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CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet: Seek Ye First the Kingdom of Heaven and the Presence Will Come

Posted By: Susoni
Date: Tuesday, 5-Jan-2016 15:53:52

From CGI's Morgan:

We are all too often trapped at some place between the obvious and the patterns we developed based on what we think we saw and heard that happened around us and what we have been convinced of that happened before we were even around. In the process, we overlook a possibility in existence that might answer so many questions we cannot resolve about who and what is responsible for why we find ourselves in the world we collectively inhabit. It is possible that none of what we see and hear about is the cause …but that it all simply came out of nowhere, for the purpose of whatever the lesson is that we all came here to experience. In other words, imagine that life is a series of movies and each of them involves a complex plot in which all of us are scripted actors. Some of it is fixed dialogue and action and some of it is extemporaneous.

Some people believe in astrology but don’t understand it very well and some people reject it out of hand and don’t understand it at all. It’s like those laws of Nature that operate all around us. We are only aware of a few of them but our lack of awareness of those outside of our understanding does not negate their effect on existence and upon us, whether we are aware of them or not. Consider the Music of the Spheres. Now… whether you reference Johannes Kepler on this or Pythagoras is immaterial. The planets create a musical score according to the manner in which they interplay in space. This is always changing and it sets up vibrationary aspects which manifest as specific expressions of dancers moving to the rhythm of the cosmos, as it defines its will through the relationships of the planetary archetypes to each other. THIS IS ALWAYS CHANGING and there is both a method and intention passing from the unknown into the dream generator planets, into the particular dreams of all of the dreamers. This is my interpretation and it is probably as imperfect as any other.

What I am trying to say is one of those things that is so difficult to say. It can’t be said directly or I would say it. I don’t know why it is like this. I simply know that there are times when I seek to express something that cannot be translated into words, except, perhaps, in poetry. Keeping in mind what has already been said, let me say that it is possible that none of the external forces we seek to blame anything on are responsible because they are mere players responding to this music in their own way and in every case this is determined by the degree of self-interest that exists in each of us. You might say… “well, that alone makes them responsible.” In a way, this is true but they are as helpless as anyone else, given that we are all dreaming. Not all of us… but most of us. This is why Jesus the Christ said, "Farther forgive them for they know not what they do."

There is an ageless wisdom that can be accessed by anyone who wants it badly enough and within this mysterious system is the means, not only to move through this vale of illusion, in a safe and certain manner, but also to pass on to the luminous realms upon departure. Think of it as being something like that Biblical passage about The Valley of the Shadow of Death and fearing no evil. We fear evil because we have mis-defined it and as much as we might tell ourselves that there is only one prime mover, we still give fealty and fear to the dark side, which we have misunderstood.

What we really fear is our own unexplored darkness. Some of us have been luckier than others in that we had the opportunity to look directly into it and realize the Nature of what was there. It is a lot like mystery. You unravel it, only to find there is nothing present. We generate it all from our mistaken belief in what we have made real in our minds and the mind is all powerful for both good and ill. This is the place where all of our dramas originate and it is fueled by the misdirected passions of the heart. We don’t know where to place our love. The external world baffles the senses because of the limitations of the bandwidth. We have convinced ourselves that what we see is real and how often in our lives have we found out otherwise? Not a one of us has escaped this truth. The evidence of it is emblazoned on our memory, if we would only look …but we are compelled to do the same things over and over in the false hope that the result will be different.

The music of the spheres plays on and the soundtrack creates the culture dances of the world we live in. Differences of interpretation war against each other, just as the elements that compose us make war on each other within our being and we seek peace with a constant yearning but we do not find peace because we want. We want. We long. Our longing is like the ocean waves that crash over and over upon a beach. We are chained to it. Our desires have woven our perceptions of what we have told ourselves is real and it is not. It is impossible to become untangled by moving further and further into it but we continue to and… until we admit our helplessness and ignorance, we cannot be freed and we certainly cannot free ourselves because we are the very ones who entangled ourselves in the first place.

