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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 5-Nov-2014 17:17:12

Hi, Folks -

Found at


11-5-14 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Good morning, TNT! Today is Wednesday, November 5, 2014. I can hardly, hardly believe we are still here doing this today. But hold on because things will change. Before we start the information, I’ve had some letters and comments from people, from Senators and Congressmen. We can take this to one more level because of some stories and genuine information you will hear today. To continue with our historic moments here with TNT, #wearethepeople and everyone. IF you received any letters from any banks saying this is a scam and they don’t sell dinar, etc., send them to this address for the book. Send us a scan or hard copy of your BANK STORIES and/or responses to:

Tony Renfrow, PO Box 9580 Oak Avenue Parkway, Folsom CA, 95630

Anybody that actually bought dinar from any bank prior to when they stopped selling, especially from banks that said they NEVER sold dinar, please send it in. We would greatly appreciate it because it authenticates it even more. We are definitely going to present this information to those making this a success, and will ask them to include it in their Library or other exhibits, or in DC’s museum. You can tell your kids and grandkids that you were part of this. Because of some things that happened yesterday, we all agreed that it would be terrific to include those letters as well.

DC: East to West, as usual… Iraq is always first because it is their currency. They have been meeting even over the holiday, and they are doing well. The CBI has been held hostage by the US but are now scrolling on television that the currency reforms are in process. There are a lot of very frustrated people asking what the heck is going on because of all the different rates. The coins are being given out, and people don’t understand why because they will not be useful until the RV is public throughout the entire system. So they are very ready.

They continue to rout ISIL in various areas. The coalition are getting better are working better together. Iraq is 100% ready.

Tony: The coins are out, the RV is in process, they are being publically challenged as to why this is not out yet…?

DC: That’s right. Good old US of A is who we are waiting on. The UN is highly aggravated that the US has held this up – they are blown away by what is going on and it beating up every in sight. The UST officials are hunkered down and not answering the phone in some cases. The administration is what we talked about on Monday. The highly political folks didn’t want this to impact the Senate results and block it until after the election no one thought they would win, but we were waiting for the Senate leadership to be clarified. The Republicans now hold the Senate, so the political guys have nothing to lean on any longer. Nobody thought they could delay until now, including them.

A lot of folks are getting set up and ready to go now. The UST, IMF and BIS are gearing up for the public reveal. They did exchange quite a few people from Friday evening to last night. We’ve been asked not to say how many. It was a mix of contract and international rates. They did it because they had people trained in certain areas with security, and the rates were live. Why wasn’t it available in all banks? Because banks were not willing to take the chance on making exchanges and not getting their money. We are told that the banks have paused for a few hours, getting ready for the rush after the public announcements. Everyone is prepared and ready to go NOW.

Tony: On Friday, we were told the cutoff was Tuesday. It was only scheduled to have payouts for those four days – that’s what we were told. Today they are not doing any and we don’t know why. Is it a reset? Or are they changing their procedures? The ones who were exchanged were at the bank’s discretion.

DC: It was mainly people who expected to exchange last January but who didn’t want SKRs and told them to call when they could exchange for cash. There were VIPs and connected high-flyers, and also some random people to test the systems. I don’t know whether exchanges are going on today or not.

Tony: The large groups, their leaders and WE didn’t get paid. Nobody in the limelight got paid. They made sure of that, and they did a great job.

DC: We begged and pleaded, but they wouldn’t be moved.

Tony: We are coming up. Banks are saying its so public in the banking system that they cannot keep holding it back.

DC: I got on chat last night and explained something I want to explain again. It was live last night at $3.58 for dinar, and I hope/expect the rate will stay there. It is live at certain locations, and some have exchanged at that rate. More and more folks are being brought into the loop, mainly wealth managers. Up until now, they have kept it quiet so they don’t lose the entire workforce. Let’s hear some real, live bank stories…

Ray: One person had an appointment set for this morning, so they got to the bank and found ti was go over some investment opportunities. When he asked about the dinar, the banker said that they would never deal with dinar, and our guy presented his receipts for the dinar he had bought at that very branch. The banker made a call and got very red in the face. The meeting didn’t end on happy terms.

