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Caesar defied the conservative ruling class in the Senate in Jan ,knowing it would start a civil war in the Republic

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Tuesday, 4-Nov-2014 15:31:44


Julius Caesar shouted to his army, “Alea iacta est!” That is Latin for “the die is cast.” He used the gambling metaphor to say to his troops, “once the dice start rolling they cannot be controlled.” It meant that events had passed the point of no return. Something big would inevitably happen.

Julius and his men crossed the Rubicon, marched double time toward Rome, surprised everybody by their lightning speed, and launched their attack. He and his loyal followers took up arms against the Republic he was supposed to defend.
A bloody civil war ensued his defiance of the Senate. He ripped apart the Republic and pitted brother against brother. Julius Caesar’s attack on the Senate played a critical role in the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the all-powerful Roman Empire. He centralized government power and proclaimed himself as “dictator in perpetuity.” The old constitutional republic of Rome never recovered from the treachery of Julius Caesar.

Most likely you heard my rebroadcast of two interviews with Pastor T.D. Hale recorded on March 27, 2012 and January 2, 2013. You know the details of the four dreams he experienced between December 2011 and November 2012. You also heard us broadcast the prophetic warning of the late missionary to the Philippines Rev. George Pennicuff that he posted on on November 30, 2013.

Based on latest news and political rumors, and combined with the prophetic dreams of Pastor Hale and Rev. Pennicuff’s warning, I will summarize what I believe will happen starting Tuesday November 4.

The Democrats will be ousted from control of the Senate. Control of the Senate will swing to America’s conservative ruling class in the Republican Party. The Republicans will also sweep control of many state governorships and legislatures.

Metaphorically, Barack Obama will shout, “The die is cast!” He will tell his hardcore communist supporters, “It is all or nothing. There is no turning back. We must conquer or die.”

Barack Obama will brazenly defy the new conservative U.S. Senate.

With lightning speed, he will act immediately in November and December to rule by executive decree. He will arrogantly mock his critics and dare them to stop his agenda.

He will rally the “progressives” to march over the Potomac River with him to their final glory as communist comrades. In desperation of being the darling of the progressive-socialist-communist faction of America’s Democratic Party, Mr. Obama will promise them everything they’ve ever dreamed of forcing onto America….and he’ll do it through executive orders.

He will sign orders to bring 100,000 Haitian refugees to America, grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, cancel the deportation orders for tens of thousands of violent criminals who are in America illegally, hand out permanent residency Green Cards like they’re lollipops, order the military to transport West African Ebola victims to the America and place them in VA hospitals. These things will start in November and December before the Republican Senate is sworn into office on January 3, 2015. The newly elected Republicans will be in a state of shock by the time they take their seats in January.

As T.D. Hale dreamt, Barack Obama will “shoot the American eagle out of the sky” and declare that his administration will not have to deal with it anymore. In other words, he will destroy what remains of the old constitutional republic of the United States of America. In Pastor Hale’s other dream, he saw Mr. Obama twist off the head of the American eagle. Obama will rally the progressives around him to build a “new American empire of social justice” that transforms the world. The old republic will be broken into pieces to make way for the “New Atlantis” empire.

November and December 2014 will be very dangerous. In addition to granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, releasing criminals into the streets, importing 100,000 Haitians, and flying Ebola victims to America, Mr. Obama’s progressives (a polite name for communists) will stir up racial hatred in Ferguson, Missouri. The grand jury is expected to rule any day on whether to criminally charge the white police office with the shooting death of a black man who assaulted the cop in his cruiser.
The very real possibility of a race riot starting in Missouri this month reminds me of the prophetic vision given to Romanian Pastor Dumitru Duduman in September 1984. (Rev. Duduman passed away in 1997.) The angel told Rev. Duduman that “from the middle of the country, some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems.” Some people who personally heard Rev. Duduman tell the story claim he added that it would be “an internal revolution in America started by the communists.”
If you are acquainted with his vision, you already know that the next thing the angel showed him was a surprise attack on the United States of America by Russia and a coalition of countries including Cuba and North Korea. With that in mind, consider the “unusual activity” of Russian nuclear bombers in recent weeks.
Let’s revisit T.D. Hale’s first two dreams (December 28-29, 2011). I theorized that God gave the sequence of events in reverse order like a mirror image. If so, this would be the order of events:

The 2012 election ballot with the names Obama and Romney. The checkmark by Obama’s name indicated he would win reelection.

Barack Obama shoots and kills the American eagle which represents freedom and liberty and the constitutional republic.

Rioting and looting erupt from coast to coast.

Total destruction. The country scorched by fires.

Citizens resisting the revolution are hiding in the mountains. They are arrested by federal agents, and transported by railway cars to renovated military bases converted into concentration camps. Parents separated from children. American patriots imprisoned in re-education camps to accept the new world order.

At this point, let’s review the cryptic warning issued by Rev. George Pennicuff in the Philippines on November 30, 2013.

In the coming year (meaning the end of 2014) you will see a persecution unlike anything that has happened until now. The man is in place.

Obama will prove himself to be evil beyond words. He is not lame duck. Watch out. This man is coming. He is devious beyond words. The evil he will bring upon the US will be the most terrible price to pay for the people that followed him.

