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Syria: Kremlin responds to CIA TOW missiles: dozens of T-90 tanks deployed to the south of Aleppo

Date: Monday, 7-Dec-2015 10:12:13

In Response To: Syria: the battle group of the aircraft carrier USS Truman is in the Mediterranean (IZAKOVIC)

(Franco Iacch)

Moscow has sent to Syria a first armored attack force consisting of T-90 tanks to support the upcoming campaign to the south of Aleppo. The presence of tanks of the third generation is motivated by the ability of the enemy (Isis- rebels supported by the US) to use the TOW missiles (*), capable of destroying less advanced armored platforms such as the T-72 tank standards Damascus has heavy 41 tons.

The T-90 weighs 47 tons. And 'it armed with a 125 mm cannon and anti-tank missiles AT-11 Sniper. In addition to the standard passive armor, it is protected in front by the third generation of explosive reactive armor Kontact-5 ERA, integrated with the electro-optical system "Shtora" (**).

The T-90 is the flagship of the Russian armored forces, pending the entry into the production of the universal modular fighting platform "Armyrmata". Syrian media claim that the T-90 will be led into battle by loyalist troops, but it seems highly unlikely and is clearly a propaganda stunt.

The technology of the latest version of the T-90 is jealously guarded by Moscow and its "surrender" to the enemy is not deemed acceptable by the Russian General Staff (as was the case for Iraqi Abrams, "given away" to the enemy without a fight). Despite their presence has been confirmed in Chechnya and Ukraine, the Syrian context is the first redeployment in a war zone for the Russian army T-90.

The new Russian countermove should be seen as the latest attempt to give a new impetus to the troops of the Syrian government in the civil war and counteract the effect of TOW antitank missile.

The presence of the T-90, is intended as a game-changer, is a clear response to anti-tank missiles of the rebels, rivals to the regime provided by the countries behind the CIA program. The turret of the T-90 is wrapped with reactive plates able to clear all anti-tank missiles with shaped charge. To put them out of order, then, would serve missiles with double charge. Syrian media report that the tanks T-90 will join the Fourth Armored Division of the Republican Guard, commanded by Syrian Ali Maher Assad, younger brother of President Bashar Assad.

Until recently the six Russian T-90 were sent to Syria to protect the city of Latakia, on the Mediterranean coast of Syria. Now at least twenty T90A are already in Syria. Their number could double in the next 96 hours in support of Syrian armored divisions consisting of about 200 T-72 (another 200 T-72 would be a protection of the nerve centers of the country).

(*) Program TOW

The TOW program overseen by the CIA, is totally separate from that what failed miserably fielded by the Pentagon that, as intended, would have to affect the outcome of the other led war in Syria, one in the north-east of the country against the Islamic state. The CIA has launched the TOW program in early 2014, with the aim of countering Damascus providing training, arms, ammunition and anti-tank missiles: tools that would prove essential to bridge the gap with the heavy equipment of the government loyalist. The missiles arrive in Syria from Saudi Arabia, after delivery from the CIA. The plan, as described by the Pentagon, was intended to exert sufficient military pressure against Assad's forces and convince him to a political compromise. A sort of "invitation" to the negotiating table, perhaps avoiding the collapse that would unleash chaos in the country. The arrival on the scene of Russia, however, has upset the whole strategy of the CIA. The TOW program, despite everything, continues.

Saudi Arabia reiterates its support (none other than the projection mirror the US) to the rebels. Browse around a clause in the program: the missiles are delivered in limited quantities. To get supplies, the rebels must demonstrate that they possess the same pitchers delivered. A clause, we do not know how this can really work, to avoid the systems can end up on the black market. In 2013, Saudi Arabia has purchased 13,975 anti-tank missiles, providing fully delivered. By contract, the Saudi government must inform the Member States of final destination of the missiles. The US approval is implied.

(**) Defensive Aids System Shtora-1

The Defensive Aid System Shtora-1 protects the tank from missile guided by SACLOS (Semi-Automatic Command to Line Of Sight) the laser. And is considered effective against missiles TOW, HOT, AT-4, and AT-5 Sagger, as well as against some ATGM.

Developed by the Research and Production Corporation Zenith it entered service in 1993. It is a warning system that detects the threat and directs the laser turret automatically in the direction of the threat, triggering then shielding.

The DAS Shtora-1 is formed by a train of interference electro-optical (jammer, the modulator and the control panel), grenades for shielding against enemy "illuminations", an alarm system precision laser and the main control panel that processes information from the sensors, activating the defensive screen.

(Photo: MoD Fed. Russian / web)



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