Until we come to an understanding of our liberator, we will blame our liberator for everything that happens to us. We might not do this consciously but it is an unconscious and continuous expression of that portion of ourselves that remains unknown to us. Psychiatry, Psychology and analysis all attempt to put us in touch with what we have refused to accept but none of these are anywhere near an understanding of what they are dealing with. Religion attempts to do this but religion is an anthropomorphic circus. We live in a state of terminal ambivalence. Until we are capable through faith of surrender to our higher self, the lower self will call the tune and we will suffer because we think we know what is what but we do not. Letting go of what we think we know means letting go of what we think we want and most of us are not able to do this. We are too attached to the ends that we seek after and the worst part of it is that we are just like a dog chasing a car or its own tail. What will we do when we catch it? There is no disappointment greater than getting what you think you want.

Some of us have been very lucky to get what we thought we wanted and to have learned that lesson and anyone of us could have learned this if we had only made the obvious connection. Until we do, we will we tossed on restless seas and there will be no peace. Peace comes only through surrender and utter reliance, through faith, upon that which we cannot comprehend and which, for whatever the reason, we always feel we have to define, so that we can understand it through the lens of our desires and it is indefinable and incomprehensible.

“Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and all these things will be added unto you.” Everything we think we want will appear in our lives if we first seek out the author of all good things. We are given things for no other reason than to be disappointed because we did not put our attention on the one who owns the cornucopia and- as such- life turns us into a piñata. It is completely futile to gain what we think we are after if we refuse to acknowledge the supreme enjoyer, whose presence alone makes everything it is possible to enjoy, enjoyable. To be blunt and crass at the same time. We wind up doing no more than jerking off

We are masturbating much of the time. It’s an unconscious thing. Today, the world is filled with tens of millions of people, thumb humping their cellphones, while bouncing one crossed leg over the other, endlessly texting inanities. It should come as no surprise that most of the music and movies and popular books are all about sex, transparently masquerading as something else. It’s all sex and the point of it is to deplete you of a certain essence, followed by weakness and guilt and self-satisfaction and a host of other states resulting from Le Petit Mort. If one were to say, “It’s all about who and what you think you are having sex with and what your intention is.” They wouldn’t be far wrong. At a deeper level it is all a search for union because we all feel separated but… from what? From what? Life is a search for union and completeness no matter what we think we are engaged in.

We dance like drunken marionettes under the force of uncontrolled hungers. We behave like fools seeking to impress others who are busy seeking to impress someone else. Impress the almighty. This is certainly in your power and the almighty exists in everyone else because there would be no life in anyone were the almighty not present and the almighty looks at everything through everyone’s eyes but we don’t see. Hears through everyone’s ears but few hear. If we would only understand that we are treating with the almighty in every moment and in every contact, then a very powerful truth would descend upon our consciousness and the impact of the engagement, whatever it might be, would be significantly different than it has been.

It is a simple process. Convince yourself that every contact you have is with the divine. Experience your life in this manner and wonder and magic will appear in the most ordinary exchanges. “I salute the god within you.” That is the meaning of Namaste. If you can do this one thing, then ‘the presence’ will come to you. It will not come without trial and testing though because the ineffable has no use for dilettantes and the insincere and absolutely no use for the vain. If one considers the meaning of vanity then there is no need to explain why this is, given that we are blind, ignorant and naked

There is no sensation of experience in life that can match the awakened presence within. It is beyond definition and the source of all bliss and joy. Your cup will truly run over and where will it run over to? Where will the overflow go? Uh huh. This is why a higher love is key and the power to experience and perform it comes out of right understanding of the nature of continence, which is not the same as abstinence. One might drone on and on about imperfect meanings and fill many books with many words but real understanding is an internal affair and can only come from the source of all good things. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.”

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Articles In This Thread

CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet: Seek Ye First the Kingdom of Heaven and the Presence Will Come
Susoni -- Tuesday, 5-Jan-2016 15:53:52
Reader: The kingdom is within and without but the important thing to be aware of is the spirit within.
Susoni -- Wednesday, 6-Jan-2016 15:09:46

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