Tony: they don’t know – they are going on what they are being told. Their memos were worded perfectly so that people will read it as “we will never do this”. They will believe their superiors over you until this actually happens. We talked about this last year: why would they tell all their employees that they could spend a thousand dollars and once the RV happens, they will exchange and walk off the job? The banks are protecting themselves and I don’t blame them for it. I have receipts myself! So let’s bring in those letters and make it part of history. Ray, you have another story?

Ray: There were several appointments yesterday that we are waiting on updates from.

Tony: You had someone else who had a 4pm to do an exchange, and now you can’t get hold of them? [Ray agreed.] So I am assuming that they are not talking because of their NDAs. That is the case for some people we know.

DC: So let’s talk about the NDAs. We have heard that one NDA has gone up to 17 pages, for a contract rate. I haven’t seen that one, though.

Ray: Let’s review what the history book is for again? I have some people here who think that it’s a profit move of some kind.

Tony: It’s not a profit move, because I will be restricted for 10=15 years. The dinar, dong, zim and the other currencies I’m involved in, the last thing I need is to profit off a book that will only make sense those who are already part of this. The reason I did this is to present the history of this process – presenting your stories to the elder statesman who helped us and did things for us that you will never hear about. Hopefully we can eventually say who that is! It was made to present to the statesman, the President and a handful of Senators who helped and supported us. It’s not a commercial thing, it’s to go into the archives and museums. Nobody is trying to make money off this! Every time we do something right, some idiot assumes we are doing it for money. Some things are just the right thing to do. We all have businesses, investments and industries – we have plans for the future. We don’t need funds from a book that only a couple thousand people will read or understand. Anything else is just the idiots at it again.

DC: All of us are going to do so well on the revaluation, and we can make a lot more money doing something else, given the profit margins on books. We just want to show our thanks to the leaders who helped everyone get through this, given information and support to all of us. They have already been given plaques and whatnot, so we thought it would be great to give them our stories instead. After a certain stage, you start thinking about your legacy, and we thought it would feel good to know they were part of this.

I’m a history buff, and I like to collect and look at what everyone is doing in the process, including the military, intelligence agencies, politicians in the US and Iraq, and everyday people in the street. This is such a remarkable change that I think it deserves to be study. This is huge, and it’s good to see the implications of this going forward. What are the second and third order effects, and the global impact. All that should be studied and I plan to devote time and money to that, as part of giving back. We need to understand this – not just us but future generations.

Tony: There are two volumes now in five parts, and it will probably go to a third volume. It costs $1,500 just to print them up with leather covers, and we’ll also offer it on flash drives, etc., so that those interested can track every call and letter from the UST, CBI and all the other agencies and people taking part. It’s not about making money because we couldn’t bring the book out for 15 years! We couldn’t sell it if we wanted to! After the NDA, we can’t even give this away. The fact is, idiots are idiots, and they don’t understand when people are trying to help people. If you could send those bank responses in, that would be a great part that we want to include.

They were paying out yesterday, so what’s happening next?

DC: We don’t know if they are paying people out today or not. We were told there is some last-minute stuff to get ready here in the US and also meetings with the IMF, etc., to prep for that. There is an immense amount of pressure for the US NOT to change their minds again, and the US is now saying, “Okay, the mid-terms are over, so we agree.” Everyone is exhausted by the constant delays. There were meetings yesterday and final meetings today. The intent is to roll it out, either with the shotgun effect, or the slow rollout. One part of that has been the last four days, to get the crowd numbers down and the high rollers out of the way. The other part of that plan is to release to everyone but to inform folks through TNT and a few other sites focused on internet dinarians. Then the general public will catch up after we have gone through. This will be posted in a few places, but basically it’s supposed to trickle out. We cannot be specific because we’ve been told there are several windows. Everyone and her mother is beyond ready to get this done, so we are just waiting on those time lines.

