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Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Thursday, 7-Jan-2016 15:16:29

From Reader George Eaton:

Priority Report
Jan./Feb. 2016


The recent standoff between self-styled patriots and the federal government has been a political dream come true for the liberal press and gun control advocates. It couldn't have happened at a more opportune time for Obama as he prepares Executive Orders to take more Second Amendment rights away from Americans. I understand the political rhetoric on both sides of the issue. I sympathize with anyone that has suffered under the creeping socialism against our nation. The Bundy ranch episode 2 years ago was one of the greatest moments in American history. Seeing those cowboys on their horses lined up ready to take back the stolen cattle was an historic moment in history. It was a win for the patriots and freedom loving Americans. But, the question is, was it allowed to appear as a win for a reason? The government had the power to arrest all of them, and take the ranch. They didn't need to even use the agents on the ground. Granted, it would have been a media nightmare for the Whitehouse, but when did that stop them from starting wars with $ billions and using planes, bombs and tanks to kill thousands in other countries? Now, that is real terrorism.

These men in Oregon, roughly 150 of them, are not domestic terrorists (at the printing of this article). They have not burned and bombed buildings, have not terrorized communities and burned them to the ground. I have heard what happened to the Hammonds, how they were unjustly convicted, did their time and then ordered back to do more time. I get that. It is unjust. But this didn't happen in a vacuum, this has been an ongoing government land grab against Americans for many decades. For every rancher that makes a stand, 1,000 others moved on and decided not to fight "city hall". The question is, is it wise to stir up trouble and pick a fight? Do they really think the federal government will have that light bulb moment, and slap their palm against their forehead and say, "Gee, you are right, we are wrong! You go ahead and do what you want!" It ain't gonna happen. Period.

It is a foregone conclusion that there are agent provocateurs within those 150 men. They will stir up the passions of the men with guns and see just how far they will go. The feds are salivating and rubbing their hands in gleeful anticipation for any gunplay. They have scores of government psychologists recording every conversation and action of those men. They also want to see how many "domestic terrorists" will show up, in the dead of Winter in a remote area with the inclination to use guns to defend their opinions - it could not be a better set up if it was wrapped up as a present for Obama's Christmas morning. This is a trap, a set up to ferret out the so called domestic terrorists they have been wanting to locate, and see them take up arms - all so the socialists can change the gun laws. If police officers and patriots die, all the better as far as those unscrupulous politicians are concerned. People must choose their battles wisely. Look at the big picture. The world is falling into chaos, economies are failing, corrupt politicians are starting wars for oil, land grabs, and depopulation. Is it really prudent to make a stand like this which is basically doomed to fail? The public doesn't care, and will not defend any patriot movement. We have lost both parties, no politician will defend the patriots in this. This is ill advised, misguided and down right dangerous. Not only that, it gives the liberals more excuses to go after more of our freedoms. It would be handing them more unconstitutional powers on a platter.

I understand the argument that says, "Yes but, when are we going to stand if not now? How far are we going to let them go?"
It is too late. It is over. Wake up. We have no political clout, no movement to have a redress of grievances. Everyone in the government works for a paycheck, and they don't want that flow of money disturbed. Even the majority of generals and other high officers in the military count on moving to defense contractors for 6 figure salaries, and to become lobbyists for the military industrial complex. There is no motivation whatsoever to change the system back to a Constitutional Republic.

Have you read the twitter and face book comments on the patriots? The public is saying, "Kill them all!" "It is about time those kind of hicks are killed or put into prison!"
It is a lost cause, too many misguided Americans have drunk the Kool-Aid and believe the socialist lies that guns should be outlawed. Think it through, the politicians, even republicans are allowing millions of foreigners to invade our land, and kill thousands of us with crimes and terrorism, but they are protected. The government doesn't care, and the public has embraced their own doom and chains of slavery. The entire system has been hijacked by traitors. The republicans told us they would defund Obama care, and when they had a majority, what did they do? Nothing. Let it go, stay out of the way, it is going down. It cannot be stopped. An enemy has done this to our nation. They are using the numerous laws they passed against us. And yet, the so called good politicians tell us we must abide by the laws. The laws are wrong if they go against the Constitution. But, to fight against them now is fruitless, it is suicide. It is a conundrum, a trap to harvest their enemies. It will make widows and orphans on both sides, and the government doesn't care. Do you think the officers want to be there? Heck no. They don't want to be used as cannon fodder either. They are stuck in the middle and would rather be home with their families.
The final agenda is to create chaos and depopulate the nation - get rid of those that oppose them, and then replace them with more a compliant class of citizen slave. The system is set up to grind those that oppose them into powder. They will use the power of the gun to enforce their unconstitutional laws. That is the real terrorism, the new world order cult. The fact that those men are still alive is not because they have made a victory and the feds are afraid of them. They are alive because the government loves this situation and wants to exploit it to the hilt, for as long as they can. If a gun goes off, more the better for the feds. Those patriots are being used, and don't even know it. The passion that burns in their hearts for freedom, liberty and love of their country, is being used against them, for political gain by left wing politicians. It is like a chess game to them. We cannot win that game, don't even try. Don’t be played or manipulated. Let a corrupt system destroy itself by its own evil devices. Don’t be a tool in their hand to accelerate their control.

