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An Armistice's Day Idea: How To Avoid World War 3

Posted By: MaryMaxwell
Date: Monday, 9-Nov-2015 19:28:55

An Armistice's Day Idea: How To Avoid World War 3
by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

Joel Skousen and Alexander Benesch have produced a very good video entitled ‘This Is How World War 3 Will Start.” One trigger will be a nuclear attack on the American mainland, by either China or Russia.

Part of the plan is to reduce people to such panic that they will welcome a world government. I agree that people in a panic tend to welcome any boss. It is a scientific fact that the state of panic renders every person obedient.

Joel Skousen has my trust right off the bat, as he is the nephew of the late Cleon Skousen. A former chief of police, Cleon was a devout Mormon and a great proselytiser for the conservative cause in the US. He would rent whole stadiums to give anti-communist talks. He was ahead of, not behind, his time.

Who Will Guard America from Such a Hit?

However, Messers Skousen and Benesch talk about the war scenario as if they were talking about a recipe for tonight’s dinner. There is not one minute of the 57-minute interview allocated to “how to avoid the nuclear attack.” Only how to hide from its effects.

Skousen suggests that you retreat to a purpose-built (and well-stocked) bunker under your garage, or by relocating to Spain or the Swiss mountains. The hills will presumably not be alive with the sound of music, but, while there, you could maybe think of what to do next.

I’m here to say let’s think about what to do to prevent the calamity, instead of learning how to cope with it. Personally, I don’t want a bunker. I’d rather be dead than live in the company of persons who had not resisted a takeover.

With regard to the trigger for World War 3, the proposed nuking of America, why not act now to stop the stupid train from continuing on its course? Attack the train!

Being Serious about Our Likely Fate

If we don’t smarten up immediately, anything could indeed happen. Today we can see – it is perfectly visible – that armies are getting bigger and are being outfitted with amazing new weapons. That includes the very important weapon of psy-war, but I am thinking of hardware, such as a satellite’s ability to send an EMF pulse (electromagnetic frequency).

Electro-magnetics is the science that was largely kept away from public knowledge in the 20th century. (I noted in my cancer book, “Consider the Lilies,” that any doctor who discovered the biology of EMF got promptly shut down by government, for example Bjorn Nordenstrom, MD, and Robert O Becker, MD. I hope Dr Jerry Tennant’s new work on the polarity of cancer is allowed to stay afloat.)

Sending an EMF to earth enables you to kill a nation’s communications and electricity supply in a millisecond. No doubt you could also cause nosebleeds galore. It has been alleged that the Americans did that to the Iraqis in the 1991 Operation Desert Storm.

How To Stop the Train

Although I like to start with basics -- such as our species characteristics, and history -- I will start this analysis instead by concentrating on the train hurtling down the tracks. What is this all about? Why is this happening?

We should ask:
1. What does the train consist of?
2. How could one stop it?
3. How do its present drivers hope to succeed?
4. Can they be ‘talked out of’ proceeding?
5. If not, can they be fought off by force?
6. What possibility is there for a boycott of operations by the train’s lesser workers?

I will give short answers, based on what I know, or what I guess, to be the reality.

1. The train consists of a huge military apparatus in numerous countries. It is aimed at killing people and destroying homes, industies, and infrastructure. The train also includes the bureaucracies that keep it supplied with manpower and with rationale. Don’t forget that there are also diplomats and spies involved, and these are often unclear as to whom they really work for!

2. To stop the train, we’d need citizens who aren’t embarrassed to say that the train is harmful. They should make every effort to DELEGITIMIZE it. Today, each country whose military is part of the train furnishes great emotional support to it. Each claims that “our people” need to have these weapons, or need to belong to such-and-such an alliance to survive. It would be great to dispel such myths.

3. The present drivers of the train are the ones described by George Orwell (who apparently was given a good look at the plans). For more than a century, the train drivers (a.k.a., ‘the cabal’) have controlled US, UK, Germany, Japan, Russia, and China. Yes, they run the whole show from the top – so it’s incorrect to see these nations as wanting to hit one another. The only way the drivers hope to succeed is by persuading their second-string elites (via bribery or threats) to focus on them at the top, not on the population of their own nations!

