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Lawyers, Guns, and Money - Secret of Maritime Jurisdiction Exposed

Posted By: Lion
Date: Sunday, 3-Jan-2016 11:59:26


The Secret of Maritime Jurisdiction Exposed

AntiCorruption Society

Posted on January 3, 2016



Following are excerpts from Valiant Liberty’s exceptional work regarding how maritime jurisdiction (law of the sea) was brought onto the land without our knowledge or consent.

Valiant Liberty’s real name was Tom Gipson and he died in 2012.

In the 1990s and early 2000s, Tom was considered to be one of the top 5-10 researchers in the legal reform movement.

His information is truer today than when he wrote it in 2001, for after the September 11, 2001 event the infamous Patriot Act bomb was dropped on the American people and a new and more vicious police state was created.


The trials and tribulations that many people accused of “criminal offenses” are a direct result of not understanding the nature and cause of the accusation.

The end result of this lack of knowledge and understanding is that the United States and the States have the largest prison population in the world and execute the most people.

Lives and families are destroyed.

Family farms are stolen by unscrupulous judges and attorneys.

Hard-working folks who have done no wrong have lost their homes and savings and have been reduced to a state of poverty by an encounter with the American system of injustice.

The horror stories are limitless.

This author believes that this lack of understanding is the result of the “dumbing down of America,” a part of a scheme devised and orchestrated by foreign and domestic enemies of the people of the United States of America, not the least of which are the American Bar Association and the various State Bar Associations which sprang from England.

These Bar Associations have concocted a Luciferian scheme bringing the maritime jurisdiction onto the land and the scheme undoubtedly includes every member of every bar association up to the dishonorable justices of the Supreme Court.

These foreign and domestic enemies of the people of the united States of America are believed by many, including the author, to have schemed for years, at least since the founding of our nation, to establish a total takeover of not only our country, but the entire planet and to enslave the people in their demonic quest to establish a One World Government or “New World Order” created out of the chaos of the destruction of Liberty and to be founded upon the ruins of the principles on which our once great nation was established and with the slave labor supplied by a once free, self sufficient and proud people

Yes, Virginia, there is a conspiracy.

There is a conspiracy by attorneys to steal everything that you have and to make you a slave.

The members of the bar have bestowed honors, privileges and immunities upon themselves in direct violation of the very constitutions that they have sworn an oath to uphold so they can steal with impunity.

They have defecated on the principles of law and justice. This author has personally witnessed them laugh about their “license to steal” when referring to their membership in the bar.

Lawyers have infiltrated and taken control of the legislatures so they can enact laws for their own unjust enrichment. For the most part, they occupy or control the offices of the executive branches of the governments of the several states so they can sign the legislative enactments into law.

They absolutely control the judicial branch so they can adjudicate and enforce the laws and divide the spoils among them selves.

They control the banks so they can launder their ill-gotten gains.

These zealous advocates of injustice will strip you of everything of value you have if they are given the least opportunity.

If you hire one to help you out of a scrape with the law, for the most part, you will end up in prison while your lawyer is sipping margueritas on the beach in Cancun, paid for with your money.

Your ex-wife might even be with him.

Only if you have as much money as T. Cullen Davis or O.J. Simpson once did, might you be able to buy yourself some justice.

The justice these two colorful characters bought for themselves cost them their fortunes, but they evaded imprisonment and possible execution for a price paid in money.

Most people don’t have the financial resources with which to bribe the members of the bar, so they languish in prison while the lawyers take what little property they had, plus a bonus from the State for their “services.”

When you go into a court accused of a “crime,” and are inclined to hire a lawyer or accept a court appointed lawyer to help you out, remember that the lawyer is being paid by the STATE and is licensed by the STATE, the judge is licensed and paid by the STATE, the jury is licensed and paid by the STATE (they at least have driver licenses, don’t they?), the prosecutor is licensed and paid by the STATE.

If the judge orders a psychological evaluation to determine if you are competent to stand trial, the psychobabelist is also licensed and paid by the STATE.

The cop that accused you and who will testify against you is licensed and paid by the STATE.

If you are tried and sentenced to death, the cleric who comes to pray for your miserable soul before the execution is licensed and paid by the STATE.

The guy who sticks the needle in your arm for the euthanasia is licensed and paid by the STATE.

After they inject you with poison, the doctor that pronounces you dead is licensed and paid by the STATE.

Could there be a hint of conflict of interest here?

If the reader has ever had any experience with the modern criminal injustice system, the term “contempt of court” has taken on a whole new meaning for him.

The lawyers fill the prisons with people who have injured no one but are convicted of statutory crimes of a maritime jurisdiction.

Prisons are filled with people whose only “crime” was to be in possession of a substance that they, the lawyers, have declared to be illegal.

Good parents are separated from their children for attempting to discipline them, or because of divorce.

Fathers are in prison because they cannot pay the court ordered child support; it is blatantly imprisonment for debt.

People are in prison for exercising their presumed right to keep and bear arms.

People are routinely thrown in jail for non-jailable traffic offenses and the Supreme Court in Atwater v. City of Lago Vista, #99-1408, (Apr. 24, 2001) has said it is OK.

People are jailed every day for such heinous offenses as not wearing a seat belt or not paying a “motor vehicle” registration fee.

America, the land of the slave and the home of the fee, has more people in prison and more people on death row than any other country in the world, and new prisons are being built every day.

And in order to keep these new prisons filled beyond Capacity, the various lawyer-controlled legislatures are busy enacting more and more new statutory maritime crimes.

Much More Continues here:

AntiCorruption Society


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Lawyers, Guns, and Money - Secret of Maritime Jurisdiction Exposed
Lion -- Sunday, 3-Jan-2016 11:59:26
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