Would I have showed up at the Bundy ranch to protest unfair federal control? Yes. Would I have brought a gun? No.
Would I protest in Oregon against government land grabs? Yes.
Would I bring a gun? No.

We have a right to protest, but it is unwise to instigate a confrontation. The Hammonds in Oregon that this protest is all about, are not even involved in this. They gave themselves up and are in prison right now. This is nothing more than a psychological-operation, to bring out misguided Americans so the socialist political machine can exploit it as far as possible.
Just because the patriots felt like they had a win 2 years ago, does not mean it will happen again. That is a false feeling of invincibility. Getting into the lime light is intoxicating. It makes a person feel they are invulnerable to failure. The undercover federal agents cultivate that feeling, that adrenaline, and encourage patriots to go further. They even support them financially, and become their close confidants. This is typical government procedure in every patriot movement in the nation. You know what would really bother the federal government the worst? If people didn't complain, and didn’t voice their opinions. That way, they would not know what the public really thinks. That drives them crazy. They are not sure just how far they can push the nation at any given time. The conspirators know they are doing wrong things against the Constitution, but when they don't know what the enemy is thinking, that bothers them greatly. They try to infiltrate, spy on people, locate them, and record what they say. But if they are not sure how many independent thinkers there are, they are mystified and unsure of what the enemy is thinking or doing.
What they are trying to do is chip away at gun rights, so they can go after one veteran, one gun owner at a time, until people are used to so much control, they can then start collecting the guns. If they simply started collecting the guns across the nation all at once, that would alarm the people too much, and then the government would have a problem on their hands. They are trying to avoid that risk. If so called patriots attack the government, then the feds will use that as justification to go after the guns of all the public.

It is true, they are boxing us into a corner. But, there is a convergence of many problems our nation faces. If we can out last them, and safely keep guns, until later for self-defense, then we can defend ourselves when the time is right against criminals, and possibly foreign troops. The federal government has brought in tens of thousands of Middle Eastern terrorists to burn down our cities and kill as many Americans as possible in the future. The federal government has allowed inner city blacks to burn down entire neighborhoods, and the news media tells us they are justified in doing so. The federal government is sending our military overseas to fight invented enemies so they will be away from their loved ones and killed in foreign lands, while the same federal government brings in foreign mercenary soldiers to collect guns from the people in the future. That is their ultimate goal. That is why people should not get rid of their guns. That terrorist friendly president in the White house, our terrorist in chief, that finances terrorists to the tune of $ billions - now that is the real domestic terrorist. And yet, there he sits in the White house, untouchable, protected by a praetorian guard, secret agencies, congress and the military. He is the liberal media's black god, and they heap praises on him daily. And then, we should sacrifice ourselves in the Oregon back country so the corrupt system can exploit the conflict for their own gain? Not likely. It only plays into their hands. The system is so corrupt, so far gone, that trying to make such a stand is more than futile, more than suicidal, it is handing the enemies of the Constitution a victory on a silver platter. Not only that, if you are exploited and manipulated, you are doing the enemies bidding, you are working for them, you are a slave, and helping their cause. We need to exercise "Strategic withdrawal from offensive warfare."

American patriots are a sincere people, stand for good ethics, and believe in the golden rule. In fact, we are so trusting sometimes, we believe that others must be like us as well. But that is not the case. An enemy has infiltrated our American system and corrupted it to the core. They cannot be uprooted any longer. The majority of the citizens are so brain washed, brain dead or deceived, they will defend the system as it is. It cannot be turned around by voting. It is over. The only thing that will get us back to a turning point, is to allow it to runs its course. Let it self-destruct, and then later a new generation can re-establish the Constitution. Don't beat your head against the wall and then give yourself a medal because you have a headache. Don’t martyr yourself for a lost cause and end up being used by traitorous politicians. The prudent and wise thing to do, is stay out of harm’s way, prepare for the future by giving yourself options and keeping a low profile. It is better to formulate a strategy where you and your family lives. Which is a lot better than being dead right.

George Eaton
P.O. Box 28926,
Las Vegas, NV. 89126

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