4. Can the drivers be ‘talked out of’ proceeding? I assume they constantly monitor the situation. Probably they do not have enough force ready to start World War 3 today. Thus they do get ‘talked out of proceeding’, by their own fears or common sense. As to whether they can be appealed to on any moral grounds, I don’t think so. They do not participate in the human behavior known as empathy. That’s the nature of these men; they are psychopaths. We need to concentrate on this. (See ME Thomas’s very helpful new book, “Confessions of a Sociopath.”)

5. Can these baddies be hit by force? Yes of course -- in theory any humans can be brought down, any time.

6. While we can’t appeal to psychopaths, there is some hope of appealing to train workers who still have their marbles. One would need to get them to cogitate on the idea that “despoiling the environment means your kids will never have a chance at happiness.”

Reaching to People via Selfishness

In general, I advocate trying to reach people through their selfish, not unselfish, motives. We mammals are primarily selfish – that is no disgrace; it is simply a fact. If today each person had to calculate his position vis a vis letting the crazy train run its course, he or she would very likely understand that it is in his SELFISH interest to try and stop the train.

But, at the same time, each person today is tied into an arrangement for his own survival. This has to do with food. The most basic thing the human animal needs every day, besides water, is food. Most of us have no direct access to food. We need money to get it. In order to obtain money we have to go along with the system. This can mean working for an employer or drawing from a public fund. (See my essay “Selfishness and Human Dependence” at

Thus, each person, confronted with the problem of this crazy train taking us into World War 3, tends to think of where his next meal is coming from. This is natural; we all do it. Think of the news writer who should be telling the public what is really going on. She knows that her boss wants her to give out a lot of disinformation instead. Will she opt to starve? Typically, no.

Homeostasis to the Rescue?

A few journalists do take the big risk and they get killed. On the one hand, this isn’t helpful, as we then lose their services. On the other hand, it does show that there is a drive for truth!

Possibly that drive is something that is “owned” by the group as a whole. Antonio Damasio, MD has postulated that SOCIETY has a mechanism for homeostasis, balance. I am reluctant to preach about this, as I do not see how it actually exists (though homeostasis in the individual body is well proven and so is homeostasis in whole ecosystems).

I would like us to talk it up. Right now those of us who have feeling for truth are experiencing a lot of pressure, especially via ridicule and isolation. Believe me, there are forces against those who want to spread truthful information. Yakking about homeostasis might help!

Jaak Panksepp’s Theory of the Primary Emotions

Neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp, an Estonian-American, has been trying to figure out to how to increase the positive (i.e., the desirable) emotions. He has discovered that we all have a ‘seeking’ behavior that accounts for our ability to get up in the morning and perform most of all that we accomplish. A person who is depressed is very low in that emotion.

Panksepp stumbled upon the connection between panic and sadness. He found that when an animal is put into a state of panic, it loses its seeking behavior; it feels sad. What is the ‘clinical cure’ here? To give the animal, or the human, more of the seeking drive. This can be done chemically.

Lately, panic has been engendered in the human population by the cabal, the aforementioned train drivers, who have been aware for decades of the fact that people in panic are very easy to control. I venture to guess that we could best overcome our panic by being more enthusiastic about life.

I notice that enjoying the beauties of nature, and acting in support of the physiology of the planet, helps produce enthusiasm and joy. I recommend we spend more time teaching children how wonderful God's creation is, and soliciting their effort to protect it. Laughing and dancing are also a help!

Until I heard Panksepp give the talk below, I did not know that enthusiasm was a mechanism against panic. Please start listening at 11.45 minutes. And please think about “attacking” our war-train problem by using joy!

-- Mary W Maxwell can be found at her Youtube channel: Mary W Maxwell. She writes for Melbourne-based Her latest book is “Truth in Journalism,” co-authored by Dee McLachlan. See link below for her recent article “The Amazing Connection between Algerian ‘Terrorists’ and the Genocide of Canada’s Indigenous Children.”

Link to Algerian 'Terrorists' and the Genocide in Canada

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Articles In This Thread

An Armistice's Day Idea: How To Avoid World War 3
MaryMaxwell -- Monday, 9-Nov-2015 19:28:55
Agreed: Time to Deadhead that Plant
Swami -- Tuesday, 10-Nov-2015 02:05:08

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