Tony: We have been told the rough timelines, but we don’t know for sure when it will come out because we’ve been told that since February, that some people wanted to delay until the elections, and here we are.. They asked us this morning if we are still willing to help. Of course we are! We want to explain it to you so you understand the NDA and the contracts, so that when you see it, you’ll be familiar with it. It would make it so much smoother and faster for everyone, but even though they said that earlier this week, it could all change again.

407 caller: One of the things that’s been mentioned is that we are asking Wells Fargo, and that’s causing problems. Why don’t they get an injunction? Banks have lawyers! Their not doing that seems like a sign that they do know about this and it’s for real.

Tony: I really don’t like that you are giving them ideas! I have read plenty of letters from Senators and Congressmen, many of them saying that this one guy is perpetuating this. It’s just stupid to put this all on ‘one guy’. Now, as to your point, there are all these documents showing that the banks have been selling these currencies, even though they are saying otherwise. It’s best to ride it out because it should be over in 48 hours, and we can get on with living our lives.

Caller: By doing a slow rollout like this and selecting who will get paid out, it’s that a clear violation of fairness. It gives these people an advantage!

Tony: We’ve always joked that by the time we get paid, all the cars will be gone! It is what is. I can’t get made because they had to start somewhere, it’s just not with you and me. They are exchanging at different rates, and those who have exchanged now won’t get the chance to wait for the higher international rates. The contract rates have NDAs, contracts and higher taxes, so it’s a balancing act. Let me be clear that I wish we had been paid months ago. Thousands got paid out in the last four days, in three of the top five banks – how can they pay them out and not us, when we are helping everyone as best we can?! That’s not a question we can answer.

Caller: If people take your advice and they will be set for life.

Tony: We’ve been trying to tell people how to protect their money and make money to create a legacy for the next five generations. If you look at those ball players who receive ten times as much as most of us ever will, and some of them are broke. Most of us are only going to receive 300,000 or so at best, and those are the ones who will broke if they are not careful. If you buy yourself a fancy car and one for your spouse, that’s halfway through your funds! That is the mindset we’ve been trying to change during the process.

269 caller: Is there any correlation to the price drop in gold and silver – does that have anything to do with the dinar or the GCR?

DC: I think that’s a deflationary issue now the ‘easy money’ policies have stopped, and they are no longer pumping dollars into the system.. There has to be an adjustment to hard assets, that’s all.

337 caller: DC, your throat problems have to do with eating too much crow. It’s ridiculous how some people talk about you and Tony. You say we are pretty close now, right?

Tony: Yes, and from the things we’ve been seeing, we don’t think the banks would have exchanged people over the weekend unless this was ready to go. Also, the book so far costs $1,500 just to print, and the leather covers are DC’s responsibility.

303 caller: You have no idea how important you guys are to all of us. As for DC’s gracious disclosures in last Friday’s call, I have to wonder how hard-drinking, touch-talking, farm boy would be called something like Bobby Joe. I am putting some of this into my doctoral program, and I would love you to be on my committee. And you bring great people on the call!

Tony: I can’t take credit for that – he was sent by somebody higher up who thought enough of you guys that they asked DC to do this. I mean someone in Washington.

DC: I wanted to help and we actually ‘voluntold’ each other; it got more directive later.

Caller: There’s something that has been keeping me awake. Over the last two months, we’ve had tangible objectives, and those were reasonable explanations for the hold ups. As I examine proceedings now, the reasons for holding this up have become arbitrary and self-serving. What is in the craw of these people to block something that will help the US economy and the world economy – I’m baffled.

Tony: Up until today, there were some good reasons, some stuff we couldn’t argue with, and then there were some flat-out excuses. It was all about getting today, as far as I can tell. Everything they’ve asked for has been accomplished! Were they political reasons, personal reasons, or something else entirely? I can’t say and I don’t’ want to get into a confrontation with those people. Even if I told you more, there isn’t anything we can do about it. We have to watch matters today. DC says the politicos are kissing and making up, and let’s just get it done… today, tomorrow and through Friday. There is nothing else to do and we can’t put the spilled milk back in the bottle. We would rather look at the future and the good things we can do from here on.

