilege” all day are the ones who become mass shooters. To be clear, not that murder is ever justified; we do not condone or excuse or justify any murders, and we mean that. But back to realtalk again — we are talking about a “truth” that is simply known, even in the MSM, while covered up by pretty little lies. Feminism has been a huge problem.

I could make this post 50 pages longer, but the men who read this blog know what I’m talking about. Men have been shit on for 60 years, and — while it is still wrong to become a murderer — it is easy to understand why the lowest of the bottom feeder omega males sometimes (but still very rarely) become mass shooters. There were a lot of guns in the country in the 1950s and the 1960s, too, but not the omega mass shootings we see about once every few years in modern times. Back then, a much larger percentage of boys grew up with fathers and mothers who were married, and families ate dinner together at 6:30 PM and went to church and Sunday School on Sundays.

We turn on Fox Cux News and see nothing but Jews and hotties (Fox has the hottest female faces) “debating” the same libtarded BS day after day. They make no pretense of “reporting” “news”; rather, they tell the sheeple what they should believe. I mean for fuck’s sake, Bill O’Reilly has made no effort to hide it for years!!! His show is all about his “talking points”, lecturing his viewers on what to believe like they are six years old.

It’s just so obviously true. Do the Eskimos in charge truly not understand this, or are they evil? We don’t know the answer. Is all the anti-Trump wailing a sign that they understand that white men are “awake” now?

In any event, I guess I will watch the CNN “town hall” meeting on “gun control”, even though I risk throwing my remote control at the TV screen out of frustration.

Libtards: The problem in this country is not white men, and you damned well know it. Your “black lives matter” insanity the past two years has been utterly ludicrous at an indescribable level, and every sane American damned well knows it. You have fooled nobody.

Libtards: we white people literally live in fear of a home invasion by a dindu. Literally. Single white women fear a home invasion and rape by a feral dindu. White fathers sleep with one eye open, like a shark, when we have a baby sleeping in a different room in a house that is on ground level. Because we fear that a feral dindu might break through the window and do a home invasion on us. Trust me — I know, motherfuckers. Fuck you.

If you reply to that statement by calling us “paranoid” and pointing out that the chances of suffering a home invasion — even though we have 20 million feral male dindus running wild (who we feed with our taxes while they are taught to hate “whitey” who created this civilization) — is very remote and something like the chances of being struck by lightning, then fuck you again, because you, libtarded media, created the fear with your constant glorification of dindu violent crime. Yes, you did that.

Even while attempting to push the equalist narrative, the true facts shine through. Don’t you see? Your attempts to spin always fail. That is why you have had to close comments sections or require facebook logins on all of your MSM bullshit narrative-pushing articles. That is why you have to create “hate speech” crimes that can be committed only by whites in a country that has the First Amendment. You created the fear and then you wonder why white people, who are under attack, feel that they need to own a gun. Are you crazy or stupid?

Racism is realism, motherfuckers. It’s been proven, for at least 24 years, that the average African American IQ is about 80, a full standard deviation below the average IQ of a white human. Two Jews, in fact, wrote the book. It’s called The Bell Curve. We know you’ve heard of it. Sure, 80% or 90% of black people are nice and nonviolent. But you god damned motherfucking well know that there is a very large portion of young black males with gold teeth and dreds who absolutely are menacing, on purpose, as they walk down the street. It is not an exaggeration to say that literally at least 10% of black males between the age of 15 and 25: (1) have an IQ under 85; and (2) will commit at least one stranger-danger violent crime.

These facts, of course, are the reason why it is legitimate for white people to cross to the other side of the street, walk faster, and look over their shoulders when they see such a pack of dindus approaching. It’s called “situational awareness.” Polar bearing and “knock out game” really does happen, and you know that, you evil leftist pieces of garbage. And you have fought very hard, leftists, to take even this basic common sense and self-preservation instinct from whites! We are made to feel “racist” when we feel natural instinctive feelings. Again, I know.

If you read this blog, you might conclude that I am an outspoken conservative. I discuss these matters with people in the real world: friends, former friends, colleagues. When I am walking my dog or otherwise walking down the street, and I see a pack of possibly dangerous dindus walking towards me (realtalk: they can be identified by the way they dress, walk, and act, and by their gold teeth and snarly demeanor), I (even I) make a point of saying “hi” and then turning my back to them, sort of (while being on guard), so as not to “offend” them, even though the actual fact is that there is a 20% chance they will indeed try to knockout-game me. So if I feel this pressure from society, I can relate to what the average sheeple feels. It is simply a fact that the better course of action when I am alone and see seven feral dindus walking towards me would be for me to cross the street. Boo hoo hoo — if black males see that white people cross the street when they approach, well, that is a reputation that dindus have earned.

In fact, that is the reason why constitutional open carry should be enacted, which is our Constitutional right. You stupid, backwards leftoids. You are the ones who are “uneducated.” Every single one of you stupid Eskimo-goggles-wearing faggots sitting in D.C., NYC, LA, and SanFran who vote Democrat and smugly drink your Starbucks every day as you either do make-work pushing paper or — in the case of Eskimos in the know — actively work to destroy Western Civilization while never, ever, ever saying “thank you” to the white host nation that SAVED YOUR FUCKING ASSES in World War II at the cost of tens of thousands of our white brothers on whom you hate all day every day.