The time of the purging is come. God says he’s going to purge His floors. He’s going to throw the grain and chaff into the air. Persecution will come down on you Americans with the force of a thunderbolt. Preachers make sure your testimony and preaching is right.

The dark hand is about to be raised and will come down on everything that smacks of religious freedom and personal freedom. The vileness of each man will spill forth like a sewer. Those who have…..mocked the testimonies of God’s people will celebrate because they are being taken off the face of the earth.

Unproductive people will have to be removed. The Christians will be taken out. The aged, no longer useful to a “progressive society” will be taken out.

The guillotine is already built in the hearts of men.

You will see a darkness come over this earth within the next 12 months….by this time next year. This man will have shown himself for exactly what he is….evil beyond words. He is the Antichrist. The Beast is already at our doorstep. He is already manipulating this man.

God help those who are in his way. Martial law will be declared. People will be forbidden to leave. People will be forbidden to come in…until his society purges himself of the unwanted.

Prophet Pennicuff said he struggled with scenes of death. He saw “roving wolf gangs” that Obama will allow to terrorize communities. He wants people to know the kind of control he can bring down.

Please be ready. Seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. It’s coming. Don’t be lulled into a false security.

Month by month, beginning with January 2014, you will begin to see the changes. When his followers are in place….when the NSA is in place….He will strike….He will destroy utterly.

Adding weight to Rev. Pennicuff’s prophetic warning was his statement that God told him he would not be alive to see these things start happening in November 2014. Rev. Pennicuff went home to the Lord on June 20, 2014. Therefore, when delivered the prophetic warning on November 30, 2013, he also prophesied his own death. His passing is like the Lord underlining every word in the prophecy.

Rev. Pennicuff warned that Barack Obama will bring down persecution on American Christians “with the force of a thunderbolt.” When I heard him say it, my first reaction was that he misspoke and meant to say “lightning bolt.” Upon reflection, I no longer think he misspoke. The Lord told him to say “thunderbolt.”

What is the definition of a thunderbolt?

A thunderbolt is “a person or thing that resembles lightning in suddenness, effectiveness, or destructive power.”
When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon in direct defiance of the Roman Senate, he and his army marched “double time” to get to Rome before anybody was prepared for the showdown.

In the remaining weeks of 2014 and throughout 2015, Barack Obama will strike like a thunderbolt against all persons who dare to oppose his communist agenda. Persecution will come down on patriots, conservatives, and Protestant Evangelical, Anglican, Catholic, and Orthodox Christians who speak against him. He will defy the U.S. Senate. He will consolidate power in Washington. He will rule by executive decrees. He will act like a “dictator in perpetuity.” He may refuse to leave the White House in January 2017.

As Julius Caesar’s rebellion against the Senate started a civil war and eventually destroyed the Roman Republic, Barack Obama’s brazen lawlessness will eventually destroy the American constitutional Republic. He will “shoot the eagle” out of the sky and “twist off its head,” thus destroying what little remains of the old Republic.
Up from the ashes will rise the Phoenix!

The Economist magazine is partially owned by the Rothschilds family. The other owner is no better! The January 9, 1988 issue of the magazine was dedicated to an amazing article: “Get ready for a world currency.”

The front cover depicted a phoenix bird standing in a pile of burning bank notes from numerous nations. Around the phoenix’s neck was a gold medallion with the number “10” and the date 2018.

The 1988 Economist magazine said that within 30 years Americans, Europeans, and Japanese would be paying for items with the same currency. The article proposed the formation of a global central bank and the replacement of national currencies. It said such a system “means a big loss of economic sovereignty, but the trends that make the phoenix so appealing are taking that sovereignty away in any case.”

And here’s the clincher: The Rothschild-owned magazine smugly predicted in 1988, “Pencil in the phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes.”

Manly P. Hall was a 33rd Degree Freemason and occultist. He authored a book titled “The Phoenix: An Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy.” He wrote:

"Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by early writers ... in size and shape it resembles the eagle, but with certain differences. The body of the Phoenix is one covered with glossy purple feathers, and the plumes in its tail are alternately blue and red. The head of the bird is light in color, and about its neck is a circlet of golden plumage. At the back of its back the Phoenix has a crest of feathers of brilliant color ... The Phoenix, it is said, lives for 500 years, and at its death its body opens and the new born Phoenix emerges. Because of this symbolism, the Phoenix is generally regarded as representing immortality and resurrection ... The Phoenix is one sign of the secret orders of the ancient world and of the initiate of those orders, for it was common to refer to one who had been accepted into the temples as a man twice-born, or reborn. Wisdom confers a new life, and those who become wise are born again."

I am reasonably convinced that Barack Obama is a member of the Prince Hall Freemason lodge. In 2007 and early 2008, he campaigned for President by speaking in numerous Prince Hall Masonic lodges. Most of the news articles about those early campaign speeches have been scrubbed from the Internet.
Whether he is a member or not, no American president has ever been associated with so much occult symbolism and imagery. From his coronation in Denver on the altar of Zeus to the White House photograph of him sitting upon a throne with a crossbow in front of him, Mr. Obama has cleverly and deliberately used the cult tactics of Jim Jones to cultivate an image of himself as a godlike political leader.

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