Caller: Has a new date been proposed?

DC: Depends. There is a release in process as we speak – since Friday evening. The real question is “When does the internet group get to exchange?” That’s what they are debating right now. It’s in a tight window, and they have several times that they are hashing out now.

Tony: The quick answer is Yes, but we don’t know when it will actually come out.

Caller: I am not on the forum, but I do check Twitter.

Tony: We will put it out on Twitter, in the Tony Blast section of, and on the other sites.

DC: We understand we will be used as a venue for the information, but we don’t know exactly what form that will take yet. We have offered and accepted to be part of the distribution of information.

Tony: Someone sent me a text this morning, saying “I love you but not in a sexual way”. I thought that was funny!

732 caller: You seem a little hesitant, Tony. Any reason, or is it just history?

Tony: We got a lot of feedback during the last call that people didn’t feel inspired, but all we were doing was to tell the truth. Some people cannot handle the truth. We have been here so many times, expecting and being assured it was happening, and it didn’t. People in Washington were saying “Oh, this is not about the election”, but come on! Iraq has done everything on the list – which is being added to constantly – and then the US hides people, they don’t answer the phone – it’s so ridiculous, I don’t’ want to talk about it. But now we are seeing people in the banks, people are being exchanged, and even some of the reluctant banks are starting to take part. Some banks didn’t believe it was happening and they didn’t’ exchange anyone because they didn’t have confidence. Personally, I’m at 90% confidence, but that small group of people seem to have so much power and although this morning they want to be friends, I’m not sure that means me and DC.

Caller: Why would they not allow more people to go through?

Tony: The only reason I can think of is that the weekend plan makes sense to me.

Caller: But you are thinking this weekend, rather than January?

Tony: I’m not thinking January! I hope it doesn’t even wait until this weekend!

DC: Different reasons like waiting for the weekend, and waiting for tensions to calm down. Many feel this was nickel and dimed to death since last January, just to benefit a few influential people. In Iraq there is a lot of raw anger at the people who blocked this. Some are burned and will not be holding up their heads in a lot of places. That’s the game they chose, we didn’t’. There is a lot of ‘making up’ to do there. In terms of synch-ronizing between Iraq and the banks, but I can’t think of any other reason this would be delayed, at all. I am keeping a positive outlook, let this be water under the bridge, and focus on the wonderful things we will all do, and not be pissed off politicians who screwed everyone up for a year.

Caller: This will all dissipate and people will forget, like after having a baby. Tony, I had an appointment with the wealth manager a while back, they looked at me like I had three heads. Can we send in our experiences, even if there is no letter as such? It was a very uncomfortable experience, and I don’t think I’ll be going back to him. DC, tell us more about the NDA?

DC: I thought it was four pages, but a few people said, “No, it’s got longer again – 17 pages” over the weekend. It might be they had a longer one for being exchange earlier. How many words do you need to say “keep quiet”? This is going to slow down the process in an unhelpful way. We hope it will go more smoothly than that.

Caller: Going from four to 17 pages has instilled some anxiety. I don’t know how I can read it carefully in 20 minutes.

DC: Exactly. That’s why I hope ti’s just pre-release stuff. If you are uncomfortable with the NDA, don’t sign it.

Caller: I loved hearing about your background and your plan to help those with learning disabilities. My daughter has some of those, and it’s love to be part of that. Everyone learns in a different way, and you have to be aware of that. It’s a wonderful project.

DC: Remember, Einstein had learning disabilities, and he did okay. About the letters, we are not trying to beat anyone over the head. We just want to document the process. A lot of bankers are going to be pissed that they missed this opportunity.

Tony: In dealing your confession, DC, I got a call from Canada saying he sent an emall to 8,000 saying “DC came out of the closet today”, and got some replies asking for your phone number!