It is beyond fucking obvious that the Constitution does not guarantee two faggots the right to force the government to act to issue them a marriage license, and the Constitution does not give five unelected lawyers on the Supreme Court to make such a falsehood the law of the land, but the Constitution does guarantee that the right of an individual to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. PERIOD. And this right includes open carry. Ask Justice Scalia.

Fuck you, elite libtards. We are pissed, dig? The game is up.

There is an entirely new generation coming to the “gun culture” because the left’s insanity has taken it just that far. You, leftists, did this, not us. These are Gen X men who did not get introduced to guns by their fathers (Baby Boomers who lost our society to the Eskimo attack while pushing paper and enjoying the fruits of the results of World War II from 1945 until 2001 or so). We did not grow up hunting in the South or West, or shooting a Ruger 10/22 in the Boy Scouts. In a homogeneous white society, we literally would not need or care to waste our money buying guns and ammo. We could have saved that money for our kids’ college or used it to buy another guitar, or a vacation, or a better car, etc.

Some of us have also added recreation to the list of reasons to own a gun. We used to play golf, baseball, and basketball; now we go to the shooting range. It’s fun, and it’s a continuation of the physical and mental challenge of sport and successfully aiming projectiles. We used to be able to throw a baseball through a hole that was not much larger than the baseball itself. We used to be able to make 85% of our free throws. We used to play decent golf. Now we practice being able to shoot, a fun activity that happens to double as creating a skill that could be useful.

I have a gun collection that — including the cost of ammo and accessories– has cost me approximately $6,000.00. And there are tens of thousands of white men like me (at least), who literally did not own — and would not have thought of owning — any gun just three or four years ago. When I say that we would not have thought of owning a gun, I do not mean that we were consciously “anti-gun.” No, I mean simply the thought would never have crossed our minds.

I have friends, family, and colleagues who would be shocked to know that I own a gun. And I do sometimes think that this expense was a total waste of money — if we never have an economic collapse resulting in a severe hyperinflation event that would mean the piece for which I paid $525 is now worth $5,250 — that would not have been necessary but for the 13% underclass (which is closer to 40% in any big city) living less than a mile away from me, the males of which will come kill me and rape my wife and children the first time they think they can get away with it.

And probably we never will have a real “civil war” or SHTF scenario. This blog is not one of those who believes that will happen. And even in today’s crazy world, as the libtards might say, there is still a very small chance that I will ever get mugged or home invaded or face a mass shooter at my work place. In short, there is a very, very small chance that I will ever, in my life, fire a gun at another living animal, human or otherwise. In which case, every dollar spent on my armament and training was wasted, other than the “entertainment and recreation” value. I want to ask Obama if he realizes one of my main points here: that the left created a gun buying frenzy. Does he understand that? In a society that is the one the right wants, as opposed to the one for which the left has fought for 100 years, tens of thousands of current gun owners would not be gun owners. And LEOs would look like Barney Fife instead of body-armored marines.

By the way, besides the obvious, yet another level of leftist “gun control” stupidity: ever notice that the left has never even attempted to show that even one of the mass shootings involved a gun that was bought at a “gun show” or otherwise in a way that would be illegal even under the proposed new “laws” or executive orders? These “mentally insane” mass shooters do not usually have anything in their past that would show up on any kind of background check. Even mainstream self-styled “centrist” Democrats should easily see this glaring elephant in the room. All the talk about “gun control” after every mass shooting even does not even come close to proposing a solution that would have actually prevented any of the murders!

Never mind the fact that the left refuses to even acknowledge the obvious fact that these mass shootings always occur in “gun free zones” (e.g., Paris, California government building, an elementary school), where the guns being used are, in fact, illegal. Criminals intent on committing murder don’t care about laws. Dur.

The right needs to adopt the left’s bully tactics more forcefully. Arguing with a leftoid and attempting to present facts, logic, reason, and common sense is literally a waste of time, breath, and energy.

In closing, I say this, Libtards: Fuck you. My beautiful, innocent, precious children are living in a dangerous world that is much uglier and much more dangerous than it should have been, and you, libtards, created it, not the white men you hate with such passion. Me and all of my brothers and sisters in Generations X and Y (or, “millenials”, or whatever they are calling it now) grew up in a dangerous world that is much uglier and much more dangerous than it should have been. Libtards, you have won the “culture wars” in the Supreme Court and executive branch, and with control of the media, for 70 years. We have the world for which you have fought, morons. You libtards and your pet dindus created this dangerous world that requires guns for self defense, not the white men you hate with such passion.

Fuck. You.

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food4thought -- Thursday, 7-Jan-2016 18:54:47
Another Rant: LONG...Profanity Warning...
Watchman -- Thursday, 7-Jan-2016 21:54:38

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