407 caller: Do you think that things could go crazy where you won’t be able to help us in the process, in giving us the information?

DC: We have been told that we will be able to help a little in the process, so we think we will be able to help but we’re not absolutely certain.

Caller: Suppose the dinar is the only one that comes out. If we have other currency, what should we do with that? If we have the GCR, we don’t have to wait, but if just the dinar comes out, what then?

Tony: If that happens, and even if we’re not here, you know to check Forex for changes. You know how long it took the dinar to come out; if they wait six or twelve months for the next RV, that gives you time to buy some more. There are supposed to be 11 in the second basket that we haven’t even discussed yet. A bunch of countries that are sleepers that will do better than the dinar! If you have been on the calls and walked through the process, you should at least know how to get engaged. I’ve told you the limits and restrictions on the next level, and how to band together to be qualified investors. So you know a lot about how to deal with that situation. Also, you can go through an exchanger rather than a bank, as long as they’re still in business. Some people don’t’ like them being in business, so pay attention. But there will always be exchangers at the airport.

Caller: Will they try to stop people from doing this again?

Tony: My understanding is that this was never meant for us and they want to stop it going public ever again.

530 caller: I wondered about the time frame for the exchangers to shut down before the people can go exchange… I don’t see why they couldn’t shut them down two days before.

Tony: I don’t know, but when they do shut down, that’s when we’ll know for sure! But it won’t happen two days in advance – that would give people too much notice.

Caller: As far as the public announcement coming out of Iraq, I heard it had been made. Does there need to be a further public announcement?

DC: They’ve done enough public announcements; they just want it to be done. The rest of the world feels the same. Iraq will just change the rates, let them go around the world, and announce the rate change afterwards.

Tony: When they announced it before, it got picked apart by those looking for excuses to hold this up. Iraq really, really wants to do this.

Caller: So too many people want this done to hide it any longer, is that right?

Tony: They are doing what they can do to put pressure on this, like handing out coins…

Caller: The ISX has been accepted, but not with a reality rate. When will we be able to do trades there?

DC: ISX is already trading, and the rates there will change when they change. The BIS, the IMF and the UST just have to let it to the public. I t’s working in the system just fine, all the codes are going back and forth, they just haven’t done the public reveal.

Tony: It’s a live rate, it’s just not to the teller level, at which point anyone can walk in off the street and exchange the currencies. When those three release it, that’s when it’s going to happen. They have agreed, they are just waiting for the right moment.

225 caller: This is my first call in. I understand the banks will be charging 2%; is that negotiable or not? [DC: not negotiable] And that is also the charge for international rate? Will they offer market rate as well as international rate?

DC: It’s not negotiable and also applies to the international rate exchanges. Banks would probably only offer international rate, although there may be a CBI rate and another rate.

Caller: If the contract rate is not available, would you take the international rate for dong if it’s only a dollar – when you said $2 only a week or so back?

DC: Even a dollar is great. I would take that rate and move on. I would exchange.

254 caller: Is there still a contract rate on the dong?

DC: I don’t know. I know the rate showing on there is pretty amazing.

Tony: We are hearing there is, but I’m not sure. Supposedly dinar and dong both have contract rates. We don’t’ want to say too much because there are constant changes and we don’t’ want to say anything wrong. Act like there is not a dong contract rate, and if there is, go for it.

Caller: Is there a chance that if have to go to the bank for something else, that they could exchange me if I go to the foreign currency window?

DC: No, only a few locations are even allowed to do it, and they are controlling that from the UST and IMF control centers. Even if you were digging around on the big banks networks, you couldn’t figure that out.

Caller: Tony, if you stop telling them to go to the weekend, they might not have to wait for the weekend.

Tony: You have to admit it does make sense, but I hope they don’t. Even right now, if they went to the weekend, it would be for the masses and you would have already gone.

Caller: My briefcase is ready to go out the door. I’m over-ready! [Appreciation]

281 caller: Tony, hello! And Winston, from Texas – what an anomaly. [Appreciation] What are the proper words to use in the exchange appointment?

DC: It’s VNN and IQN. The really ‘gotcha’ that I know of from the bankers, is that you have to use the word EXCHANGE. That’s the only one I know of.

Tony: We know people who have actually been through the training and they are listening for that word. Anything else will get you different results.

Caller: Do we ask for the contract rate, or is there another buzz word.

DC: What I have heard being used is the contract rate or higher rate. They are supposed to offer that to the first group of people, that’s what is supposed to happen. IF they don’t… well, frankly that’s a bit of a dilemma.

Tony: I don’t know any other important words or phrases. Treat it as a business transaction and pay attention to what you read and sign.

Caller You gave us numbers for the dinar holders. Do you have that for the dong?

DC: Maybe 100k people have dinar in total.

Caller: For dinar, how many have the largest number of dinar?

DC: There are fewer than one thousand who have over 50 million dinar, and 2-4,000 over ten million dinar.

Caller: Can you tell us about the eleven currencies coming up?

DC: The ones in the system ready to go are the dinar and dong; we don’t know if the rupiah and zim are in or out. There are adjustments coming and some are surprising although they make sense when you think them through. I am not going to say more than that and we’ve been asked not to give that information.

Caller: Your contribution will affect us for generations! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. [Appreciation]

301 caller: I was so inspired by DC’s autobiography, and I’ll use it to talk to my grandkids about how to become successful: have a great attitude and work hard. I’ve been told the Families are financing this RV. If they don’t release the funds, the UST can’t have an RV.

DC: All the money is in place, and we’re just waiting for the UST, IMF and BIS.

Tony: A couple of months ago… can we talk about the flights with the gold? Money was sent around the world under guard, so that is not the issue.

Caller: A friend from India runs a leper colony, a school, feeding 4,000 orphans, etc. Should I recommend that he stack up rupiah?

Tony: I like rupiah.

Caller: DC, can you talk about the role of the Families in the GCR?

DC: This is my take as someone who’s been involved for a while. Is there a patriarchal family controlling the RV? No, but there are families who have a lot of influence in the system, in different countries. They do NOT control the economic system of the world. The Global Currency Reset is being taken out of context. It’s adjustments to the couple of currencies that are being adjusted: the dinar, dong, rupiah and zim. It’s like an ocean liner. The super-size economies like the US will feel a little bobble, but probably not more than 1%. The neighboring currencies will adjust in a bigger fashion because it alters their exchange and commerce with Iraq. Many have bought dinar as a reserve currency. Most countries wont change much, although Vietnam and Iraq will change a lot.

Caller: Did the Families fund the Fed at its inception?

DC: They set up the Fed because they got tired of bailing out the US government four times. Read The Creature from Jekyll Island. It is closely observed. The central banks will change a lot of their relationships.

WE pray to God this will go in the next couple of days. I can only see positive things. Have a plan that includes taxes and making money before you start buying things.

Pam: If you missed DC coming out to the background, go to and it’s posted in the public part of the site. When they do the books and movies, this will all come out. Everyone get your professionals and be careful.

Ray: Continue to enjoy Wealth-receiving Wednesday.

DC: Even though I knew what DC was going to say, I am surprised at how far out of the closet he actually came. We told you about the book we are preparing and who it’s for, and I’d like to include your letters from the bank and experiences with the bank. I think the President will be interested and might call you up to find out more, or they might send someone to interview. I know that many lost people waiting for this to happen, and I suggest you start something in their name like a foundation, fund or scholarship. Their dinar is still here, and you can create that legacy for them, even if they are not here for the event. We found out that Wethrin’s mother passed two days away; he was a big part of our site, and he is going through that right now, so do send your condolences.

We are in a good spot – this is ready to go, everyone is in position at all levels, and everything has been done. The rates are there – 3.58 and 1.02 or something close to that, on the boards. They could come out differently, or they could come out just like that, and we’ll see what happens today. Enjoy the rest of your day and we hope to get back to you later today or tomorrow, as soon as they’re read. Thanks, bye.


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